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Rob Kall
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Abstracts of The 1999 second annual Meeting On

Optimal Functioning

February 3-5, 1999, Palm Springs Organized by Rob Kall

Optimal Functioning 2000 Third Annual Meeting, Feb 3,4 Palm Springs, CA

Look at '98 First Optimal Functioning meeting, including abstracts

The vision of this meeting is to bring together the wide range of people using diverse practices and approaches to help people function better in all aspects of life, including work, sport, school, health,  creativity, developmental stages, states of consciousness, character, and mental and physical  functioning. Each speaker has been invited to discuss her/his model, vision and cases or examples of special techniques or approaches to peak performance, sports psychology, happiness, etc.. 

PS Interleaving 21 and 40 Hz Training For Peak Performance: How A Pair Can Beat A Full House
Brown, Valdeane W., Ph.D.
Most approaches to Peak Performance Training have been based on very complex paradigms. Differential placements, multiple training regimes, and arrays of adjunct procedures are combined in abstruse and arcane ways to promote what we call Optimal Flow and Function (OFF). Helping clients to Get OFF! does not need to be complex -- a simple pairing of two augments targets can do the job easily and quickly. You don’t need the "Full House" of other techniques to help clients access excellence.
This presentation describes the use of a new (21 Hz) and not often used (40 Hz) augment target to help the CNS reorganize optimally: i.e., in ways that allow us to come home to the present moment, where we can optimally flow and function. When the CNS reorganizes in terms of its underlying non-linear, dynamical structure, we lose the garbage in our own EEG: viz., the 3 & 5 Hz attractors, the 23-38 Hz hypervigilance of dredging and mulling, as well as other non-adaptive constrictions in the EEG. Whether we are Michael Jordan or not, we all have our own garbage to take out so we can flow most easily.
PS Effects of AVS on Academic Performance
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D*, John Jordy, M.A.,**
Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D.,* & Jean Tang, M.S.*
Preliminary work with the Biolight bio-driven AVS (audio-visual stimulation) convinced us that in a single session, peak alpha frequency and the hi/lo alpha band magnitude ratio (11-13)/(7-9) could be at least temporarily increased. Prior research by other investigators had shown that brighter students appeared to have faster peak alpha frequencies and higher alpha ratios. Giannitrapani’s research in particular showed a positive correlation between IQ and narrow band 13 Hz power. We then attempted to use this technique over an extended period with university students who had sought help from the Counseling Center because of difficulties they were having in school. The Biolight device was used by the students for a period of 15 minutes each day. Pre-post PSPs (Psychophysiological Stress Profiles were performed along with the IVA continuous performance test, certain IQ subtests and the POMS at each session. Grade point averages (GPAs) were collected for three quarters: Fall ’97 (pre), Winter ’98 (during) and Spring ’98 (post). Training consisted of 30 15 minute sessions, approximately 5 per week. A control group received the usual counseling help but no Biolight use. Eight subjects in each group completed the study and allowed their GPAs to be given to us for the 3 quarters. A t-test revealed a p = 0.004 for the test of pre-post differences in GPA between the experimentals and controls. Certain EEG parameters showed significant changes as predicted.
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D. Affiliate Professor, Department of Psychosocial and Community Health, Box 357263 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
John Jordy, M.A. ..Counselor, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychosocial & Community Health, Box 357263 .University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
Jean Tang, M.S. Grad student School of Nursing University of Washington.
WS2 Improving Cognitive Functioning in the Elderly"
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D., Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D., & Elsa Baehr, Ph.D.
As the large baby boomer population swells the ranks of the elderly in the next decade the need for programs of cognitive remediation increases as well. Most of these individuals realize that they may live into their 80s and 90s and may need to continue working well past the conventional retirement age of 55-65. To maintain a satisfactory level of job performance, competing with younger co-workers in particular, and enjoying life in general, they need to keep their cognitive faculties as sharp as possible. This workshop will feature background information, a long list of references, EEG signatures, the neuroanatomy of memory as defined by new fMRI studies, stress factors affecting memory, testing methods, neurofeedback protocols, light/sound augmentation, and finally, a discussion of case studies.
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D., Affiliate Professor, Department of Psychosocial and Community Health, Box 357263, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychosocial and Community Health, Box 357262, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
Elsa Baehr, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.


