Biopsy Cyberzine Volume 1, issue #3, August 7, 1996
from Rob Kall and FUTUREHEALTH Inc. (
211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax
Table of Contents
-call for meeting notes and announcements-
-call for instrument, system, book, tape, software, listserve group and website
reviews by users.
-Olympic Smiling-- discovery of an awesome winning smile-- and an experiential exercise to
go with it.
-18 QUOTATIONS on Body , Body & Soul, Body & Mind
- Fascial-based Emotional Memory Storage (FEMS) System Theory (essay, by Chris Pringer)
-Website info: -Free Scientific articles by Charles Tart, available via WWW or
anonymous FTP on - ALTERED STATES OF
-AMA press release transcript supportive of mind/body & biofeedback
- 1997 Brain/Mind Neurofeedback (formerly Key West) Meeting/Colloquium/Spa updated speaker
list, registration info, etc
-call for meeting notes and announcements
Please send in announcements about meetings you are organizing, or which you think may be
of interest to subscribers
If you've attended a meeting and have some interesting notes (I take mine on a notebook so
they're already keyed in) send them on. We'll
include them if they seem to work. (No grades given for spelling.<G>)
-call for instrument, system, book, tape, software, listserve group and website
reviews by users.
We're looking for descriptions of the strengths and weaknesses of hardware and
software for biofeedback, neurofeedback, psych
testing, as well as reviews of books, tapes, meetings, websites, listsesrve groups etc.
I collect smiles-- mary lou retton, Clint Eastwood, preschoolers who wiggle their butts--
and the guy who won the hundred yard dash--
the race which determines the fastest man in the world-- Donovan Bailey, from Canada-- had
a smile that made it in all the papers and
weekly newsmagazines. He drops his jaw wide enough to put a small pumpkin in it. I mean
we're talking bigger than room for a
grapefruit!! I have people try mouths-wide-open-smiles sometimes. BUt this sets a
new world record (he did that in the race too.) Try out
the smile. Open your mouth as wide as you can-- then keep going stretch it wider.
THem pull with your zygomaticus-- smile muscle.
Help lift the corners of your mouth by kicking in the muscle that lifts the lower
corner of your eyes-- the lower lateral orbicularis oculi-- and
that will help lift the corners of your moth too, and help you feel the smile Bailey
produced. It's quite intense, to me it almost feels like a
silent shout of joy.
Rob Kall, BIOPSY Editor/publisher
211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax
18 QUOTATIONS on Body , Body & Soul, Body & Mind
excerpted from Rob Kalls personal collection of quotations on disk
Please send in your favorites on this topic, or suggest another topic-- with or without a
quote to get it started.
THE BODY IS . . . among other amazing things, a unique communications system
-- intimately linked with one's TOTALITY.
Establishing rapport with one's body is a PATH to self realization.
Chris Pringer
Our bodies are apt to be our auobiographies.
Frank Gelett Burgess
God made the human body, and it is the most exquisite and wonderful organization which has
come to us from the divine hand. It is a
study for one's whole life. If an undevout astronomer is mad, an undevout physiologist is
Henry Ward Beecher
It is shameful for a manto rest in ignorance of the structure of his own body, especially
when the knowledge of it mainly conduces to his
welfare, and directs his application of his own powers.
Melanchthon )Philipp Schwartzert 1497-1560 German reformer, collaborated with Martin
But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection.
New Testament: I Corinthians, ix, 27
Since the body is the pipe through which we tap all the succors and virtues of the
material world, it is certain that a sound body must be at
the root of any excellence in manners and actions.
Emerson, Conduct of Life
Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are our gardeners.
Shakespeare, Othello, Act 1, sc. 3, l. 323
The body is the socket of the soul.
English Proverb (in John Ray)
Our life is but the soul made known by its fruits, the body. The whole duty of man may be
expressed in one line: Make yourself a perfect
Thoreau, Journal, 6/21/1840
A human body is composed of a large number of different entities, and each of them is
itself a composite.
