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#1 11/2/2014 Defining Coyote Psychotherapy (Lewis Mehl-Madrona) In the recent meetings of the Institute for Psychiatric Services in San Francisco, Barbara Mainguy and I presented material on how we work with psychosis. We are exploring what it is that we do, and we know that it is inspired by indigenous elders, that it is centered on the body, which registers our traumas and stresses, that we are wedded to the idea of story occurring in a social context so that we are embedded with others.1 1 Comment Count
#2 1/13/2010 Chatting with Uncommon Thinker and Best-Selling Author, Robert Fulghum, Part Three (Joan Brunwasser) The band that got all the press was the Rock Bottom Remainders, which was a group of writers -" Stephen King, Amy Tan, Barbara Kingsolver, Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson, people like that. And a publishers' rep in San Francisco found out that we were musicians. It was her idea that we should put this band together and we would raise money for good causes and,in the meantime, have a lot of fun. I can tell you outrageous stories.
#3 1/13/2010 Part Two: Chatting with Uncommon Thinker and Best-Selling Author, Robert Fulghum (Joan Brunwasser) I don't have to be in one place anymore as a writer.I've got family in Seattle.I have friends now in many places. I feel so lucky that I can go and live in a place like Bali for several months and think, "Wow, mine is not the only way to live in the world." You know that abstractly. You live in a village, you experience it; that really jars you loose from your prejudices and preconceptions.

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