Data base and qEEG driven protocols for neurofeedback interventions has been shown to be a very accurate means of maximizing the effectiveness of EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) for most clinical interventions. However the accuracy of the existing databases besides establishing their own internal validity and sensitivity depend upon very accurately artifacted and sufficiently long samples of properly recorded raw EEG date. In this workshop I plan to demonstrate the actual collection of 19+ channels of EEG using a new portable system designed for Windows 2000, NT, XP. Remontaging and precise artifact removal will be demonstrated and the output compared with several commercially available databases. The decision tree for neurofeedback intervention will be explained for this example and further illustrated for a number of clinical disorders. In this workshop I will cover linked ears, average reference, Laplacian and other montages. The collected data will also be analyzed using the new Eureka 3 LORETA database and analysis program and the results mapped on 2D and 3D realistic brian images. This allows for display of activity at the bottom of the brain and for medial views where the cingulate gyrus and other paleocortical structures can be mapped. The implications of this graphic and new imaging for neurofeedback will be illustrated.
Other Products by Joel Lubar 1) Precision EEG Artifacting and LORETA Analysis
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