- BioPsy Webzine Vol 4, Number 1, March, 1999
- copyright 1999 Futurehealth Inc.
- Best viewed maximized.
- If you like this webzine, feel free to forward it, intact, to any listserves or
individuals you like.
- If you don't want to receive further issues of this cyberzine/journal, reply with
- >>cancel BioPsy<< in the subject head and you will promptly be removed from
the list.
- weve moved. Check our new address
- editors brief note
- front of webzine matters
- 1)Procomp Biograph best sale ever
- 2) Quotations on Evolution
- 3) New Addititions to the Futurehealth Website:
- -New 1999 Neurofeedback Foundations Video and Audio tape course:
- -NXLINK QEEG Database Software
- -Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training
chapter reprint
- -Meeting Abstracts Archives for:
- The Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training
- The Annual Optimal Functioning Meeting
- The World's First Clinical Surface EMG Meeting
- This page gives you access to hundreds of abstracts on biofeedback and applied
- psychophysiology.
- -The Winter Brain 2000 Meeting Info & call for papers (Palm Springs, CA, Feb
- -Optimal LivingTM 2000, 3rd Annual Meeting, February 2000, Palm Springs,
- -Exhibit Hall Video
- -Biofeedback Flea market great deals on used and demo equipment
- -1999 Winter Brain Meeting Plenary Session Abstracts and Workshop Descriptions
- -1999 Winter Brain meeting Workshop and plenary session tape ordering info
- -1999, 98, 97Combined Winter Brain Meetings workshop & lecture Video & audio
tapes by Subject listing
- 4) Article: Physical activity exerts many heart-healthy benefits
Physical activity does more than tone up the heart and reduce the risk of heart attacks.
Moderate physical activity -- aerobic as well as pumping iron -- fortifies various
segments of the cardiovascular system.
5) Some useful and interesting links:
- front of webzine:
- Editors brief note:
- This is a shorter edition of BioPsy, but it includes some exciting new free info links
you can access our website. It also includes our new address. One nice thing about this
address is it lets me see clients. My partner, Rhonda Greenberg, Psy.D., and I have opened
the Center for Optimal Living (http://www.futurehealth.org/cfol.htm) I provide
biofeedback, neurofeedback spersonal training supervision, professional staff training and
consultation services. She provides psychotherapy and mind/body health psyuchology
consultative service. We both offer personal coaching.
- Feel free to forward this intact, entire webzine to anyone you feel might be interested
in seeing it. Posting to websites or BBSs is also permitted as long as the entire contents
is posted.
- Published and Edited by Rob Kall, FUTUREHEALTH Inc, biofeedback, neurofeedback
- and Stress Management tool supplier founder and organizer of the 7th annual Winter
- Conference on Brain/Mind Function/EEG, Modification & Training: Neurofeedback,
- qEEG, ADD, Sound/Light, Consciousness, Peak Performance Advanced Meeting
- Colloquium (formerly Known as the Key West EEG Meeting)
- Please note our new address and contact info.
- Rob Kall, M.Ed.
- 211 N. Sycamore St.
- Newtown, PA 18940
- 215-504-1700
- fax 215-860-5374
- BioPsy@futurehealth.org
- Editorial material wanted: if you've written something of interest to fellow travelers,
we'd like to
- have an opportunity to evaluate it for our publication, including reprints of already
- material.. Announcements about meetings and workshops will also be considered for
- Past issues of BioPsy are available at FUTUREHEALTH's and Rob
- Kall's Website on the BioPsy Back Issues Archive:
- http://www.futurehealth.org/biopsycy.htm
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We buy, sell and trade New , Demo & Used BioNeuroFeedback Equipment Systems, Call
- 1)- Procomp/Biograph: our best deal ever. You must act really fast, delivering
payment by Tuesday, March 30th, no exceptions.
- Sample deal:
- Procomp with Biograph, 2 EEG, 2 EMG, 1 Thermal, 1 SCL, 1 HRBVP, 1 Resp
- Manufacturers retail $5635. Our price $4499 plus shipping Of course we also
include our four hour software instructional video too. This offer is void after March
30th. Well still have great prices, but this one is our best, and its
shortlived. Payment must be bank check or wire transfer.
