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 World's Most Popular Biofeedback Site

BioPsy Vol 3, Number 2, April 1998


Return to Bio Psy Archive page

editors brief note
front of webzine matters
1-1999, Seventh Annual Winter Brain Conference: Dates, location, call for proposals for talks, workshops, posters
  -1999 Second Annual Optimal Functioning Meeting: Dates, location, call for proposals for talks, workshops, posters
  -Barry Sterman:Tools for Explanation: The Sterman Topometric; QEEG for Neurofeedback dates & locations
  -Joel & Judith Lubar: Evaluation,  Applications & Protocols in   ADD/HD, Depression, Anxiety,  closed head  injury
   other co-morbid disorders and Optimal Functioning  2 day Comprehensive Neurofeedback Courses dates, locatns
3-1st National Advanced Meeting on ADD (Attention  Difference & Directions)    Gifts, Alternative & Mainstream
Approaches and  the Neurobehavioral Continuum; Palm Springs, November 1998
4-Listing of Exhibitors at the 1998 Winter Brain Conference
5-Report From National ADDA (Adult ADD Association)
6-Major Updates at the FUTUREHEALTH Website (www.futurehealth.org)
7-Quote by the Dalai Lama, on Compassion
8-Course on Neurofeedback with Valdeane Brown
9-Quotes on OPTIMISM and being an OPTIMIST
10- AAPB  update: Legislative strategy, Consumer BF Beneficiaries group, Practice Economics committee,
International Section
11- 1998 First Optimal Functioning Meeting list of speaker and topics.
12- 98 Winter Brain Meeting Tapes
13 -Biograph training seminar info
14-Quotes on Science and Spirit by Einstein and Goethe

It’s been quite a while since the last BioPsy Webzine. As usual, this one has a mix of information, meeting updates,
new product reviews, humor and quotations.  Hope you enjoy it. 
Warm Regards,

Rob Kall, M.Ed., webzine Publisher
PS   We have a new, and easy to remember website URL (www.futurehealth.org)

front of webzine:
Feel free to forward this intact, entire webzine to anyone you feel might be interested in seeing  it.
Posting to websites or BBSs is also permitted as long as the entire contents is posted.

Published and Edited by Rob Kal with FUTUREHEALTH Inc,  biofeedback, neurofeedback
and Stress Management tool supplier  founder and organizer of the  7th annual Winter
Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification & Training:  Neurofeedback,
qEEG, ADD, Sound/Light, Consciousness, Peak Performance  Advanced Meeting
Colloquium (formerly Known as the Key West EEG Meeting)

Rob Kall, M.Ed.
211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374

Editorial material wanted: if you've written something of interest to fellow travelers, we'd like to
have an opportunity to evaluate it for our publication, including reprints of already published
material.. Announcements about meetings and workshops  will also be considered for inclusion.

Past issues of BioPsy are available at FUTUREHEALTH's and Rob
Kall's Website:



At Futurehealth, We buy, sell and trade New & Used BioNeuroFeedback Equipment   Systems, 
great prices, service, package deals. Call us!
Bio-Stress Squares,  books, tapes, Disposables

New: Free 4 hour Biograph training Video with all Procomp Sales (great prices too!)
Free attendance at a 2 day Biograph Training course when you buy a Procomp system from Futurehealth
Ask about our new, low cost portable EMG trainers-- audio, light bar display $250 New
RSA Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Trainer units $550
HiTech Stress Cards,  $110/100 $795 for first time orders of 1000

we have two PODs available for $550 each
We have two demo unit Brain Masters for $850 each

1)1999, 7th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training;
Advanced Neurofeedback Colloquium
February 5-9, 1999 Palm Springs, CA.
Register early and save a lot.

-Pre-conference Neurofeedback Foundations Course, Feb 4th

-Pre-conf. Optimal Functioning Meeting, Feb 3-5th
call for proposals for presentations, workshops, poster sessions

-Pre-conf: Barry Sterman:Tools for Explanation: The Sterman Topometric; QEEG for NF Feb 2-4 at Palm Springs, Oct 98 In Princeton, NJ, and  Sept 13-15, 1998 in Austin Texas.

-New: Joel & Judith Lubar: Evaluation,  Applications & Protocols in   ADD/HD, Depression, Anxiety,  closed head
injury other co-morbid disorders and Optimal Functioning  2 day Comprehensive Neurofeedback Course 
Feb. 3, 4, and Phila./Princeton area October 1998

All Organized By Rob Kall, FUTUREHEALTH Inc

Endorsements for the meeting

The premier meeting in the entire area of EEG BF ... an outstanding opportunity for in-depth interaction with the experts in the field.                   Joel Lubar,

My favorite brain meeting
                                     Barry Sterman

Rob historically sets the standard for EEG Biofeedback Conferences.
                     Lynda Kirk, President, SSNR Society for the Study of Neuronal Regulation

A  meeting not to be missed ... exciting and a haven for cross- fertilization of ideas and techniques  
Karl Pribram

Quite simply the premier event in the world of EEG.   Where else  can you talk with the leading clinicians, researchers and theoreticians in an atmosphere of   shared respect and openness?  
                                    Valdeane Brown

Best  meeting in Neurofeedback I've yet attended.                    
Peter Rosenfeld, Past AAPB President

