What Science Tells Us about Creating A More Joyous Life Nancy E. White, Ph.D. Most of us function from chronic emotions and embedded perceptual patterns that, virtually outside our awareness, create the experiences and outcomes of our lives. This story begins in the womb. While the child is developing in the safety of the mother’s uterus it is receiving a preview of its future environment and is being prepared to function in it. The work of Dr. Bruce Lipton, a leading researcher and professor at the Stanford School of Medicine in the field of developmental cell biology, shows that the mother’s continuously held emotions send chemical and electromagnetic messages to the fetus, passing on "information" to the fetus concerning her attitudes toward events happening around her. In response the fetus, accommodating to an expected environment, is setting up programs, both physically and psychologically, that will be a foundation of his or her approach to life. Lipton calls this "Nature's Head Start Program." As we grow and develop, what we make of our experiences produces "life filters" which affect how we create cell tissue and set up neurological, physiological and psychological patterns in the brain/mind/body system. According to leading edge cellular biologists and geneticists the chronic thought patterns and perceptual sets from which we deal with our environment directly affect the activity of our genes. After our prenatal and birth experiences we are likely to move into further stresses that create energetic shutdown: shock, abandonment (or the fear of it), grief, physical injury and other emotional and physical trauma. Over time these energetic shutdowns and the repetition of negative thought patterns are likely to compromise our health and well-being. The good news is that now we are able play an active role in the alteration of these processes. Leading edge cell research has transcended conventional Newtonian physics and is now based upon a Universe created of energy as defined by quantum physics. We now recognize that the body responds to energy signals as well as molecular signals. These findings are relevant for they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by "invisible" energy forces, which includes thought (an electromagnetic field). Several more recently developed therapy modalities may owe their relatively rapid effectiveness to this phenomenon. In this workshop we will be introduced to one of the more recent of these modalities, based upon dynamic images channeled by Dawn Clark, Ph.D. and developed by her into a system of "cellular reformatting." These images elicit energetic responses within us, initiating healing processes in mind, body and soul. In most cases the effects are almost immediate. This modality facilitates the reconnection of energy meridians which, coupled with forgiveness and release, creates a forum for cellular reprogramming and the resolution of core life issues. We will explore these and related ideas to give you a better understanding of the ways our habitual thoughts and feelings contribute to the way our lives unfold. We will show that, by paying attention to what we are feeling and thinking and by utilizing one or more of the modalities that give us a direct route to the sources of those patterns, we can create a life much closer to our heart’s desire.
Dr. White, a licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Texas, is Founder and Clinical Director of The Enhancement Institute, Houston, Texas, which focuses on neurobehavioral wellness. Dr. White, past president of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, has practiced in the field of Neurofeedback and Neuromodulation for more than twenty years. CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. White is a Fellow of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research (ISNR) and served on its Board of Directors (2006-2009) as President-Elect (2006-07), President (2007-08), and as Past President (2008-09). She is a Certified EEG Fellow of the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA) and a Diplomate of the Quantitative EEG Certification Board. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Advanced Addiction Counselor. Other leadership positions she has held in her field include: o Board of Directors (1994-1996) of the Society for Neuronal Regulation (SNR). o Member of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (AAPB) and member of the Board of Directors of its Neurofeedback Division (2006-2008). o Member of the Quantitative EEG Certification Board (1995-present). PUBLICATIONS: Consulting Editor, The Journal of Neurotherapy, Taylor and Francis White, N.E. The Transformational Power of The Peniston Protocol: A Therapist's Experience. Journal of Neurotherapy, Vol. 12(4) 2008 "Theories of the Effectiveness of Alpha-Theta Training for Multiple Disorders". Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback. Evans and Abarbanel (Eds.) New York: Academic Press, 1999 "Alpha-theta neurotherapy and the neurobehavioral treatment of addictions, mood disorders and trauma." Introduction to Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback, Second Edition. Budzynski, Budzynski, Evans and Abarbanel (Eds.) New York: 2009 "Alpha-Theta Training for Chronic Trauma Disorder, A New Perspective". The Journal of Mind Technology and Optimal Performance, Mega Brain Report. Vol. II (4) 1995. Other Products by Nancy White 1) The Alarming Rise in Mental Illness Linked to Increased Drug Use: Causes and Prospective Solutions
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