PS Optimizing Brain Balance with Nutritional Supplements: use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and essential fatty acids to restore normal brain chemistry for such conditions as anxiety, depression, ADD, and PMS
.Hyla Cass
WS2 Nutritional Approaches to Mental Health:
Hyla Cass
As we already know from the field of EEG diagnosis and treatment, disorders of mood, memory, and behavior often reflect underlying physical or metabolic problems, undetected and under-diagnosed by mainstream physicians. With a complementary medical approach, however, these imbalances can be successfully diagnosed and treated, using nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and natural hormones. This can be successfully combined with neurofeedback techniques, and even medication when appropriate, for optimal results.
Moreover, the decline of health vitality, and mental function with age is not inevitable. Nutrients and hormones can be used for anti-aging, rejuvenation, and optimal performance. In addition to the use of smart drugs and nutrients, levels of hormones, including DHEA, pregnenolone, testosterone, and growth hormone, in both men and women, can be measured and then supplemented accordingly.
This talk will outline my clinical approach to diagnosing and treating such imbalances and deficiencies.
Common Presenting Problems
" anxiety " fatigue " depression " impaired memory and concentration
" insomnia " sexual dysfunction or decreased interest " weight gain
Possible Underlying Causes:
" hypoglycemia, diabetes
" anemia
" food and chemical sensitivities
" hormone imbalance/deficiency (e.g. thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, adrenal)
" chronic fatigue syndrome, including Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus,
candida, parasites)
" toxicity (heavy metals, chemicals, metabolic wastes)
" deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, amino acids)
" malabsorption/poor digestion
" history -- questionnaire
" laboratory studies
" Diet: add or remove certain foods
" Exercise: including walking (aerobic), toning exercises, yoga, or tai chi
" Stress reduction techniques: meditation, yoga, biofeedback
" Nutritional supplements:
" Vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, other co-factors
" Amino acids, especially phosphatidylserine and acetyl-l-carnitine
" Hormones: thyroid, adrenal, DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, human growth hormone
Suggested Reading
  Natural Remedies/Alternative Medicine:
" Hyla Cass, M.D., St. John's Wort: Nature's Blues Buster, N.Y.: Avery, 1998
and Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia: Prima, 1998
" James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing N.Y. :
Avery Publishing Group, Inc., 1990. ($16.95)
" Broda Barnes, Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness, Harper and Row, 1976
" The Burton Goldberg Group, Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide,
Guyallup, WA: Future Medicine Publishing, Inc., 1994. ($59.95)
" M. Murray, J. Pizzorno, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Prima, 1994
" Devi Nambudripad, Say Good-bye to Illness, 6714 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, CA,
90621: Delta Publishing, 1993 (714-523-8900)
" M. Rosenbaum, M. Susser, Solving the Puzzle of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
" William Crook, M.D.,The Yeast Connection, Professional Books
Women’s Health/Hormones:
" Marcus Laux and Christine Conrad, Natural Woman, Natural Menopause,
Harper Collins, 1997
" John Lee, M.D.,What your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause,
Warner Books, 1996
" Christiane Northrup, M.D., Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, Bantam, 1994
" William Regelson, M.D., The Superhormone Promise, Simon & Schuster, 1996
" Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, Stop the Aging Clock, 1996
" Ronald Klatz, Grow Young with HGH, 1997
" Stephen Cherniske, The DHEA Breakthrough, Ballantine Books, 1997
" Jean Carper, Stop Aging Now!, Harper Collins, 1995
" John Taylor, Helping Your Hyperactive/Attention Deficit Child:
" Mary Ann Block: No More Ritalin:Treating ADHD Without Drugs
" †J. Reichenberg-Ullman & R. Ullman, Ritalin Free Kids
Brain Nutrients:
" C. Germano, J. Lombard The Brain Wellness Plan : Breakthrough Medical, Nutritional, and Immune-Boosting Therapies, 1997
" R. Hedaya, Understanding Biological Psychiatry , Norton, 1996
" W. Dean, J. Morgenthaler, Smart Drugs and Nutrients : How to Improve Your Memory and Increase Your Intelligence Using the Latest Discoveries in Neuroscience, 1991, and Smart Drugs II : The Next Gen
Biographical Data
Hyla Cass, M.D., is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine, and the author of the best-selling St. John's Wort: Nature's Blues Buster (Avery, 1998) and Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia (Prima, 1998. Integrating nutritional medicine with psychiatry in her clinical practice, she has been treating patients successfully with a variety of supplements for many years. Her areas of expertise include stress reduction, women's health (including natural hormone therapy), and natural treatments for ADD, ADHD, addictions, anxiety disorders, and depression.
A noted speaker, consultant, and educator in the areas of complementary medicine, psychiatry, and personal growth, Dr. Cass is also a corporate and media consultant, and contributes to numerous books and journals. She has been quoted in many publications, including the Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, and People Magazine, and has written for Psychiatric News," "Herbs for Health", "Natural Health", "Let's Live", and the "Journal of Longevity Research." A graduate of the University of Toronto School of Medicine, she interned at Los Angeles County - USC Medical Center, and completed a psychiatric residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/UCLA.


PS: EFT: A Paradigm Shift: "We are on the Ground Floor of A Healing Highrise" : Using EFT for Optimal Functioning
Gary Craig
P.O. Box 398
The Sea Ranch, CA 95497
707-785-2848 fax 707-785-2600
We are on the Ground Floor of a Healing High Rise and the "energy therapies" provide the elevator. They establish rapid and long lasting relief for almost every emotional issue and remove blocks to optimal performance. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an entryway into this fascinating field.
    Please be advised that EFT's impressive successes are the result of a major paradigm shift in this field. It is a psychological version of acupuncture (very gentle and does not require the use of needles) and is likely to violate the beliefs of most attendees.
To review writeups of a wide variety of EFT Case Histories as performed by numerous EFT professionals visit
What’s the Bottom Line?
Mary Deits
Top performers give us a vision of the human potential possibilities. What are some of their characteristics that separate them from the average executive or performer? What effect do these characteristics have on the way we approach optimum performance work with them. Observations are based upon biofeedback and stress management sessions with top performers at the Canyon Ranch Spa in Tucson Arizona.
Mary Deits was Director of Biofeedback Services at Canyon Ranch for over 4 yrs. She worked with well-known corporate and subcabinet executives, as well as international entertainers. Currently she is the Clinical Director of Focused Technology.


PS Client Transformations in mind, body and spirit: patterns, milestones & interventions.
Rhonda Greenberg, Psy.D.