Baruch Spinoza, Ethica 1677
Body: A cell state in which every cell is a citizen.
Rudolf Virchow, Cellular Pathologie
The body is but a pair of pincers set over a bellows and a stewpan and the whole fixed
upon stilts.
Samuel Butler, Note-books, c. 1890
A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.
Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning
In cultivating the mind we must not neglect the body. Those who do not find time for
exercise will have to find time for illness.
John Lubbock
When you think of the bodily soundness which is necessary to success in life, to
effectiveness in your adult life, think of the wiry, tough,
active, enduring body which resists fatigue, and endures anxiety without a quiver, and
faces danger in the same way; steadily, and calmly,
though alertly. That is the sort of body you need in order to have an effective life.
George Eliot
A sound body is a fine witness to a good character.
Hilys Jasper
The body never lies.
Martha Graham
The abdomen is the reason why man does not easily take himself for a god.
Just in case you have a few minutes to entertain yourself with a theory:
Re: Fascial-based Emotional Memory Storage (FEMS) System Theory
[rough draft, 6-1+96, Chris Pringer]
I am most interested in somatic memory
storage, as I tend
to access and work with this to varying degrees in my work,
primarily as a massage therapist and body-awareness
counselor -- my bio follows the body of this post to you.
--> I seek some educated feedback to the theory that has
through my work. Thank you for offering your facts, theory,
commentary, and/or passing this on to those who you think
consider this theory and/or offer useful response.
I would like to offer the following theory for your possible exploration
and enjoyment, provided you like tossing about ideas and theories on memory
storage. I hope you will forgive my lack of formal training in presentation
of such discussion.
Note: I jump immediately into postulation, since, as far as I know,
little of this has been "scientifically" proven:
Fascial-based Emotional Memory Storage (FEMS) System
[rough draft, 6-1+96, Chris Pringer]
The sensory nerves, proprioreceptors, and other nervous system
components, which I'll hereon collectively refer to as "sensors," are used in
conjunction with the Motor Cortex of the brain to create a "memory" of
related events (ERE) as registered in the body fascia. The fascia is richly
supplied with sensors such that "Sensor Field Arrays" are created by multiple
layers of fascia and in varying numbers of planes in any given area of soft
tissue. That is to say, a energy field is created by any given grouping of
sensors (a Sensor Field Array), simply due to the electro-magnetic vibration
created by each of its components, that when gathered together form a
collective electro-magnetic field.
As this field is 3 demensional, the electro-dynamics there are similar
(if many times smaller) to those we would measure around electric
transmission equipment and fields of wires, except that here the wires and
transformers may be laying in many different planes and directions and
radiating their electric fields in varying strengths and even varying
Hence, each Sensor Field Array has a basic/original Sensor Field
Configuration that serves as its signature. This signature is read by the
components of that field (via a kind of bio-electric triangularization and
like pattern reading), and this reading is recorded as an original and unique
of data. (It should be noted that sensor fields may physically and/or
energetically overlap, contain or be contained by, other sensor fields.)
This signature is used to compare to ERE of subsequent experience.
This comparison creates another set of data that serves as "memory" that
compares the results of one experience to another. It does this via the
"pleating" (the well known "saran wrap" signiture formed in fascia)
and which
is created by ERE. This is because the pleating distorts the sensor field
energy configuration.
In time phase one we have a certain arrangement of pleating in the
fascia in a given Sensor Field Array. The energy configuration of this field
"read" by the sensors and designated as the "original" signature SF
Configuration of that field. This signature data is stored as a set of
coordinates, energy vectors, and frequencies. In Phase two, an event causes a
displacement of the atomic or molecular structure, changing the demensions,
energy vectors, and frequencies in that field. This change is compared and
comparison is recorded as an internal holographic image -- an "internal
memory" -- that is referenced/corrolated with the data registered by external
sensory organs (of smell, sight, touch, hearing, and taste). The brain
interpretes this data and serves to coordinate the flow of information and
manage reactions/responses of related functions and maintain operations.
