- 1997 workshop descriptions at bottom
of page specify 1997 tapes
- Lecture audio tapes: $12.50
Workshop tapes 2hr audio $45 video $49 4hr audio $79 video $95
W7A4 Jay Gunkelman: Advanced Topics
W7B 4 Peter Rosenfeld workshop: prep course for EEG exam
W7C 4 Barry Sterman & Chris Mann Sleep Disorder med & EEG BF
W7D4 Michael Hutchison Peak Performance; New Tools & Techniques
W7E2 Clifford L. Corman The T.O.V.A.(R) in Clinical Practice
W7F2 Gary Schwartz & Linda Russek: An Energy Systems Approach to NF
W7G2 Judith Lubar Relationship between EEG changes, Stages of Learning,
and Long Term Success in NF
W7H2 Michael Linden : Everything you always wanted to know about NFB & ADD
but forgot to ask: The nuts & bolts of testing and treating ADD
W7J2 Ken Tachiki & Elmar Weiler Disease Pathology and NFB Procedures
W7K2 Marilyn Ferguson Streams of Consciousness
W7L4 Joel Lubar WS: Referential Vs Bi-polar assessment, databases and
"pattern analysis" for NF treatment of ADD/ADHD,
learning disabilities, tourettes syndrome & seizure disorders.
W7M2 Siegfried Othmer, Mechanisms of EEG BF: Ansatz to the G.U.T. (Grand
Unified Theory) of EEG Biofeedback
W7MA2 Susan Othmer: Refinement of Protocols based on clinical data & brain
function models
W7N4 Julian Isaacs & Patricia Fields Neurofeedback, Subtle Energy
treatment and Intuition; An introductory exploration
W7P4 Thom Hartmann: ADD Success Strategies
W7Q2 Carla Nelson HYPERACTIVE HEARTS & MINDS: Towards a Unified View of
W7R2 Vince Monastra Integrative Approach to Assessing ADD/ADHD
W7S2 Lynda & Michael Thompson: cognitive strategies & NFB
W7T4 Anna Wise The high Performance Mind. Sold out
W7V4 Frank Echenhoffer Using EEG Biofeedback To Explore Consciousness
W7X2 Karl Pribram: Thoughts on the Electrical Activity of the Brain
W7Y2 David Siever Sound Light technology
WZ2 Niels Birbaumer Slow Cortical Potential bioffeedback
W7AA2 Jaelline Jaffe Making the Connection: Multiple Intelligences
and Learning Theory for Psychotherapists
W7BB4 Len Ochs Treatment Planning in Neurotherapy
W7CC4 Tom Brownback Neurodiagnosis & therapy with dissociatives
W7DD2 Rob Kall Positive Emotional Intelligence Training, integrating
heart & technology. Positive experience training.
WEE2 S. Louise Norris Collecting The Income You Earn.: Insurance,
reimbursement, billing, practice mngmnt
W7KK2 Dan Maust What to do when you hear "S/He just won't
listen"Efficient Remedtn of Short-term MemoryProblems
W7FF2 Bill Scott Applications of ALpha Theta Training in Clinical
W7GG4 Valdeane Brown The five phase model of Neurofeedback; Making order our
of Chaos
W7HH4 Tom Allen Neurobehavioral disorder continuum: ADD and beyond;
approach to NF
W7JJ4 Jay Gunkelman Intro to QEEG & Neurofeedback
Lecture Tapes
audio only: $12.50 each
PS1 Rob Kall: Opening Talk
R Kall : Moving Multiple Intelligences into neurofeedback and peak
performance, moving NF into MI & education
PS-2 George Fuller Von Bozzay reading the brain from the skin
Cliff Corman Using Tova to evaluate optimal performance under medication to
determine BF training goals
Siegfried Othmer Assessment
Vince Monastra assessing ADHD
PS4 Jay Gunkelman: Pre & Post QEEG in Successful NF Remediation
Daniel Hoffman& Steve Stockdale QEEG & NF
PS6 Barry Sterman Lecture: Topographic EEG profiles: a new classification for
neurological & psychiatric disorders?
PS7 Karl Pribram A Power Spectral Density Analysis of Brain Electrical
PS9 Gary Schwartz & Linda Russek Neurotherapy and the Heart:
The Challenge of Energy Cardiology.
PS-10 Hershel Toomim Spectral Photo- metric feedback
of Brain blood flow Carol Manchester Treating High Risk Managed Care
patients with NF & Self-exploration
PS11 Richard Gevirtz: Autononomic Control of Muscle
Pain Herta Flor Brain Plasticity & Pain; New Treatment Approaches
Julie Weiner fibromalgia
9:00Paul Swingle Grand Rounds Panel Sterman,
S1 Dan Maust Wideband FB Tom Collura Brain- master
Project, Jon Cowan Concentration Relaxation Cycle
Frank Deits feedback delay
Tom Collura: Applications of Small brainwave machines
S2 Michael Linden : Everything you always wanted to know about NFB & ADD
but forgot to ask: The nuts & bolts of testing and treating ADD Clients
S3 Lynda & Michael Thomson Training Results with ADD Clients: I NF
training for Attention Deficit Disorder in adults as effective as similar
training carried out with children.
S4 Thom Hartmann: What Maslow Overlooked: The Need To Feel Alive; Adjusting
the Thalamic Faucet for ADD and Beyond
S5 Joel Lubar Effects of EEG Entrain ment on QEEG, Neurological correlates of
intense engrossment in auditory tasks
S6 Judith Lubar: Therapist Role in NF treatment of ADD/HD and Addiction
S7Julian Isaacs Alpha , nutritional supplements & ADD,
Carla Nelson: What the World Needs to Know About NF Before It Will
Beat a Path to Your Door David Velkoff: The True Costs of
Establishing the Field of Neurofeedback
PS7 David Cole EEG results of Close Dolphin Contact: a sonophoresis model
S8 Joe Kamiya: Panel: History of NF (Scwartz, Wise, Rosenfeld, Othmer, Sterman,
Lubar, Budzynski, Echenhoffer, Pribram, and more
X-1 Dennis Campbell Measuring Peak Performance Sue Wilson Athletic Performance
Dan Chartier golf & NF, extended alpha training
X2 Geoffrey Blundell Max Cade and Humanistic Neurofeedback
Peter Parks Neurofeedback in the integration of Humanistic,
Psycho- dynamic and Behavioral Principles. Rae Tattenbaum: Time
Travel; hypnosis & regression, alpha-theta ratios
X3 Frank Echenhoffer EEG of consciousness, tantra & exceptional
X4 Anna Wise: Group vs. Indiv. EEG training for the high performance
X5 Marilyn Ferguson Brains & Minds meet the third
Carla Nelson When Clinicians connect in cyberspace
X6 Jaelline Jaffe Making the Connection: Multiple Intelligences
and Learning Theory for Psychotherapists
X7 Jim Hardt Six NF Trainings Case Histories from Intensive Trainings in
Alpha and Beta FB
X8 Panel: Rob Kall: Positive Paradigms- an alternate vision for health care
and achieving optimal potential Wise, Schwartz, Hartmann, Hardt,
Ferguson, Hutchison, and more
M1 Len Ochs Treatment Planning in Neurotherapy.
