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Brad Worthley is an internationally acclaimed expert in customer service, leadership and motivation, and he is invited to travel throughout the world speaking on those subjects. He has owned a business consulting firm in Bellevue, Washington for the last 20 years, written three books, produced numerous training DVDs and CDs in conjunction with experts like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, John Maxwell and others (available in stores throughout the U.S. like Sam's Club, Costco, Borders Books, Fry's and Best Buy, plus online at,,,,,, and
You can also type Brad’s name into any search engine and you will find hundreds of articles and links from all over the world about him and his firm. His client list contains some of the largest corporations in the world such as Bank of America, Key Bank , Bank One, Macys, Nordstrom, McDonalds, Alaska Airlines and Western Union, along with small and medium sized organizations from all different industries. His firm’s mission is to help organizations create service cultures: A place where employees love to work and customers love to do business. Brad is always the highest rated speaker at any event he presents at and his best known for his signature session titled “Exceeding Customer Expectations†which is also the title of his first book. This session was voted as one of the top four keynotes in the world by the Meeting Professionals International in 2011.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 8, 2011 Add Is Not A Disease, It Is A Gift - If You Don't Have It You Should Get It! (3662 views)
ADD & ADHD are perceived and treated as a disease, but there a many gifts behind the diagnoses. The gift of creativity, inginuity and fearlessness, which is why people with ADD & ADHD make great entrepreneurs. I have embraced the diagnoses and lived an extraordinary life because of it.