- Any Credit card payments, add 3%.
- -we now have animated cartoon and puzzle game add-ons for Procomp $250 .
- -Now you can upgrade your Procomp system to run EEG Spectrums Neurocybernetics
- Call for details
- Other Specials:
- -EMG stand-alone trainer red LED light-bar display, with high and low threshold,
pleasant audio: $275 for the next 4 customers
- -Cardiosignalizer Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Trainer Special reduced from $500 to $350
- --Brain Master dual channel EEG Windows compatible $950 includes brain mirror display
and pacman-like game
- --Mindset brain mapper $2399 (just add headgear.)
- Standalone EEG unit $495
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2)Quotations on Evolution
- Evolution itself is a process which favors cooperating rather than disoperating
groups, and "fitness" is a function of the group as a whole rather than of
separate individuals.
- Ashley Montague, The Direction of Human Development
- ...the direction of human development, of human evolution, is within our power as
human beings-- for good or evil.
- M.F. Ashley Montagu, The Direction of Human Development, ch12. 1955
- ...the main principle by which human beings must guide the future course of their
development is love.
- M.F. Ashley Montagu, The Direction of Human Development, ch12. 1955
- We are witnessing a very unique moment of evolution; the birth of collective
organs for the human species.
- Robert Muller, Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
- Physical pleasure is a sensual experience no different from pure seeing or the pure
sensation with which a fine fruit fills the tongue; it is a great, unending experience,
that is given us, a knowing of the world, the fullness and the glory of all knowing. And
not our acceptance of it is bad; the bad thing is that most people misuse and squander
these experiences and take them as a stimulant in the tired spots of their lives and as
distraction instead of as a gathering together towards exalted moments. ...and all the
deep, simple urgencies in which life renews itself have become similarly obscured.
- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters To a Young Poet
- "Yet all experience is an arch wherethro'
- Gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades'
- For ever and for ever when I move."
- Tennyson
- "The sages do not consider that making no mistakes is a blessing. They believe,
rather, that the great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and
continually to make a new man of himself."
- Wang Yang Ming (15th century) quoted by Helena Kuo
- May I find you in that state of tranquil activity, from which, after all, world-views
and experiences are most surely and clearly evolved.
- Goethe
- Every great work of art is an evolution-- the man sees it first as a mere germ--
it grows, enlarges, evolves.
- Elbert Hubbard
- ...first-class literature does not shine by any luminosity of its own; nor do its poems.
They grow of circumstances, and are evolutionary. The actual living light is always
curiously from elsewhere-- follows unaccountable sources, and is lunar and relative at the
- Whitman, Walt, A backward Glance O'er Traveled Roads
- I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved,
by the term Natural Selection.
- Darwin
- Man, with all his noble qualities... still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp
of his lowly origin.
- Darwin
- The expression often used by Mr. Hertbert Spencer of the Survival of the Fittest is ore
accurate, and is soemtimes equally convenient.
- Darwin
- This survival of the fittest which I have sought to express in mechanical terms, is that
which Mr. Darwin has called "natural selection or the preservation of favoured races
in the struggle for life.
- Herbert Spencer, Principles of Biology. Indirect Equilibration
- Evolution is a change from an incoherent homgeneity to a coherent heterogeneity,
accompanying the dissipation of motion and degradation of matter.
- Herbert Spencer, First Principles
- ...there are no shotcuts in evolution.
- Louis Dembitz Brandeis
- One touch of Darwin makes the whole world kin.
- G B Shaw
- Up to 30,000 years ago man could boast a proud evolutionary record, but since
then no physical improvement has occurred in the human species.
- Earnest A. Hooton, NY World elegram & Sun obituary, 5/4/54
- We are descended not only from monkeys, but also from Monks.
- Elbert Hubbard,
- Bebop was about change, about evolution. It wasn't about standing still and
becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change.
- Miles Davis (1926-1991) U.S. jazz musician, composer
- In some cases, you have a feeling as if some little imp or devil is standing behind you
and dictating to you... In other words, you have a problem, some little mechanism in you,
or call it what you want, keeps on pondering and calculating, and, suddenly, you get the
net result. It just comes, suddenly, but, at the same time, you feel as though there's an evolution
behind it. It grows and it grows. It's both, evolution and a revolution.
