We developed a two alternatives model using the brainmaster/light-sound devices (Photosonix machines) which is simple and pragmatic for the client. The "digit side of a coin" protocols are done by EEG feedback, "the head side of a coin" by light/sound stimulation. The entire training period for 1 client ranges from 15 times to 40 times in severe cases. A period 1 session takes between 5 (beginners) and 20 minutes (at the end of the treatment). In general we train two or three times a week. "Digit side" protocols: In the beginning we conduct 1-channel SMR/Theta training with referential montage (C4-A2, children). The initial inhibit is Theta. To make it successively more difficult, we add high Beta and then Alpha as inhibits. At a later stage we add Beta as a reward to realize the original Val Brown period 1 protocol-we don't do it with 2 channels, but only use 1 channel montage Cz-A1. With hyperactive children preparing 2 channel montage mostly is too complicated. Our goal is to get rid of "Ritalin" from the beginning of the training: we are strict in this sense and up to now it worked with nearly all children. Our adult clients were of the two bipolar types - under - and overaroused. The first type receives the standard Beta training with two or three inhibits (C3-A1), the second type has to learn open eye relaxation - SMR/Theta as explained with the children. After an initial learning phase we apply the period 1 protocol with Beta and SMR as rewards and successively Theta, High Beta and open eye Alpha as inhibits. The brainmaster unit works with two types of external ingenious animation: The main software drives the "BugRun" and the "SpaceCrystal" as external animation. BugRun is very reactive but hard to fulfill; in the sense of operant conditioning it is a "strict teacher" for the pupil. SpaceCrystal is even more reactive, but the inhibits are not so disastrous as in BugRun. As an alternative we have lots of animations for the "Brainwave Animation Pro" software. All of them are not so difficult to perform as Bugrun or SpaceCrystal. So we use alternatively the "difficult" (learning) and the "easy" (fun) animation for the protocols. After an initial phase of Cz or C3 and C4 referential montages we today apply the Othmer interhemispheric C3-C4 bipolar montage, using the same protocols as mentioned above. We changed because the referential montages sometimes yield imbalances in the client - his/her arousal being driven into stress (Beta C3) or fatigue behaviour (SMR C4). By applying the interhemispheric montage we hope to achieve an early balance in the client's arousal. Sometime - in the final state of treatment - we apply a "squash" protocol for peak performance, the client likes the popular name "pilot training". It is an inhibit protocol suppressing all spectral bands from Theta to High Beta.
Other Products by Uwe Gerlach 1) Breath Walk & Light/Sound Sessions: Tools for A/T Training
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