Bio-Psy Webzine Volume 1 Number 6
The biofeedback and/ Mind/Body/Heart /Spirit Webzine
--------------TABLE OF CONTENTS----------------------
Editor's greeting; the Volunteer summit and Positive Paradigms
i) Maya Angelou Quotation
1) 1998 Winter Brain meeting : Announcement and call for paper and presentation proposals
2) A note about the AAPB 1998 meeting.
3) The First Congress of the Association for the Scientific Study
of Consciousness
4) The Prophet's Way; Touching the Power of Life, book reviews
5) Article: Denial of Anger may Kill Cardiac Patients
6) Quotations on Energy
7) The Positive Paradigms Sciences: Advanced Meeting/Colloquium: a brief Prospectus
The Varieties of Positive Experience, Positive Actions & Optimal States
The science of creating light rather than
eliminating darkness.
7a) New, OPTIMAL Functioning AAPB Section
9) Ergonomic Workshop: Erik Peper and colleagues
10) New Technology
11) A list of exhibitors and review of the Palm Springs Exhibit hall
12) AAPB meeting Update, with review of exhibit hall exhibits
Feel free to forward this intact, entire cyberzine to anyone you feel might
be interested in seeing it. Posting to websites, listserve groups or BBSs
is also permitted as long as the entire contents is posted.
Editorial material wanted: if you've written something of interest to fellow
travelers, we'd like to have an opportunity to evaluate it for our
publication. First rights or reprints. Announcements about meetings will also be
considered for inclusion.
Reviewers wanted. Send us your reviews of books, tapes, movies, software, tests,
whatever you think BioPsy readers will be interested in.
Past issues of BioPsy are available at FUTUREHEALTH's and Rob Kall's Website
(0ver 80 web-pages of biofeedback, mind body, meeting, pain, EMG, Positive
Paradigms, web links, related information, articles, and product
information--, recently printed out to produce over 350 printed pages, not including the
Bio-Psy back issues)
and in the library of Compuserve's Mind/Brain/Body Sciences Forum (go MIND)
Editor's Greeting,
Today, Jesse Jackson said, the Philadelphia Volunteer Summit, "We are transformed by
the renewal of our minds."
The feel-good, warm hearted enthusiasm and shared caring of this Summit reminds me of
Hands across America, the renewal of the Statue of Liberty, and other
mass people events. We need more of these, on all kinds of different
themes, on a regular basis, to recharge the special batteries which give
us and sustain our loving/ miracle / cooperation energy. I've spent a
number of years exploring the science of the varieties of positive
experience, and positive states, and I have been working for several
years on organizing a meeting--
The Positive Paradigms Sciences:
Advanced Meeting/Colloquium: a brief Prospectus
The Varieties of Positive Experience, Positive Actions & Optimal States
The science of creating light rather than eliminating darkness.
This summit is an extraordinary example of the exploration of one of these
positive actions. The positive energy and enthusiasm, hope, caring,
vision and courageous determination make it screamingly clear that great
mass events like this should be made to happen far more often. These
can become a regular part of our culture, of renewing our minds and our
spirits. I know that so many of the recipients of this Webzine (free and volunteer
produced; help with articles always appreciated) give so much
of themselves. I hope this volunteer summit encourages you to give even more.
Further in this issue you will see the full Positive
Paradigms prospectus as it is now being distributed, with the hope of getting support
of all kinds, so it can be made into a big success which has the potential
for changing many lives. Take a look at it, and let me know what ideas
you have or ways you can help.
I hope your year is going
great, that your dreams are connecting with your realities.
heartfully Yours,
Rob Kall,
Webzine Editor/Publisher
i) If one is lucky, a single fantasy can totally transform a million
--Maya Angelou
1) Palm Springs Winter Brain meeting : Announcement and call for paper and presentation
6th Annual Winter
Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification & Training: Neurofeedback, qEEG, ADD,
Sound/Light, Consciousness, Peak Performance Advanced Meeting Colloquium (formerly
Known as the Key West EEG Meeting)
Held in the Southwest US February 6-10, Exact location not yet determined.
early hotel reservations strongly recommended, since the conference hotel always sells
Pre-conference Neurofeedback Foundations Course Feb 5
Your proposals for poster session, speaking and workshop presentations are invited
(either to present your self or people you think would contribute to the meeting.
New Speakers:
-Gene Penniston: originator of the Penniston Technique, a powerful,
documented effective approach to successfully treating alcoholism, substance abuse and
Mary Jo Szabo: Director of a dynamic program installed in the Yonkers
Public School District. Her organization has trained several thousand children in the last
few years. Just 3 days before posting this
announcement, Mary Jo presented on Neurofeedback to 1200 New York State Educators.
Carol Schneider Past president AAPB and ISSSEEM, speaking on right
frontal lobe damage and the Phineas Gage phenomenon
Returning Lecturers Include:
Geoffrey Blundell, Tom Budzynski, Frank Deits, Jay Gunkelman, Thom Hartmann,
Michael Hutchison, Julian Isaacs, Michael Linden, Joel Lubar, Judith Lubar,
Len Ochs, Siegfried Othmer, Susan Othmer, Karl Pribram, Peter Rosenfeld,
Gary Schwartz, David Seiver, Lynda Thompson, Michael Thompson,
Barry Sterman, Anna Wise
New Endorsements:
It's hard to synthesize into words what an incredible experience your 97
conference was. The words "family" and "community" aren't even
strong enough to describe the sense of sharing, communion, creativity,
and openness that I experienced in Palm Springs. I truly believe this
field is coming together as never before, and your conference provides it
a home base and a launching point.