- --Author Isaac Bashevis Singer
- Creative evolution is at last becoming conscious.
- --e. e. cummings
- "Mankind must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge,
aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."
- Martin Luther King, December 11, 1964
- If a minister believes and teaches evolution, he is a skunk, a hypocrite and a
- Reverend Billy Sunday, 1912
- Just as the present age is the end of the neolithic period, and by the same token a
return to the integral conditions of man the hunter and the food gatherer, so our
educational establishment is in the process of doing a major flip. The switch is from
instruction to discovery.
- Marshall McCLuhan, letter to John Cage, 8/30/65
- Half a man's life is devoted to what he calls improvements, yet the original had some
quality which is lost in the process.
- E. B. White
- Darwin was as much of an emancipator as Lincoln.
- William Graham Sumner, Conversations (1840-1910)
- Civilization is a progress from an indefinite, incoherent homogeneity toward a definite,
coherent heterogeneity, accompanying the dissipation of motion and integration of matter.
- Herbert Spencer, First Principles
- Evolution is not a force but a process, not a cause but a law.
- John Morley, On Compromise, 1874
- The tide of evolution carries everything before it, thoughts no less than bodies,
and persons no less than nations.
- George Santayana
- Let the great world spin forever down the ringing grooves of change.
- Tennyson
- For my part I would as soon be descended from (a) baboon... as from a savage who
delights to torture his enemies... treats his wives like slaves... and is haunted by the
grossest superstitions.
- Charles Darwin, Descent of Man
- ...man with all his noble qualities, still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp
of his lowly origin.
- Darwin
- All the evolution we know of proceeds from the vague to the definite.
- Charles Sanders Pierce
- The question is this: is man an ape or angel? I am on the side of the angels. I
repudiate with indignation and abhorrence these new-fangled theories.
- Benjamin Disraeli
- Evolution is fascinating to watch. To me it is most interesting when one can
observe the evolution of a single man.
- Shana ALexander, Evolution of a Rebel Priest,
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3) New Futurehealth Website Additions and updates:
- New 1999 Neurofeedback Foundations Video and Audio tape course:8 lectures, with:
- Joel Lubar, Nancy White Siegfried Othmer Valdeane Brown Paul Swingle Rob Kall, Lynda
& Michael Thompson http://www.futurehealth./eegfdtns.htm
- -NXLINK QEEG Database Software: http://www.futurehealth.org/nxlink_qeeg_database.htm
- -Emotional Self Regulation and Facial Expression Muscle Measurement and Training
- by and copyright 1989 Rob Kall, originally puublished as a chapter in Jeffrey Cram's
book Clinical Surface EMG Volume 2. http://www.futurehealth.org/SmileAnatomy.htm
- Abstracts Archives for:
- The Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training
- (Neurofeedback . QEEG, EEG Biofeedback and other Brain changing interventions)
- The Annual Optimal Functioning Meeting
- The World's First Clinical Surface EMG Meeting
- This page gives you access to hundreds of abstracts on biofeedback and applied
- Abstracts
Archives for the Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function
- The Winter Brain 2000 Meeting Info & call for papers http://www.futurehealth.org/2000brain.htm
- The meeting will again be held in Palm Springs California, in February Hotel rates will
stay the same $99 per room night. Register early and save
- Optimal LivingTM 2000, 3rd Annual Meeting, February 2000, Palm Springs,
- Call for presentations, workshops, papers, technique reports:first call deadline Aug. 1,
- http://www.futurehealth.org/2000optimal.htm
- Exhibit Hall Video: If you couldnt make it to a meeting this year, we taped
demos of Biocomp/thinking cap, Procomp, Brainmaster, Waverider, Neurocybernetics by the
people who demo them best. Get the tape for $49 http://www.futurrehealth.org/exhibit_hall_video.htm
- (other Futurehealth vendors-- well add your footage if you send it to us.) Buy a
system from us and well knock half the price of the video off your system price
- Biofeedback Flea market great deals on used and demo equipment
- http://www.futurehealth.org/fleamkt.htm
- 1999 Winter Brain Meeting Plenary Session Abstracts and Workshop Descriptions
- http://www.futurehealth.org/1999_winter_brain_workshop_descr.htm
- 1999 Winter Brain meeting Workshop and plenary session tape ordering info
- http://www.futurehealth.org/99wbrain.htm
- 1999, 98, 97Combined Winter Brain Meetings workshop & lecture Video & audio
tapes by Subject listing httpwww.futurehealth.org/98eegtap.htm
- Models from the Masters
- Tapes on Specific Instrumentation or Protocols
- EEG Biofeedback/ Neurofeedback In Schools
- Optimal Functioning & Peak Performance
- ADD/ADHD & Attention
- Pain
- Alcoholism/Addiction/ Criminals Penniston Protocol
- Sound & Light, Mind Machines
- Specific Applications & Techniques
- 4) Physical activity exerts many heart-healthy benefits
Physical activity does more than tone up the heart and reduce the risk of heart attacks.
