The I-330-C2's 6 channel capability supports simultaneous monitoring of signals, such as 2-person monitoring for ECG and Respiration; 2 EMG channels with spectral and raw signal displays, 2 Skin Resistance and Conductance, 2 Temperature; ECG, EMG, Respiration, Skin Resistance, Temperature; and 1 or 2 EEG channels, Respiration, SR, Temperature. It's 2 differential channels for EMG, ECG, EEG, and 4 channels for temperature, skin resistance, and respiration, provide power, flexibility and functionality for a multitude of customized uses. The software displays signals, provides feedback, collects data, prints reports, and exports database compatible files. Features include automatic testing of electrode impedance for connection quality, easy hookup with reusable gel free sensors, and fast channel sampling at 1024 SPS for high resolution spectral displays and precision filtering. Softwarevery intuitive and easy to learn, with context sensitive help and a complete instruction manual only a mouse click away! Special Features:
Sensor Test Screen: Software detects faulty cables, electrodes and sensors, measures electrode impedance for connection quality, checks batteries and displays all status results in an opening test screen which also includes visual hookup instructions. Impedance check hardware costs about $400 extra on some systems . Free with this sy s tem Check Signal Screen: Physiolab insures that all signals are being acquired and appropriately displayed without the need for adjustment through its advanced auto-gain and auto-offset features or, if preferred, click to manually adjust. Heart Rate, Respiration, Heart Variability Bands: Bold colors are easily interpreted at a glance with Physiolab-s display of interbeat interval, respiration waveform, and heart spectrum bands. Breathing Training Screen: All breath pattern parameters are adjustable in Physiolab-s Breathing Pattern Trainer with heart rate and respiration display. Also included are HRV spectrum, ECG wave, breaths per minute, temperature, skin conductance and EMG. EMG Training Screen: Fast EMG displays give precision EMG discrimination training with automatic thresholds or convenient click-and-drag manual threshold adjustment. Graded Color Fill Graphs: This display gives colorful and rewarding feedback for above or below threshold in an automatic or manually adjustable graph. Powerful Event Marking Note the vertical line event mark in this continuous history display. Physiolab records the event time and any text you enter in the data file.
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