Engaging the body's energy system accesses some of the most efficient adjunctive therapeutic modalities available since the energetic approaches both resolve psychoenergetic imbalances on their own and also they serve as powerful catalists for other interventions. The REB protocol is one of the simplist, most flexible and efficient approachs to tapping into body's energy system. It can easily be incorporated into many more traditional approaches, especially cognitive/imagery methods.
The Radiant Energies Balance (REB) protocol provides a bridge between everyday life and the higher (more spiritual) levels of existence. It provides an "elegant" solution for a wide variety of psychoenergetic problems on the physiological, psychological, and spiritual levels. The REB posture balances the Autonomic Nervous System by balancing the Triple Warmer and Spleen meridians and thus provides dramatic and rapid relief from "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune." Providing release from the past opens the potential for the individual to start on a more spiritual life path, facilitating movement to a "witness" and "mindfulness" orientation to life. The protocol builds on leading edge approaches from trauma/PTSD therapy and psychophysiology while incorporating approaches from several Energy/Information Psychology systems: Eden's Energy Medicine, HeartMath, EMDR, Brain Gym, Integrative States Therapy, Rapid Eye Technology, NLP, One Brain, Focusing, and Reiki. The REB posture engages the powerful "Radiant Circuit" system which serves as a "hyper link" to all of the body's energy system. With intention, the "Radiant Circuit" system automatically corrects and balances where ever needed. The basic REB posture uses Eden's triple warmer/spleen "hug" and connects the central and governing meridians. These four meridians all have dual functions of regular meridians as well as being Radiant Circuits (curious or extra-ordinary meridians or strange flows). The protocol balances the autonomic nervous system and, from a spiritual development perspective, engages the Radiant Circuits which are the principal channels for "Yuan chi" energy which, in the Chinese model, represents ancestral energy or the energy of the soul. I (PWW) presented the first version of this Radiant Energies Balance (REB) at the CALSCA (Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations) 2001 September conference. Subsequently I presented more recent versions at the 2002 ISSSEEM (International Society for the Study of Subtle Eneregies and Energy Medicine) June conference in Boulder CO: http://www.issseem.org/ and at the 2002 Energy Psychology convention in Toronto in November: http://www.meridianpsych.com/ I presented it at the North American (Canada and USA) convention of specialized kinesiologies in 2003 April with introductory REB training on April 9. Janet Nestor and I are scheduled to present and train at the 2004 April convention of Energy Kinesiology Organization. http://www.energyk.org Part One: Research/Theory Background (~200 pp.) Bibliography, references and resources (~42 pp.) Part Two: The Balance Procedure (13 pp.) Part Three: Additional Approaches, Other Practitioners' uses of the REB protocol, and Resources for "The Art of Delivery" (~165 pp.) *A Descriptive Summary of the Radiant Energies Balance (REB) (~19pp) RELATED DOCUMENTS Eden and Feinstein "Wired for Joy" (11 pp.) Eden and Feinstein "Triple Warmer: It's Hotter Than You Think" (4 pp.) Feinstein and Eden "The Meridians and the Emotions: Why Energy Psychology Can Go Where Joseph Wolpe Never Dreamed" (10 pp.)
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