Moderate physical activity -- aerobic as well as pumping iron -- fortifies various
segments of the cardiovascular system.
DALLAS, Feb. 23 -- Physical activity does more than tone up the heart and reduce the risk
of heart attacks. Moderate physical activity -- aerobic as well as pumping iron --
fortifies various segments of the cardiovascular system. In an article appearing in
today's Circulation, Journal of the American Heart Association, Roy J. Shephard, M.D., of
the University of Toronto and Gary J. Balady, of Boston University Medical Center, say
regular, moderate intensive activity reduces the risk of dying from a heart attack or
stroke. The effects, however, are broader than many think. An analysis of almost 100
studies has shown:
* Regular physical activity lowers blood pressure and prevents the development of high
blood pressure. In someone with mild high blood pressure, physical activity leads to a
drop in blood pressure that is sustained for eight to 12 hours. Blood pressure is lower on
days when a person is physically active compared to when the individual is not.
* Someone who is very inactive has six times the risk of heart disease as someone who is
* An individual who exercises can expect to have a 24 percent drop in blood levels of
cholesterol and a 10 percent drop in low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad"
cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) "good" cholesterol will go up 6 percent. The amount of physical activity
needed to reduce cholesterol is not very much, the studies show.
* Physical activity also benefits the blood-clotting system, reducing the body's ability
to produce dangerous blood clots that can obstruct blood vessels to the heart, thereby
causing a heart attack or stroke. After three months of physical activity by middle-aged,
overweight men with mildly elevated blood pressure, one study reported that platelet
aggregation was reduced by 52 percent, compared to 17 percent with a control group.
Platelets play a role in blood clot formation. A reduction in platelet aggregation leads
to a reduced risk of blood clots that can trigger heart attacks and strokes.
* Another benefit is found in the endothelial cells that line blood vessels feeding the
heart and brain. Physical activity improves their ability to produce nitric oxide, a
substance that causes the blood vessels to relax and contract more efficiently. Physical
activity also reduces heart rate variability -- dangerous swings in heart rate -- in
patients who suffered from heart attacks.
* Physical training affects both healthy people as well as those with heart disease. After
starting an exercise program, moderate physical activity three to five times a week will
improve cardiovascular function in eight to 10 weeks as well as improve risk factors for
cardiovascular disease and stroke. Experts say that to maintain these health benefits,
people need to stick with the program.
* The more strenuous the physical activity, the more beneficial it is -- up to a point.
There is a law of diminishing returns with increased exercise. The authors say that it's
best to consult with a physician before beginning any exercise program to achieve the
maximum benefit.
- ------------------------------------------------
- 5) Some useful and interesting links:
- The mind, artificial intelligence and emotions Interview with Marvin Minsky
conducted by by Renato M.E. Sabbatini, Associate Editor, Brain & Mind Magazine
- http://www.epub.org.br/cm/n07/opiniao/minsky/minsky_i.htm
- http://www.usdoctor.com/sym3.htm
- Biofeedback: A Tool For Living With Lupus
- http://www.public.asu.edu/~cyndee74/biofeed.htm
- Biofeedback by Elmer Green: an article by one of the pioneer visionaries of the
- http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/green/biofeed.htm