Exciting and fun "
Michael Hutchison, author, Megabrain

The best of the best from the best. A veritable banquet for the discriminating mind tech gourmet. 
The only meeting which succeeds at bringing it all together in a synergistic and congenial atmosphere.                 Dennis Campbell

...an incredible experience ... this field is coming together as never before, and your conference provides
it  a home base and a launching point. 
Anna Wise, author

A Spectacular Meeting of Great Minds with The Courage To Be on The Cutting Edge.                           Nancy White

Winter Brain Meeting opens the door for all of us to share our experiences and findings in a safe, nurturing environment.                
Mary Jo Sabo

I really like the feel of your annual winter brain conference. It reminds me of the excitement, energy
and enthusiasm of early biofeedback meetings...               
Tom Budzynski AAPB Past president

The single most important event of  the year for practitioners, theorists, and lay people in the  ADD  arena. 
In particular, I  appreciate the casual atmosphere, the opportunities  for discussion and cross-pollination of topics and new information, and the omnipresent Jacuzzi.
  This conference has an extremely high level of scientific and speculative information combined  with an honest, humility, and humanity which is usually lacking from those conferences put on by  "associations" and "professional groups" who are often more interested in status, politics, and   self-aggrandizement than they are in people learning and enjoying themselves.  
Thom Hartmann,  Author: Healing ADD, ADD: A different Perspective, The Prophet's Way, Healing ADD, Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight

Save! Register Early on 1999 Meetings
Advanced Winter Brain <> Optimal Functioning
check off what you want to register for for FH USE: Date postmarked by______
No need to rush mail. Just make sure your envelope is postmarked by deadline date.
zAdvanced Winter Brain  meeting (5 days) ($699 full on site  $375 until 4/7/98, $399 until 4/30/98
$440 until 5/30/98, $475 until 6/30/98, $515 until 7/30/98, $555 until 8/30/98, $579 until 9/30, $599 until 10/30,
$625 until 11/30/98, $650 until 12/30/98, $675 before 1/23/99 $699 after 1/23/99 and on site.
zEEG Foundations Course (1 day) -  $250 On-Site, $225 before 1/1/99, $215 before 12/1/98,
$199 before 10/30,/98,  $179 before  8/30/98,  $159 before 6/30/98
z Optimal Functioning Meeting (3 days)$399 On Site $239 before 4/30/98,
$269 before 6/30/98,  $299 before  8/30/98, $319 before 10/30,/98,  339 before 12/1/98, $359 before 1/23/99, $

The last day of the optimal functioining meeting and the first day of the Advanced winter brain meeting overlap,
with the same content, so, if  you register for both, you actually attend 7 total days.
Past  Winter Brain attendees, please note the usual Sunday content has been   moved to Friday, with the 
QEEG & Basic Science  content formerly presented on Fri. moved to Sunday
zCombination Optimal Functioning Meeting  & Advanced Winter Brain  Meeting (7 days) $949  on-site, 
$500 until 4/7/98, $525 until 4/30/98 $565 until 5/30/98, $625 until 6/30/98, $665 until 7/30/98, $725 until 8/30/98,
$749 until 9/30, $789 until 10/30, $815 until 11/30/98, $860 until 12/30/98, $925 before 1/237/99
$949 after 1/23/99 & on site.
--Combination EEG Foundations & Advanced Winter Brain  Meeting  (6 days) $879 On-Site  $475 until 4/7/98,
$549 until 4/30/98,  $575 until 5/30/98, $599 until 6/30/98, $645 until 7/30/98, $685 until 8/30/98,   $699 until 9/30,
$739 until 10/30, $775 until 11/30/98, $810 until 12/30/98, $829 before 1/23/99 $879 after 1/23
--Partial Attendance:  before 9/30: $155/day 3 days/$425 ,  before 1/20:   $165/day 3 days/$450 ,
After 1/20 and on-site$185/day, 3 days/$495
       Workshops: All workshops are optional,  for Additional Fee.
_discount workshop package 10 hours of workshops: $169 before 4/7/98,
$179 before 6/1/98, $189 before 10/1/98, $199 before 12/1/98, $210 before 1/1/99) 
Before  1/23:  2 hr workshops $45, 4 hr workshops $85.  Workshop fees after 1/23/98  and on-site,
2 hr $55 and 4 hrs $95 for meeting registrants.  $50 surcharge per  workshop for non registrants.

Cancellation Policy 100% refund before August 18 and at any time on optional workshops.
Cancellation fees for meetings and the Foundations course  will  apply after Aug. 1 1999
Cancellation fees: $10 before 9/1/98 1, $25 before 10/15, $50 before 11/30, $100 before 1/1/99,
$200 before 1/20/99, no refunds after 1/20/99 (a $200 deduction will be applied and then the balance can be credited towards  registration for the next year’s meeting and or the purchase of tapes from the current and past years’ meetings. In the case of personal illness or family death, a written request for a refund or credit must be sent to Futurehealth, for Futurehealth to make a determination on whether it will issue a credit or refund. Regardless of reason, FUTUREHEALTH will deduct a $45 processing fee from all refunds or credits. to cover costs of materials and record keeping.  Refunds on special requests  may take as long as 12 months to be returned.