PS Enhancing immune function with hypnosis and guided imagery
John Gruzelier
Spiritual Experiences Through 4-Channel Biocybernaut Alpha Training
Dr. James V. Hardt
Biocybernaut Institute
    Across the nation there is a large and growing interest in spiritual experiences. Witness the popularity of Michael Murphy's books describing spiritual experiences that occur on the golf course. While these golfing experiences are rare relative to the numbers of golfers, Michael Murphy believes that a contributing factor to these spiritual experiences is the alternation between intense focus and release of focus inherent in the game of golf. This factor is also present in Biocybernaut alpha training as an alternation between two minutes of eyes closed auditory feedback of EEG alpha and 8 seconds of eyes open display of the digital integrated amplitude scores. Given that alpha feedback enhances brain waves that are known to be related to meditation and prayer, it is understandable that spiritual experiences are quite common in Biocybernaut trainings. Indeed, much of the development of Biocybernaut technology and protocols has been directed toward increasing the opportunities for trainees to have spiritual experiences and spiritual growth. This report describes the spiritual experiences of three people and follows up with some of the beneficial results that changed their lives.
    The first trainee was a pregnant 15 year-old girl who had left the church, was at odds with her family, and who was intending to drop out of school and to marry the father of the unborn child in spite of his ongoing relationships with more than a dozen other girls. She also was very fearful of dying while traveling by car. The second trainee was a pregnant mother of 3 children whose pregnancy was unplanned and strongly unwanted. She referred to the growing child within her as "the alien" and was resentfully estranged from this child in her womb. She also had an excessively protective attachment to her 3 year old child leading to some neglect of her 10 and 11 year old children. The third trainee was a creative artist, a grandfather, whose Christianity had a driven quality, who was overburdened by guilt, and who worked excessively, spending little or no time with his family or grandchildren.
    Each of these people had profound spiritual experiences in the course of their Biocybernaut alpha training, which will be described in some detail. Each also had life transforming results from these spiritual experiences. The 15 year old girl reconciled with her family and returned to the church. She also realized that the child's father was not a suitable husband to her family's great relief, and she allowed her mother to care for the baby so she could continue her education. She also transcended her fear of car travel. The woman with the "alien" within her, an unwanted pregnancy, had a merging experience with her fetus and her entire attitude toward the fetus was transformed. She also used her alpha training to accomplish creative design projects for her work. After this child's birth a wholesome relationship among her four children ensued. The creative artist had spiritual experiences which put his guilt into a more healthy perspective and he did profound forgiveness of himself and others. Following this, his creativity exploded. One measure of his expanded creativity was given by his assistant who counted 80 significant pieces of art produced over more than 10 years of work for a major client. In the two and a half months following his Biocybernaut training he produced 110 significant pieces of art for the same client. In addition to this phenomenal creative output, the man was also finding more time to spend with his grandchildren.
    The ability to produce spiritual experiences and the attendant beneficial life changes are among the more valuable attributes of properly applied intensive neurofeedback training.
Expanding the Spectrum of Self-Mastery:
Mastery, Mystery, and the Technologies of Transformation
D.r Joel Levey
Joel and Michelle Levey
InnerWork Technologies, Inc.
5536 Woodlawn Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103
Tel. 206.632.3551 Fax 206.547-7895
This keynote session will introduce our community to a theoretical and contextual overview of an expanded spectrum of self-mastery disciplines. Drawing insights from nearly three decades of intensive EEG research, clinical biofeedback practice, peak performance training, corporate leadership development, and contemplative practice, Dr. Levey will offer a glimpse of the research, methods use directing the Ultimate Warrior Training Program for the US Army Green Berets, participating in a year-long silent contemplative retreat sponsored in part by the Dalai Lama, and from the Leveys' work with thousands of leaders in business and sports. Cartographies of the many dimensions of self-mastery will illustrate the dynamic synergy of: mastery and mystery; active mind skills and quiet mind skills; inner work and outer ethics, modern and ancient technologies of personal development and transformation.
WS2 Mastery, Mystery, and the Technologies of Transformation: An Experiential Workshop and Inquiry
With Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey
This highly interactive and experiential session will introduce a variety of practical principles and techniques for deepening our awareness and appreciation of the many dimensions of self that may be
discovered, appreciated, regulated, and mastered. These approaches are complementary to neurofeedback and draw insights from nearly three decades of intensive EEG research, clinical practice, peak performance training, corporate leadership development and contemplative practice.
The Leveys will introduce a variety of methods to understanding the complimentarity of: mastery and mystery; active mind skills and quiet mind skills; outer and inner, and modern and ancient technologies for personal transformation.
Joel Levey, Ph.D. & Michelle Levey, M.A. are founders of Seattle based InnerWork Technologies, Inc., a firm that specializes in developing and renewing organizational cultures in which team spirit, community, creative intelligence, life-work balance, and inspired leadership can thrive. The Leveys serve as Chairpersons for the Center for Corporate Culture & Organizational Health at the Institute for Health and Productivity Management, have served on the faculty of Antioch University, Bastyre University, International Center for Organization Design, and have directed clinical psychophysiological theraphy programs at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound and Children's Hospital. Over the past 25 years they have worked with over 200 leading organizations including: AT&T, NASA, Advanced Technologies Laboratories, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Intuit, Sun, NOAA, Petro Canada, SRI, and the World Bank. As leaders of the U.S. Army's "Ultimate Warrior Project" they guided 'biocybernautic training' for the U.S. Army Green Berets. They have studied closely with many of the world's most respected contemplative masters and have participated in dozens of intensive contemplative retreats including a year long silent retreat sponsored in part by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Leveys published works include: Living in Balance: A Dynamic Approach to Creating Harmony & Wholeness in a Chaotic World (Book of the Month Club Main Selection - Feb. '98 from Conari Press), two new books--Wisdom at Work and Simple Relaxation and Meditation (both due in May 1999 from Conari Press); The Fine Art of Relaxation 'self-guided' CD, and The Focused Mindstate--one of Nightingale-Conant's best selling business products.
They are contributing authors for numerous business anthologies. The Leveys are based in Seattle and offer services to organizations around the globe. (Info:
NeuroFeedback for Optimal Functioning with Psychotherapy Patients
Linda Mason


Performance Enhancement Training Effects on Attention: A Case Study.
S.Louise Norris, Ph.D., Ching-tse Lee, Ph.D., Juan Cea, and Dmitry Burshteyn.
    The purpose of this case study was to evaluate the effects of alpha-increase biofeedback training on human attention. A healthy twenty-three year old male college student had undergone twenty-three sessions of alpha- increase biofeedback (8-13 Hz) at PZ electrode site for a period of eleven weeks. Pre-and Post- visual TOVA CPT test was administered to assess the changes in reaction times and their variability. QEEG evaluation was conducted prior as well as upon the completion of the study. The results of the TOVA test clearly indicate an improvement in individual’s reaction time and the reaction time variability. Statistical analysis showed that before and after QEEG evaluations were within normal limits.