M2 Niels Birbaumer: BF of Slow Cortical Potentials in Epilepsy,
schizophrenia & Severe Motor Paralysis. (a totally different
approach to NFback, with decades of research and validation) John Gruzelier
& Jennifer Wild: Self Regulation of frontal and central inter-hemispheric
asymmetry: individual differences & schizophrenia - individual differences
& implications for psychopathology.
M4 Peter Rosenfeld: Recent research on Alpha Asymmetry & depression."
M5 Michael Hutchison Peak Performance New Tools & Techniques
M6 Valdeane Brown Integrating NF with solution oriented rapid therapy:
working quickly with borderline personality disorders.
Victoria Ibric RSD, Chronic Pain, Hypertension, Parkinsons; brief clinical
M7 S. Louise Norris Developing A Business Mind Set.
John Gilbert Income & NF
T1 William C. Scott Ending the War Within; remediating PTSD with
alpha/theta neurofb
T2 Susan Othmer SMR/beta training for Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
David A. Kaiser Specificity of EEG BF for Cognitive Deficits Joy
W. Craddick Adverse Effects on Neuro- therapy From Ingestion of
Excitotoxins And Other Dietary Substances
T3 Tom Budzynski: Brain Brightening; Enhancing mental functioning in the
T4 Tom Allen Dimensions of Arousal in NF-- Voluntary Control Mechanisms
T5 David Siever Light & Sound entrainment research: Insomnia Uwe
Gerlach Photic stimulation as a key tool for healing and peak performance
protocols Ken Tachiki photostimulation as a tool in NF
Foundations Course
Joel Lubar EEG & neuroFB
basics, ADD/ADHD BF
Valdeane Brown 5 phase approach
Siegfried Othmer NF approaches
Nancy White Alpha Theta trng
Paul Swingle beginners grand rounds
Audio: $129 video $199 both $249
Detailed Workshop
WA1-5 Jay Gunkelman: Advanced Topics in
Patterns seen in ADD/ADHD/LD, Depression, OCD, Trauma etc,
Techniques to miinimize artifact
Mu and LAmbda seen in mapping
Coherence: Graphics or tables
Montage and resultL Laplacian, linked ears, common average
Artifacting and stage 1 sleep
CertificationL why and why not
Higher analysis: z-score, cluster, discriminate, factor
Database considerations
Bring your case data for discussion
WB 6-10 J. Peter Rosenfeld, Ph.D.,
BCIA EEG EXAM Prep Course Workshop:
Peter, of Northwestern University has researched and taught Psychophysiology
and EEG biofeedback for 30 years, has over 100 publications, and was AAPB
President, NIH Review Committee member, and is Editorial Board member of
Biofeedback & Self Regulation, and is also chair of the BIA-EEG exam
committee, and developed this workshop as a preparation for that exam.
Summary: In this workshop, we will cover the bioelectric origin of EEG
as a sum of post-synaptic potentials. The needed background in
Neurophysiology will be provided. We will also review basic
neuroanatomy sufficient to understand the general origins and meanings of EEG
We will also cover basic instrumentation and montages (NOT montages specific
for every protocol). Specific protocol for Alpha Asymmetry and affective
disorders, as well as current results, will be covered. We will also
cover event-related potentials (ERPs), origins, and their diagnostic
uses. We will finally discuss the history of neurofeedback and survey
some of the better known protocols.
Learning objectives: 1)
understanding of basic neuroscience and the origin of EEG and EEG-derived ERPs
2) knowledge of appropriate instrumentation and montages for EEG recording 3)
knowledge of origins and uses of EEG biofeedback. 4) Preparation for
BCIA-EEG exam.
Audience: This course is designed
for those who want to be introduced to EEG biofeedback and/or
augment their basic-specialized knowledge. It is also
intended to provide background preparation for the BCIA-EEG specialty exam
(and is indeed taught by the chair of the BCIA-EEG exam committee).
1 Basic Neurophysiology, Neuroanatomy, Neuropharmacology.
2. Neuronal origin of EEG, methods of EEG recording, EEG montages, ERP (or
Event-related potentials), ERSPs (event-related spectral perturbations,
as in Event-related (de-) synchronization.
3. Origins and survey of EEG biofeedback, 1960-1980.
4. Review of modern EEG biofeedback protocols with special emphasis on
>mood disorders (depression), EEG entrainment and EEG asymmetry
effects of biofeedback and stimulation.
WC2-6 Barry Sterman & Chris Mann
Workshop: Sleep, Sleep Disorders Medicine, and EEG Biofeedback ?
Dept of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Neuropsychology Research
The workshop will introduce participants to current thinking about the brain's
regulation of the sleep process, fundamental concepts and methods in the study
and evaluation of this process, the field of sleep disorders medicine, and
rational concepts and applications of EEG neurofeedback to the treatment of
these disorders. Our objectives include providing a basis for 1)understanding
how sleep is viewed as a physioogical regulatory process and how it is
objectively evaluated, 2)recognizing sleep disorders that may present in
a clinical context, 3) appreciating medical treatment resources and
strategies, and 4) deciding when and how to attempt EEG neurofeedback as a
WD2-6 Michael Hutchison Peak Performance; New Tools & Techniques
Neurofeedback trains users to produce alterations in EEG activity and thereby
enhance mind-body functioning. There is now evidence that other types of
stimulation/ training can produce profound EEG changes and mind-body benefits
to the user-- in many cases more rapidly and at far less cost than
In this workshop, we will experience first-hand the effects of several types
of brain tools that produce rapid changes in brainwaves, brain states and mind
body performance. We will explore the uses of light-sound systems in several
sessions, including alpha-theta, beta, SMR and flexibility or dimensionality
training. We will demonstrate how to create psychoacoustic effects using
binaural beats, and how to use binaural beats and other psychoacoustic effects
in your practice, including how to create highly effective personalized
psychoacoustic programs and tapes for clients, etc. We will also demonstrate
and explore the uses of microcurrent CES devices, which recent research
demonstrates produce rapid and immediate neurochemical changes, alterations of
EEG and increases in EEG dimensionality.
WE 2-4 Clifford L. Corman: The T.O.V.A.(R) in Clinical
The presentation will cover the following.
Specifications, validity, and variables will be described, as well as, use of
the T.O.V.A. in various settings. Comparisons & descriptions
of other continuous performance tests will be introduced and discussed.
Finally, case presentations will be discussed to demonstrate:
1. Clinical applications, including a discussion of behavior vs.
cognitive emphasis.
2. Effects of nicotine, caffeine, and prozac.
3. An example of head injury effects.
4. Effects of IQ on the variables of attention.
5. An interview form for adults & adolescents.
WF 2-4 Gary E. Schwartz An Energy Systems Approach to Neurotherapy
Professor of Psychology, Neurology & Psychiatry and Director, Human Energy
Systems Laboratory, Univ of AZ
Biofeedback in general (and neurofeedback in particular) is very complicated.
