Energy Medicine (Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Techniques : Energy Medicine) (6 Articles/no Links/no Diaries/no Polls) |
Richard Soutar: A Shaman's Guide to Neurofeedback: The Convergence of Ancient & Modern Technical Human Transformation
James Hardt: Accelerated Spiritual Growth through the Advanced Biocybernaut Process (1)
Gary Schwartz: Advances in Energy Medicine & Healing
Liana Matulich: Energetic Aspects of Biofeedback
Susan Brown: Energy Healing: Fact, Fantasy or Fantastic?
Thomas Budzynski: Energy Medicine: Exciting Area of Application
Gary Schwartz: Human Biofield
Gary Schwartz: Human Energy Systems Research
Susan Brown: Moving from Technician to Healer: Incorporating Energy healing Wisdom into a Neurofeedback Practice
Len Ochs: The Photonic Stimulator as an Adjunct to Neurofeedback
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Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Day 5 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Healing 3 (3)
Lewis Mehl-Madrona: Day 4 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Medicine 2 (2)
Judith Acosta: Brains, Babies, and Verbal First Aid
Nancy White: Part 2; Alpha-Theta Neurotherapy As a Multi-Level Matrix of Intervention
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K OConnor: "What an interesting organisation!" on "Accelerated Spiritual Growth through the Advanced Biocyberna" Julia Frecheville: "feedback" on "Article: Day 5 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Healing " Lewis Mehl-Madrona: "Tweet: Day 5 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Healing 3" on "Day 5 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Healing 3" Lewis Mehl-Madrona: "Energy Healing" on "Day 5 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Healing 3" Lewis Mehl-Madrona: "Tweet: Day 4 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Medicine 2" on "Day 4 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Medicine 2" Lewis Mehl-Madrona: "Feeling Energy" on "Day 4 of Australia 2013: Indigenous Energy Medicine 2" White Horse: "SORRY you are NOT a Native American" on "More Indian Than Thou" |