The Effects of Performance Enhancement Training on Human Attention,
Hypertension, Stress, and Brain Wave Patterns.
S.Louise Norris, Ph.D., Ching-tse Lee, Ph.D., Dmitry Burshteyn M.A., and Juan Cea-Aravena
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of alpha-increase neurofeedback training (Performance Enhancement Training) on self-awareness, human attention, blood pressure, stress reduction and brain wave patterns. A forty-nine-year-old male college student, diagnosed with essential hypertension controlled by medication, had undergone twenty-six sessions of alpha-increase biofeedback (8-13 Hz) at PZ electrode site for a total period of 15 weeks. Pre and Post visual TOVA tests were administered to assess variables of attention in accuracy, reaction time (RT), and RT variability. The results of the TOVA tests clearly showed an improvement in individual’s reaction time, the reaction time variability and percentage of omission error. Participant’s blood pressure was measured twice in each session, namely before and after training. After 13 sessions of training, participant discontinued his medication as advised by his physician. The analyses of Mean Arterial Blood pressure (MAP) revealed that the post training sessions’ MAP measures were significantly lower than the pre training sessions’ MAP measures. The participant’s systolic and diastolic blood pressures of the first 13 sessions were not significantly different from those of the last 13 sessions. Pre and Post training assessment of stress with Osterkamp and Press Self-Assessment Stress Inventory indicated stress reduction in two areas, work and social life. The participant was able to increase his alpha amplitude level, in relation to his baseline reading, from 61% in his initial five sessions to 89% in his five final sessions. QEEG evaluation was conducted prior as well as upon the completion of the study. Statistical analyses showed that before and after QEEG evaluations were within normal limits.
Key Insights from my Ten Years at Tools:
BioPhysics, Neuro-optimization, Neuromysticism, and an Emerging New Multimedium
by Terry Patten
Founder, Tools For Exploration
4286 Redwood Hwy, #255
San Rafael, CA 94903
415/499-7727 Fax
If the human system is as much an energy phenomenon as a biochemical mechanism, then our biophysics is just as fundamental to us as our biochemistry. Self-control of brainwaves, heartwaves, and autonomic responses as well as passive exposure to certain patterns of light, color, sound, electricity, energy frequencies and music can provoke profound and stable shifts, that may even resolve diverse persistent symptoms and liberate important new abilities and awareness. At the same time, our senses and nervous systems are exquisitely sensitive and can be profoundly diminished by alcohol, drugs, television, numbing sound pollution, EMFs, chemical toxins, and overstimulation of various kinds.
What does this reveal about the human nervous system? (1) It is exquisitely sensitive. (2) It is a self-regulating, non-linear, open, adaptive homeostatic system that can fall to "lower" or rise to "higher" levels of flexibility, responsiveness, and unpredictability. (3) It begs another question: Along this continuum, what characteristics define higher levels of neurological function? Are they primarily definable in terms of function, or perhaps choice, or perhaps awareness? Is a kind of myticism inherent in human neurology?
Viewed in the largest context, what is our field contributing? (1) We have given birth to a new, rapidly improving, trait-altering biophysics-based alternative to biochemistry-based psychopharmacology. (2) We are in the process of giving birth to a new multimedium, which uses direct neuro-triggering to induce powerful, intimate, state-altering effects, a biophysics-based alternative to biochemistry- based psychedelic drugs.
Terry Patten - Bio
Generalist, entrepreneur and consciousness explorer Terry Patten is best known as the founder, and for a decade, the guiding spirit behind the Tools For Exploration catalog, the publication which first united in one place the hundreds of new products that embody cutting-edge technologies for peak performance, stress management, and energy enhancement, each designed to somehow integrate and/or empower the human mind/brain, the human body/mind/consciousness, and the universal subtle energy/spirit. He is co-designer of the BioCircuit products, the Breathwork Explorer biofeedback tool, co-producer of numerous psycho-acoustic recordings, including those of Neuro-Acoustic Laboratories, including The Five Directions, as well as Anna Wise's recordings, The High Performance Mind and Paul Swingle's Attention!. He is also an independent certified trainer in the HeartMath System(R) of tools for managing mind and emotions, and currently is overseeing the development of a new heart-rate variability monitor and biofeedback device based on the Intitute of HeartMath's research. He is also known as co-author (with Leslie Patten) of the book, BioCircuits, and a (with Julian Isaacs) Double-Blind Study of the BioCircuit, a Putative Subtle Energy Device.


Audio-Visual Entrainment as Applied to Peak Performance
David Siever
Throughout the centuries, athletes and their trainers have made great strides in perfecting the various physical, mechanical and nutritional skills needed to produce the peak physical performance of athletes. It has only been of recent that the scientific study of the mental performance of an athlete has been shown to be a serious part of performance training. In the last decade, audio-visual entrainment (AVE) has shown promise in helping athletes and non-athletic peak-performers such as business persons, stock brokers, actors, musicians and so on maintain extended periods of peak performance. AVE produces dissociation which can be used with NLP, visualization and desensitization therapy. Athletes also report that they feel more relaxed and focussed and they feel less post-workout pain when combining their exercise program with AVE. Dave will present success stories (some on video tape) and explain the affects that AVE has in relation to elevating and maintaining these precious states of mind.


PS Training to Achieve an Optimal (Ideal) Performance State
Michael & Lynda Thompson
An overview of the components of an ideal performance state will be presented. These components are grouped under the headings (1) physiological readiness, (2) mental readiness, (3) active work (mental and/or physical). For each of the 11 components listed under these three areas we wil1 describe: the Why (objectives), the What (measurements), and the How (interventions). The training procedures include biofeedback, neurofeedback, Samonas sound therapy, a Satori relaxation technique and metacognition.
WS2 Training to Achieve an Optimal (Ideal) Performance State
Michael Thompson, Lynda Thompson, Frank or Mary Diets
Participants: Participants should have some experience with neurofeedback and biofeedback.
An overview of the components of an ideal performance state will be presented. These components are grouped under the headings (1) physiological readiness, (2) mental readiness, (3) active work (mental and/or physical). For each of the 11 components listed under these three areas we wil1 describe the Why - objectives, the What - measurements and the How - interventions. The training procedures include biofeedback, neurofeedback, Samonas sound therapy, a Satori- relaxation technique and metacognition.
Each participant will learn to:
1. Define physiological & psychological (mental) readiness. These will be defined in terms of physiological parameters which can be measured and monitored to clarify the individuals state of relaxed, alert, calm, aware and reflective mental state. This sets the stage for:
2. Mental work. This will also be defined in terms of physiological parameters which can be measured and monitored. These measures clarify the individuals ability to maintain focus, concentration and use strategies in an appropriate and flexible manner.
3. Apply the appropriate monitoring techniques at times which will be most helpful to their client.
ADD Centre
50 Village Centre Place
Mississauga, ON, L4Z 1V9


PS45: Deep EEG Training & the Evolution of Human consciousness
Steve Wall
In this presentation, we will explore both subjective and objective data from 120 sessions of EEG feedback completed by the presenter, who served as both researcher and subject. It will illustrate both session-by session and longitudinally what neurofeedback training can look like when the explorer makes a commitment to undertake a challenge such as this. Included in this presentation will be a personal account of this voyage illustrated by neuro data revealing the challenges inherent in changing brain function, training towards a specific criterion, personality change, and electroencephalographic change.
The motive behind this exploration was to prove that specialized states of consciousness exist and are indeed trainable. This training focused on precision control in the seven hertz region, and the presenter will share the personal difficulties as well as the EEG data that represent this struggle and achievement.
Brief Bio:
Stephen Wall, M.A., Director of BRI, became involved with biofeedback in 1979, and began examining right- and left-brain high-resolution computerized EEG in 1980. Steve established the Bio Research Institute in 1983 to advance understanding of the relationships between mind and body, provide clinical biofeedback and increase our knowledge of specialized states of consciousness. Steve taught at Sonoma State University in the Biofeedback Professional Training Sequence from 1981-1998 and is the creator of the Bio Integrator an advanced biofeedback system.
Steve is certified by the BCIA in both biofeedback and neurotherapy.
Contact Information:
Stephen E. Wall, Director
Bio Research Institute
331 East Cotati Avenue
Cotati, CA 94931
(707) 795-1136
FAX: (707) 795-2460
Web site:
Preparing the Client for Increased Retention
Paul Swingle


