Bold and Daring: The Way Progressive News Should Be

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Welcome to the new newsletter.
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Each newsletter will include new articles (at the bottom of the email,) news about futurehealth and new offers.

We've taken the old futurehealth, given it a new look and an entirely new website content management system so it can function as a combined media and blog community site.

We've been publishing at least an article a day every business day for a month. Traffic for the site is growing dramatically and new articles are coming in so we have as many articles as we started with a month ago.

Consider the new futurehealth to be a site for YOU, where you can become part of a community, sharing ideas, questions, answers, challenges, successes, failures. If you post to a listserve, consider taking that posting and turning it into an article or blog/diary posting too. We DO take reprints.

Read more about the changes here:
Futurehealth's Metamorphosis Has Begun: Why YOU Should Be A Part of it.

Get Published, with a bio with a link to your website.
You can submit articles or diaries. For the first few months all submissions will go into the queue. Diaries will be approved sooner and articles will appear one or two a day. This will last for a few months. Bottom line, we'd love you to submit original and reprint articles you've written. We're finding that some can be several years old and still "evergreen." So submit them through the content management system by logging in as a member, or email them to me.

We'll be sending out the newsletter two to four times a month.

Here's some big news: Futurehealth is downsizing its office.
As we've moved more and more on the web, we've been needing less and less office space. We're in the process of moving to a new, smaller location. As part of the process, we're selling off used equipment, our biofeedback library, in portions, a large collection of equipment and software manuals, and a lot of accessories.

We have a big supply of disposable electrodes we're selling at half price, for example.
So, buy 100 disposable EMG snap electrode set-ups (300 single electrodes) for $37.50

Thin-Trodes (SKU: 4001.2) Thin-trodes. Thin plastic, no dry gel. Sold as set-ups of three, so 100 set-ups equals 300 electrodes. Volume, monthly delivery contracts with reduced pricing available.

We also have triodes at half price and paper disks, for snap on plastic electrodes too.

Need gel? We have loads of it at great prices.

Need some odd cable from an old J&J or Davicon, SRS or Autogenics or Cyborg system. We may have it. We also have a number of old tan box I-330's, I-300's and M-57 EMGs and T-68 thermal trainers, some sound light stim machines, a used Alpha stim unit, two front ends for A-620 EEGs, loads of cables for ASI and J&J older equipment. We're giving the best prices ever.

Advertise on
Click here for ad rates. First advertiser, take a 10% discount on a one to three month pre-paid ad. (all ads are pre-paid)
Lock in your rates. Our readership is going to be growing dramatically in the coming year. Lock in your rate when you sign up and keep the low rate for up to a year, even as our readership grows.

Offering Training seminars?
Consider our small column ads as very inexpensive ways to reach thousands of new eyes.

Call or email for great prices on Thought Technology, J&J, Brainmaster...
order any system at a savings and also get free MP3 downloads or DVDs or CDs worth 10% of the price of your purchase.

Stress Workshop Tools:
We have an incredible assortment of low cost stress management biofeedback resources, from liquid crystal bio-squares, to smart stress cards, bands, rings, digital electronic thermometers, RSA/ breath trainers, etc. Click here for a great selection

Peripheral Computerized biofeedback $299.00
We have a number of complete computerized peripheral biofeedback systems which include dual EMG and a channel of thermal feedback for $299. They run on commodore computers with a composite monitor. We supply the computer, biofeedback hardware and software. You supply the monitor (an old TV will do.) We also have some printers ($100) because, yes, this software does print reports. Add about $40 shipping for the basic system and $20 extra for shipping a printer) These work great and we still have users who have literally used them for over 20 years. Buy an extra computer for $50. We have a limited supply of these.

Books. We have a large selection of old proceedings from AAPB when it was the biofeedback society of america. Buy a set of 5 for $20 plus shipping.

We have many issues of biofeedback and self regulation from the seventies, eighties, 90's, early 2000's . Buy five for $30, 10 for $55, 20 for $100.

Check in with us for lots of other bargains.

Warm regards,

rob kall


Latest Headlines

By Joan Brunwasser
Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation"
People may wonder why it's so important to be humane when,in the end,the animals are still dead and we eat them.Well,it causes pain if you're not nice to them.You wouldn't say to this person “It only takes a second to yank out a tooth so we're not going to use any anesthetics.”It's really important to prevent suffering and animals are definitely capable of feeling pain and fear. There's absolutely no question about it.

By Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.
Neurofeedback at Infra-low Frequencies of the EEG

It is time for an update on our collective experience with infra-low frequency neurofeedback training. One impetus is the continuing confusion in the rest of the field about the implications of this kind of training, both theoretically and practically. Some are still skeptical of the whole enterprise. Others are coming to terms with it, but would prefer to regard it as filling certain niches within the panoply of neurofeed...

By Joan Brunwasser
Part Two, Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation"
When I first started out in my career,I thought I could fix everything in the industry with engineering and designing a facility. I've now learned that I can only fix about half of things. Because the other half is management. I've been a big advocate of getting out and measuring handling. Then I can look at the numerical scores and ask, “Am I getting better or am I getting worse?”