Many different theories of how neurotherapy works have been proposed, but thus
far, there has been no way to integrate these diverse models into a
comprehensive framework. Using modern systems theory, I will present a
NINE LEVEL MODEL that integrates all of the major theories of self
regulation. The model is biopsychosocial-- it goes from the micro (LEVEL
ONE begins automatic biological self-regulation) to the macro (LEVEL NINE
involves social neurofeedback interactions). LEVELS TWO through EIGHT organize
the major frameworks of learning, motivation and emotion, expectancy and
insight. Clinical diagnosis and treatment can be greatly enhanced when
the NINE LEVELS are understood and implemented. After the NINE LEVELS are
presented, the workshop will consider the integration of systems theory
with modern concepts of energy (Russek & Schwartz, 1996; Schwartz &
Russek, 1996) Applications of neurotherapy to alternative medicine
become straightforward when an energy systems approach to biofeedback is
understood. Clinical examples will be shared and implications for practice and
research will be developed.
WG 2-6 Judith Lubar: Relationship Between EEG Changes, Stages of
Learning andand Long Term Success in Neurofeedback
This workshop will cover the development of EEG
changes over neurofeedback treatment and follow-up. We will examine reasonable
expectations for EEG and behavioral change over the course of treatment, and
at specific critical treatment points. I wil emphasize those EEG shifts that
indicate the emergence of learning or emotional problems, e.g., learning
disabilities, emotional problems, sexual or physical abuse in family or school
settings. These and other problems will be discussed in the context of
depression, anxiety, oppositional and conduct disorders, obsessive compulsive
disorders and ADD/HD. Each of the above will be illustrated by specific case
histories and graphical presentation of EEG data over a long period of time. I
will emphasize the EEG markers of success at different stages of the
treatment process and will discuss how a specific form of initial assessment
directly relates to the kind of problems that one commonly sees and the
therapist's ability to deal with them effectively.
ADD is the most common psychiatric disorder in children, with approximately 10
percent of children effected and only 25 percent of these children outgrow the
ADD symptoms. ADD is a complex diagnosis since many other realted
disorders cna be co-morbid. The diagnosis of ADD should be based
on a thorough testing and background history. The assessment
should include behavioral rating scales, IQ tests, achievement tests, CPT
tests and an EEG brainwave evaluation to determine if the individual is a
candidate for Neurotherapy training. Accurate testing will help design
the Neurotherapy treatment plan including which type of Neurofeedback (Beta,
SMR, etc.) is most beneficial to begin with and what obstacles may interfere
with successful training. Other multi-modality treatments
(medication, counseling, support groups) will be discussed. Plenty of
time for discussion of case examples and questions & answers will be
WJ 2 Ken Tachiki & Elmar Weiler: Disease Pathology and
Neurofeedback Procedures
This workshop will focus on
electrode placement sites on the scalp for neurofeedback treatment of disease
conditions. Actual case data will be employed to illustrate: 1)
the decision process for selection of electrode placement sites; 2) the EEG
process(s) during neurofeedback treatment; 3) the use of EEG data as a guide
during the neurofeedback treatment process; and 4) EEG changes occurring as a
result of the treatment process. Cases for illustration include mild
traumatic brin injury, Parkinson's disease, Attention Deficit Disorder,
Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Childhood Autism and Cerebral Palsy.
WK2 Marilyn Ferguson Streams of Consciousness
Is consciousness mediated through cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles? Our
forefathers thought so. The notion didn't fade out until the
mid 18th century, when more "scientific" thought came into play. In
fact, such a model helps account for a number of apparent anomalies,
such as the relatively normal intelligence found in some hydrocephalics
and the way learning seems to be diffuse rather than
localized. This workshop looks at evidence for this classical view
and the practical implications for research medicine,
education and therapy.
Publisher of Brain/Mind Bulletin, American Society for Training and
Development Brain Trainer of the Year, author of Brain Revolution, Aquarian
Conspiracy and Radical Common Sense (forthcoming.)
WL 4 Joel Lubar: Referential vs. bipolar asessment , databases,
pattern analysis, for NFB treatment of ADD/HD, learning disabilities,
Tourette's Syndrome & Seizure disorders
I will demonstrate with instrumentation and LCD screen a simple and
logical method for deciding whether to train referentially or bipolar for any
established neurofeedback application. Next I will demonstrate how for ADD/HD
to relate the results to our database of over 600 cases, and then how to fine
tune the instrumentation to reward a pattern related to either normalization
or optimal performance in a specific task such as reading or listening.
WM 2 Siegfried Othmer: Mechanisms of EEG Biofeedback: Ansatz to the
G.U.T. (Grand Unified Theory) of EEG Biofeedback
EEG biofeedback has been shown effective for a variety of
indications which bear little apparent relationship clinically: these include
such disparate conditions as epilepsy, ADHD, affective disorders, alcoholism,
chronic pain, sleep disorders, and even characterological disorders. To fully
appreciate the mechanisms of action of EEG biofeedback, one must move from the
phenomenological level of the DSM-IV to the neurophysiological level which
underpins these phenomena. Pharmacology has motivated such an approach in
order to understand the mechanism of action of psychopharmaco- logical agents.
EEG biofeedback compels a similar appraisal from the standpoint of the
electrical activity of the brain.
EEG biofeedback is non-specific with respect to clinical indications; it is
likewise non-specific with respect to neuromodulator systems which underpin
behavior. It is fruitful to inquire as to the role of rhythmic
electrical activity in governing activation and arousal, as well as in
organizing collective cerebral activity (the binding problem). The emerging
understanding of the organization of rhythmic activity in the EEG can then
lead to systematizing protocol selection with a hopefully parsimonious set of
WM 2 Susan F. Othmer: Refinement of EEG biofeedback protocols on the
basis of clinical data and models of brain function.
Refinement of protocols will be discussed based on models of brain function,
on a variety of assessment tools, and on an increasing base of clinical data.
A variety of assessment tools is now employed to determine appropriate
training strategies to address hemisphere-specific deficits and frontal lobe
dysfunction. However, the main burden of assessment remains with the
interview. Examples of training strategies will be reviewed in support of the
emerging set of training protocols.
WN 4 Julian Isaacs & Patricia Fields NEUROFEEDBACK, INTUITION AND
Neurofeedback offers a modality in which cognitive, affective,
endocrinological and immune system disorders may be addressed. All
of these disease entities have complex interrelations with the
psychology of the individual, with their mind/body relationship, their
spiritual outlook and frequently their unconscious definition of life
The application of intuitive methods by practitioners to these levels of
the client's psyche may sometimes offer an effective frame in which to
construe the totality of the client's situation and thereby permit the
mirroring back of salient unconscious issues for integration in
consciousness. Research in anthropology, parapsychology and
psychoneuroimmunology has strongly suggested that unconventional
healing methods employing subtle energy are effective and can in some cases
produce powerful results. This workshop will introduce the
neurofeedback therapist to the use of intuitive methods in neurofeedback and
the integration of the use of subtle energy .