Anna Wise, author, The High Performance Mind, Esalen Mind Mirror Trainer
the single most important event of the year for practitioners, theorists, and
lay people in the ADD arena. Rob Kall's EEG annual conference is the best of all the
conferences I've ever attended or presented at. In
particular, I appreciate the casual atmosphere, the opportunities for
discussion and cross-pollination of topics and new information, and the omnipresent
Jacuzzi. This conference has an extremely high level of
scientific and speculative information combined with an honest, humility,
and humanity which is usually lacking from those conferences put on by
"associations" and "professional groups" who are often more interested
in status, politics, and self-aggrandizement than they are in people
learning and enjoying themselves.
Thom Hartmann, author of Success with ADD, ADD a Different Perspective; Hunters in a
Farmer's World, and, The Prophet's Way.
"a fantastic experience, more than worth the trip from "down under".
Rosemarie Schneider, New Zealand<<
2) A note about the AAPB 1998 meeting.
As the founder and organizer of the Winter brain meeting, I believe that
AAPB meeting is an extraordinarily valuable meeting on biofeedback. I
have not missed one since I started attending in 1978. I have made
every effort to cooperate with AAPB to synergize our energies. That's
why in 1998 there is a two month separation between meeting dates,
and why I am again holding the Winter brain meeting on the west coast,
since AAPB will be holding its meeting in Florida. If you receive this
webzine, you ought to consider being a member of AAPB, to support its
political, PR and insurance efforts and to benefit from its committees,
publications and advocacy efforts, as well as its meeting.
Rob Kall, member, Board of Directors, of AAPB
AAPB: Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback:
3) The First Congress of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be
held at Claremont, California June 13-16. This year's topic will be "What does
Implicit Cognition Tell Us About Consciousness". Topics and workshops range from
implicit learning, blind sight, unconscious process, etc.
909 621 8084 or visit web site:
4) The Prophet's Way; Touching the Power of Life ISBN 09655728-0-3
US $12.95/Canada $18.25 (available at your local bookstore of from FUTUREHEALTH Inc.)
By Thom Hartmann,
A friend and colleague of mine, Thom Hartmann, who has spoken on "ADD; A different
Perspective; Hunters in a Farmer's world," and on "what Maslow
overlooked" at previous Winter Brain meetings, and who has offered to be one of
the participants in the Positive Paradigms meeting, has written a book, The Prophet's way.
I liked it enough to offer to help him promote it. I think you will like it too.
Here's what I wrote about it, followed by the current
material planned for the back cover of the first printing.
"Prophet's way draws you in like a novel, keeping you on the edge waiting to see what
happens next, yet it is a true story with messages similar to the novels Ishmael and
Celestine Prophecy. Thom Hartmann is a true man of the 90's -- a master of the
internet who has achieved incredible success in his spiritual as well as his cyber
universes. This book has something for everyone. It has helped me make a major change in
my life for the better.
Like a painting by a great master, which has been
painted over and hidden for centuries, Thom Hartmann peels away the layers of distortion
heaped on original visions of religion and faith which existed 2,000 years ago,
revealing once again the essence of humanity, spirituality and mysticism. .
Rob Kall
Other reviewer's comments:
"A profound odyssey of spiritual transformation."
Psychology Today
"This is the most important book I have ever read _ a deeply disturbing
surprise. Terrifyingly topical; strangely transcendental and timeless;
profound, engaging, delightful, informative; dreadful, desolating,
devastating, threatening, unhinging, and irritating _ I would I could evade
its awful truth.
"Now I can do no less than give my remaining years to its message."
Joseph Chilton Pearce
author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg, The Magical Child, and Evolution's
"The Prophet's Way is the thought-provoking story of a man trying to
by spiritual values. We need accounts like these because they direct us
toward compassion and consciousness."
_John Robbins
Author of Diet for a New America and Reclaiming Our Health
`Thom Hartmann is an absolutely original mind, with an original way of
looking at the world: he has made an enormous contribution to our culture."
_Owen Lipstein, Editor-in-Chief, Psychology Today & Mother Earth News
"This book is a must-read for anyone on the spiritual path who is
interested in saving the planet."
_Rochel Haigh Blehr, Publisher, Environmental Times
"Thom Hartmann exposes many of the ugly truths hiding beneath the
of contemporary `civilization.' Hartmann's book masterfully combines
autobiography, science and Christian spirituality and shows us how to
rehabilitate our world with acts of compassion rooted in spiritual humility
and faith in the Creator of all creatures and cultures.
"Easy to read, hard to practice."
_Jay Fikes, Ph.D.
Author of Reuben Snake, Your Humble Serpent and Carlos Castaneda, Academic
Opportunism and the Psychedelic Sixties.
"Author Thom Hartmann has laid out a controversial but appealing
_TIME magazine, July 18, 1994 (referencing an earlier book upon which this
one builds)
Here's the text from an early release of the book I had the opportunity to review:
" From the most ancient corner of Jerusalem's Old City, to a candlelit
Detroit temple where a teacher glows and heals with his hands, to the
famine-plagued refugee camp in Uganda, to the bloodied streets of Bogota,
Thom Hartmann conveys his experiences of expanded consciousness and spiritual
insight with inspiring clarity.
Each chapter shares personal experience that illuminates a larger concept
and shows the reader how they can change themselves and their world.
Hartmann concludes that the Earth is endangered because modern humans have
lost their connection to "the heartbeat of the world," and that humanity is
endangered because people have lost their connection to inner divinity.
In an inspiring story that melds recent discoveries in science with
ancient metaphysical truths, the reader is given specific techniques and
tools to reconnect with life and recreate our personal futures and the
planetary future."
