Sleep (Top > Science-Nature > Psychology : Sleep) (4 Articles/1 Links/4 Diaries/no Polls) |
Ed O'Malley: Does Neurofeedback Improve Sleep?
Ed O'Malley: From Neurofeedback to Sleep: Recognize and Manage Sleep Disturbance to Enhance Neurofeedback Efficacy
Ed O'Malley: From Neurofeedback to Sleep: Tools and Techniques to Recognize and Manage Insomnia to Enhance NF Efficacy
Phillip Nicholson: Meditation, Slow Wave Sleep, and Ecstatic Seizures
Molly Raaymakers: Neurofeedback and Asthma: Is Asthma the undetected variable dragging out your cases?
Ed O'Malley: Neurofeedback to Sleep: Tools and Techniques
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Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Bliss Feedback Therapy
Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: Our Built-in Biofeedback
Gary Ames: My fabulous ISNR neurofeedback conference
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Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan: "The Engine of Life" on "Everything is a play of Consciousness" Rob Kall: "I had a fascinating dream last night" on "How to Increase Dream Recall" |