WP 2 Thom Hartmann: ADD Success Strategies
Expanding on the information presented in the "What Maslow
Overlooked" talk, Thom Hartmann will present a detailed look at
various strategies, technologies, and methods to improve the chances for
academic and life success for children and adults with ADD. This
workshop will emphasize life skills, meditation practice, and shifting
paradigms (leaving the EEG aspects of ADD treatment to others).
When Abraham Maslow wrote Motivation and Personality back in
1954, he didn't have the advantage we do now of a reasonably thorough
knowledge of neurochemistry. He observed people and the way
they interacted with the world, and developed his theory of the
"hierarchy of human needs, which ranged from the need for safety to the
need for social interaction to the need for what some may call religious
But Maslow had his own particular neurochemistry, which colored
his observations...and caused him to overlook a critical
point. This overlooked "basic human need" may, in fact, be so
critical to an understanding of human nature that understanding it gives us a
revelatory flash of insight into the
nature of personality disorders, and specifically attention deficit disorder
(ADD). This is what I call "The Need To Feel Alive," and
it also explains why some people have multiple jobs, mates, and lifestyles,
whereas others settle into one fixed routine and stay with it their entire
lives, apparently quite happy in their stasis.
To understand how Maslow could have overlooked a fundamental
human need which drives the behaviors of as much as 30% of our population,
it's important to first understand how a part of the brain is wired.
This particular part of the brain, and the way it works, can cause this need
to come into being, or to remain unexpressed in a person's life.
This presentation will explore how this aspect of neurochemistry
can be so pivotal in the development of an individual, can contribute so
powerfully to their success or failure as an adult and member of society, and
how neuro- and bio-feedback may present very effective therapeutic
WQ 2 Carla Nelson: HYPERACTIVE HEARTS & MINDS: Towards a
Unified View of ADD?
Scores of experts have studied attention deficiencies and filled in parts of
the ADD puzzle. But we still lack a box top, a picture that shows how the
pieces can fit all together. Many are asking if it is even possible for the
wide range of symptoms and traits we call "ADD" to rest side-by-side
in any one DSM category. But where some are calling for more splitting apart,
Carla Nelson is calling for more coming together. Blending findings from
clinical practice with leading edge research from learning theory to
psychobiology, she shows how the ADD puzzle becomes a unified whole if we look
at arousal and attention together. This workshop details a matrix of nine
attentional states that shift in response to stimuli, a dyanamic model of ADD
that moves along a continuum from underaroused hypofocusing to hyperaroused
hyperfocusing, leaving a trail of pointers to common comorbidities. With a
vivid functional portrait that makes good sense to both layfolk and
specialists, she provides a powerful platform that practioners can employ to
explain their treatment protocols to patients and peers.
Carla Berg Nelson, a Bay Area journalist who reports on new developments in
science and tech and holds a degree in psych from Berkeley, is leader of the
Mind-Brain/Body Sciences Forum (GO MIND) on CompuServe and co-leader of
GO ADD where she has been a lay counselor to thousands of ADD families and
conducted live interviews with most of the best known specialists in the
WR4 Vincent Monastra An
Integrative Approach for Assessing and Treating ADHD
Genetic, neuroanatomical and QEEG research findings support a model
of ADHD as a "non-adaptive" neurodevelopmental "disorder"
characterized by behavioral, neuro-psychological and neurological traits.
"Mainstream" approaches to assessment have relied on historical,
observational and neuro-psychological test findings for diagnostic purposes
due to the absence of a "laboratory" test for the underlying
neurological disorder. However, due to the high degree of co-morbidity between
ADHD and psychiatric disorders (e.g. affective and conduct disorders), the
error rates for behavioral and neuro-psychological tests have been
unacceptably high, when diagnosis is attempted on the basis of these tests
In order to improve diagnostic accuracy, a team of researchers led by Dr.
Monastra and Joel Lubar, Ph.D. examined the use of QEEG assessment procedures
in the diagnosis of ADHD. their findings indicated the ability of QEEG
procedures to identify patients with ADHD with a high degree of accuracy and
enhance the accuracy level of behavioral and neuro-psychological (CPTs)
This workshop will proceed from a detailed examination of the Monastra, Lubar,
Linden, Green et al QEEG Validation Study and present an integrative
assessment strategy that is consistent with the current neuro-developmental
model of ADHD. In addition, based on a perspective of ADHD as a neuro-developmental
disorder that is observed in the form of inattention, impulsivity and
hyperactivity at home and school, this workshop will present specific
neurotherapeutic, cognitive and behavioral interventions that constitute an
Integrative Therapeutic Approach for ADHD.
WS 4 Lynda Thompson (co-author The ADD Book), Michael
Thompson Cognitive Strategies: What they are and how to
integrate them into Neurofeedback Training with ADD students.
For ADD Child and Adult Clients, Neurofeeedback Training is
necessary but not sufficient to effect maximum improvement.
This workshop will describe: (1) a feedback program using EEG, EDR
and peripheral temperature for ADD clients; (2) teach learning
strategies to improve reading, listening, organizing and remembering
and, (3) show how neurofeedback and metacognitive strategies are
combined in the ADD Centre's program.More Detailed Description of
Workshop:Title: Metacognition Combined with Neurofeedback:
an Effective Educational Approach to ADD For Child ClientsFor Adult
ClientsTarget Audience:Participants may be at any stage of experience:
however, the objectives are worded to apply to participants who
have had some experience with the use of neurofeedback with children and
/ or adults who have ADD or ADHD.Terminal
Objective: To enable the participants to
be able to apply the combined approach of Metacognitive strategies and
Neurofeedback to ameliorate the symptoms (short attention span,
distractibility, impulsive approach to work) of ADD and the associated
academic difficulties, including underacheivement due to a disorganized
approach to work.Enabling Objectives:Neurofeedback: At the completion of the
seminar the participants should be able:to distinguish sub-groups of ADD
children and apply the correct use of SMR vs beta training to each
group.impulsive (may be either under or over aroused)non-impulsiveto select
appropriate electrode placement which may vary with arousal, impulsivity and
presence or absence of language difficulties.to recognize and distinguish two
groups of children with ADD according to their level of alertness and apply
the appropriate EDR feedback to each group. under-arousedover-arousedTo
recognize three groups of ADD Adults and apply appropriate training
strategies for each group.Metacognitive Strategies:At the completion of the
seminar the participants should be able:to define metacognitionto apply a 7
step metacognitive strategy for junior high, high school and college
studentsto reading new materialto listening to lecturesto organizing a written
or verbal presentationto apply cognitive strategies to elementary school math
and readingto improve a client's setting of goals and management of time (high
school and adult clients) Metacognition combined with Neurofeedback: At the
completion of the seminar the participants should be able:to develop a
training protocol for an ADD client that combines appropriate neurofeedback,
EDR and peripheral temperature feedback, and training in metacognitive
strategies. Description of Seminar:A didactic lecture covering
sub-types of ADD and appropriate Neurofeedback approaches to each will be
given. At this juncture metacognition will be introduced and the
seminar will become` more interactive with the participants being challenged
with a brief reading assignment that is given to students at the ADD Centres
who are in grade 7 and above. This will be followed by a quick lecture
preparation assignment. When the participants have completed their tasks there
will be a discussion of the techniques they used to approach the tasks and
that will be compared with the approach of children and even college level
students with ADD. The leaders will present a 7 step strategic approach
to reading, preparing for exams or presentations, and listening to boring
lecture materials. The participants will then be invited to spend a few
minutes reading a passage using the metacognitive approaches just discussed
and discussing the differences they experienced when using these
techniques. They will repeat this procedure revamping the lead
previously worked on. Organizing thinking processes and strategies and
understanding different levels of memory and the use of various visual and
auditory/verbal memory techniques will be emphasized. Throughout the
presentaton the rationale for combining neurofeedback with training and
learning skills will be underscored. This combination
effectively improves performance and leads to high levels of customer
satisfaction. Clients have immediate benefits from applying
metacognitive strategies and long term benefits from the combination of
recalledorganization of materialhow children with ADD approach these tasks
This workshop will offer a structured program to use EEG biofeedback to
explore consciousness. EEG biofeedback is value-neutral and requires a
context. Western psychology has existed for about 100 years. In
contrast, the Eastern mystical traditions have developed over thousands of
years and are the essential and vibrant core of the great world
religions. These traditions contain complete systems that offer very
practical programs to explore consciousness.
