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BioPsy Vol 1, # 1

From Rob Kall
Organizer,  The Brain/Mind EEG/Neurofeedback Advanced Meeting Colloquium (formerly known as the Key West EEG meeting
Organizer, 2nd  Advanced, Applied, Clinical Surface EMG Meeting
Organizer Positive Paradigms Meeting
president, FUTUREHEALTH, Inc.
Sysop  CompuServe Mind/Body Sciences Forum

This message is the first of a series in a new newsletter/ moderated listserve group/cyber-publication I am putting together.  The messages will come bearing news, messages from me, my company, FUTUREHEALTH, Inc., and  others among the 500+ recipients of the list., new product information,  professional and industry news and tidbits, product and website reviews,  and other content related to the fields of brain/mind/ body/heart/spirit education, health, assessment,  therapies, peak/optimal performance, holistic integral health, pain and stress management, behavioral medicine,   mind technologies such as CES, light sound machines, subliminals-- and psychophysiology, psychology, phenomenology, research methodology and whatever else the recipients (who will ultimately become subscribers of a moderated listserve group)

If you don't want to receive further messages, just reply with the word Delete in the message section. That will take you off the list permanently. 
------------------------------------------------------------Meeting Announcements -----------------------------------------------------------
The Brain/Mind EEG/Neurofeedback Advanced Meeting Colloquium (formerly known as the Key West EEG meeting will be held in Palm Springs, California Friday, Feb 21thru Tuesday, Feb 25  1997 with a pre-conference foundations course on Thursday, Feb 20th
This message is an early announcement of
1)  the date, location and reduced pre-registration fees.
2) A Call for proposals for brief presentations- please contact me to discuss ideas you have for presentations, activities or workshops. Last year there were so many submissions, last minute ones had to be rejected for lack of space on the program.
3) An invitation for suggestions for themes, topics, subjects covered, workshops, etc.

The Second annual Aplied Clinical Surfface EMG meeting will be held in Mid January, 1997. As soon as a final date and location is established we''ll let you know. Suggestions for topics, themes and proposals for presentations are invited.
Non-profit organizations wishing to have their meetings announced to this list are invited to e-mail  text that is ready to send
For-profit organizations are invited to submit announcment for considerations by the manager of the list for inclusion.

---------------------------------New Technologies---------------------------------------------------------------------
a new, top brand name EEG computer unit for $695,
a heart rate biofeedback computer relaxation game for $150,
paste free EEG electrodes,
windows upgrades for popular older equipment like the J&J I-330, Pro-COmp,. SRS, Davicon
The new, lower cost J&J I-330 DSP, COmpact, etc. units.
New  $99 disposable home trainer EMGs ($150 with audio. BOth have ative electrodes and are designed to last for nine months of regular use. (great for a clinician just wanting to get her/his feet wet with biofeedback)
a single channel, digital readout EMG with memory for $995, dual channel for $1495 ideal for use as an incontinence home trainer.

--------------------------------------------------More on where this digital listserve/cyberzine is heading--------------------------------
Book, journal articles, new journals, Audio and  video reviews and announcements.
Announcements of internet conferences (particularly on the Compuserve Mind/body sciences forum)
We'll be sending reprints of articles and essays submitted with the permission of the author/copyright holder.

New clinical applications and new approaches to clinical categories: 
vulvovestibulitis, autism, tourettes,  fibromyalgia

peak performance,  multiple intelligence enhancement, getting into schools, 

Practice issues:
cash practice,
managed care

Assessment topics:
computerized assessments and psyc testing,

wholism versus reductionism
Positive approaches versus repairing negatives.

Hopefully, list recipients/subscribers will send in articles they've written, digital reprints, reviews and reports on new, useful products, ideas, meeting, concepts, books, etc, and we'll all share useful information.   THe plan is to title subjects witht he prefix PB (Psychbio) and then the thread or topic under discussion. That'll make it easier for you to manage the messages. ALso, the messages will be sent in digest format. Replies will come back to the server, not to senders, so you will have to copy the sender's e-mail address to reply directly to the sender. For this reason, it is important not to send personal messages to the server, only ones intended for all of the recipients of the list.

All messages sent in to the list will be archived and eventually some or all will be stored at an accessible  website, and possibly, with their cooperation, in the Compuserve Mind/Brain/BOdy Sciences Forum library. 

Looking forward to an exciting dialogue
Rob Kall
Organizer of the
FUTUREHEALTH Inc. 211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374