Prices based on cash  or  check  payment. 3 % surcharge on all other forms of payment card payments.
Rates for students and people with financial difficulties available.  Reviewed on a case by case basis.
2) Exhibitors at the 1998 Winter Brain Conference
Thought Tech.
Focused Tech.,
Biocomp Research,
EEG Spectrum,
Tools for Exploration,
Inner Visions (Roshi)
Aquathought Labs
American Biotech
Universal Attention Disorders (TOVA)
3) 1st National Advanced Meeting on ADD (Attention  Difference & Directions)  
Gifts, Alternative & Mainstream Approaches and  the Neurobehavioral Continuum, focusing on
ADD/ADHD, Autism, Tourettes, Aspbergers and Peak Performance,
assessment, treatment, empowerment, professional & scientific topics

November 12-15 1998 Palm Springs, CA
Confirmed Speakers: Thom Hartmann,  Lynn Weiss, Lynda Thompson (The ADD Book,) Mary Jo Sabo, Cliff Corman, . Carla Nelson, Joel & Judith Lubar,  Michael Linden,
Topics to Include:
brain imaging, testing diagnostic criteria
Populations: ADD/ADHD: child, adult, women, couples, gifted comorbidities; autism. tourrettes,  neurobehavioral continua
professional topics: practice management/ development, insurance,   advocacy, legal  issues
Interventions: treatment, medications, nutrition, exercise, education, therapies, optimal functioning coaching techniques, strategies

4) Report From National ADDA
I just returned from National ADDA, the other ADD organization besides CHADD.

I gave a talk on optimal functioning in which I discussed neurofeedback and attempted, as do Thom Hartmann and
Lynn Weiss, to characterize ADD as a non-pathological collection of characteristics that people just need to learn to
work with more effectively.  People at the meeting responded well to all three of us. If you haven't read any of Thom’s or Lynn’s  books, you are really missing   something.
You can also get tapes of Thom's lectures over the last few years at the Winter brain Conference-- on the Hunter
Farmer Model, and on his use of NLP. Lynn's new book on ADD and Creativity is a winner.   The important thing is
that people are beginning to turn around and stop categorizing ADD as a pathological biological entity.  Thom
Hartmann’s book are listed on the Futurehealth website, or are available at most major bookstores. Check out ADD:
A different Perspective, Healing ADD (on the use of NLP) and though the following two books are not on ADD, they
are extraordinarily life changing. Thom Hartmann is an amazing synthesizer and integrator. Prophet’s Way and Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight are both must read books.

>Ampere was worried he wasn't current.
>Audubon said he'd have to wing it.
>Boyle said he was under too much pressure.
>Darwin waited to see what evolved.
>Descartes said he'd think about it.
>Edison thought it would be illuminating.
>Einstein thought it would be relatively easy to attend.
>Gauss was asked to attend because of his magnetic personality.
>Hawking tried to string enough time together to make space in his schedule.
>Heisenberg was uncertain that he could make it.
>Hertz said in the future he planned to attend with greater frequency.
>Mendel said he'd put some things together and see what came out.
>Morse's reply:  "I'll be there on the dot.  Can't stop now, must dash."
>Newton planned to drop in.
>Ohm resisted the idea.
>Pavlov was drooling at the thought.
>Pierre and Marie Curie were radiating enthusiasm.
>Schrodinger had to take his cat to the vet, or did he?
>Volta was electrified, and Archimedes buoyant at the thought.
>Watt reckoned it would be a good way to let off steam.
>Wilbur Wright accepted, provided he and Orville could get a flight.

6) Major FUTUREHEALTH Web site Updates
Here is a list of the web site updates at my web site, including the entire text of the keynote on responsibility I gave.
An edited, abbreviated version of it will appear in the next issue of the AAPB biofeedback news magazine.
You can reach the New Updates page of the website by first going to http://futurehealth.org, then clicking on
>Futurehealth Central<, then clicking on >Website Updates<

-Used & Demo systems: a big collection of new /almost new units
-Optimal Functioning; An alternate Biofeedback Paradigm:
An article published in the winter 98 AAPB Biofeedback Magazine
-Barry Sterman Advanced Topometric Brain Mapping Training
An incredible, highly acclaimed course on integrating QEEG with neurofeedback. Several dates and locations.
-Tapes from the 1998 Winter Brain/Neurofeedback Meeting
-Mindset: The $2500 Topographic 16 channel Brain Mapper
-Brainmaster Windows EEG System (serial port)
-Consultation with Rob Kall: professional, certification supervision, business
-Quotations on Science & Spirit
-Waverider $950 Windows biofeedback system
-New Books & classics, with color covers
-Stress Central: pulling together our website's Stress-related resources
-FUTUREHEALTH Central: our new centralized search tool for our website
-Consumer Products Central
-Freebies links to choice quality free stuff in our website
-Biofeedback Central: listing all the biofeedback pages, articles, resources
-1999 Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training Early pricing
-Fall 1998 Neurofeedback and QEEG Courses with Joel & Judith Lubar and Barry Sterman
in Austin and Princeton
-1st Optimal Functioning Meeting : conference vision, tape order info, speakers, presentation abstracts
-Responsibility Central
We are facing an erosion of values in this time, accelerated by technology & managed care.
This is a "side-effect" of the "progress" they have produced.
Now, we need to develop a science and advocacy for values such as Responsibility,
compassion, caring, self-reliance, virtue, character and integrity.
-Order an "Optimize Your Brain" 1998 Winter Brain Conference Tee Shirt. $15
-New Photo of "Rainbow" Rob Kall
-* A new, faster loading initial contact HomePage
7) Dalai Lama Quotation

Compassion is not religious business,
it is human business,
it is not luxury,
it is essential for our own peace and mental stability,
it is essential for human survival.
              The Dalai Lama
Zengar Institute: Rhythms for Living Presents:

Taught by Valdeane W. Brown Ph.D. and Susan Dermit Ph.D.