This workshop will draw upon the teachings, structures, and methods of the
mystical traditions to provide a rich and deep spiritual context for EEG
biofeedback and a source for the emergence of the specific areas of
consciousness to be explored. These ancient systems provide needed focus and
guidelines regarding the developmental stages and/or exceptional abilities
associated with developing awareness. This workshop will summarize these
developmental stages and describe their functional significance in terms
of modern neuroscience and evolutionary psychology.
Some of the developmental stages and/or exceptional abilities to be
conceptually bridged from the mystical to the scientific traditions include
perfect concentration ability, a calm mind, thought cessation, lessening
grasping and aversion, deconstructing the nature of self and the world
(emptiness), the development of compassion, the value of visualization of
subtle physiology and archetypal imagery, the transformation of anger an
sexual desire, and sacred physical sexuality.
A range of EEG methods which have been developed to explore the above areas
from the dual perspective of mysticism and science will be presented and
demonstrated. The rationale for these methods will be fully described
both from the neuroscience and the spiritual perspectives.
Participants will have the opportunity to experience some of the methods used
to explore consciousness during the workshop and provided with detailed
descriptions to use later in their own settings with their own EEG biofeedback
equipment. These methods are not specific to any particular type of EEG
instrumentation. This workshop will include video of EEG meditation
research in India, including footage of discussions with the Dalai Lama and
other advanced meditators.
Frank Echenhofer, Ph.D. is a Past-President of the Pennsylvania Society of
Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback and a licensed psychologist living in
Jenner, CA, north of San Francisco. He is a faculty member of the
Holistic Health Program at San Francisco State University. He is
currently completing a NIH grant using EEG biofeedback to treat mild traumatic
head injury. In 1991 he sought out the Dalai Lama's help to conduct EEG
research with advanced meditators in northern India. He co-founded the
Tibetan Buddhist Center in Philadelphia and the Institute for
Multidisciplinary Studies to conduct EEG research on
consciousness. Currently he works in the San Francisco Bay area
with individuals and groups offering programs to explore consciousness
using EEG biofeedback and other methods.
WX 2 Karl Pribram Thoughts on the Electrical Activity of The Brain
The workshop will deal with evidence from microelectrode and EEG
analysis as well as from lesion studies regarding changes in framing conscious
experience related to different brain systems as they determine conscious
WY 4 Dave Siever: History, Research and the Rules Of Brainwave
Entrainment/Light & Sound Technology
Since the discovery of photic driving by Adrian and Matthews in 1934, much has
been discovered about the benefits of brainwave entrainment (BWE).
Recently termed light and sound (L&S) technology, L&S's clinical
applications must go to the credit of Sidney Schneider who developed the first
photic stimulation device called the Brain Wave Synchronizer and prompted the
first research. By 1995, published research on L&S's effectiveness
in anaesthesia, ADD, PMS, migraine headache, chronic pain, stress reduction,
and dental hypnosis was available. This workshop will review
the research in detail, including some of the research presently
being conducted by Michelle Dubik, B.A. in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Referencing past research, Dave will explain the principles (BWE, hypnosis,
meditation, neural stimulation and increased cerebral blood flow) through
which L&S acts. We will also examine the physiological and
psychological rules surrounding BWE, the first step in the L&S stimulation
process. The workshop will end with a question and answer period with
Dave, regarding research and equipment operation.
WZ4 Niels Birbaumer Slow Cortical
Potential biofeedback-- A new form of neurofeedback, with a long history of
research support
Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology
University of Tuebingen
This very different approach to training the brain is ot used in the US,
yet it has extensive research support, mostly done in Europe. Dr. Birbaumer,
awarded the honor of the most respected scientist in Europe, has developed an
approach which promises to add important new tools, dimensions and
applications to the armamentarium of the neurofeedback practitioner.
Slow cortical potentials indicate a state of excitation or inhibition of large
cortical neuron pools. Negative slow brain potentials of several seconds
duration indicate depolarization of the underlying cortical network,
positivity reflects reduction of fascilitation. In several papers biofeedback
of slow cortical potentials in normal populations where described (Birbaumer
et al 1990, Physiological Reviews) which showed that self-produced negativity
improves those behavioral and cognitive activities which utilize mobilization
of cortical networks. Response speed, vigilance and concentration is increased
during negativity, positivity reduces mobilization. Cholinergic inflow to the
cortical mantle seems to be responsible for negativity, while positivity
depends on the activation of GABAergic inhibitory synapses. Measurement of
brain blood flow with functional MRI during biofeedback of slow
cortical potentials (Birbaumer et al, in press) demonstrates that during
self-produced negativity prefrontal thalamic and parietal structures are
activated while during self-induced positivity those structures are inhibited.
Therefore it can be concluded that self-regulation of slow cortical potentials
involves excitation and inhibition of attentional systems in cortical and
subcortical structures.
Biofeedback of slow cortical potentials was first applied to the treatment of
epilepsy, particular temporal lobe epilepsy (Rockstroh et al 1989).
Several controlled studies have shown that training of positivity for more
than 40 sessions improves seizure frequency and neuropsychological functions
in temporal lobe epilepsy: three studies with 60 patients have demonstrated
that after extended training of positivity one third of patients is
seizure-free, one third shows significant improvement and one third does
not respond. All patients were drug-refractory epileptic patients with
more than one seizure a week. These studies will be reviewed and new data will
be added.