THOM HARTMANN is the author of six other books, and has worked with the
Salem international relief organization based in Germany and the United
States for over 18 years.
5) Denial of Anger may Kill Cardiac Patients
(editor's note: The following article reminds me of the excellent opening keynote speech
presented by Naras Bhat, MD. [ ], on using biofeedback to treat heart disease. He uses
heart rate variability feedback combined with altruism training to replace the anger
DETROIT -- We've all heard that anger can kill. Yet for cardiac patients, perhaps denial
of anger is even more deadly.
Denial of anger emerged as a stronger predictor for death and other cardiac incidents,
such as new heart attacks or additional cardiac procedures, than traditional cardiac risk
factors, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study conducted by Mark Ketterer, Ph.D.
Results of this study were presented at the American Psychosomatic Society
Annual Meeting, held March 19-22 in Santa Fe, NM.
"The results of this study make a strong case for doctors to routinely ask
a spouse or friend about the patient's emotional well-being," Dr. Ketterer said.
"Patients tend to minimize what is really happening."
Researchers discovered that patients routinely under-reported anger. In fact, it was more
likely to be minimized than depression or anxiety. This makes it difficult for physicians
to accurately assess patients' emotional risk factors and direct them to appropriate
The study evaluated measures of emotional distress, in addition to standard
cardiovascular risk factors, to determine which are the most potent predictors of
additional cardiac incidents or death. It also examined how to determine which patients
will benefit from evaluation and intervention for emotional distress.
"It is striking that standard cardiovascular risk factors largely failed to predict
cardiac events or chest pain," Dr. Ketterer said. "This study shows that denial
of emotional distress is a powerful predictor of long-term outcomes and points out that
patient distress is not likely to be apparent to the physician."
The study involved 144 men who underwent coronary catheterization between 1989 - 1991, had
no history of previous cardiac procedures or mental disorders, and whose baseline coronary
artery disease was determined by angiography, a procedure which provides an image of the
blood vessels to the heart. Each patient and a spouse/friend completed parallel versions
of the Ketterer Stress Symptom Frequency Checklist at that time, which evaluated the
patient's emotional well-being.
Patients or surviving family were followed up by phone an average of five years after
their catherization. Patients who had experienced one or more cardiac events or death were
compared with those not experiencing events on traditional risk factors and a number of
measures of psychosocial/emotional distress.
Of the traditional cardiac risk factors, only the number of hours of exercise per week and
a history of hypertension were found to predict cardiac events.
Denial scores, which are the difference between what the patient and the spouse reported,
proved to be the strongest predictor of cardiac events.
Denial of anger had the strongest association observed for cardiac events or death, even
over traditional cardiac risk factors.
Dr. Ketterer believes that more support groups are needed for cardiac patients to address
the emotional and psychological issues of their disease.
In addition, Dr. Ketterer believes that future research and clinical care need to take
reports of emotional status from the spouse/friend into account to effectively evaluate
and treat patients.
Quotations on Energy
(from Rob Kall's Idea Database and 250+ book collection of quotations)
Energetic souls, like volcanoes, throw out brilliant lights and great shadows.
Chateaubriand, Revolutions Anciennes
The secret of happiness is never to allow your energies to stagnate.
Adam Clarke,
...of all military virtues, energy in the conduct of war has always contributed the most
to the glory and success of arms.
Karl Von Clausewitz 1780-1831
Surprise lies at the foundation of all undertakings without exception, only in very
different degrees, according to the nature of the undertaking and other circumstances.
...Secrecy and rapidity are the two factors in this product. Both pre-suppose great energy
in the government and the commander-in-chief.
Karl Von Clausewitz 1780-1831
Civilization gets its basic energy not from its resources, but from its hopes. Norman
Cousins, foreword in Most of All They Taught Me Happiness, by Robert Muller
"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without
Disraeli, Lothair
Thrilling her as with fire of rage divine
And battling energy.
Elliot, George
Thinking is an experimental dealing with small quantities of energy, just as a general
moves miniature figures over a map before setting his troops in action.
Sigmund Freud
Winter is in my head, but spring is in my heart.
Hugo, Victor
Even the least religious men must have felt with Walt Whitman, when loafing on the grass
on some transparent summer morning, that, ""swiftly arose and spread round him
the peace and knowledge that pass all the argument of the earth." At such moments of
energetic living we feel as if there were something diseased and contemptible, yea vile,
in theoretic grubbing and brooding. In the eye of healthy sense the philosopher is at best
a learned fool.
Wm, James, The Sentiment of Rationality
It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.
Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes
out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from
a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can
sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Day of Affirmation, address at University of Capetown, South
Africa, 6/6/1966
We want ups and downs in life. And the difficulties we encounter in the course of it
arouse our energies and augment our pleasures
To burn always with this hard, gemlike flame, to maintain ecstasy, is success in life.
Walter Pater, 1839-1894,
Studies in the History of the Renaissance
No great achievement is possible without persistent work, so absorbing and so difficult
that little energy is left over for the more strenuous kinds of amusement, except such as
serve to recuperate physical energy during holidays, of which Alpine climbing may serve as
the best example.
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness
Complexity in emotions is like foam in a river. It is produced by obstacles which break
the smoothly lowing current. But so long as the vital energies are unimpeded, they produce
no ripple on the surface, and their strength is not evident to the unobservant.
Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness
Never underestimate the stimulation of eccentricity.