· Learn the clinical correlations of specific EEG frequencies
· Underlying Neurophysiological and Neuroanatomical models
· Learn to use multiple displays and feedback parameters including visual instrument,
auditory signals and animations
· Identify clinical conditions that respond to neurofeedback including ADD, ADHD, insomnia,
  depression, anxiety, substance abuse, PTSD, immune involved disorders like Lymes,
  CFIDS, and HIV
· Learn about the major traditional treatment approaches in clinical Neurofeedback
· Work with examples of state of the art procedures, techniques and sensor placements based
   upon the Period 3 and Five Phase Models of CNS Functional Transformation developed
   by Dr. Brown.
· Understand the role of auxiliary techniques like QEEG and Audiovisual Stimulation
· Learn about the way different equipment can facilitate or diminish you effectiveness
   in providing this breakthrough approach
· Understand the role of Neurofeedback in extending your practice into the arena of peak
    performance, transpersonal integration, spiritual growth and optimizing function and
    flow in living

The course will be held at Danfords Inn and Marina in beautiful, historic Port Jefferson, NY.  The cost is $495 including materials.
Lodging is available by calling Danfords Inn directly at
(516) 928-5200 and requesting the special rate for Zengar Institute. 
Alternative lodging is available at the Harbor Hotel (516) 928-2400.

9)                               Quotes on OPTIMISM and being an OPTIMIST

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds,
and the pessimist fears this is true."
James Branch Cabell

Optimist: a proponent of the doctrine that black is white.
--Ambrose Bierce

For myself I am an optimist--it does not seem to be much use being anything else.
--Winston Churchill

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
--Helen Keller

Optimism is a great energizer, but it doesn't carry you if there's no ground to walk on.

"If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, 'Somewhere my flower is there..."

My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon.
Taoist saying

To breath the air, how delicious!
To speak, to walk, to seize something by the hand!...
To be this incredible God I am!..
O amazement of things, even the last particle!
O spirituality of things!
I too carol the Sun, usher'd or at noon, or as now, setting;
I too throb to the brain and beauty of the earth and of all the growths of the earth....
Walt Whitman

Optimism. The doctrine or belief that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly.
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

An optimist is a guy who has never had much experience in life.
Don Marquis, Certain Maxims of Archy (1878-1937)

Optimism is a kind of heart stimulant-- the digitalis of failure
Elbert Hubbard, A Thousand and One Epigrams

Optimism, said Candide, is a mania for declaring when things are going badly that all is well.
Voltaire, ch. xix

A man he seems of cheerful yesterdays
And Confident tomorrows
William Wordsworth, The excursion, (1770-1850)

The reason we all like to thinks so well of others is that we are all afraid of ourselves. The basis of optimism is sheer terror.
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Being a hunting species, humans must have hope. There must even be a program for hope springing eternally in our innards.
Lionel TIger, Men In Groups

A hopeful sense of the promise of the future may be as important to communities' welfare as yeast to rising bread.
Lionel Tiger, Optimism; The Biology of Hope

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp-- or what's a heaven for.
Robert Browning

Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life: the evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.

10) AAPB Meeting  Update

Business news, then a report on my favorite presenter
I am thrilled to report that some of my initiatives have been supported by the AAPB board.

Here are four major ones:
A) -establishment of a Practice economics committee to identify strategies that are working to
  help members make a living in and out of the insurance and even the health model. Your input
  and participation on the committee is invited.

- -authorization to move towards developing an entity, formal title not yet
created, which will consist of Biofeedback Beneficiaries-- a group of
patients, their families, etc, who have benefitted or could benefit from
biofeedback. This may include a website, listserve group, and an
organization therapists could refer new or potential patients to, so they
can communicate with others who have successfully benefitted from
biofeedback.  Suggestions for ideas for a name for this and ways to put it
together and things to include are all invited.

- -Authorization to create a legislative initiative based on the ideas about
responsiblity I have discussed earlier.  The argument will be published in
full in the next issue of the AAPB biofeeback magazine, and can be accessed
as I wrote it for my keynote at the FUTUREHEALTH meeting at the
Responsibility Central Page at my website http://futurehealth.org,
But in brief, it  goes like this:  Managed care and the too-easy
prescribing of medications and passive received therapies has created a
situation in which the American sense of self responsibility and self
reliance are eroding, leading to a frightening change in the character of
the nation, not usually considered in the health economics equation. In
light of this fact, we are encouraging state and eventually, federal
legislation which requires insurers to provide equal access for patients to
health approaches which enable patients to take self responsibility for
their health, particularly approahces which provide patients with skills
which will enable them to prevent further illness, symptoms, etc, and
enable them to avoid the need for further seeking of health care later.
This is a preliminary draft of the concept. We will be attempting to build
a coalition of organizations supporting this.
4) A new, International section was formed, by strenuous efforts of  Eugenia Carmagnani.
I was asked to chair the at times contentious  meeting,
which had about 25 people in attendance.
The section is a good idea, which can help the brave pioneers in countries where biofeedback
is still just about unknown, and which will help coordinate the communications of some
of the countries where large vibrant biofeedback societies exist and are growing, such as
Japan, Latin America (LABA= Latin American Biofeedback Association) Israel,
Australia, and Russia, to name a few.

