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 World's Most Popular Biofeedback Site

BioPsy Cyberzine Volume 1 # 4

Published and Edited by Rob Kall, FUTUREHEALTH Inc,   biofeedback and Stress Management tool supplier founder and organizer of the   5th annual Winter Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification & Training:   Neurofeedback, qEEG, ADD, Sound/Light, Consciousness, Peak Performance Advanced Meeting Colloquium (formerly Known as the Key West EEG Meeting)

Best viewed maximized. If you don't want to receive further issues of this cyberzine/journal, reply with >>cancel BioPsy in the subject header.  Feel free to forward this intact, entire cyberzine to anyone you feel might be interested in seeing it.
Posting to websites or BBSs is also permitted as long as the entire contents is posted.  

Editorial material wanted: if you've written something of interest to fellow travelers, we'd like to have an opportunity to evaluate it for our publication. Announcements about meetings will also be considered for inclusion.
Past issues of BioPsy are available at FUTUREHEALTH's and Rob Kall's Website http://www.futurehealth.org and in the library of Compuserve's Mind/Brain/Body Sciences Forum (go MIND)

--------------TABLE OF CONTENTS----------------------

1--announcement  about  thePalm Springs Winter   Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification & Training:  Neurofeedback, qEEG, ADD, Sound/Light, Consciousness, Peak Performance  Advanced Meeting Colloquium (formerly Known as the Key West EEG Meeting

2-websites with loads of good psych links
3-mind vs. heart quotation
4-used equipment bought/sold, traded for up-grades or down-grades
5-Essay: Touch and Sensibility: Emotional Archaeology
6-Article: Fibromyalgia linked to decreased local brain blood flow
7-Article:  Biofeedback WITHOUT instruments - the inborn "wearable equipment"
8-An interesting letter>>..... I am writing to propose a Universal Moment of Peace and Health to be carried...
9- next issue:quotations from a recent Ram Dass talk, more conferences,  more website reviews and pointers, articles.
10--Check out this  Index of Approaches to Human Development and Spirituality   website:
http://www.uia.org/uiademo/ndx/hindex.htm          an incredibly comprehensive list. (this line tells the whole story. No text)
11--second annual report of NIH funded  study of  QEEG in children with ADHD and normals and  EEG Biofeedback training for ADHD up on the web.  You can view this or download it at the following address:
                      http://www.uchsc.edu then select Centers and Institutes, Developmental Disabilities, Research programs, ADHD.
12- Check out Quotation Central, which specializes in mind/body quotations, at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/SMILE
5th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function/EEG, Modification & Training:
Neurofeedback, qEEG, ADD, Sound/Light, Consciousness, Peak Performance
Advanced Meeting Colloquium (formerly Known as the Key West EEG Meeting)
Feb 21-25, Palm Springs,
Neurofeedback Foundations Course,  Feb 20th
Foundations Course Faculty includes:
Joel Lubar, Siegfried Othmer, Nancy White, Paul Swingle, Valdeane Brown
There is a scheduled test for the BCIA EEG specialty board
Certification on Monday, Feb 24, 9:00 AM
Hotel: Ramada Inn room rate (1 or 2 in room) $89.99/night


The world's leaders describe the meeting best:

The premier meeting in the entire area of EEG biofeedback and an outstanding opportunity for in-depth interaction with the experts in the field.

Joel Lubar,  President, AAPB

A unique, congenial and  free-wheeling   forum for the exchange of   practical information and ideas about the brain. My favorite brain meeting.
Barry Sterman

"A meeting not to be missed if you are interested in the reasons for the "how-to" of brain electrical recording.  There is a new surge of competence that is developing because of the availability of high power computational devices at reasonable cost.  The meetings are, therefore, exciting and a haven for cross-fertilization of ideas and techniques."
Karl Pribram

Exciting and fun " Michael Hutchison, Megabrain

"If you want to learn the latest about neurotherapy, meet fellow neurotherapy researchers & clinicians,  and be inspired, this is the meeting to attend."   
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D.