Zygomation: Smile Work
Rob Kall
PS Interleaving 21 and 40 Hz Training For Peak Performance: How A Pair Can Beat A Full House
Brown, Valdeane W., Ph.D.
Most approaches to Peak Performance Training have been based on very complex paradigms. Differential placements, multiple training regimes, and arrays of adjunct procedures are combined in abstruse and arcane ways to promote what we call Optimal Flow and Function (OFF). Helping clients to Get OFF! does not need to be complex -- a simple pairing of two augments targets can do the job easily and quickly. You don’t need the "Full House" of other techniques to help clients access excellence.
This presentation describes the use of a new (21 Hz) and not often used (40 Hz) augment target to help the CNS reorganize optimally: i.e., in ways that allow us to come home to the present moment, where we can optimally flow and function. When the CNS reorganizes in terms of its underlying non-linear, dynamical structure, we lose the garbage in our own EEG: viz., the 3 & 5 Hz attractors, the 23-38 Hz hypervigilance of dredging and mulling, as well as other non-adaptive constrictions in the EEG. Whether we are Michael Jordan or not, we all have our own garbage to take out so we can flow most easily.


PS Effects of AVS on Academic Performance
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D*, John Jordy, M.A.,**
Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D.,* & Jean Tang, M.S.*
Preliminary work with the Biolight bio-driven AVS (audio-visual stimulation) convinced us that in a single session, peak alpha frequency and the hi/lo alpha band magnitude ratio (11-13)/(7-9) could be at least temporarily increased. Prior research by other investigators had shown that brighter students appeared to have faster peak alpha frequencies and higher alpha ratios. Giannitrapani’s research in particular showed a positive correlation between IQ and narrow band 13 Hz power. We then attempted to use this technique over an extended period with university students who had sought help from the Counseling Center because of difficulties they were having in school. The Biolight device was used by the students for a period of 15 minutes each day. Pre-post PSPs (Psychophysiological Stress Profiles were performed along with the IVA continuous performance test, certain IQ subtests and the POMS at each session. Grade point averages (GPAs) were collected for three quarters: Fall ’97 (pre), Winter ’98 (during) and Spring ’98 (post). Training consisted of 30 15 minute sessions, approximately 5 per week. A control group received the usual counseling help but no Biolight use. Eight subjects in each group completed the study and allowed their GPAs to be given to us for the 3 quarters. A t-test revealed a p = 0.004 for the test of pre-post differences in GPA between the experimentals and controls. Certain EEG parameters showed significant changes as predicted.
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D. Affiliate Professor, Department of Psychosocial and Community Health, Box 357263 University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
John Jordy, M.A. ..Counselor, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychosocial & Community Health, Box 357263 .University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
Jean Tang, M.S. Grad student School of Nursing University of Washington.
WS2 Improving Cognitive Functioning in the Elderly"
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D., Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D., & Elsa Baehr, Ph.D.
As the large baby boomer population swells the ranks of the elderly in the next decade the need for programs of cognitive remediation increases as well. Most of these individuals realize that they may live into their 80s and 90s and may need to continue working well past the conventional retirement age of 55-65. To maintain a satisfactory level of job performance, competing with younger co-workers in particular, and enjoying life in general, they need to keep their cognitive faculties as sharp as possible. This workshop will feature background information, a long list of references, EEG signatures, the neuroanatomy of memory as defined by new fMRI studies, stress factors affecting memory, testing methods, neurofeedback protocols, light/sound augmentation, and finally, a discussion of case studies.
Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D., Affiliate Professor, Department of Psychosocial and Community Health, Box 357263, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
Helen Kogan Budzynski, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychosocial and Community Health, Box 357262, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-7263.
Elsa Baehr, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL.


PS Optimizing Brain Balance with Nutritional Supplements: use of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and essential fatty acids to restore normal brain chemistry for such conditions as anxiety, depression, ADD, and PMS
.Hyla Cass
WS2 Nutritional Approaches to Mental Health:
Hyla Cass
As we already know from the field of EEG diagnosis and treatment, disorders of mood, memory, and behavior often reflect underlying physical or metabolic problems, undetected and under-diagnosed by mainstream physicians. With a complementary medical approach, however, these imbalances can be successfully diagnosed and treated, using nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and natural hormones. This can be successfully combined with neurofeedback techniques, and even medication when appropriate, for optimal results.
Moreover, the decline of health vitality, and mental function with age is not inevitable. Nutrients and hormones can be used for anti-aging, rejuvenation, and optimal performance. In addition to the use of smart drugs and nutrients, levels of hormones, including DHEA, pregnenolone, testosterone, and growth hormone, in both men and women, can be measured and then supplemented accordingly.
This talk will outline my clinical approach to diagnosing and treating such imbalances and deficiencies.
Common Presenting Problems
" anxiety " fatigue " depression " impaired memory and concentration
" insomnia " sexual dysfunction or decreased interest " weight gain
Possible Underlying Causes:
" hypoglycemia, diabetes
" anemia
" food and chemical sensitivities
" hormone imbalance/deficiency (e.g. thyroid, estrogen, progesterone, adrenal)
" chronic fatigue syndrome, including Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus,
candida, parasites)
" toxicity (heavy metals, chemicals, metabolic wastes)
" deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, amino acids)
" malabsorption/poor digestion
" history -- questionnaire
" laboratory studies
" Diet: add or remove certain foods
" Exercise: including walking (aerobic), toning exercises, yoga, or tai chi
" Stress reduction techniques: meditation, yoga, biofeedback
" Nutritional supplements:
" Vitamins, minerals, herbs, enzymes, other co-factors
" Amino acids, especially phosphatidylserine and acetyl-l-carnitine
" Hormones: thyroid, adrenal, DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, human growth hormone
Suggested Reading
  Natural Remedies/Alternative Medicine:
" Hyla Cass, M.D., St. John's Wort: Nature's Blues Buster, N.Y.: Avery, 1998
and Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia: Prima, 1998
" James F. Balch and Phyllis A. Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing N.Y. :
Avery Publishing Group, Inc., 1990. ($16.95)
" Broda Barnes, Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness, Harper and Row, 1976
" The Burton Goldberg Group, Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide,
Guyallup, WA: Future Medicine Publishing, Inc., 1994. ($59.95)
" M. Murray, J. Pizzorno, Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Prima, 1994
" Devi Nambudripad, Say Good-bye to Illness, 6714 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, CA,
90621: Delta Publishing, 1993 (714-523-8900)
" M. Rosenbaum, M. Susser, Solving the Puzzle of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
" William Crook, M.D.,The Yeast Connection, Professional Books
Women’s Health/Hormones:
" Marcus Laux and Christine Conrad, Natural Woman, Natural Menopause,
Harper Collins, 1997
" John Lee, M.D.,What your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause,
Warner Books, 1996
" Christiane Northrup, M.D., Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, Bantam, 1994
" William Regelson, M.D., The Superhormone Promise, Simon & Schuster, 1996
" Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman, Stop the Aging Clock, 1996
" Ronald Klatz, Grow Young with HGH, 1997
" Stephen Cherniske, The DHEA Breakthrough, Ballantine Books, 1997
" Jean Carper, Stop Aging Now!, Harper Collins, 1995
" John Taylor, Helping Your Hyperactive/Attention Deficit Child:
" Mary Ann Block: No More Ritalin:Treating ADHD Without Drugs
" †J. Reichenberg-Ullman & R. Ullman, Ritalin Free Kids
Brain Nutrients:
" C. Germano, J. Lombard The Brain Wellness Plan : Breakthrough Medical, Nutritional, and Immune-Boosting Therapies, 1997
" R. Hedaya, Understanding Biological Psychiatry , Norton, 1996
" W. Dean, J. Morgenthaler, Smart Drugs and Nutrients : How to Improve Your Memory and Increase Your Intelligence Using the Latest Discoveries in Neuroscience, 1991, and Smart Drugs II : The Next Gen
Biographical Data
Hyla Cass, M.D., is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine, and the author of the best-selling St. John's Wort: Nature's Blues Buster (Avery, 1998) and Kava: Nature's Answer to Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia (Prima, 1998. Integrating nutritional medicine with psychiatry in her clinical practice, she has been treating patients successfully with a variety of supplements for many years. Her areas of expertise include stress reduction, women's health (including natural hormone therapy), and natural treatments for ADD, ADHD, addictions, anxiety disorders, and depression.
A noted speaker, consultant, and educator in the areas of complementary medicine, psychiatry, and personal growth, Dr. Cass is also a corporate and media consultant, and contributes to numerous books and journals. She has been quoted in many publications, including the Los Angeles Times, Time Magazine, and People Magazine, and has written for Psychiatric News," "Herbs for Health", "Natural Health", "Let's Live", and the "Journal of Longevity Research." A graduate of the University of Toronto School of Medicine, she interned at Los Angeles County - USC Medical Center, and completed a psychiatric residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/UCLA.