In Orlando, My favorite speaker, as Carol Schneider had predicted, was Alan Shore, author of 
Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.
he is an incredible integrator of research and ideas. His talk focused on the
development and dysregulation of the right orbital pre-frontal area.  Get
the tape of the AAPB lecture and or buy the book. FUTUREHEALTH sells it for $60

11) Optimal Functioning Speaker /Topic list
(order the complete tapes of the meeting on audio for $99)
John Anderson Neuro-technology in the classroom - a multi-faceted approach to training the mechanisms of learning.
Valdeane Brown Peak Performance: “Get OFF it” and Take out the Garbage
Tom Budzynski  Priming Performance in Mid-life
Dan Chartier Peak performance in Golf
Jon Cowan Mastering the Concentration-Relaxation Cycle for Peak Performance
R. Adam Crane Integration of Mindfitness, Motivation & Neurofeedback Strategies
Thomas Hawes Accessing The Zone
Michael Hutchison Dimensionality & Exceptional Functioning;   Some Tools and Techniques for Optimal Dimensionality
Rob Kall Optimal Functioning; Old wine in  a new bottle:  a new and old paradigm of  biofeedback, health and functioning
Rob Kall    The Varieties of Positive Experience & Good Feelings; Anatomy Training, Integration
Lynda Kirk EEG Neurotherapy and the Creation of Grammy Award Winning Music:  A Model and Case Study  
Stephen Larsen The Tao of Neuroscience:  Len Ochs' Magic Lights and the Realization of  Cortical Flexibility
Joel Lubar Determining Optimal EEG Patterns For Enhancing Performance in Specific Tasks
Judith Lubar A Family Systems Perspective of Optimal Functioning and how it can enhance individual EEG performance.
Linda Mason Emotional Well-Being, Energy And Excellence: One Approach To Optimal
Performance Training Utilizing Neurofeedback
Carol Schneider Optimal Self Functioning in the Eastern and Western Philosophies and Medicine: Integrating the Two Worlds
Terry Patten  The Heart of the Mind Matter -- Insights Derived from a Systems View of Optimal Functioning
Gary Schwartz Optimal Functioning And The Energy Of Integrity
Mari & Paul Swingle Optimizing Second Language Learning
Mary Jo Sabo Peak Performance Training in a Public School
Lynda Thompson- The Ideal Performance State
Linda Vergara Optimal Performance for Children at Risk
Bob Whitehouse   Prime Performance; S.Q.R.T.  for Success
Sue Wilson Periodization:  "Mapping Your Way to Success"
Anna Wise The High Performance Mind
Optimal Functioning Summit Meeting Panel

12) 98 Meeting Tapes
call if you’d like an easier to read printed out versioni of the list mailed or faxed to you.
1998 Tapes:
Audio & Video
Lecture tapes: begin PS-8
audio only: $12.50 each 
Workshops: begin W8
Video: 2 hr $45, 4 hr $89
Audio: 2 hr $35, 4 hr  $70
Foundations of Neurofeedback Course
Audio: $129 video $199 video

98 Optimal Functioning Mtg. Complete meeting tape set:OFM98) $99
Underlined tapes are talks or workshops not specifically on neurofeedback, which will be of interest to a more general audience of providers, educators and lay people.
Tape Order Form
Name ___________________
State____ zip____________
fax ___________________
Workshop tapes (begin with W)
audio # 2hr_ #4hr_ total$___
video # 2hr_#4hr_ total$___
Plenary lecture tapes (Begin PS)
#tapes ordered____total$___
total $_______ add shipping
Futurehealth Inc 211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374