Another successful application of slow brain potential biofeedback is a
brain-computer-interface communication system for locked-in patients.
Locked-in-patients have no means to communicate because all muscles including
face muscles are paralyzed. Most of the patients in our studies are patients
with amyotrophic lateral sklerosis, a neurological disease which leads to
complete motor paralysis while all sensory systems remain intact. Patients are
artificially ventilated and have to be fed artificially. These patients learn
to produce cortical negativity and positivity at different locations of the
brain and use this brain response to select in a special computer program
verbal communication subprograms by which a more or less fluent verbal
communication through the brain with the help of the computer becomes
possible. Video demonstrations and results of these studies will be presented
at the conference. A new successful application of slow brain potential
biofeedback is the training of left temporal negativity in aphasic
patients. Already after 5 training sessions improvement in expression and
processing of words can be shown.
Research was supported by the German Research Society (DFG).
WAA2 Jaelline Jaffe Making the Connection: Multiple
Intelligences and Learning Theory for Psychotherapists
This session will expand on the concepts presented in the introductory
lecture. As a participant, you will identify and engage your own
intelligences and learn how to strengthen those less fully developed.
You will observe and experience sample therapeutic activities which take brain
functioning into account and engage all intelligences. You will leave
with specific tools to help you better understand and connect with EVERY
client, regardless of their age, or your therapeutic orientation or treatment
The two-hour workshop will offer examples and experiences to help participants
identify their own MI strengths and to expand their repertoire of interactions
and interventions to more adequately meet the needs of each client.
OBJECTIVES By the end of the workshop, attendees will be able to:
* name and explain the eight distinct intelligences (as defined by Gardner,
1983, 1995) and the parts and functions of the triune brain (MacLean, 1974),
as they relate to the psychotherapeutic setting * explain the purpose and
value of utilizing multiple intelligences in psychotherapy * recognize which
intelligences are being utilized in their own therapeutic approaches and which
are being excluded * identify one or more specific changes or additions they
can make immediately to better address the brain functioning styles of their
clients * become more "multipli-intelligent" in their practice, to
empower clients in new ways to understand and take control of their lives
BIO: Jaelline Jaffe, Ph.D., is a therapist in private practice in Studio City,
CA, and works with a large urban school district, where she trains teachers
and intern counselors to use multiple intelligences with their
clientele. Dr. Jaffe is co-author of <<The Heroic Journey: A Rite
of Passage Program>>, and is writing a book on Multiple Intelligences
for psychotherapists.
WBB4 Len Ochs Treatment Planning in Neurotherapy
This workshop demonstrates one treatment (not diagnosis) planning system in
neurotherapy, with or without the use of stimulation. A single-channel EEG
will be used to generate assessment treatment maps and for therapy. The
model of treatment is an applied-chaos model, which makes no assumptions about
how the EEG patterns are linked to pathology. The opposite model, a
silver-bullet model, assumes that most problems are liked to activity at CZ,
C3, C4, O1, or O2, the most frequently-employed sites in most neurotherapy
today. The chaos-theory model recognizes that some sites operate
interdependently, while others are locked into relationships of activity of
other sites, and focuses treatment on minimzing the energy in the reactivity
of the EEG, and then unlocking the inflexible relationships of sites locked
together. Assessment is designed to construct maps which show what sites
to treat, and in which order. The assessment process will be
demonstrated first. Data will be processed into graphical and tabular
Treatment will then be demonstrated based on the mapping done earlier. Some of
the variables discussed will be dosage and frequency of treatment, how to
listen to the patient for additional cues about treatment dosage, electrode-sitesequencing
rationale, assessment process length, norms, reliability and validity, and
artifact management.
Level: Intermediate to advanced.
The Brownback-Mason Protocol is a fully integrated therapeutic approach for
the treatment of dissociation. Dissociation is the splitting off of
consciousness from a person's identity. This "splitting-off"
process is based in trauma. Trauma affects the brain anatomically,
neurologically and biochemically. Traumatic versus non-traumatic memories are
stored in the brain in different places and in different ways.
Until recently the only means of
accessing this traumatically stored material has been through psychotherapy,
hypnotherapy and guided imagery. These methods are typically slow, often
requiring ten or more years.
When using the Brownback-Mason Protocol,
the following results have been attained:
1. A significant increase in the ability to access the dissociated
2. The time to accomplish full integration is reduced by as much as 70%.
3. Clients experience a heightened sense of mastery over their lives.
What you will learn in this workshop:
1. How and why the EEG of a dissociative differs from a normal EEG.
2. Where and how traumatic memories are stored.
3. How using the Brownback-Mason Protocol will promote normalization of
the EEG.
4. Why monitoring one or two bands of EEG are not enough to produce the
most effective results.
5. How to do full spectral training in order to attain attentional
WDD 2 Rob Kall Positive Emotional Intelligence Training, integrating
heart & technology. Positive experience training.
A didactic and experiential workshop. Positive Experiences and good feelings
are the basic building blocks of self esteem, postiive attitude, inner
strength, the ability to feel good and be happy. I have developed
an "Anatomy of Positive experience" based on this premise with
the aim of identifying specific skills for enhancing the various
dimensions of functioining in all aspoects of positive experience. The
workshop will review the different elements of the anatomyof positive
experience and present numerous behaviors which can be self-regulated to
facilitate positive expoerience. Smile anatomy, smile biofeedback and
positive experieince diary keeping and analysis will also be covered.
I will also discuss ways this approach can be integrated with
neuro and bio feedback training. exercises will include:
progressive smile activation, positive experience memory recall guided
exercise, smile relaxation, feeling good sounds, smile
palpation. Attendees will receive the KPEI Kall Positive
Experience Inventory.
This workshop will focus on the skills we didn't learn in graduate
school. It will discuss how to charge what you are worth and how to
collect what you charge. We will explore patient agreements, waivers and
managed care agreements, use of credit cards and medical credit lines.
We will also explore how to maximize rapid reimbursement from HMO's, PPO's and
third party indemnity insurers.
WKK-2-4 Dan Maust What to do when you hear "S/He just won't listen"
- Efficient Remediation of Short-term Memory Problems
Short-term auditory memory problems are frequently present in persons with
Attention Disorders (sometimes also causing non-ADDers to seem ADD) and
contribute significantly to interpersonal difficulties. Visual memory problems
seem to be somewhat less frequent with ADD, but when present, most directly
interfere with academic success. Such memory problems rarely significantly
improve with stimulant medication.
Preliminary work with successful remediation of short-term memory difficulties
with the use of EEG NF will be discussed. The presentation will include:
- Case histories
- Use of simple, inexpensive assessment tools
- Feedback proceedures for remediation within 6 to 10 weekly sessions
Topics will include:
TYPICAL CLIENT PROGRESSION: We'll examine, behaviorally, cognitively, and
psychometrically, how clients typically react over the course of 30 alpha
theta sessions.