"..the best meeting in NeuroFB I've yet attended."
      Peter Rosenfeld ,   Past Pres AAPB

the single most important event of the year for practitioners, theorists, and lay people in the ADD arena.
Thom Hartmann, author, Success with ADD

"Meet and hear outstanding speakers on the sciene of brain and EEG. Lots of   smarts. Lots of talk, warm folks and warm weather. An exciting place to be."
Joe Kamiya, EEG feedback pioneer,

If I had to choose only one conference a year to attend, it would be your EEG meeting.   This gathering gives me  a wonderful opportunity to experience the whole spectrum of the most up-to-date and leading edge work in neurofeedback......a
gathering of the clan." 
Anna Wise, author, The High Performance Mind, Esalen Mind Mirror Trainer

"Where the old guard and the new guard meet. I wouldn't miss it."
Tom Allen, co-founding sysop, Compuserve Mind/Body Sciences Forum,  Neurofeedback trainer

"The Key West Conference is quite simply the premier event in the world of EEG.    Where else can you talk with the leading clinicians, researcher and theoreticians in an atmosphere of shared respect and openness?  This is where you can find out the
latest advances directly from the people who are making them.
Valdeane Brown, Clinical Psychologist, Neurofeedback Trainer

The most interesting speakers, the most stimulating interaction, the most enjoyable atmosphere -- if I could go to only one meeting a year this would be it. 
David Noton, Forest Institute

Your workshop is the only major one drawing field experts which allows concentrating on EEG, and completely avoiding any trace of politics and bureaucratic concerns.
Len Ochs

Beautiful presentations by specialist pioneers.  Enjoyable workshops with refreshing dialog, continuing six months later.  The pace was surprisingly dynamic, maintaining exceptional interest.  A unique program...
Brian Costello, (Cassel Research Centers AUS, US, NZ  & EU.)

  "FutureHealth's EEG meeting offers a more open minded atmosphere for discussions than most other EEG meetings.  EEG feedback is a  powerful tool for transcendent experience, when used with proper  equipment and protocols, but other EEG groups seem only want to hear  about medical model therapies and insurance reimbursement methods. 
FutureHealth's forum allows, indeed encourages, sharing about methods for and the results of expanding awareness, and the spiritual dimensions of the transformations and awakenings which occur through  suitably intensive EEG feedback trainings."
Dr. James V. Hardt, Biocybernaut Institute

".. excellent information/inspiration--   "The in-depth presentations and willingness to share of the presenters is  out- standing."
Pat Norris past AAPB pres

The best of the best from the best.  A veritable banquet for the discriminating mind tech gourmet.  The only meeting which succeds at bring it all together in a synergistic and congenial atmosphere.   In otherwords, I like it! <g>
Dennis Campbell, Publisher, Megabrain Journal

Tentative Speakers so far, include:
Neurofeedback Foundations
Joel Lubar (EEG Basics
Joel Lubar  ADD/ADHD
Valdeane Brown  5 Phase Model of Neurofeedback
Siegfried Othmer
Nancy White Alpha Theta training and  thePenniston Protocol
Siegfried Othmer
Optional Advanced Workshops:
WSJay Gunkelman:  : QEEG
Advanced Meeting
Karl Pribram
Niels Birbaumer: Biofeedback of Slow Cortical Potentials in Epilepsy, schizophrenia   and Severe
Motor Paralysis. (a totally different approach to neurofeedback,  with decades of research and validation)
Barry Sterman Lecture: Topographic EEG profiles: a new classification for neurological and   psychiatric disorders .
Workshop: Basic mechanisms and functional interpretations of the EEG in   Neurofeedback
Daniel Hoffman QEEG  and neurofeedback
Steve Stockdale QEEG  and neurofeedback
Jay Gunkelman: qEEG Pre-post  neurofeedback , workshop: QEEG
Paul  Swingle  Grand Rounds
WS Joel Lubar EEG assessment, databases and pattern analysis for neurofeedback treatment of ADD/HD