__PS-22. A: Rob Kall:
Politics of Consciousness, Responsibility, Self Discipline, Self Regulation &   Optimal Functioning
Linda Mason:  Enhancing Therapeutic NF with Optimal Performance
_W8S4 Joel F. Lubar Choosing the Optimal EEG Patterns for the Enhancement of Attention &  Peak Academic
Performance: Assessment, Treatment Protocols, & Demonstrations.
_W8G2 Gary Schwartz Energy Medicine & Bionenergy Feedback
__PS8-4.A:  Gary Schwartz:  The challenge of Medicine;  Theories of Health and Eight World Hypotheses
_W8QQ4: Susan Dermit & Valdeane W. Brown Period 3 Approach to Neurofeedback:
All You Need To Know To Be Successful With Whomever (And Whatever!) Walks In The Door
__PS8-37.A:   Valdeane Brown:  What you don’t know about NF could fill a Book or Practice your Practice 
Part 1The Period 3 Approach to the Chaotic Control Mechanisms underlying CNS Renormalization ;
Sue Dermit:  What you don’t know about could Fill a  Book-or Empty your Practice Part II: 
Clinical Nitty -Gritty of the Period 3 Apporach
_W8W4Valdeane Brown: Procomp+/ Biograph  Screen &  Protocol Devt. for Optimal Clinical Effectiveness
__PS8-13.A: Thom Hartmann:  Healing ADD with NLP
_W8JJ2 Thom Hartmann  NLP Techniques for  the Practitioner
__PS8-24.  A:  Thom Hartmann: The Plastic Brain and its Meaning for our Future
Vietta Sue Wilson. Elite Athlete of qEEG Hot Spots & Assessment in Performance    Enhancement
__PS8-6.A:  Barry Sterman:  Issues in Topographic Mapping for Neurofeedback Providers
_W8FF4: Barry Sterman &  David Kaiser A New Approach to Evaluation & Applications in
Neurofeedback Event-Related EEG Responses.
_W8DD2: Corydon Hammond Integrating Hypnosis, NF and Light/ Sound Stimulation
__PS8-2. A: Len Ochs:  A New Look at the Worlds of Neurofeedback
_W8EE4: Len Ochs An empirical approach to EEG Neurofeedback
_W8WW2:Thomas Hawes: How to use  techno- logy To Access  “The Zone”   in Sports & Health.
_W8X2: Anna Wise Theoretical Aspects of The Awakened Mind - from protocol to matrix.
_W8C4: J. Peter Rosen feld Fun- damentals of neurobiology in partial prep. for the BCIA-EEG CertificatIon Exam.
_W8E2 Sue Othmer Advanced Neuro- cybernetic Instrumentation user Practicum
_W8F2 Sue Othmer Case conference & clinical decision making for Beta/SMR trng
(sugg. pre-req. EEG Spectrum tng course)
_W8S2 Linda Mason  A Compre- hensive NF Program for Optimal Performance
_W8H2: Tom Budzynski Optimiz ing EEG Signatures in The Elderly
_W8A4: Jay Gunkelman  QEEG, an intro to the technique : 3 hours   audio   $55 video $69
_W8TT2: Jay Gunkelman Neurophysiology &  qEEG. Generators &  patterns of activity;
Implications for Neurofeedback
_W8B4: Judith Lubar  Patterns of EEG Changes in Pts.  with ADD/HD & Comor bidities, including Anxiety,
Depression, Passive Behvior, Chemical Dependency & Learning Disability
_W8J2: Adam Crane The Pro cesstm performance / life enhance- ment training
_W8K2: Hershel Toomim  Brain Blood Flow training
_W8L4 Stephen Larsen  Mythic Imagination
_W8M4: Michael Hutchison Reg ulating Dimensionality: A Learnable Skill.
_W8Q2: Janet Z. Giler, Ph.D.  Dealing With The Problem Child:  When EEG Trng   Isn't Enough
_W8R2 Alfonso Bermea Applying NF to Criminal Offenders
_W8N2: Dan Maust Feedback Made Easy-Re- duction of amplitude of the total band in initial Tx
_W8U4: Lynda & Michael Thompson  Effective Interventions For ADD 
_W8Y2: Jan Garret; singer song- writer Authentic Voice; Experien- tial Workshop
_W8Z2: Les Fehmi & Susan Shorr The Clinical Applications of a Model Which Relates Attention Processes,
Neural Activity, Arousal Level, Performance and Personal Experience
_W8BB2: Dave Siever The devel- opment of Brainwave Entrainment Technology
_W8AA2: Mary Jo Sabo & Linda Vergara Neurofeedback in Public School
_W8CC2: Franklin Ramos Neuro feedback  Treatment of Chronic Pain
_W8XX2:  John Anderson Schools and Clinical Practice - Neurofeedback is not enough.
_W8LL2:  Sue Wilson Hot Dots: Training for Performance Under Stress
_W8GG2: Bill Scott Using Alpha-Theta With Addicts: A Walk Through The Dependent Mind.
_W8MM2 George Von Hilsheimer The Work of D.A.Quirk:  Treatment of  Schizo phrenia, Bi- Polar Disorder and
Violence by combining GSR Desensitization & EEG BF. A 30 Yr  Perspective on BF:  
Quick, Dirty, Useful Techniques to Enhance Technological  Sophistication.
_W8PP2: Mike Linden:The Complete ADD  Testing & Treatment Workshop
_W8HH2: Thomas S. Brownback Brownback- Mason Protocol Utilizing NF with   Dissociation/Addiction
_W8NN2: Victoria Ibric NF for Chronic Pain
_W8RR4: Stu Donaldson Pain Fibromyalgia & Integrating Neurofeedback & EMG
_W8SS4 : Julian Isaacs Learn EFT- "Emotional Freedom Techniques”:  A   Versatile Therapeutic Procedure
For Emotional  Self-Regulation,  Psychotherapy & Dissolving Resistance to NF
Plenary Session Lecture Tapes
THE SERIES BELOW FROM PS8-1 TO PS8-39 available in audio only
__PS8-1A  Rob Kall Meeting Brief Opening Remarks  
    Brenda K. Wiederhold Real-Time Physiological Monitoring In Virtual Therapy
Mark D. Wiederhold Neural Networks as Diagnostic Decision Support Tools in Medicine