PS: EFT: A Paradigm Shift: "We are on the Ground Floor of A Healing Highrise" : Using EFT for Optimal Functioning
Gary Craig
P.O. Box 398
The Sea Ranch, CA 95497
707-785-2848 fax 707-785-2600
We are on the Ground Floor of a Healing High Rise and the "energy therapies" provide the elevator. They establish rapid and long lasting relief for almost every emotional issue and remove blocks to optimal performance. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is an entryway into this fascinating field.
    Please be advised that EFT's impressive successes are the result of a major paradigm shift in this field. It is a psychological version of acupuncture (very gentle and does not require the use of needles) and is likely to violate the beliefs of most attendees.
To review writeups of a wide variety of EFT Case Histories as performed by numerous EFT professionals visit
What’s the Bottom Line?
Mary Deits
Top performers give us a vision of the human potential possibilities. What are some of their characteristics that separate them from the average executive or performer? What effect do these characteristics have on the way we approach optimum performance work with them. Observations are based upon biofeedback and stress management sessions with top performers at the Canyon Ranch Spa in Tucson Arizona.
Mary Deits was Director of Biofeedback Services at Canyon Ranch for over 4 yrs. She worked with well-known corporate and subcabinet executives, as well as international entertainers. Currently she is the Clinical Director of Focused Technology.


PS Client Transformations in mind, body and spirit: patterns, milestones & interventions.
Rhonda Greenberg, Psy.D.


