Course Description
This workshop introduces the complete range of biofeedback and neurofeedback tools for assisting patients with the anxiety disorders. The treatment model includes patient education, cognitive-behavioral treatment, medication, psychophysiological assessment, and biofeedback. The patient is viewed as an active agent, using self-regulation to manage anxiety. Assessment tools include DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, the psychophysiological stress profile, the identification of cognitive schemas, and capnometric (CO2) evaluation. Treatment tools include sEMG biofeedback, thermal training, electrodermal measures, respiratory biofeedback, heart rate variability biofeedback, and neurofeedback using slow wave and fast wave protocols. Who Should Take This Course This course is aimed at biofeedback and neurofeedback practitioners who have at least an initial familiarity with both peripheral and neurofeedback devices. We also welcome primary care physicians, ER physicians, nurse practitioners, physicians assistants, psychologists, and other behavioral practitioners involved in the identification and treatment of anxiety disorders. Course Objectives Attendees will learn to: 1) Understand the psychophysiology of activation, vigilance, and anxiety. 2) Recognize the role of fearful thoughts and attention in escalating and maintaining anxiety. 3) Utilize biofeedback instruments as both assessment tools and treatment tools. 4) Construct a cognitive-behavioral and psychophysiological treatment plan.
Other Products by Don Moss 1) BFB & NeuroFB as Central Pillars
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