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Dr. Stephen Sideroff, PhD

Dr. Stephen Sideroff, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist, consultant and Assistant Professor in the Psychiatry Department at UCLA and one of the Clinical Directors at Moonview Sanctuary. Dr. Sideroff is an internationally recognized expert in behavioral medicine, biofeedback and peak performance, and wa the founder and former clinical director of Santa Monica Hospital’s Stress Strategies, which presented programs for individuals and corporations to better cope with stress.

More Details on Dr. Stephen Sideroff, PhD

Other Products from Dr. Stephen Sideroff, PhD

-  CD, DVD, MP3:


Peripheral Biofeedback Technique

Peripheral Biofeedback Technique

An Alpha/Theta program for anxiety, PTSD, depression and substance abusers

An Alpha/Theta program for anxiety, PTSD, depression and substance abusers

-  Stress Reducers:


Stress Control with Biofeedback by Stephen I. Sideroff, Ph D

Stress Control with Biofeedback by Stephen I. Sideroff, Ph D


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