Tom Collura Dynamical Considerations Underlying EEG Modification Training
Robert Fisher Dynamical Considerations Under- lying EEG Modification Training. Part II
__PS8-3. A:  Rob Kall:Formal Meeting Opening 
Joel Lubar: An Evaluation of Short-term & Long- term Effects of AVS (sound & Light) on QEEG 
Frank Deitz:NF: The Ramblings of an Engineer
__PS8-5.A: Peter Rosenfeld.  Mind-reading with Brain Waves: Lie Detection, Malingering Detection,
Taxonomies of Deception & False Memories.
Hershel Toomin.  Brain Blood Flow Feedback
__PS8-7. A: Jon Cowan Frontal Wide- Band Suppression:  The Clearest Feedback for Concentration
Sam Caldwell Developing Windows Based Biofeedback Applications
Anand Akerkar  Biofeedback & the FDA
__PS-8. Donald Bars, et. al.  Combining QEEG and Evoked Potentials for the Classification of Various
Psychiatric Behaviors: Toward Improved Differential Diagnosis
Jay Gunkelman  Reading tasks & Lambda EEG activity
Jay Gunkelman Hjorth Referencing in qEEG
__PS8-9.A:  Paul Swingle  Grand Rounds:  What we learn from the most difficult,  “train- wreck” cases.
Panelists include Len Ochs, Mike Linden, Sue Othmer
__PS8-10. A:  Frank Ramos: Frequency Band Interaction in ADD/ADHD Treatment
Michael Linden: How to Select ADD Candidates for Neurofeedback
Linda Mason:  That Brain is Attached to a Body Treat the Whole Person.  Not just the ADD
__PS8-11.A:  Michael & Lynda Thompson:  Interventions for ADD:  Finger in the dike or Fix the Leak
__PS8-12.A: Les Fehmi: A Proposed Paradigm of Observed Relationship Between Styles, Brain Activity 
Arousal Performance & Personal Experience
__PS8-14.A:  Corydon Hammond:  The Theta State and Hypnosis
THETA WAVES PANEL:  Lubar, Larsen, Hammond,  Wise, Brown, Budzynski,   Donaldson, Sterman,
Othmer,  Gunkelman, Kall,  Isaacs,  White, and  more.
__PS8-15.A:   John Anderson: 5 Years of NF in a Public Charter School-Building a Base & Expanding
into the  Community
Linda Vergara:  Brain Wave Training as an Educational Tool in a Public School Setting
(highly motivational-- a good tape to send to partents, or schools)
__PS8-16.A:   Judith Lubar:  Examining the Multi-generational Genetic Distribution of Dopamine Receptor 
Alleles in Families with a  History of ADD/HD and Addiction
__PS8-17. A:  Mary Jo Sabo:  Neurofeedback in a Public School
__PS8-18.A:  Carol Schneider: Considerations of Right Frontal Love Damage & the Phineas Gage Phenomenon;  
__PS8-20.  A:  Julian Isaacs: EFT What to do  when NF  doesn’t Work:  A New Tool to Boost Response to NFB
Tom Brownback.  Demons, Personalities Beta4
Adam Crane:  Is there a Neurofeedback Tsunami? Coherence & Synchrony
Stephen Larsen Neuroscience in the 18th century:The Historical Contribution of Emanuel   Swedenborg
__PS8-21.A: Thomas Hawes:  Using Technology to Access the “Zone”
Terry Patten:  Founder Tools for Exploration:  Neuroscience&Higher Consonciousness-
The View from A  Hardware Store: A Few Insights from my Decade with Tools for Exploration
__PS8-23. A:  Anna Wise:  EEG and Spirituality 
__PS8-26. A: Liana Matulich/Bob Whitehouse Prime Performance 
Dennis Campbell: A Com- prehensive Performance Enhancement Strategy
__PS8-27. A:  Dan Chartier:  NF and Enhancing Golf Performance
James Hardt:  The Ultimate Peak Performers Alpha Feedback Trng for US Army Green Berets
Susan Shor-Fehmi:  Open Focus and Neurofeedback Assisted Psychotherapy
__PS8-29.A: Robert Austin; 
George Von Hillsheimer:  The Work of Douglas A. Quirk Psychologist: 
Rapid Effective Treatment  of Incarcerated Violent Felons using EEG BF
Alfonso Bermea:  NF with Court Ordered Criminal Offenders in and out of Jail
__PS8-30A.  A:   Seb Streifel:  Are Different Ethical Principles or Practice Standards Needed for those
Providing EEG Biofeedback
__PS8-31. A:   Siegried & Susan Othmer: The Grand Unified Theory of EEG BF-Implications for Protocol  devt.
__PS8-30B. A:  Tom Brownback:  Utilizing Multiple Placement Montages& Phase,   Coher- ence, Synchrony &
Linear Channel Combina- tion Training Paradigms  with the Brownback- Mason Protocol   for the
Treatment of Dissociation/Addiction
David Warner:Interventional Informatics: Applied Psychophys. Telemedicine
__PS8-32. A :   VISIONARIES PANEL (15+ speakers)
__PS8-33. A:  Tom Budzynski:  QEEG and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Elsa Baehr:  Treating Depression  with the Asymmetry Protocol:  Progress and Problems
Barbara A. Linde:  Applications of NF for  Domestic Violence
__PS8-34. A:  Bob Crago:  Complex Closed Head Injury
David Kaiser/ BillScott:  NF Training for Chemical Dependency in the Context of the   MinnesotaModel
__PS8-35. A : David John Oates:  Reverse Speech:  Voices from the Unconscious
Victoria Ibric: Procedures in Assessment &Treatment of Chronic Pain Brief Clinical Sketches
Bob Crago:  A Case of Pseudo-dementia with pre-post QEEG
__PS8-36. A:  Paul Swingle:  Supplemental treatment to Neurofeedback
Lynda Kirk:  The “Sherlock Homes” Method of Biofeedback:  Sleuthing beyond the Obvious
__PS8-38.A:   Stu Donaldson:  Pain & Fibromyalgia Integrating EEG & EMG
Sheila Steele: Retardation & Autism:  Case Studies:Fast Response to Single Hertz NF

