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Optimal Functioning & Positive Psychology Central There's another way to view health care, psychology, helping people. That's to approach these from a positive perspective. This web page pulls together some resources on our website and other websites which focus on Optimal Functioning, Peak performance, positive psychology and other related approaches.
Brain Central If you're interested in the brain, our website has a lot to offer. We've also learned about many other useful websites. Here's where we can offer you our own information and links to other folks' too.
QEEG Central Audio and video tapes of workshops and lectures on QEEG
Stress Management & Relaxation Central You can learn to take control of your stress response and learn to relax, yet retain your alertness and energy. This Web page provides you with the information and the tools-- from relaxation and hypnosis tapes to books, articles and biofeedback instruments and computer products. Free BioPsy Webzine subscription
Biofeedback Central Biofeedback Central is our approach to organizing all the biofeedback related pages on our website
EEG Biofeedback Neurofeedback Central A portal to Neurofeedback and EEG Biofeedback information on the website.

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