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1999 Winter Conference on
Brain Function, Modification & Training

Advanced Neurofeedback, QEEG Brain Optimization Meeting/Colloquium 

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Tuning The Brain
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Get the free Abstracts of Lecture Sessions and Descriptions of Workshops  

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Logo art by Jeremy Langford

1999 Seventh Winter Brain/Mind Conference on

  Function, Modification & Training

Advanced Neurofeedback, QEEG Brain Optimiization Meeting/Colloquium

"The premier meeting in the entire area of EEG biofeedback."  Joel Lubar         
My favorite brain meeting.  Barry Sterman
Organized by Rob Kall

Feb 5-9, 1999 Palm Springs, CA

1999 Optimal Functioning Meeting; 2 days Feb 4,5

Interested in presenting at the Winter Brain and/or Optimal Functioning Meetings?

Present at either or both meetings

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A view from Palm Springs, near the Hotel

Getting Started with Neurofeedback: recommended tapes and materials

'99 Conference early Plenary session talk and workshop titles (partial list)

PS= Plenary session talk WS#= Workshop 2 or 4 hour
Daily Meeting Schedule
Fri    Optimal Functioning
Sat    ADD/HD, Attention
Sun    neurosci, QEEG, Energy/Power Therapies
Mon QEEG clinical and miscellaneous applications
Tues Models, techniques, clinical and miscellaneous applications
1999 Workshops Available on tape:
Video: 2 Hr $49, 4 hr $95     Audio 2 Hr $45 4 Hr $79  except as specified for selected tapes
Optimal Functioning Meeting
Audio Tapes from two days $189
Neurofeedback Foundations
$199 video $129 audio
W9D2 The Use of Clinically Standardized Meditation with Biofeedback Training and Behavioral Interventions Patricia Carrington
W9E2 Successful Neurofeedback Practice Strategies S.Louise Norris,
W9F2 Nutritional approaches to Mental Health: Hyla Cass
W9CC2 Improving Cognitive Functioning in the Elderly" Thomas Budzynski Helen Kogan Budzynski, & Elsa Baehr
W9AA2 Mastery, Mystery, and the Technologies of Transformation: An Experiential Workshop and Inquiry
Joel & Michelle Levy
W9DD2 Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About ADD Testing & Treatment But Forgot to Ask Michael Linden
W9EE2 Biofeedback and Behavioral Applications to Rehabilitation: Variables for Successful Functional Outcome Bernard S. Brucker
W9H2 Managing Abreactions, Reframing, and Memory Integration During Alpha/Theta Training: Techniques and Liability Protection in a False Memory Era. Corydon Hammond
W9R2: Coherence Training in M.T.B.I, ADD/ADHD & L.D.
Joe Horvat
W9K4: Discussion of Protocols for Neurofeedback Treatments, Evaluation and Validation of New Protocols, and Demonstration of Assessment Techniques Employing Single and Multi-Channel EEG Methods Joel F. Lubar
W9T4: EFT 1 Foundational EFT The Doorway to the new Healing High Rise
Gary Craig
W9M4 The Grand Unified Theory of Psychology: Submodalities in the Hologram
W9Q2 The B I G Picture: Weaving Peripheral BioFB, Energy Therapies, & Coaching with EEG Neurofeedback
Lynda Kirk
W9J2: A Guide to the Neuro develop mental "Power Therapies" & Their Use in The Treatment of PTSD & related Somatic Complaints Carol Schneider and Mike Gismond
W9S4 Cutting Edge ADD Interventions: Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Metacognition & Sound Therapy; results obtained &Self-Assessing Knowledge and Skills Michael & Lynda Thompson
W9U2 Alpha Theta Protocol Bill Scott
W9W2 1999 FDA update, The 510(k) process – Original, Special or Abbreviated, The FDA QSR(gmp) vs. ISO 9000–are these Quality Systems the same? Sunday Anand Akerkar Alan P. Schwartz $89
W9X2: "Combining Wide band Amplitude Reduction with Photic Stimulation in Clinical Practice - Do's, Don'ts and Other Ideas" Dan Maust
W9Y2 The Alpha Asymmetry Protocol Peter Rosenfeld, and Elsa Baehr
W9Z2 A Neural Pathway for Phobic Disorders: Initial Results with Virtual Reality Therapy Brenda K. Wiederhold Mark D. Wiederhold, Jim Nelson, Albert "Skip" Rizzo
W9BB2 Getting the Most out of Your Neurocybernetics Instrument Sue Othmer
W9FF2 BrainMaster Practicum Thomas F. Collura   $89
W9C4 A Tour of Biograph & Multitrace guided by an insider.Valdeane Brown $189
W9GG2 Measuring and Improving Cardiovascular Homeostasis By Heart Breathing Biofeedback
Paul Lehrer
W9V2 SKIL Topometric Mapping M. Barry Sterman $89
W9G2 Blood Flow Hemoencephalography (HEG) Neurofeedback Workshop
Hershel Toomim

W9B4: Tuning Up for Success: Management of Treatment for Optimal Long Term Successful Outcome in Neurofeedback Judith O. Lubar

