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For Tag "Training"
(Top > Health > Mind Body Spirit > Bio Neuro feedback: Training)

Introduction to Neurofeedback Foundations Course Learn the basic concepts of neurofeedback from the masters in the field-- pioneers, leading trainers, developers, seasoned clinicians. We've assembled a collection of presentations by the best leaders in the field of neurofeedback, recorded live, so you can get exposure to all their different models and get the basics under your belt
Enlightenment Central It has been said that one aspect of enlightment is becoming aware of a sense of we-ness, a feeling of being connected with the rest of the individuals, the rest of the beings on the planet, in the universe. So, another part of this web-site's mission is to help connect together others interested in enlightenment.
Textbook of Neurofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, qEEG and Brain Self Regulation e-book by Rob Kall and Joe Kamiya with 26 chapters
Turning Chaos Into Opportunity; Facing Adversity, Problems and Flaws Turning Chaos Into Opportunity; Facing Adversity, Problems and Flaws

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