By Maggie Lee Huckabee, M.A., CCC/SLP
Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia; Application of EMG Biofeedback in the Treatment of Oral Pharyngeal Dysphagia

EMG biofeedback presents auditory and visual signals to aid the patient in learning and practicing dysphagia intervention exercise. Biofeedback provides several critical elements that are unavailable with standard dysphagia therapy.

By Gary J. Schummer, Ph.D.
Self-Regulation of the Immune System
The concept that we can modulate immune response through neurofeedback is a logical extension of currently accepted procedures and protocols.

By Nelle Frances
Neurofeedback - Our Story
A story highlighting our family's great success with Neurofeedback - it gave us our son back.

By Hershel Toomim
HEG Talk - A Conceptual Introduction to HEG
Neurofeedback using HEG trains the subject to increase blood flow to a targeted area of the brain.

By Gary Ames
Why I Love Biofeedback
There are plenty of reasons to love biofeedback and neurofeedback. Here are my favorite reasons.

By Celeste DeBease, PhD
"Cold Hands, Warm Heart" Raynaud's Disease
"Cold Hands, Warm Heart" - Raynaud's Disease

By tom collura
A Relaxation/Activation model for EEG Alpha
EEG Alpha training is put in the context of the entire brain, and its normal level of cycling. This can help to motivate neurofeedback training, and connectivity training in particular.

By Joan Brunwasser
Part Three: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Animals in Translation"

I couldn't figure out why I didn't fit in. It's very important to get these young Asperger nerdy kids into these specialized activities where they're going to have peers who are also interested in computers or playing music or playing chess or building robots or anything. If I hadn't had my science teacher when I was in high school, I would have been in a real mess.

By Rob Kall
Textbook of Neurofeedback, EEG Biofeedback, qEEG and Brain Self Regulation
e-book by Rob Kall and Joe Kamiya with 26 chapters

By Paul Levy
The Sacred Art of Alchemy
The Sacred Art of Alchemy

By Rob Kall
A Top Best-seller: Foundations of Neurofeedback DVD Course
Start learning EEG biofeedback at home. See the different approaches from 15 different leading trainers, then decide whose approach you like the best. Train your staff at no extra cost.

By Gerri George
Benefits of Chocolate

Chocolate, once the food of royalty, benefits blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol

By Rob Kall
Living in The Vein of Gold and Falling out.

We all have veins of gold-- fantastic riches-- in our lives, every one of us.

By Rob Kall
Quotations By Thoreau on Finding the Best Within Ourselves and Living It

When it comes to peak performance and finding the best in one's self, Thoreau was an unmitigated genius. Here is a large collection of quotations. For example, from his journal, "We live but a fraction of our life."

By Judith Acosta
Words Are Medicine: Raising a Self-Healing Child
When you use Verbal First Aid with your children, they are learning by your example to use it for themselves. The healing you facilitate in them by the words you use when they are hurt becomes a self-replenishing well of mental, emotional and physical resources they can draw upon for a lifetime.

By Ben Dench
Paradigm Assessment Schemata
A holistic model is proposed for assessing different worldviews on how accurate and effective they are.

By Rob Kall
Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death, May Explain Near Death EXperiences
study of seven terminally ill patients found identical surges in brain activity moments before death, providing what may be physiological evidence of "out of body" experiences reported by people who survive near-death ordeals.

By Craig Webb
How to Increase Dream Recall
Wouldn't you like to remember your dreams more and start really experiencing the powerful benefits your subconscious has to offer you every night? You will learn proven techniques for recalling more dreams, starting within a week or less

By Kirtley Thornton
SubType Analysis of Learning Disabilities by QEEG patterns

SubType Analysis of LD by QEEG patterns

By Judith Acosta
Verbal First Aid(tm) for Survival.
What Verbal First Aid(tm) proposes is that words can mean the difference between life and death. Based on the simple notion that the words we say (to ourselves and to one another) do matter, that they affect us both physically and mentally, there are ways to speak that make those words healing, no matter what the situation.

By Grant Lawrence
The Bodhisattva's Vow: Moving Past the Prison of the 'Self'
The Bodhisattva, to me, is a state of being and not a concept that is owned by any particular religion or sect. Rather,"What makes someone a Bodhisattva is her or his dedication to the ultimate welfare of other beings, as expressed in the prayer: 'May I attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings'."

By Warren Davies
"You can do anything you set your mind to" Vs "Stick to your strengths"
What exactly does it mean to say "You can do anything you set your mind to"? It's a tribute to the power of dedication, persistence, and time, or course. It means that even against all odds, these three pillars will support your success; all you have to do is try hard enough for long enough.

By Stephen Soldz
Spreading Hysteria about Swine Flu "Hysteria": Public Health Preparedness in the Face of Uncertainty
Public health policy-making takes place in the midst of uncertainty regarding future developments. Swine flu preparedness provides as illustration.

By Gary J. Schummer, Ph.D.
The Disconnection Syndrome

there are many types and subtypes of aphasia, depending on where a problem occurs,

By Rob Kall
Smile Anatomy: Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training

an overview of the use of smile muscle training, smile biofeedback and a discussion of a number of the facial muscles involved in authentic and inauthentic smiling, plus discussion of smile psychomotor retardation-- people who have a hard time smiling and feeling good feelings

By Judith Acosta
Holistic Psychotherapy and Trauma Treatment

What happens in trauma? Why do memories persist the way they do? What options do people have for successful recovery?


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