If, for some reason, the person reacts to the experience with a
interruption of the breathing process, resulting in an interruption in the
flow of
this information (due to an ERE), it affects the oxygen supplied to the
field in question. The musculature of that field is momentarily paralized and
pleat is formed in the fascia of that field. Now there is a permanent new
signature in that field, as well as a new SF Configuration that is a result
both of
the pleating as well as of any new demensions. If on the other hand the
subsequent experience (in phase two) is continuous to the next experience, we
say the experience in phase two is complete and there is no permanent
physical marking or *storage* of that experience with a pleat, and the
SF Configuration is simply given over to the next one.
On an unconscious mental demension, for each Sensory Field and/or
set of any combination of them, morphic fields are created for storage of
patterned reactions and responses of soft tissue, based in part on the
pleating, and based in part on learning of (postural and movement) behavior.
Habitual Patterns, that fix posture and movement within only certain ranges,
relates directly to the pleating and the resultant restrictions in the soft
The brain over time learns to interprete the data registered -- this is
what is generally referred to as learning. But learning to interpret the
sensed holographic image data involves the so-called empathic and psychic
capabilities, which we all have and use, but usually without our being
conscious of it, let alone in an organized and consistant fashion. The
proprioreceptors and their maintenance of appropriate muscle tone and
postural balance is actually a major part of this system, at least on the
level. But the other parts of this system provide relationship between our
mental perceptions, the feelings around them, and the manner and nature with
which experience affects the physical body in the short term and in the long
Moisture content along the facial surfaces would then determine the
strength of electrical potential or "charge" in that field. This translates
kinesthetic/sensory and emotional sensitivity for that field. A Pleat forms
emotional-related charges for as long as the experience is kept as a
memory. There would be a direct corolary between the memory being
suppressed, and the field's moisture content decreasing and thus it's oxygen
level (and/or its "normal" use of oxygen) decreasing. Ideally, moisture
is high such that the bio-electric currents pass through and feelings do not
"stuck" -- stored as supressed emotion. Another way of saying this is that
fascial bio-electro/magnetic resonance reflects memory (experience) with the
manner in which solution is distributed on its surface; coherent wave
reflect symmetricity and alignment of atomic relationships.
"Fascianomics" - regards the efficiency of neuro-fascial interface to conduct
symmetric bio-magnetic resonance in alignment with and facilitation of
maximum potential effortless whole systems function.
I believe there may be other ways that the brain-mind stores and
accesses memory, but that this one works for the "emotionally charged" and/or
suppressed experiences for which the person consciously and/or
unconsciously feels there needs to be further processing. This further
processing then takes place if/when a more appropriate time and
circumstance presents itself, and as the priorities and readiness allow for
particular and/or related psycho-emotional development.
[None of this should be interpreted to suggest that memory suppression has
any direct relationship with moral, ethical, or "spiritual" capacity, or
Flaws." I do not believe there is any such direct relationship. I DO believe
there may be a relationship -- more or less direct -- between memory
suppression (which every human does some of) and personal challenges,
coping mechanisms, each person's personality formed by unique perceptual
filtration and selectivity, tendencies and talents and gifts, and even life
direction (which every human has). And I believe that Suppressed memory
does not *determine* these aspects, but much about these aspects can be
gleaned/read from an understanding of the corrolations between fascial
characteristics and the nature of memory suppression. I have demonstrated
this many, many times to be a consistant and reliable practice through using
information that I have gotten kinesthetically (via touch/massage therapies)
from the soft tissue -- as verified by those people I was working with and
assessing at the time. ]
At one time Rupert Sheldrake stated that there needed to be some way to
confirm the existance and role(s) of morphic fields. I am wondering if
in the directions indicated above might be a useful and relatively easy way
research morphic field theory. In the course of it we may discover important
physiological relationships to the intangibles of emotional memory storage.