POPULATION REACTIONS: We'll discuss common reactions of chemically dependent,
anxious, and depressed populations. Questions answered will
be: How do we know when it's working How to create an environment
for crossover What can we do if it's not working What makes
the changes permanent Why people don't have psychotic breaks that require
CLINICIAN'S INFLUENCE: You'll learn: How much therapists see in
client's EEG Differences in therapeutic bonding How direct unfiltered
communication between therapist affects the process How to stay out of the way
of a client's growth How much therapist's influence client progress
Trouble-shooting ineffectiveness
NEW BAND-WIDTHS AND THEIR EFFECTS: This topic gives practitioners an
understanding of frequency effects on consciousness and emotions. It
suggests what to reward and inhibit for different pathologies.
DEMONSTRATION: We'll observe a condensed explanation of the process in an
initial session You'll witness a streamlined guided visualization (with
explanation) We'll review a post session graph and how to process the session
WG4 Valdeane Brown The five phase model of Neurofeedback; Making
Order out of Chaos
A standardized approach to using neurofeedback in a stepwise progression
consisting of the following phases
1 )SMR activation, low theta down,
2) Beta up, low theta down,
3) Alpha up, low theta suppressed still
4) alpha up with low theta stabilized and suppression feedback discontinued
5) Global Synchrony
Dysfunction is local recruitment, particularly at the low frequency.
Function is the integrated or synchronistic flowing through the entire
spectrum, depending upon the environmental demand. The majority of
dysfunction is tied in with 3 and five hertz neocortical generators which are
local "strange attractors" (using chaos terminology.)
The workshop will discuss the ratonale and specific frequencies used in this
model. It will also disucss integration of yoa, breathing and brief therapy
Val Brown is one of America's most popular trainers in both neurofeedback and
psychotherapy. He is professional, enlightening and entertaining.
WHH4 Tom Allen Beyond ADHD: Neurotherapy for Neurobehavioral
The focus of this workshop will be the application of EEG neurofeedback and
traditional biofeedback methods for the treatment of neurobehavioral disorders
in children and adults. We will address the concept of a continuum of
neurobehavioral disorders and the types of problems that appear to respond to
neuro and biofeedback treatment technigues. The technigues and methods are
based on clinical data derived from neurofeedback practice with this
population. There will be live demonstrations of technigue and reviews of
patient data. A copy of Mr. Allen's protocols with various neurobehaviorally
disordered populations will be made available to the attendees of the
The workshop will address Tourettes, Asperger's Syndrome, Hyperlexia &
Higher Function Autism in detail with some review of Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder. In addition there will be a discussion on typing ADHD based on
psychophysiological variables and the implications of these typologies
regarding therapeutic intervention . Tom is an experienced clinician who
has trained hundred of other clinicians in neurofeedback techniques.
WJJ4 Jay Gunkelman Intro to QEEG & Neurofeedback
How a QEEG is done.
Definitions: Power, relative power, coherence, symmetry, etc.
Samples of QEEG by diagnostic groups
Implications for NF electrode Placements
Inplications for NF frequency selections
The workshop will also include a discussion of databases available for
comparison and the Z score and regression analysis used in data base
comparisons. A section on clinical applications of QEEG in ADD/ADHD,
autoimmune disease, depression, head trauma and other applications will finish
the presentation.
1996 Winter Brain/
Regulation Key West Meeting Workshops
w-A-4 Peter Rosenfeld-Neurophysiological
Foundations of NeuroFB for Neurotherapists
w-C-4 Linda & Michael Thompson: Cognitive strategies, metacognitive
strategies & NFBK: What they are and how to integrate them into NF
neurofeedback training
w-D-4 Siegfried & Susan Othmer
Affective disorders
W-F-4 Barry Sterman The (SMR) Sensori- motor Rhythm:
Basic origins, Functional significance, & Methods for Training
Control in Clinical NF
W-G-2 Rollin McCraty Measurement of head/heart entrainment and
heart rate variability.
W-H-2 Judith Lubar Integrating Neurofeedback for ADD with Other Psychological
W-KP-4 Karl Pribram The Deep and Surface Structure of Memory and
Conscious Learning: Toward a 21st Century Model
W-J-4 Joel Lubar: ADD neurotherapy techniques
W-K-4 Les Fehmi: clinical NF & Open Focus Techniques for
dissolving physical aned emotional pain & optimization of function
W-L-4 Len Ochs: detailed discussion about the variables of importance in
EDS tx & assessmnt.
w-M-4 Tom Allen A model for Integrating autonomic arousal training with
EEG BF for a continuum of neurobehavioral disorders
ranging from ADD through tourettes, OCD, Aspergers syndrome, &
autistic spectrum disorderss
w-N-2 Gary Schwartz & Linda Russek Energy cardiology,
w-R-2 Gary Schummer Self-Regulation of the Immune System
w-P-2 Julian Isaacs: tAlpha theta training latest techniques, tools
& tip to enhance training
w-Q-2 Alfonso Bermea w-2 EEG Neurotherapy Moving into the Criminal Justice
w-T-4 Tom Budzynski & Paul Swingle Treatments adjunctive to
neurotherapy: Preconscioius, Sub and supra-threshold Audio, visual &
Somato sensory Driving of the EEG treatment protocols for a
variety of disorders
W-U-2 David Siever Light and Sound technologies
w-V-2 Seb Striefel & Lynda Kirk Risk Management, Professional
Conduct, & Ethical Guidelines in the new applications of EEG NTx
w-X-4 Valdeane Brown : A 5 step model of NeuroFeedback
w-Z-2 J Walker & J.Horvat Closed head injury
Plenary Sessions audio
$12.50 video $39 when available
BME--96-1 Rob Kall; Opening Remarks,
Karen Pape; Music as Biofeedback, Alfonso Bermea; EEG
Neurotherapy in the Criminal Justice Sytem; a National update, Linda Kirk
& Seb Streifel; Risk Mgmt, Profl Conduct, & Ethical Guidelines
in EEG Neurotherapy
BME--96-3 Bill Hudspeth; EEG Coherence Architectures: A Model for
Assessment & Rx, Costello; Integrating Biophysiological
assessment & careers
BME--96-4 Paul Swingle; Treatment of Non-epileptic (pseudo) seizure disorder.
BME--96-5 Sue Othmer; Eating Disorders, Gary Schummer Neurofeedback and
BME--96-6 Karl Pribram; A New Method for Analyzing EEG
BME--96-7 Technology Panel Discussion Dennis Campbell, Rob Kall, G. Blundell,
T. Allen, F. Deits, H. Toomim, Hal Meyers, Julian Isaacs,
Siegfried Othmer, Len Ochs Joel Lubar
BME--96-8 Marvin Sams; Neurofeedback's Family Tree: Is 40 Hz
Neurofeedbacl's granddaddy or only it's third cousin? , Thom Hartmann; An
anthropologic view of ADD & options for EEG treatmnt it
suggests, Hershel Toomim; What changes in successful NF?