13) Biograph training seminar info
Zengar Institute is a private psychological service organiza-tion located
in Port Jefferson, NY. Founded by Susan Dermit, Ph.D. and Valdeane W.
Brown, Ph.D., Zen-gar is dedicated to helping individuals transform pain
into awareness, limita-tion into awakening, and suffering into liberation.
We integrate cutting edge technologies like Neurofeedback with ancient
techniques from the wisdom and spiritual traditions to promote rapid and
long-lasting transformation.

Valdeane W. Brown, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been
involved with applied psycho-physiology and other forms of rapid
psychotherapeutic transformation for over a decade. He has taught
exten-sively on a wide range of topics and has developed the Five Phase
Model of CNS Functional Transformation.

Susan Dermit, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been active
in the field of behavioral medi-cine and applied psychophysiology for the
past decade. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psych-iatry
and Behavioral Science, SUNY, Stony Brook.

Together they have developed the Period 3 Approach to Neurofeedback.

If you are new to biofeedback - and even if you aren't - the BioGraph
system can be bewildering because it is so comprehensive. If you are a
Neurofeedback practitioner, you know that the sample screens are not
powerful enough to address your clinical needs. Of course you also know
that the system can be modified in many ways, but how do you make the
changes that will give you the results you want?
We have developed a course that will help you really make the BioGraph
system work for you. For two days we will show you how to develop and
modify screens and create protocols. Led by two experienced clinicians with
extensive experience with biofeedback, this course will teach you how to
really use BioGraph.
You will learn how to:
· Develop screens that allow your biofeedback practice to come alive
· Use each of the different kinds of instruments to maximize clinical
· Create screens with multiple instruments
· Modify audio qualities, feedback contingencies and dis-play options for
maximal client response
· Integrate animations, wave files (*.wav), MIDI , and CD sources to create
true multimedia displays
· Develop and use report mode to document your work and assess progress
· Combine screens into protocols that simplify clinical decision making and
increase your efficiency and effectiveness
· Preview the next release of the BioGraph system and receive the latest
information on anticipated new features
· Work with examples of state of the art screens and multimedia
presentations based upon the Period 3 and Five Phase Model of CNS
Functional Transformation developed by Dr. Brown Develop your own screens
and protocols in extensive workshop exposure to take back to your practice.
You can be up and running Monday morning!

We know that this information is vital to your success with BioGraph and we invite you to take
advantage of this exciting opportunity to learn what you need to know.
Course Objectives
· Demonstrate Competence With Multimedia Capabilities of BioGraph
· Develop Two Screens -- One Using Animation
· Develop An Organized Protocol
· Review Features of Version 1.2a

Content Outline
· ProComp+/BioGraph: The Most Powerful and Flexible Biofeedback System Available Today
· BioGraph: A Multimedia Platform Using 3 Modes
· Screen Mode: Where the Action is
· BioGraph Terminology: Sensors, Inputs, Channels and Instruments
· Three Types of Feedback
· Visual Feedback: Instruments
· Audio Feedback: Overview
· Audio Feedback: Sound Source and Quality Options
· Switch Control
· Report Mode: Using Data Review Screens to Document Results
· Protocol Mode: Using Time Linked Scripts to Achieve Clinical Results
· Putting It All Together: Implementing Your Clinical Vision With ProComp+/BioGraph
· Feedback Systems and Non-Linear Dynamical Struc-tures
· BF The Art & Science: Integrating Linear and Non-Linear Dynamics to Promote Clinical Change
· Zengar Institute: A Clinical View Using BioGraph to Promote CNS Functional Transformation
· The Period 3 Approach:
· Non-Linear Control of CNS Functional Transformation
· The Practice of Feedback: Your Clinical Vision.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania      May 9th  and 10th 
San Francisco, California       May 30th And 31st
Cleveland, Ohio June 6th And 7th
Workshop Fees
Workshop Instructors

This is a professional workshop.  No sales people will be present and
no products will be available for sale at the workshops.

Registration or Information contact FUTUREHEALTH 215-504-1700
14-Quotes on Science and Spirit by Einstein and Goethe

The most important function of art and science is to awaken the cosmic religious feeling and keep it alive.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and science.
He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their more primitive forms-- this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of
true religiousness.

As soon as anybody belongs to a certain narrow creed in science, every unprejudiced and true perception is gone.