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February 16, 2010

Gary Schummer; Working with ADD ADHD with Neurofeedback, with the system

By Rob Kall

Neuropsychologist specializing in Neurofeedback, Brain Mapping, / qEEG, particularly with ADHD attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. Working with ADHD, parents, teachers, system. Assessment approaches


Dr Gary Schummer Interview

Neuropsychologist specializing in Neurofeedback, Brain Mapping, / qEEG, particularly with ADHD attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity.
Gary has one of the largest centers in the world devoted to ADD and learning disorders.

notes from the interview

Dr. Schummer is ADD himself and failed 2nd and 5th grades because of his ADD.

Teachers often cue parents, at first for ADHD hyperactive ADD. fidgeting, moving, standing up in middle of class for no reason, often talking excessively.

Tougher-- inattentive ADD-- quietly underachieving-- day dreaming in their own world though they have potential to do well in school.

Children are not born deficient in Concerta or Ritalin.

In ten years, we're going to discover that giving the devloping brain toxic medications may have some undesirable side-effects.

He was ADD and was given medication , Ritalin, 40 years ago.

Disconnection syndrome, originallly described by Norman GEschwind. These underlie learning disorder, dyslexia, etc.

Describes the equipment he's using.

Coherence is new, hot idea. Joe, Dr. Coherence, Horvat

Hypocoherent vs. Hypercoherent (immature cortex that hasn't differentiate properly-- seen in autistics and closed head injuries.

Brain Mapping 19 or 26 sites, uses service to and different services to get quantitative analysis. Then he analyzes results from multiple analyses and synthesizes the information into his own conclusions.

Worked with Barry Sterman for five years as a graduate student, in the mid eighties, working with pilots in high performance aircraft.

What are the cutting edges of neurofeedback for you.
Neurorehabilitation and remote training are the new kids on the block for neurofeedback.

Predictors for success in working with stroke---
Discussion of LORETA, Joel Lubar

Alternate assessment approaches to ADD.

discusses different QEEG databases he uses.

Brain Resource Company  publicly traded company mainly doing drug research now-- Australian.....  problems with artifact in database

human connectivity-- neurofeedback can actually facilitate the work of connectivity of brains. Hardt was doing work getting people's brainwaves to synchronize. That's when the work was made top secret.  Global brain.

Syncrhonous alpha training with couples they became closer.

Authors Bio:

One theme has run through my work for the past 40 plus years-- a desire to play a role in waking people up, raising their consciousness and empowering them.
I was the organizer founder of the Winter Brain, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology and StoryCon Meetings and president of Futurehealth, Inc., with interests in Positive Psychology as well as being involved in the field of biofeedback/neurofeedback since 1972.
see my more detailed bio, reflecting my work in biofeedback, here.

In 2003 I founded , where I've written over 1800 articles and have published over 100,000 other people's writings, with the goal of raising people's consciousness in political and activist ways.