BME--96-9 Joel Lubar changes in EEG, learning curves, effects of medication,
EEG training to enhance performance in normals, EEG patterns associated
with absorption in a complex task
BME--96-10 Les Fehmi;The attention/brain activity connection
BME--96-11 Tom Allen Integrating Neurofeedback and autonomic training
BME--96-12 Lynda & Michael Thompson Adults with ADD; the key
symptoms & use of NeuroFB combined with metacognitive strategies.
BME--96-13 M Linden Neurofeedback Screening & treatment
strategies for ADD adults
BME--96-14 Martin Wuttke Integrating alternative therapies with
EEG biofeedback
BME--96-15 Julian Isaacs ADD & Alpha-theta training enhancers
BME--96-16 Grand Rounds Paul Swingle, Judith Lubar, Nancy White,
BME--96-17 Monica Geers A Modified Blackfoot Inner Journey; To request
assistance with some issue. Come prepared with a question in
BME--96-18 Siegfried Othmer ; Peak performance
Jim Hardt ;
An example of the Kundalini experience as seen in multi channel
BME--96-19 Jonathan Earle; The Visionary Brain: Towards a Science of
Frank Deits; Mind Awareness Training
BME--96-20 Terry Patten; Consciousness 101:Rational Mysticism & the
Elusive Obvious
Dennis Campbell ; Establishing an Optimal Performance Paradigm
BME--96-21 Rollin McCraty, Head/Heart Interactions
Vlad Tokarev
Brain Blood flow neurofeedback
BME--96-22 Richard WIlliams From Hickups to healing;
psychophysiology of Faith Induction
BME--96-23 Anna Wise ; The high performance mind
BME--96-24 Gerald Gluck ; Logistics of establ ishing a hospital
based NF substance abuse
Therapy facility.
BME--96-25 Mike Hutchison ; High Dimensional Chaos in
Neurofeedback:; Direct Route to Peak Performance
BME--96-26 Heart, Spirit & Peak Performance Panel ; Blundell,
Wise, Kall, Patten, Campbell, Othmer, Schwartz, Isaacs, Hardt,
BME--96-27 Tom Budzynski ; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the 14 Hz bare
bones migraine study, Ponce de Leon project
BME--96-28 Joe Kamiya ; Understanding the human requires a new basic science,
with biofeedback its inner core
BME--96-29 Peter Rosenfeld; 1) studies of entrain ment"
stimulation effects on EEG activity, 2) recent studies of EEG alpha asymmetry
training on emotional and speech disorders
BME--96-30 Rob Kall , Tom Allen, Thom Hartmann Brain Mind in Cyberspace:
going on-line: e-mail, Cserve Mind/Body Sciences forum, compuserve, creating a
homepage on the Web, WEB surfing, listerve & use-groups.
BME--96-31 Barry Sterman ; Event related EEG responses; A new Dimension in
Quantitative EEG Evaluation
BME--96-32 David Noton ; EEG slowing disorders and Beta Frequency
Photic Stimulation
Sean Adam; First public presentation of 5 yr, 500 +subject,
$6 million study re: Brainwave frequencies in top corporate executives
Video showing of EEG/Light -Sound equipment used to
increase IQ
BME--96-33 Geoffrey Blundell; Low EEG frequencies what is
often referred to as "Delta" and is clearly not, because the subject
is wide awake.
Valdeane Brown; 1)Home training and other approaches, NF and immune
function (CFIDS, Lymes Disease
BME--96-35Joseph Horvat ; closed head injury assessment
Jonathan Walker ; Closed Head Injury Treatment
BME--96-36 Len Ochs; Information, Stimulation, and the Brain (with
chronic CNS dysfunction)
BME--96-37 Steve Wall ; Bipolar Disorder
BME-96- 38Gary Schwartz; Energy Cardiology
1995 Winter Brain
Neurofeedback Meeting/ Key West audio tapes
$12.50 each
95-1a) Rob Kall Opening the meeting: Applied Neurophysiology as a
path to self knowledge and personal growth - spiritual, emotional
issues. Do we train to get rid of pathology or optimize health?
Side B: Positivity: Turn on good behaviors instead of
turning off bad ones.
95-1.) Steve Fahrion: Observations of the Psychophysiology of
Personality Transformation.
95-3.) Lester Fehmi: The basis for the efficacy of various
protocols of neurofeedback training: Attention to Attention. The association
of specific parameters of brain activity with specific parameters of attention
95-4.) Peter Rosenfeld: Specialized Topics in Diagnosis and
Treatment of Depression, Pain & Closed Head Injury (real and malingered).
95-5.) Marvin Sams: Chronic Fatigue Assessment & Treatment.
Paul Swingle: Subthreshold Auditory and
Somatosensory Stimulation Effects on EEG Spectrum During Neuronal Treatment.
95-7.) Judith Lubar: Integration of Neurofeedback for ADD &
ADHD into Family and School Settings: The Use of Multi-Generational Family
Genograms to Determine Treatment Triage.
95-8.) Joel Lubar: Differences Between Individuals with ADD with
and without Hyperactivity & Differences Between Individuals with ADHD with
and without Ritialin Medication.
95-9.) Lynda & Michael Thompson: Integrating Neurofeedback
with metacognitive strategies for more effective results with ADD and ADHD.
Alfonso Bermea: Efficacy of EEG Neurofeedback
on Violent Juvenile Offenders with Addictive and Concomitant Disorders
(conduct disorder, ADD, depression,).
Michael Linden: Successful Neurofeedback with
Children Depends on Their Families. (ADD, ADHD Theme.)
95-10.) Donna King: Out-patient EEG BF in treatment of court and agent
referred substance abusing felony probationers.
Stacy Schafer: Multi-modal brainwave training
employing EDR, Temp and EEG feedback to address Mind/body relationship
95-11.) Jeremy Langford: EEG Out of The Clinic and into the Classroom.
(Reporting on his work in an Israeli Kibbutz)
95-12.) Nancy White: Alpha-Theta Training for the Multiple/Dual
Diagnosed Patients - A Theory and Case Study.
Carol Manchester: Effective Group Psychotherapy
as an Integral Part of Alpha/Theta Training.
95-13.) Patricia Norris: Transpersonal Growth Aspects of Alpha-Theta
95-14.) Julian Isaacs: Getting to Theta: Theta State Induction Techniques
Gary Schumer: EEG & HIV.
95-17.) Dan Chartier: I.)The Recovery of Jim's Arm.
Post Stroke: A Neurotherapy Case Presentation. EEG
Assessment of the effects of Virtual Reality Environments: Implications for
Development of VR Biofeedback.
95-18.) Len Ochs: EEG Driven Stimulation: Observations and Implications.
95-20.) Barry Sterman: New Methods and Strategies for the Treatment of
Epilepsy with Neurotherapy.
95-22.) Susan Othmer: EEG Biofeedback for PMS.
95-23.) Siegfried Othmer: EEG Biofeedback for Pain.
95-24.) Martin Wuttke: Neurofeedback - Remarkable Case Histories.
1998 Winter Brain Conference
Lecture & Workshop Tapes
FUTUREHEALTH Inc. 211 N. Sycamore,
Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374
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