Joel Lubar Effects of EEG entrainment on QEEG, neurological correlates of intense attentive engrossment in auditiory tasks
Michael Linden : ADD
Lynda Thompson  & Michael Thompson Training results with ADD clients:   comparison of outcomes  with Adults & Children
WS:cognitive strategies & NF
Judith Lubar:Role of the therapist in the Neurofeedback treatment of  ADD/HD and Addiction
Vince Monastra assessing ADHD
Cliff  Corman TOVA assessment
Thom Hartmann: Lecture: What Maslow Overlooked: The Need To Feel Alive; Adjusting the Thalamic 
Faucet for ADD and Beyond . Workshop: A.D.D. Success Strategies
Siegfried Othmer Mechanisms
Julian Isaacs Alpha and ADD, workshop: Subtle Energies and Neurofeedback
Tom Budzynski: Brain Brightening; Enhancing mental functioning in the elderly
         Optional Afternoon workshops

Tom Allen  virtual reality
Gary Schwartz  Neurotherapy and the Heart;:  The Challenge of Energy Cardiology
Anna Wise: (Author; The High Performance Mind) Lecture: Group vs individual  EEG training.
Experiential Mini-workshop: Developing the High Performance Mind (limited to 16)
Rob Kall Lecture:Multiple Intelligences,  Moving MI into neurofeedback and peak performance,  moving neurofeedback into MI and education.
Workshop: Positive Emotional Intelligence Training

Frank Echenhoffer EEG of exceptional states (including orgasm) Frank  demonstrated EEG to the Dalai Lama.
Michael Hutchison  Peak Performance
Geoffrey Blundell Max Cade and Humanistic Neurofeedback

Susan Othmer Refinement  of Protocols
Len Ochs (1) Stimulation Processing, Pathology, and Health (2) Treatment Planning and Neurotherapy
Tom Brownback: Multiple personality Disorder
Carol Manchester  NF     and managed care.
Valdeane Brown   Integrating NF with solution oriented rapid therapy: working   quickly with  borderline personality disorders.
workshop:The Five Phase Model of Neurofeedback
Peter Rosenfeld:  Lecture: Depression Cases. Workshop:
EEG/Neurofundamentals in prep for  BCIA Exam
Dennis Campbell
David Noton
Alfonso Bermea
Jim Hardt
Nancy White
Rollin McCraty
Herschel Toomim
Frank Deits
John Gilbert ,
Dick Gevirtz

S. L.. Norris- Neurofeedback business-- insurance, practice success strategies
Marvin Sams Cerebral Remediation in 20 sessions or less: Fantasy or Reality.
Uwe Gerlach: Update on European approaches
David Siever  Sound Light  Entrainment
Carla Nelson: What  the World Needs to Know About  NF Before It Will Beat a Path to Your Door

Registration Rates Go up every month. Register Early and save.
For the most up to date schedule, list of speakers, workshops and registration fees, e-mail smile@cis.compuserve.com, (or
reply to this message.)

The following URL  has a very solid set of web links and connections for psych related information. It does a very good
job on listserve group information.  http://matia.stanford.edu:80/cogsci/

I found it by first going to John Grohols website, one of the best in psychology, http://www.coil.com/~grohol/

"The movements of exaltation which belong to genius are egotistic by their very nature. A calm, clear mind, not subject
to the spasms and crises which are so often met with in creative or intensely perceptive natures, is the best basis for love or
friendship. --Observe, I am talking about minds. I won't say, the more intellect, the less capacity for loving; for that would
do wrong to the understanding and reason;-- but on the other hand, that the brain runs away with the heart's best blood,
which gives the world a few pages of wisdom or sentiment or poetry, instead of making one other heart happy, I have no

If you are seeking to buy, sell or trade used equipment, or to trade up used for new, we can help.  Available used unit stock
is constantly changing.