The fascial system is small enough and workable enough, that with some
medical scanning equipment and bio-electric field measuring devices that are
already developed, a good computer man to integrate the assessments,
a good visionary and a few left brainers to keep things heading in the right
-- well, Sheldrake could have his micro-cosmic example of inter AND
(via adjacent, multi-level contained, and/or overlapping) memory fields. And
emotional aspect of the memory wouldn't have to be established before this is
proven, I think -- the neurosynaptic data, when compared in block groups over
time and experience (eg: on/in a living biological organism's system) with
equipment as described above, would give a relatively quick idea of where to
with the study from there.
Later on, with cross checking of experiential data of
the person's tested, the emotional content could begin to be established and
correlated. It seems to me that with all the intuitives around to give hints
as to
where to direct the eyes of the research, the basis for the correlations
could be
relatively quickly revealed. Then the more left-brain (as compared to right
whole brain) derived avenues of research could be checked for verification.
I admit, I may have absolutely no idea of what I'm talking about, but
other hand, I've been pretty close to right on with this kind of thinking
especially in intuiting out the more technical aspects (and relavent
"topography") of
applied bodywork. And I don't think that this research (so directed as
would *create* a new working mechanism in the fascial energy fields,
the amount of thought and emotion that has already established relatively
relationships at those levels of biology. Hmm, I could be wrong there, but
if so,
Sheldrake is more accurated about these fields than my mind wants to even
begin to handle ! ;-D
Oh, BTW, There is an interesting article in the June 22nd issue of SCIENCE
NEWS, vol. 149, #25: "Neural Code Breakers -- What language do neurons use
to communicate," by Richard Lipkin. In the same issue on the preceding page
(391), is "Test-tube stickers for DNA-based computers," which also relates to
how organisms process data. And then the article, "A Cellular Light Show" on
(page 399) regard how the stimulation of a gene in a separate cell effects
neigboring cells, and the monitoring process used by researchers descibed
with "[with the described system] One can monitor dynamically, what goes
on in normal cells. The only limit is your imagination." Thank you Science
Blessings and Thanks Again.
Chris Pringer, LMP, MH
Lic. Massage Therapist,
*Body-Mind Integrative Bodywork*
Reg. Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master
- - - UPDATE # 3 - March 27, 1995 - Please pass on - - -
-Scientific articles available via WWW or anonymous FTP on
As an aid to education and communication, Charles T. Tart, Professor
Emeritus of Psychology at the Davis campus of the University of Cali-
fornia, who has devoted his career to scientific work in the above
and related areas, is gradually making reprints of his published
journal articles and miscellaneous papers available, via anonymous
ftp, to whoever is interested. These are mostly from scientific journals,
but are generally readable and jargon-free.
As of March 27, 1995, 30+ articles have been posted. The following
are examples of the kinds of topics:
- experiences in altered states of consciousness as fundamental
sources of value in Western civilization, underlying
-investigating altered states of consciousness by the
of state-specific sciences
- ESP functioning could be trained to become reliable by using
basic psychological principles of learning
- precognition, while real, works an order of magnitude less well
than real-time ESP under laboratory conditions
-psychics' own fears of psychic abilities
-psychological ways of dealing with fear of psi
-perniciousness of bias in apparently objective science
-marijuana intoxication and psi functioning
Recent additions include:
-"compassion-science-survival", surveying survival of
death research
from an altered states perspective
-"causality-and-synchronicity", a clarification of
Jung's concept
of synchronicity and distinguishing it from normal ESP and
educational and career
advice for those wanting to study and work in these fields
-"pure-clairvoyance", an experimental study on whether
(direct extrasensory perception of matter) can function
telepathy and precognition have been eliminated as
-"on-line-teaching", a detailed report of the
experience of
teaching a graduate level course on altered states of
consciousness on the net
Another 50+ articles will be posted over the next year as they are
scanned in and formatted as ASCII files. The file "currentcontents"
in the ftp server is regularly updated to reflect additions.
