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Kamran Fallahpour

Kamran Fallahpour, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist with expertise in clinical and research applications of neuropsychophysiology. He is the director of Brain Resource Assessment and Treatment Center of New York and the Director of the Neurofeedback Consortium for The Brain Resource Company International, an International consortium of researchers, who have established a standardized benchmark in databasing the human brain through unprecedented levels of integration and quality control. He is also the co-founder of Brainquiry, a manufacturer of state-of-the art wireless biofeedback and neurofeedback equipment. In addition to his clinical practice and research activities, he remains active in design and refinement of physiological and cognitive monitoring systems and human-computer interface.

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Prediction of Treatment Efficacy in ADHD using qEEG, ERPs, autonomic measures and Neuropsych screening Implications for Neurofeedback

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