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Stress Mngment & Relaxation FAQ



4 Professionals

We have products and free info you can use.

We offer close to 30 years of experience in the stress management, mind/body, self regulation, biofeedback field. You can use that experience and expertise to help your clients and build your business faster, more efficiently and effectively.

Stress Workshop Supplies, Products the most popular supplies for stress workshops
 We have a great selection of workshop and patient/client home training supplies, from relaxation tapes, stress dots/squares/Cards, glass thermometers, as well as high end biofeedback systems. Fast Delivery for rush orders
Marketing: Words and copy for marketing stress services: what desc riptors and superlatives have hundreds of other stress management and consulting orgs used to describe their services? Here's the answer.
Winning on the web   We are experts at the internet and can help (consult) you plan a winning web strategy for your practice or business, whether you are a seasoned internet user or just starting out. Between the super domain names we own (you can rent one) and our experience in naming websites, building and hosting them, you can't lose working with us.
Coaching/Consultation we've been in the stress management, mind body health business for close to 30 years. IF you are starting a new venture, or just feel the need for a fresh view, contact us regarding our consulting services. One or two hours, or a more comprehensive program can make a major difference for you.. in money saved,  opportunities identified, and strategies you can start using right away. We can also coach you on negotiations and proposals you are working on.
You can take a different, non-pathological approach to stress management. You can aim for optimal functioning, Positive states, transformation, even enlightenment while helping people learn skills for living with stress. Here are some sites which explore this approach:
Positivity Central   Transformation Central Enlightenment Central Optimal Functioning Central
Article: Do You Control Stress or Does Stress Control You
Article: Why Don’t You Relax....?
Quotations on Silence
Quotations on Relaxation
Quotations on Stress



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