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(AC-W2-023) Permalink    CD, DVD, MP3: 
Fertile Domain of Targeted Training
View More By Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.

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Othmer, Sig. Futurehealth Workshop
The Fertile Domain of Targeted Training between Nonlinear Dynamical Orthodoxy on the Left and QEEG Fundamentalism on the Right;

Mechanisms-based Training and the Search for the Immaculate Protocol

In the freer atmosphere of a workshop, the issues will be aired regarding the relative strengths and weaknesses of the key approaches being promoted to organize protocol development in neurofeedback. The key issues alluded to in the lecture will be elaborated and explored, with openness to questions from practitioners in the audience.

It is in the contention between the distinct claims for each approach that a stronger, more comprehensive clinical protocol schema will emerge. The mechanisms-based approach in particular can benefit from insights derived from NLD-based and QEEG-based training. Recent developments along these lines will be delineated. The outline of a further developmental thrust is also becoming clear, one that can augment the strengths of each approach. The implications for our own preferred approach of targeted training will be discussed.

Three learning objectives:

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the primary approaches to protocol development in neurofeedback;
Learn about recent developments in targeted, mechanisms-based training;
Hear about potential future developments that build on the strengths of the three key approaches


Author: Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.

Siegfried Othmer has been active in neurofeedback for more than twenty years, through instrumentation development, clinical research, and the conduct of professional training courses.

Other Products by Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.

1) Simplicity and Complexity in Neurofeedback
2) Theoretical Models Underlying Neurofeedback
3) The Self-Regulation Regime: Conceptual and Practical Reunification of Biofeedback and Neurofeedback
4) Empathy: A Network Perspective
5) Pain and Neurofeedback
6) Paradoxes in Neurofeedback and Biofeedback

MP3 (2 hours)   $25.00
Currently Unavailable for Download


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