PS Enhancing immune function with hypnosis and guided imagery
John Gruzelier


Spiritual Experiences Through 4-Channel Biocybernaut Alpha Training
Dr. James V. Hardt
Biocybernaut Institute
    Across the nation there is a large and growing interest in spiritual experiences. Witness the popularity of Michael Murphy's books describing spiritual experiences that occur on the golf course. While these golfing experiences are rare relative to the numbers of golfers, Michael Murphy believes that a contributing factor to these spiritual experiences is the alternation between intense focus and release of focus inherent in the game of golf. This factor is also present in Biocybernaut alpha training as an alternation between two minutes of eyes closed auditory feedback of EEG alpha and 8 seconds of eyes open display of the digital integrated amplitude scores. Given that alpha feedback enhances brain waves that are known to be related to meditation and prayer, it is understandable that spiritual experiences are quite common in Biocybernaut trainings. Indeed, much of the development of Biocybernaut technology and protocols has been directed toward increasing the opportunities for trainees to have spiritual experiences and spiritual growth. This report describes the spiritual experiences of three people and follows up with some of the beneficial results that changed their lives.
    The first trainee was a pregnant 15 year-old girl who had left the church, was at odds with her family, and who was intending to drop out of school and to marry the father of the unborn child in spite of his ongoing relationships with more than a dozen other girls. She also was very fearful of dying while traveling by car. The second trainee was a pregnant mother of 3 children whose pregnancy was unplanned and strongly unwanted. She referred to the growing child within her as "the alien" and was resentfully estranged from this child in her womb. She also had an excessively protective attachment to her 3 year old child leading to some neglect of her 10 and 11 year old children. The third trainee was a creative artist, a grandfather, whose Christianity had a driven quality, who was overburdened by guilt, and who worked excessively, spending little or no time with his family or grandchildren.
    Each of these people had profound spiritual experiences in the course of their Biocybernaut alpha training, which will be described in some detail. Each also had life transforming results from these spiritual experiences. The 15 year old girl reconciled with her family and returned to the church. She also realized that the child's father was not a suitable husband to her family's great relief, and she allowed her mother to care for the baby so she could continue her education. She also transcended her fear of car travel. The woman with the "alien" within her, an unwanted pregnancy, had a merging experience with her fetus and her entire attitude toward the fetus was transformed. She also used her alpha training to accomplish creative design projects for her work. After this child's birth a wholesome relationship among her four children ensued. The creative artist had spiritual experiences which put his guilt into a more healthy perspective and he did profound forgiveness of himself and others. Following this, his creativity exploded. One measure of his expanded creativity was given by his assistant who counted 80 significant pieces of art produced over more than 10 years of work for a major client. In the two and a half months following his Biocybernaut training he produced 110 significant pieces of art for the same client. In addition to this phenomenal creative output, the man was also finding more time to spend with his grandchildren.
    The ability to produce spiritual experiences and the attendant beneficial life changes are among the more valuable attributes of properly applied intensive neurofeedback training.
Expanding the Spectrum of Self-Mastery:
Mastery, Mystery, and the Technologies of Transformation
D.r Joel Levey
Joel and Michelle Levey
InnerWork Technologies, Inc.
5536 Woodlawn Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98103
Tel. 206.632.3551 Fax 206.547-7895
This keynote session will introduce our community to a theoretical and contextual overview of an expanded spectrum of self-mastery disciplines. Drawing insights from nearly three decades of intensive EEG research, clinical biofeedback practice, peak performance training, corporate leadership development, and contemplative practice, Dr. Levey will offer a glimpse of the research, methods use directing the Ultimate Warrior Training Program for the US Army Green Berets, participating in a year-long silent contemplative retreat sponsored in part by the Dalai Lama, and from the Leveys' work with thousands of leaders in business and sports. Cartographies of the many dimensions of self-mastery will illustrate the dynamic synergy of: mastery and mystery; active mind skills and quiet mind skills; inner work and outer ethics, modern and ancient technologies of personal development and transformation.
WS2 Mastery, Mystery, and the Technologies of Transformation: An Experiential Workshop and Inquiry
With Dr. Joel and Michelle Levey
This highly interactive and experiential session will introduce a variety of practical principles and techniques for deepening our awareness and appreciation of the many dimensions of self that may be
discovered, appreciated, regulated, and mastered. These approaches are complementary to neurofeedback and draw insights from nearly three decades of intensive EEG research, clinical practice, peak performance training, corporate leadership development and contemplative practice.
The Leveys will introduce a variety of methods to understanding the complimentarity of: mastery and mystery; active mind skills and quiet mind skills; outer and inner, and modern and ancient technologies for personal transformation.
Joel Levey, Ph.D. & Michelle Levey, M.A. are founders of Seattle based InnerWork Technologies, Inc., a firm that specializes in developing and renewing organizational cultures in which team spirit, community, creative intelligence, life-work balance, and inspired leadership can thrive. The Leveys serve as Chairpersons for the Center for Corporate Culture & Organizational Health at the Institute for Health and Productivity Management, have served on the faculty of Antioch University, Bastyre University, International Center for Organization Design, and have directed clinical psychophysiological theraphy programs at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound and Children's Hospital. Over the past 25 years they have worked with over 200 leading organizations including: AT&T, NASA, Advanced Technologies Laboratories, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Intuit, Sun, NOAA, Petro Canada, SRI, and the World Bank. As leaders of the U.S. Army's "Ultimate Warrior Project" they guided 'biocybernautic training' for the U.S. Army Green Berets. They have studied closely with many of the world's most respected contemplative masters and have participated in dozens of intensive contemplative retreats including a year long silent retreat sponsored in part by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The Leveys published works include: Living in Balance: A Dynamic Approach to Creating Harmony & Wholeness in a Chaotic World (Book of the Month Club Main Selection - Feb. '98 from Conari Press), two new books--Wisdom at Work and Simple Relaxation and Meditation (both due in May 1999 from Conari Press); The Fine Art of Relaxation 'self-guided' CD, and The Focused Mindstate--one of Nightingale-Conant's best selling business products.
They are contributing authors for numerous business anthologies. The Leveys are based in Seattle and offer services to organizations around the globe. (Info:
NeuroFeedback for Optimal Functioning with Psychotherapy Patients
Linda Mason


Performance Enhancement Training Effects on Attention: A Case Study.
S.Louise Norris, Ph.D., Ching-tse Lee, Ph.D., Juan Cea, and Dmitry Burshteyn.
    The purpose of this case study was to evaluate the effects of alpha-increase biofeedback training on human attention. A healthy twenty-three year old male college student had undergone twenty-three sessions of alpha- increase biofeedback (8-13 Hz) at PZ electrode site for a period of eleven weeks. Pre-and Post- visual TOVA CPT test was administered to assess the changes in reaction times and their variability. QEEG evaluation was conducted prior as well as upon the completion of the study. The results of the TOVA test clearly indicate an improvement in individual’s reaction time and the reaction time variability. Statistical analysis showed that before and after QEEG evaluations were within normal limits.