Neil Simon, Biloxi Blues, (movie)
Strong temper may only mean a strong and excitable will. Uncontrolled, it displays itself
in fitful outbreaks of passion; but controlled and held in subjection--like steam pent up
within the organized mechanism of a steam engine, the use of which is regulated by slide
valves and governors and levers-- it may become a source of energetic power and
usefulness. Hence, some of the greatest characters in history have been men of strong
temper, but of equally strong determination to hold their motive power under strict
regulation and control.
Samuel Smiles, CHARACTER
By poverty, i.e., simplicity of life and fewness of incidents, I am solidified and
crystallized, as a vapor or liquid by cold. It is a singular concentration of strength and
energy and flavor... By simplicity, commonly called poverty, my life is concentrated and
so becomes organized.
Thoreau, Journal 2/8/1857
To breath the air, how delicious!
To speak, to walk, to seize something by the hand!...
To be this incredible God I am!..
O amazement of things, even the last particle!
O spirituality of things!
I too carol the Sun, usher'd or at noon, or as now, setting;
I too throb to the brain and beauty of the earth and of all the growths of the earth....
Walt Whitman
It is the highest power of divine moments that they abolish our contritions also. I accuse
myself of sloth and un-profitableness day by day; but when these waves of God flow into me
I no longer reckon lost time. I no longer poorly compute my possible achievement by what
remains to me of the month or the year; for these moments confer a sort of omnipresence
and omnipotence which asks nothing of duration, but sees that the energy of the mind is
commensurate with the work to be done, without time."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Circles
The luxury of fire is to have a little on our hearth; and of electricity, not
volleys of the charged cloud, but the manageable stream on the battery wires. So of spirit
or energy-the rests or remains of it in the civil and moral man are worth all the
cannibals in the Pacific.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
"To be thrown upon one's own resources is to be cast in the very lap of fortune; for
our faculties then undergo a development, and display an energy, of which they were
previously unsusceptible."
Ben Franklin
"Up, sluggard, and waste not life; in the grave will be sleeping enough."
Franklin, Benjamin,
"Seest thou a man diligent in his calling, he shall stand before kings, he shall not
stand before mean men,"
Solomon quoted by Franklin, Benjamin, his Autobiography
"Man, above all creatures, is gifted with excellence and energy; although the one he
degrades, and the other he misapplies; in his pursuits far more frequently without
diligence than talents to direct it, or time for their exertion."
7) The Positive Paradigms Sciences: Advanced Meeting/Colloquium: a brief Prospectus
The Varieties of Positive Experience, Positive Actions & Optimal States
The science of creating light rather than eliminating darkness.
--If you want to help people to be happier, more cooperative, loving and caring, it makes
sense to create a science which studies the dimensions of happiness, cooperation, loving
and caring, rather than the factors which produce unhappiness.
--If you want to give people strength, creativity, energy, courage, hope, compassion,
altruistic and caring positive attitudes, it makes sense to create a science which
studies these states, traits and their dimensions and the factors which affect them,
rather than a science of pathology.
--If you want to have employees who enjoy their work, customers who have fun at your
movies, theme parks, with your products, movies, TV shows, books, transportation and
recreation products and services, it makes sense to develop a science which yields a
technology and art forms much like the computer industry has done with digital information
--We can do a "moon landing/manhattan project" for human happiness, joy, fun and
all the positive states and actions which are the best parts of being human-- putting our
scientific resources into bringing out the best in humanity, making a quantum leap
forward. It will start with a meeting. You can help make it happen.
The Project:
The goal is to bring together world leaders and innovators to present, share and
cross fertilize, at an advanced level, scientific data, different models and
advanced thinking and approaches to all aspects of what we know and how we study
what is positive in individuals, groups and communities-- experience, feelings,
states, actions, memories, resources, skills, etc. This can include--
happiness, courage and risk taking, fun, flow, joy, well-being, pleasure,
hope, optimism, serenity, peak performance, energy, confidence, enthusiasm,
enjoyment, love, heartwarming, caring, peace, resilience, sexuality, vision, smiling
and laughter, cooperation and community-- the list could go on and on.
The idea is to take our science, knowledge and arts to the next level-- to scientifically
explore, elucidate, codify, and create a unified, interwoven, integrated paradigm
which collects together existing models so as to evolve a useful, practical Positive
Science which spawns a collection of tools, technologies and techniques for optimizing
human and social functioning, performance, health and happiness.
If you consider that there have been hundreds of thousands of meetings and conferences,
seminars and symposia on the science of negative phenomena-- illness, disease, social
problems, pathology, crime, hate, fear, anger, etc., and not one meeting ever
(that's what all the speakers agree) dedicated to the science of positive phenomena-- it's
pretty amazing. We have this trillion dollar health care model based on diagnosing and
treating illness. Even the prevention part of the medical system is actually aimed at
keeping illness from happening-- not at creating optimal functioning. Yet there are little
sparkling motes on the planet where people are actually studying the science of creating
light, rather than trying to eliminate darkness. This meeting's goal is to bring together
the people who have committed a major part of their careers to the sciences and arts of
creating light in the human condition.-- to understanding positive states, feelings,
states and actions, from laughter and happiness to hope, altruism,. peace, caring, peak
performance, bliss, flow, wellness, peace, fun, well-being, enjoyment, courtesy,
heartwarming, smiling, self esteem, cooperation, enthusiasm, kindness, resilience,
volunteerism, courage, and more.
I have begun to invite leaders from very different approaches-- both empirical
scientific psychological, biological, theological, educational, anthropological and
entertainment realms to share ideas.
Tentative Speakers: all tentative speakers have agreed to be listed as tentative speakers.
Jeanne Achterberg editor J of Integral Medicine
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow, The Evolving Self
Frank Farley: the Type T, risk taking, thrill seeking, stimulation seeking personality,
Love, sex.