W9A2  Training to Achieve an Ideal Performance State Michael & Lynda Thompson

W9JJ2 The case for lowered autonomic arousal BioFB training from the bottom up: The how and why of EMG, Thermal & GSR biofeedback Carol Schneider
W9HH2 Steps to Integrating EEG Biofeedback in Public Schools". Mary Jo Sabo and Linda Vergara
W9KK2 History Research & the Rules of Audio-visual Brain Entrainment David Siever
W9LL4 The Use Of Spectral Analysis To Fine Tune Neurofeedback: Recognizing And Utilizing Patterns In Frequency Mirror Displays
Brown, Valdeane
W9MM2 Trauma & Chronic Pain; Treating Pain Through Brain Modification Robert Scaer, MD
W9NN2 Advances In QEEG Analysis and Interpretation for Neurotherapy
William J. Hudspeth

W9V2 SKIL Topometric Mapping M. Barry Sterman $89

W9QQ2 Drug, toxic and substance abuse effects on the EEG/QEEG.
Jay Gunkelman
W9N2 QEEG subtypes in ADD/ADHD, LD, OCD, Trauma, etc. Jay Gunkelman
W9P2 EEG Database Guided Neurotherapy Robert Thatcher


9:00 Meeting Opening Rob Kall
9:15 Training to Achieve an Ideal Performance State Michael & Lynda Thompson
10:00 Immune and psychological enhancement through self-hypnosis training. John Gruzelier
10:45 Break
11:00 Using EFT for Optimal Functioning
Gary Craig
11:20 Interleaving 21 and 40 Hz Training For Peak Performance: How A Pair Can Beat A Full House Valdeane Brown
12:05 Audio-Visual Entrainment as Applied to Peak
Performance David Siever
12:35 Lunch Break
2:00 Key Insights from my Ten Years at Tools: BioPhysics, Neuro-optimization, Neuromysticism, & an Emerging New Multi- medium Terry Patten
2:45 What’s the bottom line? Biofeedback in a Health Spa Mary Deits
3:05 Optimizing Education & Entertainment
Jim Hardt
3:20 Preparing the Client for Increased Retention
Paul Swingle
3:40 Break
4:00 Integrating the Spiritual and Ineffable into your Training Strategies. Judith Lubar
4:45 Zygomation; Smile Work Rob Kall
5:30 Optimal Functioning Plenary lectures end
7:00-9:00 Training to Achieve an Optimal (Ideal) Performance State: Optional Workshop
9:00-11:00 Combined Reception for all Winter Brain Meeting Events, incuding Sing Along (with lyrics on overheads)
7:00 The Freeze- Framer: A New Heart Rate Variability Monitor Terry Patten
7:20 Audio-Visual Entrainment, its effects On Producing Dissociation & Related Clinical Implications
Dave Siever
7:40 Good and Bad Alpha Bill Scott
8:10 Neurofeedback for Optimal Functioning with Psychotherapy Patients Linda Mason
8:30 Exhibit Hall Break
8:45 Macro and Micro Management of Neurofeedback Treatment Resulting in Long Term Positive Change Judith O. Lubar
9:30 Conference Greeting: Making a Conscious Health Revolution Happen Rob Kall
10:05 Break
10:25 Effects of AVS on academic performance
Thomas Budzynski
11:20 Using EFT for Optimal Functioning Gary Craig
8:35 Exhibit Hall Break
11:50 Client Transformations in Mind, Body & Spirit: Patterns, Milestones & Interventions. Rhonda Greenberg
12:20 Optimizing Brain Balance with Nutritional Supple- ments: Use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and essential fatty acids to restore normal brain chemistry for such conditions as anxiety, depression, ADD, and PMS Hyla Cass MD
1:00 Lunch
2:00 "A" workshops
4:00 "B" workshops
7:00 PM Effect of SMR/Beta Training on Neurocognitive Performance David Kaiser
7:30 Spiritual Experiences Through 4-Channel Biocybe-rnaut Alpha Training James V. Hardt
8:15 Break
8:30 Deep EEG Training & the Evolution of Human Consciousness Fri Evening Steve Wall
9:45-10:30 Explaining the Spectrum of Self- Regulation: Mastery, Mystery, & the Technologies of Transformation Joel & Michelle Levy
7:15 Audiovisual Entrainment with ADD & Reading Problems in a School Setting David Siever
7:30 The Effects of Performance Enhancement Training on Human Attention, Hypertension, Stress, & Brain Wave Patterns S.Louise Norris
7:50 ADD - Cutting Edge Interventions: Biofeedback, NeuroFB, Metacognition and Sound Therapy Michael & Lynda Thompson
8:35 Exhibit Hall Break
8:55 How Biofeedback is Performed in Public Schools Mary Jo Sabo
9:40 Neurofeedback in the Schools: an Administrator’s Perspective Linda Vergara
Weaving Peripheral Biofeedback & Energy Therapies with EEG in ADD/ADHD Lynda Kirk
ADHD: The New Untermenschen? Thom Hartmann  6000 word essay: Click here 
Relationships between Stimulant Medications, Quantitative EEG, Neurofeedback and Clinical Outcome Joel F. Lubar
The What & Why of Threshold Based Proportional Feedback Frank Deits
The EEG, Brain States, & Self-Regulation  Siegfried Othmer
Is Neurofeedback Treatment Effective ? You Bet Your QEEG it is ! Elsa Baehr, & Peter Rosenfeld
Integrating Q-EEG & Computerized Tests into Accurate Testing for ADD Michael Linden
Brain Wave Signatures for False Memory, Conscious and Unconcious Recognition
J. Peter Rosenfeld
Functional Significance of EEG Activities in the 10-20 Hz Range During Attentive States M. Barry Sterman
An Update on the Recent Changes of FDA Regulations as it Relates to the Biofeedback Manufacturers and Users     Anand Akerkar & Alan P. Schwartz
Gamma-Band EEG Oscillations and Conscious Perception; A New Discovery in a Patient with Somatic Hallucinations John Gruzelier
Neural Dynamics of Traumatic Brain Injury       Robert Thatcher
QEEG Profiles of Psychiatric and Medical Conditions: A Review from Published Literature Corydon Hammond
A Paradigm Shift: "We are on the Ground Floor of A Healing Highrise" Gary Craig
Panel Discussion: In Search of a Common Thread: Exploring the Neurophysiologal and Energetic Base for the New "Power Therapies" used in Treatment of Trauma. Moderator: Patricia Carrington, Panelists: Gary Craig, Michael Gismondi, Carol Schneider, Robert Scaer
Steady State Evoked Potentials - A New Channel for EEG Biofeedback? Thomas F. Collura
Can You Really Use the Internet for Your Research Patricia Carrington
Circadian and Ultradian Rhythms in Topographic EEG across the Waking Day David Kaiser
Non-Linear Data Analysis And 21 Hz Augmentation Training Valdeane Brown
Clinical Observations With Thinking CapTM Hershel Toomim
Designing NF Interventions Based On qEEG Evaluation Jay Gunkelman
QEEG Panel: The Role of QEEG in Evaluation and Treatment Chair: Linda Mason
EEG Biofeedback for Chronic Depression.     S. Louise Norris
Wideband Amplitude Reduction: Why It Ought To Be In Your Bag Of Tricks and When You Should Be Careful With It Dan Maust
Measuring and Improving Cardiovascular Homeostasis By Heart Breathing Biofeedback
Paul Lehrer
Twilight Learning in the Treatment of a Case of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Aversion Corydon Hammond
Recent Advances in the Neuro and Behavioral Sciences: Implications after Central Nervous System Damage for Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Applications to Stroke, Head Injury, Cerebral Palsy and Spinal Cord Injury Bernard S. Brucker
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: Biological and Therapeutic Effects Martha Lappin, Ph.D.
The Dangers of Balance Len Ochs
Brain Stimulation Panel Chair: Paul Swingle, with Len Ochs, Martha Lappin, Tom Budzynski
Survival of Consciousness and the Brain Gary Schwartz
Why You Need 3- Dimensions to
Understand QEEG Results William J. Hudspeth
Whiplash, Pain & PTSD: The Gain in Pain Comes Mainly From the Brain Robert Scaer
"Quirks" of Coherence Biofeedback Training   Joe Horvat
Schizophrenic Patients are Capable of NFB Training. John Gruzelier
The Hijacked Brain, Subcortical Survival Mechanisms and Alpha-Theta Training. Sue Othmer
Frontal Lobe Electro-physiological Evaluation Jay Gunkelman
New News about the Neurobiology of the Cortical Pathways of Distress Carol Schneider
Practice Promotion: Strategies for Success, Pitfalls to Avoid Mike Linden
Discussion on Practice Issues
Register Early for the year 2000 and save a fortune.
Detailed Plenary Session Abstracts and   Workshop Descriptions