The Effects of Performance Enhancement Training on Human Attention,
Hypertension, Stress, and Brain Wave Patterns.
S.Louise Norris, Ph.D., Ching-tse Lee, Ph.D., Dmitry Burshteyn M.A., and Juan Cea-Aravena
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of alpha-increase neurofeedback training (Performance Enhancement Training) on self-awareness, human attention, blood pressure, stress reduction and brain wave patterns. A forty-nine-year-old male college student, diagnosed with essential hypertension controlled by medication, had undergone twenty-six sessions of alpha-increase biofeedback (8-13 Hz) at PZ electrode site for a total period of 15 weeks. Pre and Post visual TOVA tests were administered to assess variables of attention in accuracy, reaction time (RT), and RT variability. The results of the TOVA tests clearly showed an improvement in individual’s reaction time, the reaction time variability and percentage of omission error. Participant’s blood pressure was measured twice in each session, namely before and after training. After 13 sessions of training, participant discontinued his medication as advised by his physician. The analyses of Mean Arterial Blood pressure (MAP) revealed that the post training sessions’ MAP measures were significantly lower than the pre training sessions’ MAP measures. The participant’s systolic and diastolic blood pressures of the first 13 sessions were not significantly different from those of the last 13 sessions. Pre and Post training assessment of stress with Osterkamp and Press Self-Assessment Stress Inventory indicated stress reduction in two areas, work and social life. The participant was able to increase his alpha amplitude level, in relation to his baseline reading, from 61% in his initial five sessions to 89% in his five final sessions. QEEG evaluation was conducted prior as well as upon the completion of the study. Statistical analyses showed that before and after QEEG evaluations were within normal limits.
Key Insights from my Ten Years at Tools:
BioPhysics, Neuro-optimization, Neuromysticism, and an Emerging New Multimedium
by Terry Patten
Founder, Tools For Exploration
4286 Redwood Hwy, #255
San Rafael, CA 94903
415/499-7727 Fax
If the human system is as much an energy phenomenon as a biochemical mechanism, then our biophysics is just as fundamental to us as our biochemistry. Self-control of brainwaves, heartwaves, and autonomic responses as well as passive exposure to certain patterns of light, color, sound, electricity, energy frequencies and music can provoke profound and stable shifts, that may even resolve diverse persistent symptoms and liberate important new abilities and awareness. At the same time, our senses and nervous systems are exquisitely sensitive and can be profoundly diminished by alcohol, drugs, television, numbing sound pollution, EMFs, chemical toxins, and overstimulation of various kinds.
What does this reveal about the human nervous system? (1) It is exquisitely sensitive. (2) It is a self-regulating, non-linear, open, adaptive homeostatic system that can fall to "lower" or rise to "higher" levels of flexibility, responsiveness, and unpredictability. (3) It begs another question: Along this continuum, what characteristics define higher levels of neurological function? Are they primarily definable in terms of function, or perhaps choice, or perhaps awareness? Is a kind of myticism inherent in human neurology?
Viewed in the largest context, what is our field contributing? (1) We have given birth to a new, rapidly improving, trait-altering biophysics-based alternative to biochemistry-based psychopharmacology. (2) We are in the process of giving birth to a new multimedium, which uses direct neuro-triggering to induce powerful, intimate, state-altering effects, a biophysics-based alternative to biochemistry- based psychedelic drugs.
Terry Patten - Bio
Generalist, entrepreneur and consciousness explorer Terry Patten is best known as the founder, and for a decade, the guiding spirit behind the Tools For Exploration catalog, the publication which first united in one place the hundreds of new products that embody cutting-edge technologies for peak performance, stress management, and energy enhancement, each designed to somehow integrate and/or empower the human mind/brain, the human body/mind/consciousness, and the universal subtle energy/spirit. He is co-designer of the BioCircuit products, the Breathwork Explorer biofeedback tool, co-producer of numerous psycho-acoustic recordings, including those of Neuro-Acoustic Laboratories, including The Five Directions, as well as Anna Wise's recordings, The High Performance Mind and Paul Swingle's Attention!. He is also an independent certified trainer in the HeartMath System(R) of tools for managing mind and emotions, and currently is overseeing the development of a new heart-rate variability monitor and biofeedback device based on the Intitute of HeartMath's research. He is also known as co-author (with Leslie Patten) of the book, BioCircuits, and a (with Julian Isaacs) Double-Blind Study of the BioCircuit, a Putative Subtle Energy Device.


Audio-Visual Entrainment as Applied to Peak Performance
David Siever
Throughout the centuries, athletes and their trainers have made great strides in perfecting the various physical, mechanical and nutritional skills needed to produce the peak physical performance of athletes. It has only been of recent that the scientific study of the mental performance of an athlete has been shown to be a serious part of performance training. In the last decade, audio-visual entrainment (AVE) has shown promise in helping athletes and non-athletic peak-performers such as business persons, stock brokers, actors, musicians and so on maintain extended periods of peak performance. AVE produces dissociation which can be used with NLP, visualization and desensitization therapy. Athletes also report that they feel more relaxed and focussed and they feel less post-workout pain when combining their exercise program with AVE. Dave will present success stories (some on video tape) and explain the affects that AVE has in relation to elevating and maintaining these precious states of mind.


PS Training to Achieve an Optimal (Ideal) Performance State
Michael & Lynda Thompson
An overview of the components of an ideal performance state will be presented. These components are grouped under the headings (1) physiological readiness, (2) mental readiness, (3) active work (mental and/or physical). For each of the 11 components listed under these three areas we wil1 describe: the Why (objectives), the What (measurements), and the How (interventions). The training procedures include biofeedback, neurofeedback, Samonas sound therapy, a Satori relaxation technique and metacognition.
WS2 Training to Achieve an Optimal (Ideal) Performance State
Michael Thompson, Lynda Thompson, Frank or Mary Diets
Participants: Participants should have some experience with neurofeedback and biofeedback.
An overview of the components of an ideal performance state will be presented. These components are grouped under the headings (1) physiological readiness, (2) mental readiness, (3) active work (mental and/or physical). For each of the 11 components listed under these three areas we wil1 describe the Why - objectives, the What - measurements and the How - interventions. The training procedures include biofeedback, neurofeedback, Samonas sound therapy, a Satori- relaxation technique and metacognition.
Each participant will learn to:
1. Define physiological & psychological (mental) readiness. These will be defined in terms of physiological parameters which can be measured and monitored to clarify the individuals state of relaxed, alert, calm, aware and reflective mental state. This sets the stage for:
2. Mental work. This will also be defined in terms of physiological parameters which can be measured and monitored. These measures clarify the individuals ability to maintain focus, concentration and use strategies in an appropriate and flexible manner.
3. Apply the appropriate monitoring techniques at times which will be most helpful to their client.
ADD Centre
50 Village Centre Place
Mississauga, ON, L4Z 1V9


PS45: Deep EEG Training & the Evolution of Human consciousness
Steve Wall
In this presentation, we will explore both subjective and objective data from 120 sessions of EEG feedback completed by the presenter, who served as both researcher and subject. It will illustrate both session-by session and longitudinally what neurofeedback training can look like when the explorer makes a commitment to undertake a challenge such as this. Included in this presentation will be a personal account of this voyage illustrated by neuro data revealing the challenges inherent in changing brain function, training towards a specific criterion, personality change, and electroencephalographic change.
The motive behind this exploration was to prove that specialized states of consciousness exist and are indeed trainable. This training focused on precision control in the seven hertz region, and the presenter will share the personal difficulties as well as the EEG data that represent this struggle and achievement.
Brief Bio:
Stephen Wall, M.A., Director of BRI, became involved with biofeedback in 1979, and began examining right- and left-brain high-resolution computerized EEG in 1980. Steve established the Bio Research Institute in 1983 to advance understanding of the relationships between mind and body, provide clinical biofeedback and increase our knowledge of specialized states of consciousness. Steve taught at Sonoma State University in the Biofeedback Professional Training Sequence from 1981-1998 and is the creator of the Bio Integrator an advanced biofeedback system.
Steve is certified by the BCIA in both biofeedback and neurotherapy.
Contact Information:
Stephen E. Wall, Director
Bio Research Institute
331 East Cotati Avenue
Cotati, CA 94931
(707) 795-1136
FAX: (707) 795-2460
Web site:
Preparing the Client for Increased Retention
Paul Swingle
Zygomation: Smile Work
see  article smile anatomy
Rob Kall




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