* Successful, Reliable private practice with a solid income
* Or" comfortable part time job supplementing income from a day job.
* Becoming a leader in your community, field, state professional organization, national".
* Become a mentor on someone else's hero's journey
* Become a supervisor
* Write
* Teach; your own seminar, as a part of a program, at a local university, at national meetings
* Innovate; work with new populations, applications, diagnoses,
* Invent: new technology, new software, new combinations
* Explore/ do research in your practice
* Enjoy a wide network of colleagues, professional referral sources
* Invited as a keynoter, to teach
* Set example of personal self awareness and self regulation, calmness, self discipline, wisdom, heart, compassion, success
The info on the hero's journey lists factors and stages that might apply to you, that have been key factors in other practitioners' hero's journey. They certainly will not ALL apply to you. Some of the challenges are covered in parts of this web site. Others, we're here to help you with. Drop an email (rob(at)futurehealth.org) or call. If it's a quick answer, we're happy to help you. If it's more involved, I offer consulting services by the hour and usually, in an hour or two can help you make huge progress on your journey. Rob Kall, president, Futurehealth, Inc