Ron B. Minson, M.D. received his medical degree from UCLA School of Medicine and is board-certified in Psychiatry and Neurology. His general medical background includes serving as a Peace Corps physician, family physician and Medical Director of fifty physicians at a metropolitan neighborhood health center. After completing his psychiatric residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, he established a private practice. He served as Chief of Psychiatry for Presbyterian Medical Center and Director of Behavioral Sciences at Mercy Hospital in Denver. In 1990, Dr. Minson studied personally with Dr. Tomatis in Europe and returned to the States as one of the first Americans to be certified in the Tomatis Method. For over 15 years, Dr. Minson and Kate O’Brien-Minson operated The Center for InnerChange, a clinic offering Tomatis-based listening therapy as well as psychiatric counseling. Their new clinic, Sensory Therapies and Research (STAR) Center, co-founded with Lucy Jane Miller, Ph.D., OTR, is in the metro Denver area and is garnering national attention. Dr. Minson has studied and developed a variety of listening programs, and in 2001, he founded Dynamic Listening Systems, Inc., the premier listening therapy technology for clinicians and educators. Dr. Minson has presented domestically and internationally on the therapeutic application of sound. Other Products by Ron Minson 1) Listening Therapy - Hands On Workshop
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