Currently available: Used or demo units now available:  J&J I-410, J&J I-330 four channel, J&J I-330 six channel with blood
pressure and  Capscan EEG,  Commodore 4channel BIOPRO/J&J computer system, Neurodyne/Davicon System 3, Fasstech 4 channel EMG,  Biocomp fast EEG  system, all I-330 systems available with or without muscle scanning/imaging software. 
Touch and Sensibility: Emotional Archaeology
by Rob Kall, BioPsy Publisher & editor

I was doing a quotation search on the word TOUCH, for my quotation database/idea dictionary project, when I came upon
several statements along the line's of Deanne Juhan's, (from his awesome book; Job's BOdy, A Handbook for Bodywork, a must-have for anyone doing sEMG or muscle work.  $24.95 Station Press or FUTUREHEALTH)

""Tactile stimulation, physical contact with the environment, appears to be a food that is as vital for development as any

Apparently, the lack of touch can lead to brain damage, which can lead to behavioral disorders.  I wonder about the lack of
physical touch on the net. Of course the net does help us keep "in-touch" more easily, and it allows us to share news,
feelings, which allow us to touch others hearts. And I think the research is primarily based on neonatal research, so it might
not cause the same problem in adults, who learn how to use language to fulfill or supplement the earlier needs. What do you
think? Replies will be listed in a forthcomming issue.

Psychophysiological Etymological Archaeology?

If you have a SENSIBLE client, is she:

a. practical with good common sense
b. easily touched by generosity
c. easily hurt by angry tones
d. all of the above

Another interesting discovery I made in exporing the idea of touch  came from looking for quotes on the subject of senses.
Right after the word "senses"  came "sensibility." I always took the word sensible to mean: choice a: practical, with good common sense."  As in, the admonition, "Be sensible about this, don't get over-emotional or use bad judgement."  Then I found all these quotes about a beautiful  aspect of sensibility I hadn't considered or realized were connected to the word.

The Oxford dictionary defines sensibility  as"Capacity to feel; exceptional openness to emotional impressions, delicacy of
feeling, susceptibility, over-sensitiveness; susceptibility in various directions.

SENSIBLE is defined as: "perceptible by the senses, great enough to be preceived, appreciable, sensitive to, aware, not unmindful of,"  and finally, the last definition gives "of good sense, reasonable, moderate, practical."

What fascinates me about this "discovery, is that there are a collection of beautiful quotes on sensibility which refer to
heightened emotional awareness and sensitivity.  Yet this use of the word seems to have died out almost entirely in contemporary usage. In  a time when emotional expression and feeling disorders are rampant-- from repressed, inhibited emotions to hyper-negative emotions of anger, fear, depression and mania, perhaps it would be useful to bring an old word and the ideas it connotes and explores back into our vocabulary.  

About ten years ago I made a similar discovery about this massive collection of quotations (from quotation  books printed
in the19th or first quarter of the 20th century) on virtue-- a concept which had been ignored until William Bennet brought it
back.  I still think there is a more liberal, transpersonal perspective to be taken on virtue. I've written a bit about it
in a chapter or two of the book on Positive Emotional Intelligence/Anatomy of Positive Experience, and if anyone is
interested, can put it into a future issue of BioPsy.  It seems there is some interesting ground for exploration there in early
writings and even quotation collections-- opportunities to find ideas, actions, behaviors, metaphors, feelings, points of view
which have become "extinct" through lack of use. 

Just as hand-made furniture, clothing, tools and household items have disappeared or become very expensive, perhaps these
sociocultural phenomena and ideas have faded away for various reasons. It may be worth exploring them to see which ones are
worthwhile re-integrating into the third millennium.

I discovered a web site called the Dictionary of Sensibility.  http://www.engl.virginia.edu/~enec981/dictionary/    which does a fascinating job of exploring the concept, reintroducing new (or old, really) meanings of  two dozen commonly used words.
This is fun, and it shows how, over a century ago, transpersonal ideas were being actively explored. Pick a word and see its new meaning and books which explore that meaning. 

There have been some interesting early reports of a powerful new use  for neurofeedback combined with surface EMG for alleviating fibromyalgia pain.

The following press release gives a nice rationale to tie things together:

Researchers Find Physical Abnormality in Fibromyalgia

A discovery by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham may point to a cause of chronic pain for millions of

Fibromyalgia is a common condition causing fatigue and widespread aching and stiffness in the muscles and soft tissues. The disease is difficult to diagnose because there is no specific test. Studies have shown that up to 5 percent of the population may be affected. Many scientists and physicians have speculated that fibromyalgia is not a physical disorder because there have been no abnormalities found in the tissues or blood of people with fibromyalgia.

