sEMG+ for Procomp dynamic EMG system
top of the line
instrumentation for surface Electromyography. Utilizing Thought
Technology's ProComp+ encoder and its the new SEMG+ software, the physical
medicine and pain practitioner now has a tool that can monitor up to 8 channels
of sEMG. And, it is software specifically designed with the
practitioner in mind.
- The Familiar Feel Of The WindowsTM
- Technical Displays
- Sweep Speed and Sensitivity
- Pull Down Menus for Muscle
- Pull Down Menus for Movement
- Audio Feedback
- Training Templates (Motor Copy)
- NMES Software
- Clinical Protocols designed by
- Trials defined "on the
- Easy Access to Statistical Data
- Session Review
- Meaningful Clinical Reports
SEMG+ Software Features
- Complete data base management.
Easy to create, find and manage patient files.
- Clinically relevant screens.
Continuous data recording, "free
running" modes where trials may be created "on the fly",
clinical protocols with presets for the number of channels and more,
"work rest" protocols, NMES protocols, and more downloadable
protocols as they are developed.
- Easy Screen Controls.
Start, Stop, Clear Screen, Gain Controls, "Smart Scale" which
brings the recruitment back on screen, Sweep control, Data Review, Screen
Comments, Easy Audio On/Off.
- Training Templates.
Preset, clinically relevant templates that may be inserted into your
training screens. Along with the ability to create and store templates for a
particular patient.
- Complete data review features.
Numeric review of SEMG activity by screen or by trial. Easy review of
session data by screen or across screens.
- Audio Feedback with thresholds.
A good variety of audio tones may be set for above or below an adjustable
- Clinically relevant reports.
The software comes with a basic report, with a variety of supplemental
reports available.
Procomp+ Encoder & SEMG+ Software
Base SEMG+ System
with 4 channels of sEMG $4,600
(US) per unit
Base SEMG+
System with 8 channels of sEMG $6,000
(US) per unit
SEMG+ / Biograph System Configuration$4,200
(US) per unit This
includes the Procomp+ Encoder, DynaMAP software and Biograph Software.
SEMG+ / Biograph System with 4 channels sEMG $5,600
(US) per unit
SEMG+ / Biograph System with 8 channels sEMG $7,000
(US) per unit
Sensors $350
(US) per unit
sEMG Sensors is the usual combination $1,400
for the set
sEMG Sensors $2,800
(US) per set
Software alone $696
(US) per unit
Biograph Software $1,000
(US) per unit