One can spend a life searching for one’s true nature. One can miss altogether the nature of the searcher. Of all the variables associated with the searcher, the way he attends-- the attention he brings to the search --is most critical. If he goes chasing his true nature with a narrow focused atention, he’ll never get to realize other forms of attention, which is the object of the search. The object of the search is to realize his self. But Self is a composite of a multiplicity of forms of attention. The participant will be exposed to various parameters of attention and will be guided through experiential exercises which enable participants to actually experience forms of attention discussed in the didactic part of the lecture. Attentional flexibility and its applications to personal and clinical settings will be discussed. Objectives: -to illustrate the relationship of the various forms of attention in the formation and search for self; and -learn practical exercises which can be used or taught to clients for daily use in practicing attentional flexibility
Les Fehmi, Ph.D., Director, Princeton Biofeedback Centre, Princeton, New Jersey, 609-924-0782, www.openfocus.com, founding member of the Biofeedback Society of America (now AAPB). For over thirty years he has conducted research and practiced clinically in the area of attention and EEG biofeedback . He developed Open Focus(TM) training and specializes in multi-channel, phase-synchrony neurofeedback. Other Products by Les Fehmi 1) SYNCHRONY: HOW THE BRAIN CODES INFORMATION
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