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Articles    H4'ed 5/10/10

3 Reasons why leisure time and leisure mind balance your health!

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Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD

This time of year we all run around like chickens out of the hen house.

Overworking and lack of rest causes health issues.

Why do you need rest and leisure time, physically and mentally? Let me remind you! Sometimes we are running to fast to remember ourselves!! Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine deal with external factors that affect our health. Be more aware and you can improve how you feel. Awareness brings more control over you your behavior.

#1. Stress is a precursor for all types of physical and emotional health problems. It leads to chronic pain, anxiety and depression. Have any of these? Then slow down. Breathe. If you are driving try to be in the "now. Breathe deeper and relax your stomach muscles, chest and diaphragm. Feel that breathe down to your toes"Have that aha moment. You are in the now, do it again" so look around and enjoy what you see and feel. Is it different for you?

#2. Lack of rest prevents the body from healing and rejuvenating. It ages you! It prevents you from being all that you can be. Adequate rest gives you more mental and physical control and energy. So go to bed earlier. (Thank God for TiVo and DVR recording!)

Rest powers and oxygenates your mind, your metabolism, and will power!

#3. Poor nutrition and poor diet choices usually accompany overworking and overstressing. "I have no time to prepare healthy foods, so I just grab something along the way. Not! Fast food is full of fat, sodium and chemicals that worsen how you already feel. Make time for meal planning. You are that important! Please don't give upon good nutrition over the holidays"modify but don't disregard all the work you have put into it so far. (you will be grateful in January)!

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Dr. Kathleen Albertson, L. Ac., PhD Social Media Pages: Facebook page url on login Profile not filled in       Twitter page url on login Profile not filled in       Linkedin page url on login Profile not filled in       Instagram page url on login Profile not filled in

I am a gentle and caring practitioner of acupuncture and herbal medicine. PhD in Holistic Nutrition. Author of "Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women's Health: Bridging the Gap Between Western and Eastern Medicine" Solo practitioner (more...)
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