The scope of this workshop is to analyze the results obtained using neurofeedback training on chronic pain syndromes. We will present the use of biofeedback in a historical perspective. We will compare the use of peripheral, EMG biofeedback (EMG-BF) versus central biofeedback, neurofeedback in various chronic pain syndromes. EMG-BF, for more than 40 years, was used in the treatment of various pain conditions. Neurofeedback (NF) has proven beneficial in Epilepsy, Attention Deficit Disorder), and in other disorders. In the last decade, NF has shown more beneficial than EMG-BF in reducing chronic pain by producing longer lasting effects. Since 1996 we evaluated and treated 147 patients, who were referred to us for biofeedback training, for different chronic pain syndromes, such as: headaches, back pain, fibromyalgia, and complex regional Pain Syndromes. Prior to BF patients were treated with other modalities without complete resolution of pain. To monitor their progress periodically stress tests, depression/anxiety scales were taken. Electrodes were set in varied positions according to the 10/20 system, and based on the location of pain, and/or emotional component, for each individual case. Sessions were 45 minutes long, and the VAS pain scale was used pre/ post training. The NF was done as “simple NF” (audio-visual NF), and/or as NF enhanced by light or electromagnetic closed loop EEG (CL-EEG) NF. Patients with different pain syndromes required different number of NF sessions. We discuss the Statistical data of the results obtained. In short, from 147 patients, only 74 completed 20 or more NF sessions. Out of 74, 68 cases (92%) reported reduction in their pain perception that was sustained for more than 5 years. Previously we reported other longitudinal studies. NF training can permanently modify pain perception and pain affect. The effects obtained through NF training are based on operant conditioning. Birbaumer, and Rainville have shown that pain has cortical and sub-cortical representation. NF training addresses directly areas corresponding to pain perception, memory, and affect. NF training is enhanced by light or electromagnetic stimulation CL-EEG and the effects obtained were faster, greater and longer lasting than those obtained through “simple NF”. We presently hypothesize that the Neuromodulation obtained through NF enhanced may produce deeper neurophysiological regulations. To confirm this, further investigations are warranted.
Other Products by Victoria Ibric 1) Enhanced Neurofeedback Training
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