Marilyn Ferguson- Editor/founder Brain/Mind Bulletin
Thom Hartmann : Focus Your Energy, The Prophet's Way
Valerie Hunt bioenergies
Michael Hutchison mind technologies
Rob Kall Positive Experience, Heartwarming, smile anatomy/physiology
Stan Krippner parapsychology, consciousness researcher
Joel Levey spent a year living in silence at a buddhist retreat. Trains green
berets, Corporate execs in connecting with the sacred at the job.
Candace Pert neuropeptide /endorphin researcher
Gary Schwartz Caring, energy cardiology, facial expression
Norm Shealy Neurosurgeon, psychologist
Charles Tart Altered States
Eugene Taylor Psych/ Wm James historian, paradigm researcher
Lionel Tiger Anthropology of Hope & Optimism
Anna Wise High Performance Mind
Meeting Goals: connecting multiple disciplines, building lines of communications,
organizing a cross-disciplinary field dedicated to exploration of and funding for
research on the subject. Building a database which creates a model aimed at producing
positive states besides elimination of negative symptoms, illness, problems, etc. Getting
an organized entity started with a broader vision of collaboratively planning and
constructing the future positive evolution of humanity and culture. Establishing concrete
goals for building and expanding the new paradigm's support, resources, community and
penetration into the real world. Another goal is to create a temporary community for
sharing ideas, information, networking.... where common needs and goals can be identified,
where alliances across disciplines can be established.
Attendees will be able to learn different models and approaches to
understanding Positive Sciences, and will be able to use the information in their work to
improve their therapy, enhance their toys, advertising, entertainment, employee
motivation, etc.
Diversity of perspective is a key element. If even one speaker is familiar with all
of the others then I will not have done my job of bringing in a wide enough spectrum
of interests. If the scientists who use methodology to collect data are not made a
bit uncomfortable by the furthest-out model builders, then I haven't done my job either.
And I expect some of the more esoteric model builders to be at least a
bit uncomfortable under the methodological scrutiny of the scientists. But hopefully this
will all lead to more and better science with broader visions.
I am Rob Kall, organizer of the meeting. I have been presenting on Positivity
Training at professional meetings for about 10 years. It's a self-regulation, self
empowerment approach based on my model of the anatomy of positive experience, which
evolved from my work as a counselor and with biofeedback for the last 25 years. It's
based on the core idea that positive experiences are the basic building blocks of inner
strength and inner resources-- that they give us the ability and create the context to
cope with adversity and stress, to feel good, face and create challenges, enjoy our
successes and learn from our failures. The training consists of exploring aspects of the
anatomy of positive experience. I have organized several other successful meetings,
on forefront topics, regarded as best in the world.
Help Needed; To make this meeting the success it has the potential to be, volunteers and
major corporate, foundation or individual funding is needed. If you or your
organization is interested please let us know.
Rob Kall , M/Ed. 211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940,
215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374,
fax 215-364-4447, e-mail:
7a) New, OPTIMAL Functioning AAPB Section
I've submitted a petition to AAPB to form a new section.
It's will discuss and explore uses of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology for
optimizing health, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual functioning and peak
performance. This will include techniques, philosophies, ways of using biofeedback
for optimal functioning in different settings, models, coaching strategies,
research, history, assessment, technologies, related fields.
I think it has the potential to be a very strong, large section. People interested
in joining, please contact me. Suggestions for topics and speaker suggestions for the AAPB
meeting program are also invited. This is a topic I also want to strongly support at the
winter brain meeting. So suggestions are also invited for that meeting too.
July 31- Aug 3, 1997. Marquette University,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Papers and programs are now requested pertaining to applications of chaos
theory, fractals, nonlinear dynamics and related principles applied to any of
the various psychological subdisciplines, neuroscience, biology, physiology
and other areas of medical research, economics, sociology, anthropology,
physics, political science, organizations and their management, other
business applications, education, art, philosophy, and literature. Please
indicate to which of the foregoing topics your paper applies.
Submissions may be single papers, symposia, roundtable or salon programs.
Subject matter may be theoretical, empirical or methodology oriented. Oral
presentations will be 30 minutes in duration.
Proposals should be submitted by APRIL 30, 1997 to:
William Sulis, MD. Ph.D., By e-mail:;
by FAX (to McMaster University): 905-521-7948;
by snail-mail: 255 Townline Rd. E., RR5, Cayuga, Ontario, Canada, N0A 1E0.
This year's conference will preceed the American Psychological
Association's annual conference in Chicago, later in August.
Julian Sprott, University of Wisconsin, Madison. WI
David Campbell, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
9) Ergonomic Workshop:
Erik Peper, PhD., Alex Pierce, and Judith Sonner, LICSW present a three
day workshop on preventing computer and stress related disorders at the
worksite. Computer-related disorders (CRD) are one of the fastest
growing categories of workplace injury. The workshop teaches a
comprehensive prevention and treatment program which includes
biofeedback, ergonomics, workstyle, group training, assessment and
stress management at the workplace.
San Francisco, CA, June 6-8, 1997 - Cathedral Hill Hotel
@Work Solutions
Training and Consulting for Health in the Workplace
2236 Derby St., Berkeley, CA 94705
Phone or fax: (800) 848-1617 (510) 841-1617
10) New Technology
-Low Cost EMG trainer, ideal for athletic and classroom applications, with a light bar
display and audio feedback at an unusually low price of $350, or lower for quantity
discounts. Contact Bio-Psy for further details.