Conference Vision

To bring together the field's best leaders, innovators and thinkers to share advanced, cutting edge ideas & techniques, network,& advance the fields forward while having tropical fun. The meeting covers the cutting edges of the world of mind brain and consciousness measurement, modification and training. Main themes include neurofeedback, brain mapping, qEEG, ADD, sound/light technology peak performance, brain/mind smart drugs, nutrients, power therapies, etc., clinical neuropsychophysiology and related economics, and consciousness. Over 50 speakers and 25+ workshops and a great exhibit hall. . None of the speakers are paid to present. They come because they want to hear the best experts in the world sharing their newest findings and ideas, at the first place they are reported, and they enjoy the quality of the questions and the dialogue. The workshops are extraordinary opportunities to get in-depth information, training or just the thinking of the masters of the Brain/Mind arts and sciences universe.

Meeting Exhibitors:

Futurehealth, Inc., EEG Spectrum, Thought Technology, Autogenics-Stoelting,
Tools for Exploration,  Focus Technologies, Bioresearch Institute (BioIntegrator),
Biofeedback Research Institute (BioComp), Winter's Tale, Lexicor, Takion, Wave Access,

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presenting at one of our meetings:

we love to see new faces and ideas.  our goal is to have each presenter talk about what is new and exciting-- giving him or her a buzz-- what you're passionate about. We do not want anyone's standard "dog and pony show." 


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