Attachment (Top > Science-Nature > Psychology : Attachment) (2 Articles/no Links/no Diaries/no Polls) |
Sebern Fisher: A quick primer on Attachment Disorder
Sebern Fisher: Attachment Disorder and the Neurofeedback and Therapeutic Approaches to its Treatment in Adults and Children
Richard Soutar: Attachment, Habituation, & Mental Disorder: East Meets West
Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.: Empathy: A Network Perspective
Allan Schore: The Enduring Impact of Attachment Trauma on the Developing Right Brain: Disorders of Self-Regulation
Stan Tatkin: The Primacy of Arousal Regulation In Psychotherapy
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Saberi Roy: The Psychology of Family
Nancy White: Part 2; Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention
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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: "Suicide" on "Suicide and Mental Health: Australia Journey Day 2" |