-BioPro 5 channel computer biofeedback hardware software package
A five channel (dual EEG, and 1 each of EMG, Thermal and Skin Conductance. The interface
connects to a standard serial port, so the system is ideal for notebooks (486 or faster
for non-EEG, 486-100 for EEG) Software is the same that's been used with the Norodata
system, with games, loads of powerful screens and solid reports. . This unit is almost
identical to the J&J I-400 (used with Len Ochs EDS software,) But this system adds the
extra EMG channel which lets you cover a much wider range a applied psychophysiology. At
$2395 FOB, pre-paid, this system is great for a wide range of applications.
Dealers and distributors wanted, particularly outside the US. Minimum quantities required
for all dealers.
--Heart rate win 95 biofeedback Treasure Diving game, including hardware, teaches heart
rate slowing. $199
-- Coming soon, Muscle Imaging for Procomp+
11) A list of exhibitors and review of the Palm Springs Exhibit hall
The exhibit hall was always busy, from 7:00 AM until the die-hards were repeatedly asked
to leave, and finally had the lights shut out on them at 10:30 PM.
211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax
We carry most major and many unique brands of instrumentation for neurofeedback and
biofeedback (new and used), audio and video neurofeedback meeting and workshop tapes,
and a wide selection of other publisher's books, tapes and supplies.
Autogenic/Stoelting, Biocommmunications, Biocomp, Biograph, BioIntegrator, Fasstech,
Focused Technology, Mindgear, David, J&J, Thought Technology,
SRS-- and more.
In the FUTUREHEALTH booth:
Lexicor Medical Technology manufactures computerized electroencephalographs and software
for brainwave monitoring. These devices are used in Neurotherapy and Neurofeedback.
Lexicor manufactures training and brainmapping devices and associated software.
Performance Peripherals, Inc., a subsidiary of Lexicor Medical Technology, Inc.,
manufactures peak performance mental conditioning equipment and software.
BioIntegrator A new, multimedia system with 8 channels (EEG, EMG, thermal, etc.) of
signals and dazzling graphics and audio designed to produce profound
psychophysiological responses. Uses two screens-- one for client training and
one for trainer monitoring. (about $9200 including special CPU with special cards
2 monitors not included in price)
Tools For Exploration
47 Paul Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903
TEL: 808/74TOOLS FAX: 415/499-9047
THE comprehensive source for "consciousness technologies." Its catalog, often
called "the Bible" of the field, displays a dazzling selection of Light/Sound
machines, EEG gear, brain fitness software, consumer biofeedback, books, tapes (including
Anna Wise) and many more "advanced delivery systems for unleashing human
20206 State Road
Cerritos, CA 90703
310-865-8582 (voice)800-258-2566 (toll-free)310-860-2143 (fax) (email) URL:
Neurotechnology Tools for the Professional
-A "Walkman" size downloadable Light & Sound system... completely
customizable for your patient.
-Low frequency sound Light & Sound system with professional headphones for the
ultimate relaxation effects.
-See thru Light Frames for stimulation during EEG Biofeedback.
-The Roshi EEG Biofeedback system.
Focused Technology
PO Box 13127 Prescott, AZ 86304
(520) 771-8697 Voice (520 778-5822 Fax (dash not underscore)
Autogenic Systems
A Division of Stoelting Company
620 Wheat Lane Wood Dale, IL 60191 USA
Ph: (630) 860-9700 Fx: (630) 860-9775
contact: John Ziobro at Autogenics.
The A620 is the most well thought-out and thoroughly field-tested Neurofeedback System
available. Built and backed by Autogenics, it is extremely easy to operate, even for
the biofeedback or computer novice. It offers time-tested protocols for beta-thet!
a, SMR, alpha-theta training, etc. (FDA 510(k) number K944615). BE SURE.
2180 Belgrave Ave.
Montreal Quebec Canada H4A 2L8
Thought Technology's instrumentation includes the incredible ProComp+Ö
"Biograph" (8-Channels) windows version with 2 channels of EEG. ProComp+Ö/DOS,
total 8 channels. FlexCompÖ (8-16 channels), EMG, EKG, EEG, Temperature,
Respiration, HR/BVP, SC. MyoTracÖ and MyoTrac IIÖ EMG with
memory. Come visit our booth!
AquaThought Labs, L.L.C.
contact: David Cole
phone: (941) 437-2958
MindSet is a low-cost, real-time, 16-channel, PC-based, topographic neuromapper. Mindset
is comprised of a precision data acquisition unit along with sophisticated analysis
software. Retailing for less than US $2,000,. MindSet makes advanced neurological imaging
affordable for many new research and diagnostic markets. MindSet is expandable and
extensible, insuring against obsolescence and allowing users to develop and market their
own applications.
(one of the hottest exhibits at the meeting. Win95 software too. )
Biocomp Research Institute
3710 S Robertson Blvd
Suite 216 Culver City CA 90232
213-933-9451, 800-246-3526
fax 310-841-0923
Hershel Toomim
Showing the new brain blood flow sensor. Hershel reports exciting, fast results using this
new technology.
12422 Peacock Hill Ave., NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98332
206-853-5090 fax 206-853-5091
Universal Attention Disorders
4281 Katella #215,
Los Alamitos, CA 90720.
1-800-729-2886 fax 714-229-8782
Publishers of the TOVA assessment software.
12) AAPB meeting Update, with review of exhibit hall exhibits
Arnon Rolnick asked about the AAPB meeting-- impressions, attendance numbers, etc.
It was a good , successful meeting, with about 700 in attendance good for these
times, though down almost 300 from the last time the meeting was held in San Diego in
I attended the meeting as a new board member, along with Steve Baskin, the other new board
member, and Ian Wickramakasera, the new president elect. so I got to see some of the inner
workings of the organization.
This year the EEG section put together it's strongest track yet, and both the EEG and
EMG/SESNA section both decided to use the strength of their numbers to elect their own
representative to the board, using the same independent nomination approach I used
successfully for the first time in the history of the organization. There is some
concern over the effect strong sections, with the ability to load up the board, will have
on AAPB governance.
An important piece of news for US members was the report on insurance reimbursement by
Colorado member Bob Whitehouse. He has done an outstanding job both researching the
status, background and problems and then identifying effective action strategies. I
noticed that he is a member of both the EMG and EEG sections, and hope he gets nominated
and elected to the board next year. He reported on the replies he received from t he AMA
to questions the committee he represents wrote in to them.
Don Moss, the program chair for the April 1998 Orlando meeting ( BTW my Winter Brain
meeting will be in early February on the west coast) has included members of the big
sections on his committee. The EEG section has it's own program committee now which
will feed its decisions in to Don's committee.
I took the first steps toward starting a new section on optimal functioning, which will
include peak performance , wellness, positive emotional, mental, spiritual and physical
Popular keynoters were
Naras Bhat on Reversing heart disease with biofeedback
Daniel Amen on brain imaging and ADD
Ken Blum Dynamics of Reward Deficiency
Bhat is doing very interesting work teaching patients an altruism response to replace
their pathological anger response. He uses heart rate variability biofeedback to aid the
learning process.
Arnon also asked about the exhibition, about new products:
This was the first year since 1981 that my company FUTUREHEALTH did not exhibit, because I
(quite correctly) anticipated that as a board member and after my Winter brain, Palm
Springs meeting two weeks earlier, I wouldn't have the inclination to do that kind of work
again so soon. So I had more time than usual to check out exhibits. So, let's see, I'll
start out, totally from memory, from walking in the exhibit hall to the right. First
there was Thought Tech on the right and Stoelting Autogenics on the left.
TT's Biograph, developed by Tom Allen and Irwin Hartsuiker, has matured to be a very
impressive program. You can use an off-the-shelf serial port telemetry unit, which sells
for under US$800 to make it a truly radio telemetered unit. I assume the same
technology will also work with other serial platform interfaces too. Hal Meyers, TT pres
was walking around with the exhibit hall with the telemeter on, with a gorgeous $10,000
color projector displaying an animation of an automobile that would get squashed and
dented or straight and shiny depending on changes in physiology. Physiology modulated
animation was also apparent in the booths of Adam Crane of American Biotechnology
and John Picchiotino's Biofeedback Systems, with ETI software, and BMI, with
the Biointegrator. So you can see animated fractals, MPEG sequences and the like.
Larry Klein was also manning the TT booth.
Stoelting (autogen/cyborg brands) was showing, in addition to it's A-620 EEG,
it's new dual channel EMG and home trainer stand-alone EEG trainer. They also have
some new assessment software they are working on, and some patient instructional videos on
neurofeedback. Doug Miller, Stoelting president, and John Ziobro, biofeedback
product manager manned the booth. John Brought his wife and kids.
Sam Manoli, of Multibiosensors (MBS) had a new pre-gelled two electrode disposable,
made for units like Physiotech, which use many sets of EMG electrodes. He showed the wide
range of disposables he has been producing for years, remaining the most loyal electrode
manufacturer supporting the biofeedback community. As usual, he was accompanied by his
wife and adult son.
Across the Aisle, Next opposite MBI was STENS, a dealership, manned by Steve Stern.
after STENS Adam Crane had his American Biotechnologies booth, with a new EEG home
training unit.
Next to MBS the Biofeedback Research Institute booth, featuring the Biocomp, was manned by
Hershel Toomim, who was showing the new technology he's developed for doing brain blood
flow feedback. It's a simple add on for the Biocomp and he has offered to work with other
manufacturers to make it available for their systems too. The concept was first presented
at my Palm Springs Winter Brain meeting and is available on audio tape. Hershel
reports very fast changes and he projects this will be a major new way to do
The dealer, BMI Biomedical Instruments-- with Terry and Duane-- came next on
the right. Duane is on this listserve, privately cranking out hundreds of sales
pitches, I'm sure<g>. Close em' Duane!
Next on the right was one of the Russian exhibitors-- MBIC from Siberia, manned by Olga
Bechterova Ph.D. and Mark Shtark, MD. plus some San Diego transplanted Siberians as well,
whose names I can't recall. I've visited their facility and it is quite impressive.
(And I've co-edited two biofeedback books with Mark, both in Russian, with Angliski
(English) abstracts. One came out in 1994, the other is due out later this year.
They were showing a new pulse rate biofeedback Win 95 video game, which my company
FUTUREHEALTH has become their representative for. It sells for $199 each with quantity
pricing available. They also showed a very impressive biofeedback computer
interface, with dual EEG, and a channel each of EMG, thermal and GSR.
FUTUREHEALTH is also representing this product in the US and abroad. We are combining it
with the software that most list members will recognize as from the now defunct Norodata
company. We've struck a licensing deal with the publishers of the software, which is a
fast, stable, mature DOS program, with many screens, including games. The system
retails for $2385 and we are seeking dealers outside of the US.
Across the aisle from the MBIC was the other Russian biofeedback company-- Biosvaz, a
maker of home trainer EMGs, respiratory sinus arrhythmia standalone ($599) and computer
units ($999) (FUTUREHEALTH is representing these products outside of Russia) One
highly respected respiratory psychophysiology researcher on this list (who might even
chime in) has found, in preliminary evaluations of the product, that it is very effective
in training breath.
For example there is an excellent EMG with audio feedback and a light bar display
which retails for $350. It operates on a 9 volt battery. They also offer complete
computerized biofeedback "suites" designed for Russian computers and the Russian
Market. They were excited to be showing some new technology-- software for treating
stuttering and training people to be exceptional speakers (i.e.., aimed for both clinical
and optimal functioning training)
Biosvaz is rather unusual in that the company was founded before Glasnost, I believe, in
1989. They were given permission to establish themselves as a private company in
then communist USSR because they agreed to open a free clinic for children. They continue
to treat about 1000 children a year in St. Petersburg, paying for the services with
profits from the company. They specialize in treating kids with neuromuscular and
respiratory disorders. At the Sunday Brunch, Evgeny Spiridinov, speaking for himself
and president Alexander Smetankin, gave a gold leaf lacquered Swan to the AAPB in thanks
for bringing them into the international biofeedback community. They tell me they have
started a Russian biofeedback society, with over 400 members.
I introduced them to Antoine Remond, president of the French Biofeedback Society and
suggested they also contact the heads of the Australian, Latin American. Israeli
and Japanese biofeedback societies (where I know some level of organization has evolved in
the last few years. There is also discussion at AAPB about organizing an
international meeting. And of course, as I write this, the European meeting, organized by
Thought Technology, is either under way, or soon to start.
Moving along, Focus Technologies, next to Biosvaz, was manned by Frank and Mary Deits,
showing their Focus 1000 system and promoting their first Focus meeting, scheduled for
later this year. Sounds like it will be a really good experiential and educational event.
Across the Aisle John Picchiotino and Sam Caldwell of Biofeedback Systems (one of the
oldest biofeedback companies) and ETI (Expanded Technologies. John Makes the Hardware and
Same does the software which Adam sells-- well, some of it anyway. They were showing
the new Windows software. At the end of the row, AAPB had its booth, with the
publications it sells. In previous years they held a silent auction, which they
omitted this year. I hope they bring it back next year.
The free-take-one and the BCIA tables were in the back of the hall.
Turn the corner on the exhibits and we come to Lexicor, one of only twos companies with
two booths this year. They were emphasizing home training units and software. They were
manned by John Gilbert, Mike Hickey and other staffers whose names I am embarrassed to say
I forget.
Next was the EEG Spectrum booth, with Dennis Campbell and Siegfried Othmer. I think their
EEG software is just about the most powerful on the market for neurofeedback training,
when you include the vibrotactile feedback option, which I have always felt has been a
neglected feedback mode. But it is pricey at $10,000 for a system. Siegfried told me they
now have over 160 affiliated locations in their affiliate network. Dennis was also showing
Think Fast, the brain training software he has co-developed with Josh Reynolds-- the
almost mythical originator of the "mood ring" the most successful biofeedback
toy in history. Dennis tells me that the software is very hot, with great
Next was Jack Hartje's pair of booths. They were featuring a home learning biofeedback
certification prep course.
The last booth of the aisle-- first facing the entry door, was J&J, manned by Chip
Garber, Jan Hoover, Annabaker Garber-Hoover , Robin Hoover, and more staff, with kids in
tow, were showing updated software and a new line of computer interface and sensor
hardware, replacing the line they introduced in the last two years. (Anyone want to buy an
I-410 for $2400? I have demo unit.) They were closing out one of the older units and
had a conference price on the new unit, which looks very good. They are still offering the
DOS software they have been developing for several years, which has the reputation of
being the weak link in their product line. Power user developers love it
though, for it's versatility.
Off to the left were two additional booths.
The Other 90%, manned by George Fuller Von Bozzay and colleagues, was showing Mind
Drive an applied psychophysiology game that is not really clinical. it uses very advanced
algorithms looking at FFTs and derivatives etc of GSR and other skin "talk" It's
interesting and inexpensive, selling for about $140 for the device with one game, with
additional games selling for about $30 or $40.
The last booth was Inspiration Technologies-- manned by Peter Litchfield, of API, was
offering capnography technology. Peter is also highly involved in putting the final
touches on a post doctoral program in behavioral health psychology. It looks like a very
exciting program.
Well, it's been fun doing this. I hope I haven't offended anyone, since there was no
intention to do so.
I will say that the exhibitors are an incredibly valuable asset to the field of
biofeedback, deeply committed to the field and certainly able to make much more money if
they went into other lines of work. Wise clinicians who walk the talk of self
awareness and self regulation value then and treat them with the respect and appreciation
they deserve. Consider folks like Hal Meyers and Larry Klein of Thought Tech,
Jan Hoover, Hershel Toomim, John Picchiotino, Steve Stern, Terry Thierbach, George
Fuller Von Bozzay, Jack Hartje-- who have all spent at least two and in some cases
upwards of three decades of their lives committed to biofeedback. And (except perhaps, for
Steve) they still drive cars like Hondas. (But now that Steve is recently married, his
priorities will probably change.) That, by-the-way, leaves Hal as the last tall oak, a
great catch for the right yenta to make a match for.
Oh yes, and conspicuously absent from this year's meeting, because of past attendance, or
appropriateness of their products, were Guilford Publishers, SRS/Fasstech, Neurodyne
(formerly Davicon), Tools For Exploration, Biofeedback Instrument Company, McGowan,
Whole Person Associates (stress management publisher,) IBS (automated blood
pressure) I must confess that it was a quite liberating feeling not exhibiting
for the first time in about 16 years. FUTUREHEALTH may be back next year, since a
number of people came up to me saying they missed the book display (we have always been
the primary book vendor at the meeting)
Next year, at Orlando, should be quite a hoot. The program promises to be one of the best
ever. And Disneyworld is always fun.