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Articles    H4'ed 10/27/09

Part Three: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation"

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Joan Brunwasser
Message Joan Brunwasser

I much prefer to talk to people on the phone than do correspondence by email.

But people reach out to you, they want to keep a connection with you?

Yes, if they give me phone numbers then I answer back. I don't do so well with email.

If you could, would you give up your autism and live a more traditional, conventional life?

No, I would not. I think I don't like the vague ways, the fuzzy thinking of normal people.

What haven't I covered that you'd like to talk about?

Mainly this article is about autism?

Yes. I find that what you write about - the human connection and how we all think differently and what you've done with that - is the most fascinating aspect for me.

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Joan has been the Election Integrity Editor for OpEdNews since December 2005. She writes on a large range of subjects and does many interviews and reviews.
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