People with a Web browser program can access the archive with the address
Computer users with ftp access to the Internet can access the archive
as follows:
Connect to ftp server,
"". (Don't type the "s)
Log in as username "anonymous".
(Don't type the "s) Send your
e-mail address as the
ident/password string.
cd to /pub/fztart.
A "dir" command will show you what is
A "get" command will retrieve
The file "current-contents" will be
updated regularly, showing
what papers are available, often
with an abstract of each.
Please forward the above announcement to whatever networks, newsgroups
or individuals you think would be interested. Thanks!
Medical and surgical approaches alone have failed
CHICAGO--Treating chronic pain and insomnia can be much more
effective by combining behavioral and relaxation techniques
with traditional interventions such as drugs and surgery,
according to a special communication in this week's issue of
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).
A 12-member, nonfederal technology assessment panel of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) made the recommendation
following a three-day conference in which 23 experts
presented data.
Panel members write: "(We) found strong evidence for the
use of relaxation techniques in reducing chronic pain in a
variety of medical conditions as well as strong evidence for
the use of hypnosis in alleviating pain associated with
cancer. The evidence was moderate for the effectiveness of
cognitive-behavioral techniques and biofeedback in relieving
chronic pain. Regarding insomnia, behavioral techniques,
particularly relaxation and biofeedback, produce
improvements in some aspects of sleep, but it is
questionable whether the magnitude of the improvement in
sleep onset and total sleep time are clinically
Enhancing Chronic Pain Relief
Relaxation techniques generally achieve nondirect relaxation
through two basic components: 1) repetitive focus on a
word, sound, prayer, phrase, body sensation, or muscular
activity; and 2) the adoption of a passive attitude toward
intruding thoughts and a return to focus. The panel
reviewed information showing that relaxation techniques
appear to alter pain transmission in the body by decreasing
oxygen consumption, lowering respiratory and heart rate,
lowering blood pressure, and increasing certain brain waves
called the electroencephalographic slow waves.
Hypnosis has been shown to help reduce several types of
pain, including lower back and burn pain, by changing pain
perception through intense relaxation. The panel says
information also suggests that hypnosis can block pain from
entering consciousness through various brain functions.
The panel found cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to be
moderately effective in altering pain intensity. Depression
and anxiety has been shown to increase subjective complaints
of pain. CBT can reduce depression and anxiety, as well as
alter a patient's expectation about pain and increase the
feeling of self control.
Enhancing Treatment of Insomnia
The panel examined information finding some improvement in
treating insomnia with relaxation and biofeedback.
Relaxation can reduce cognitive and physiological arousal,
thus allowing the body to fall asleep more easily with fewer
sleep interruptions. Biofeedback is a technique that allows
an individual to gain some control over automatic body
Barriers to Integration of Alternative Therapies
The panel admits that it may be difficult to integrate these
therapies into mainstream treatment. One barrier is the
sole emphasis on biomedics in medical education. Other
barriers include a lack of standard methodology to assess
the success or failure of these interventions, a low
compliance rate on the part of the patient because these
interventions are time-intensive, and an unwillingness on
the part of some insurance companies to provide
reimbursement for certain treatments.
The panel writes: "Although specific structural,
bureaucratic, financial, and attitudinal barriers exist to
the integration of these techniques, all are potentially
surmountable with education and additional research, as
patients shift from being passive participants in their
treatment to becoming responsible, active partners in their
Information cited in the report says chronic pain and
insomnia afflict millions of Americans, costing the United
States billions of dollars as a consequence of functional
impairmant. The panel was convened by NIH to evaluate
available scientific information related to the treatment of
chronic pain and insomnia because, "to date, conventional
medical and surgical approaches have failed, at considerable
For more information: contact the AMA's Natalie Olinger at
AMA web site: