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 INTERACTOR CUSHION SYSTEM (IN-100): Includes Interactor Cushion 395-001 and Interactor Software 520-007.  The portable cushion with our software provides sound and vibration to the back, enhancing the feedback experience. Can be incorporated into standard EEG protocols, providing an additional feedback modality.  Also useful with any game or software that produces sounds. Sensitive, accurate vibrotactile feedback provides pleasant and immediate rewards for any desired EEG program. Experience massage on the back@ when those theta or beta waves reach their desired levels.  Or, sit back and let the Interactor feed your alpha waves directly into your body. Can be used for laptop, hand or arm feedback as well as auditory feedback as an extra duty speaker that really gets the low sounds across. Windows 95, 98 & ME only. Software enhancement in progress CALL for updated Windows information.           System: 250.00 ($225.00)
Software only: $175.00 ($135.00)
Cushion only: $125.00 ($99.00)

MIDI STIM PHOTIC STIMULATOR (382-001): Interfaces with computer MIDI (game) port, compatible with BrainMaster MIDI flash software, providing high level of control of EEG-controlled light stimulation. Our software allows you to select frequency and intensity of stimulation and to cause the stimulation to be control-led by the EEG parameters.  This opens the door to powerful and effective non-volitional techniques, which guide the brain quickly into desired states. Available for Investigational use only. Works with Windows 98, ME, XP and 2000 only. Call for updated computer compatibility info.  Include (select) part number:
Eyes Open:  pvStim Peripheral Glasses (White) 382-003            $395.00 ($325.00)
 PV Stim Peripheral Glasses (Cool Blue) 382-004
               $395.00 ($325.00)

CHECKTRODE IMPEDANCE CHECKER (CK-100): Standalone electrode checker with numeric readout of electrode impedance and offset.       Each: $395.00 ($365.00)

“BRAINDRYVR” CASCADE (switching relay for trains, toys, lights, etc.  (395-002): Offer clients an experience they won’t soon forget. Includes power adapter and signal cable.  The Braindryvr Cascade is a stand-alone unit designed to be used with any EEG feedback system.  The unit is a sound operated gate that permits the control of electrically operated devices contingent on any EEG event that the feedback system allows. Because the units are “cascadable” (multiple units can be controlled by the same EEG event) the therapist can design highly sophisticated multiple contingency feedback protocols. The supersensitive contingency control permits qualitative differences in EEG events to have different contingencies. Other features offer the therapist many options for unique protocol design. The input is bifurcated to the client. The sound trigger coming from the EEG feedback system has a direct output, which can be used to provide the client with direct EEG feedback when a threshold is satisfied but some other stimulus condition if the threshold is not satisfied, or as a trigger for additional cascaded brain driving units.  The delay function of the Braindryvr Cascade permits control of stimulus duration so that the time the stimulus remains on after the triggering event can be controlled by the therapist. W/ adapter $495.00 ($450.00)    W/o adapter  $475.00 ($425.00)

  BRAINWAVE ANIMATION PRO (530-004): Our established and very popular third party software  program recommended especially for those using the 1.9A or older version BrainMaster software products (those using 2.0 software may consider 2.0 AVI Unlock (433-003).  Displays a continuing 3-dimensional journey through a detailed, graphical world based on digitized images of breathtaking scenes. Includes 2- channel protocols, adjustable frequency bands, additional animated scenes, simultaneous BrainMirrorTM display, EEG spectrum and Compressed Spectral Array, and statistical summaries of EEG Parameters. Includes CD-ROM disk and documentation.  30-day trial CD available no cost other than $10 shipping/handling. All Window operating systems.  Each: $375.00 ($350.00)

 SWINGLE’S SOUNDS “BRAINDRYVR” (520-008) : This software enhancement adds Dr. Paul Swingle’s subliminal sound technology to the basic neurofeedback protocols, providing a new level of feedback, based upon Dr. Paul Swingle’s research and development in this area. The enhancement consists of a set of subliminal sounds in BrainMaster compatible .wav files; and a set of protocols that use the sounds in recommended neurofeedback protocols. For investigational and research use. All Windows operating systems.   Each:  $395.00 ($350.00)

  DR. PADGITT’S DRIVEN ANIMATIONS: (531-057) Use BrainWave Animation Pro to enable this new library of animations! Includes: 10 Cartoons (each engaging full story-line: embedding text and a moral), 10 Puzzles (requiring clients to remove the top layer of graphic to get to the animating reward), and 3 Slide Shows (transition from artistically rendered photo to photo, animating the way through each slide in the show). Reduce monotony -- enlist eager cooperation and learning -- a child’s work is a child’s play with BRAINWAVE DRIVEN ANIMATION LIBRARY! New libraries also available!               Bundled  $575.00 ($450.00)

 FRACTAL ANIMATIONS FOR BRAINMASTER NFVIEWER Our optional Fractal Animations provide 12 graphic and captivating displays designed for neurofeedback applications. They allow the trainee to visualize a continual journey deeper and deeper into a fractal world that progresses only when the EEG training criteria are met.  This provides a unique visual feedback capability, leading to relaxation and associated benefits, when used with the BrainMaster 2.0 AVI Viewer. Each of the 12 animations contains many “levels” of journey, allowing the trainee to experience the fractal self-similarity that provides endless detail as the image goes deeper and deeper into fractal “space”. The fractals are designed by artist Jim Althof to be engaging yet relaxing, and contain images that appeal to fantasy and imagination, yet are reminiscent of shapes and colors found in nature. The continual deepening and change are conducive to relaxed, focused states, and the continued experience of a calm yet attentive mind. All Fractal Animations are designed in the high-resolution format of 640x480 pixels.  Files are an average of 50 Megabytes in size, and contain 885 images each.  If viewed at full speed of 30 frames per second, each would last a full 30 seconds.  Under EEG control, each Animation typically runs for several minutes before automatically repeating.When used with the BrainMaster NFViewer, displays can be resized or moved, and can therefore be shown at any size on any display, for maximum versatility.  These complex and engaging displays allow the mind to recall images past, , while learning to relax and focus.  The descriptions suggest some of the many things that may come to mind as these displays are used.                                                           EACH: $120.00 (Affiliates $80.00)


MIDI STIM PHOTIC STIMULATOR (382-001): Interfaces with computer MIDI (game) port, compatible with BrainMaster MIDI flash software, providing high level of control of EEG-controlled light stimulation. Our software allows you to select frequency and intensity of stimulation and to cause the stimulation to be controlled by the EEG parameters.  This opens the door to powerful and effective non-volitional techniques, which guide the brain quickly into desired states. Available for Investigational use only.  Works with Windows 98 and ME only. Include (select) appropriate part number:
Eyes Open: pvStim Peripheral Glasses (White)  382-003           $395.00 ($325.00)
PV Stim Peripheral Glasses (Cool Blue) 382-004             $395.00 ($325.00)

AFFILIATE NETWORK MEMBERSHIP - Initial 12 month Affiliate Membership is offered courtesy of BrainMaster Technologies Inc., with purchase of AT1-2.0 Clinical, AT1-2.0 Remote Deluxe, AT1-2.0 Unlimited and AT1-1.9A Deluxe Systems. Benefits consist of an annual membership in our E-mail support list server, a Web-Site listing or full page advertisement on Affiliate Clinicians page www.brainmaster.com (for biofeedback clinicians only), and preferred pricing incentives. Annual renewal benefit includes a courtesy twelve month extended parts and labor warranty on one BrainMaster AT-1 module, website advertising, pricing incentives, List Server membership and more. The ANM is a very wise investment for all BrainMaster clients!
ONE Year (Twelve Months) 533-101 Value $600.00+ $250.00
                           TWO Year (Twenty four Months) 533-102 Value $850.00+   $395.00

EXTENDED WARRANTY - The Extended Warranty adds twelve or twenty four months of additional warranty coverage against any defects in materials or workmanship. A courtesy twelve month extended warranty is included with all AT1-1.9A, AT1-2.0 Clinicial Pro, AT1-2.0 Remote Deluxe and AT1-2.0 Remote Unlimited systems.  For a limited time all devices (regardless of age) are eligible for extended warranty coverage. Parts and labor shall be covered in full during the extended warranty period. Once an extended warranty is purchased, renew  prior to warranty expiration date to ensure continued right of renewal.  (Without warranty company policy dictates a $100.00 minimum service fee for any repairs.)
ONE Year (Twelve Months)          533-001 First device          $250.00
                                          533-003 Additional devices ea.     $145.00
  TWO Year (Twenty four Months)     533-002 First device      
                                          533-004  Additional devices ea.  

 LIST SERVER MEMBERSHIP - brainm@egroups.com One Year. (533B11) Share valuable information; assistance all levels. This service allows hundreds of BrainMaster users to be in immediate E-mail contact, sharing ideas, suggestions and hands-on information in an open forum of highly qualified individuals. Participate actively or choose to read the dialog for additional ideas and knowledge. Intent of this list server involves monthly scheduling of special guests offering case history based information and relative information for membership participation. Each: $50.00

 AUX/HEG UPGRADE (710-002): Provides the ability to read in an auxiliary (“AUX”) channel of data and display them as feedback signals.  You do not need to purchase a separate 2E module or pod to run HEG if you presently own a BrainMaster.  Existing or new 2E modules can be fitted with the option for acquiring “AUX” data through a hardware modification performed at the BrainMaster facility.  Units upgraded in this way will have additional connections installed in the equipment, and will also have modification to the software code that runs inside the module. With this upgrade, the 2.0 software will be able to recognize the “AUX” option, and read data from the auxiliary device.  Users will need to acquire the HEG (Hemoencephalography) from BioComp Institute who is the manufacturer of the HEG hardware and responsible for instrumentation and all aspects of its use, service and interpretation.   BrainMaster 2-E modules being upgraded must have serial number 1600 and above unless modules with serial numbers under 1600 have been upgraded with Superinput amplifiers . Call for information. Investigational and research use only. Ask for a RGA # prior to shipping. Each:    $350.00 ($250.00)


OPTIMIT Mark Easy 10-20 Cap (626-001, 626-002) Child (42 cm)  or Adult (56 cm). Mark Easy 10/20 caps offer clinicians and trainees accurate protocol site location.  Saves time and offers identical site location each time guaranteeing consistency in electrode placement. This is a “must” start up product for clinicians. Disposable.    Each:  $35.00 ($24.95)

FOREIGN POWER CONVERTER (370-002)   Each: $40.00 ($35.00)

JAPANESE POWER AC ADAPTER (370-003)   Each: $40.00 ($35.00)

RESCUE KIT for when your battery charge runs out (376-001 or 376-002) Allows you the option to run the BMr on an external 9V battery while giving the internal batteries a proper charge and will support AUX devices when properly connected.
Basic Kit
Each: $55.00 (45.00)
Basic Kit with meter option  Each: $95.00 (75.00)

BRAINDRYVR CASCADE AC ADAPTER (395-003): The DC power to the first unit can likewise be cascaded to other units so only one power source is required.  Three-way switching allows the therapist to turn a stimulus on or off with a triggering event as well as to have the Braindryvr Cascade in standby mode. The EEG feedback triggering sound can be presented to the client when the Braindryvr Cascade is in standby mode.                                   $35.00 ($25.00)

TEN-20 PASTE (640-001): Conductive EEG paste. Can be used to stick disk electrodes directly to the skin for a secure, electrically secure connection. Used with Earclips as well as disks. 4-ounce plastic tube.                                                Each: $12.00 ($10.00)

NU-PREP (641-002) Slightly abrasive gel to be used before applying electrodes. Available an easy to use 4-ounce plastic tube.                                         Each: $12.00 ($10.00)

 ELECTRO MIST SOLUTION (640-007): For  use with Flextrodes 250mm  Each: $15.00 ($12.00)

SOFTWARE MANUAL 531-004 (Additional Copies)                             Each: $40.00 ($30.00)


 2.0 Clinical Pro Installation Training Video (580-005)             Each: $25.00 ($20.00)

 2.0 Remote Client Training Videos (includes 2 videos)  (580-004)       Set: $45.00 ($20.00)

 2.0 PAL Version Video(s) (Out of USA) (580-003)                  Each:  $55.00 ($45.00)


 “Alert” Harmonic Endless Tape (Dr. Swingle)  (395-004)      Each: $40.00 ($35.00)

 “Serene” Harmonic Endless Tape  (Dr. Swingle) (395-005) Each:  $40.00 ($35.00)


 Doing Neurofeedback by Richard Soutar, Ph.D. (prepublication) A supplemental guide for clinicians learning neurofeedback.                                                 $50.00 ($40.00)

 AWAKENED MIND by Anna Wise                                                    Each:  $24.95 ($19.95


9 mm Gold Cup Electrodes with built-in lead wires: GOLD CUP ELECTRODES with 48-inch lead wires, sold in sets of 5; one each: Blue, Yellow, lack, Green, Red. Can be applied with 10-20 paste, or inserted into FlexTrodes (see below).

 5 Electrodes - "SAF" (630-005): With 1.5 mm SAF jack FDA compliant, conforms to DIN 42802. Used with  BrainMasters  numbered 202 and above.     Set of 5:  $75.00 ($65.00)

 Single electrode - "SAF" (630-006): Our choice of color SAF jack     Each:  $20.00($15.00)

 Earclip Electrodes SAF jack (630-011)   9 mm cup electrodes secured to a wire clip that attaches securely to the ear.  Sold  in pairs, FDA compliant, conforms to DIN 42802. Used with BrainMasters serial numbers 202 and above. 2 Earclips with 1.5 mm    Each pair: $75.00 ($65.00)

Jumper Adapter SAF 611-001  (aka Linked Ears). For Link ear reference or for common reference. Allows one or two electrodes to be connected to one or two inputs. Ideal for using linked ears as a common reference                     Each:      $45.00 ($35.00)


FLEXTRODES ( US Patent NO. 6,574,513) consist of a hollow, screw-like plastic retainer containing a felt wrapper that encloses a standard gold cup electrode. They are used with a retaining ring that can be inserted in a headband, hat, or other holder. This provides a simple, clean, self-abrading and self-cleaning, paste-free and gel-free contact. Used for EEG, EMG, EKG and related body potential recording. Ideal in cases where it is difficult to get a good connection, especially through hair. Electrode lead color our choice. Easy to apply and remove B leaves hair clean without a trace of goo!  A must in keeping teenagers and adults happy to come back!


Flextrodes (Patent #6,574,513) consist of a hollow, screw-like plastic retainer containing a felt wrapper that encloses a standard gold cup electrode. They are used with a retaining ring that can be inserted in a headband, hat, or other holder. This provides a simple, clean, self-abrading and self-cleaning, paste-free and gel-free contact. Used for EEG, EMG, EKG and related body potential recording. Ideal in cases where it is difficult to get a good connection, especially through hair. Electrode lead color our choice. Easy to apply and remove. Leaves hair clean without a trace of goo! A must in keeping teenagers and adults happy to come back!

FLEXTRODE Package 1: Includes 3 FlexTrode Assemblies, Headband and Cross-strip, 3 electrodes, plus Flextrode electrolyte solution and bottle. Eliminates paste on the head. Keeps hair clean . “SAF”(621-012)                                                          Each: $175.00 ($140.00)

FLEXTRODE Package 2: FLEXTRODE Package 1 plus two Earclips: NuPrep Gel, 10/20 Paste. Eliminates need for 10-20 paste on head. "SAF" (621-022):           Each: $235.00 ($200.00)

  VELCRO HEADBAND WITH CROSS-STRIP . Adjustable to allow electrode(s) to be positioned at any location on any size head. Use headband for positions F3, Fz, F4, O1, Oz, O2, etc. Use cross-strip for positions C3, Cz, C4. Cross- strip may be positioned anterior for positions FCz, etc., or posterior for positions Pz, etc. More than one cross-strip may be used to obtain combinations of electrode positions. User may cut hole(s) for desired electrode positions.

 Headband and Cross-strip (625-003):                 Each: $40.00 ($35.00)

Headband only (625-001):                  Each: $25.00 ($20.00)

Cross-strip only (625-002):                     Each: $20.00 ($15.00)

FLEXTRODE ASSEMBLY "SAF"(621-006):            Each: $45.00 ($40.00)

FLEXTRODE RETAINING RING only (621-001):      Each: $15.00 ($10.00)

FLEXTRODE HOLDER only (621-002):                   Each: $25.00 ($20.00)

FLEXTRODE HOLDER, RING, AND FELT WRAPPER (no electrode)  (621-004):   Each: $35.00 ($30.00)


BrainMaster’s new patented FLEXCAP SYSTEM provides a new alternative for rapid, accurate, and reliable location and placement of electrodes for EEG neurofeedback or quick assessments.  The new FLEXCAP 10/20 System works with standard (DIN 42802) EEG electrodes, and can be used with any EEG system that accepts these inputs.  It is especially suited for use with BrainMaster systems, including the BrainMaster MINI-Q. The FLEXCAP is both an accurate locator, and an electrode holder. FLEXCAP offers an improved method for use with larger numbers of w/electrodes, for recording through hair, and for accurate and rapid placement anywhere on the head while retaining ease of use and paste-free capabilities.  No more guesswork.

     The FlexCap 10-20 System incorporates the patented Optimit Mark Easy 10-20 EEG head gear (part #626-001 and 626-002) which is a cotton/elastic headcap that provides accurate locations for all 10/20 locations, plus has grommets that can be used to insert the new FLEXTRODE SNAP RINGS (621-007)

FLEXCAP 10-20 TRAINING PACKAGE : Includes one large and one small Optimit Mark Easy 10-20 cap; 5 SnapRings; 5 GelScrews; 5 Gold Electrodes; 1 syringe and needle; 1 tube of gel and instructions.

 #621-031 FlexCap Training Package without earclips                   $295.00 ($250.00)

#621-032 FlexCap Training Package with 2 earclips                     $350.00 ($295.00)

FLEXCAP 10-20 MINI-Q HEAD GEAR PACKAGE: Includes one large and one small Optimit Mark Easy 10-20 cap; 13 SnapRings; 13 GelScrews; 13 gold electrodes; 1 syringe and needle; 1 tube gel, and instructions.

 #621-041 FLEXCAP 10-20 MINI-Q HEAD GEAR PACKAGE without earclips $450.00  ($395.00)

#621-042 FLEXCAP 10-20 MINI-Q HEAD GEAR PACKAGE with earclips   $495.00 ($440.00)

Standard Return Policy:  20% restocking fee within 30 days upon issuance of a (RGA #) return authorization number.