The research, presented at the American College of Rheumatology national meeting in Orlando, contradicts that speculation. The
new study shows that people with fibromyalgia, regardless of whether they are seen in a rheumatology clinic setting or are recruited from the community, have diminished flow of blood to parts of the brain and an increase in the chemical Substance P that helps transmit pain signals.

"This finding should provide some relief to millions of people who've been told that their pain is all in their head," said Laurence Bradley, PhD, who led the study. "Now that we know there are physical abnormalities in a wide variety of people with this disorder, we can focus our research to determine why the blood flow is reduced and the levels of Substance P are higher. This may be a lead in developing treatments for this painful disorder."

The American College of Rheumatology is an organization of physicians, health professionals and scientists that serves its members through programs of education, research and advocacy that foster excellence in the care of people with arthritis,
rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Biofeedback WITHOUT instruments - the inborn "wearable equipment"

    "You do not need any instrument in order to benefit from biofeedback training."
Biofeedback works! Training with it does things to people. It effects  what previously was restricted to magic, psychotherapy or drugs. Any  internal activity or process which has a physiological aspect, that  can be measured continuously, and with a quick "read-out" can be influenced. The output of the measured function can be just about any thing which is discernible by one of the senses.

The function measured can be as simple as the internal pressure of  the bladder in training to overcome some kinds of incontinence or as  complicated as the pattern of the E.E.G., in training that intend to alleviate the suffering of depression.
However, the biofeedback training that uses instruments to create a discernible information to focus the attention on, is only one
of a bigger family of phenomena. Many times a day, people pay attention to their sensations in order to influence bodily activity. We attend to the urge to breath in order to reduce it when we want to keep diving, to keep silence, to avoid bad smells etc. We attend to the urge to smoke a cigarette, to eat things, to cry, to scratch, to run to the toilet... and many times we succeed to curb, or at least to delay the actual activity.

There are professionals of the "wider" context that are doing in essence "biofeedback without instruments"... but they do not
grasp in full the real meaning of that fact. For instance, various kinds of behavior therapists are doing just this. They apply procedures for the "Desensitization" of applicants to stimuli or situations which are aversive to them.

They do it by exposing the client to the aversive stimuli -either gradually "progressive desensitization" or by flooding - and
thus, force him or her to attend to the emerging feelings and other bodily sensations. In those procedures, the effect of the attention paid by the applicants to the fear or the other aversive feelings, is just like the one derived from the attention in likewise condition to the readout of the G.S.R., E.M.G., E.E.G. or other instruments.

The changes - the temporary ones and the more stable ones - derived from both kinds of systematic allocation of attentional resources, are the result of the change induced into regulating processes of the mind-brain system. People doing "psychotherapy" to others or getting it for themselves want the same thing - to introduce changes into the regulating  processes of the mind-brain system. They just call these regulating processes strange names like: pathology, personality disturbances,
neuroses, too rigid or lax defenses, etc... And they call these changes: healing, getting rid of symptoms, improving mental health, etc... And are usually vague when describing in too many words what is the problem, what is going on during treatment, and  what really changed when succeeding and especially when treatment fails.

It's a pity for all the complicated kinds of prevailing psychotherapy, that E. Gendlin - the founder of the Focusing psychotherapy, exposed in his studies that "the king is naked". Gendlin and his associates, found, in systematic research, that in all the kinds of psychotherapy they studied, that the only relevant factor was whether the patients were in the habit to pay attention to the bodily sensations or not. However, even he and most of his followers do not grasp the full meaning of their findings. Because of insufficient knowledge about the physiological components of the system of basic emotions; because of strong "Rogerian"  beliefs about the importance of the verbal rearranging of emotional experience, and may be "political reasons", their practice is wanting. They are still stuck with the urge to understand the essence of the "real problem" and to relate verbally to the regulating processes. They do not know that what they are doing is in essence biofeedback training in which the trainees are acquiring the habit to pay systematic attention to their bodily sensations related to their problems at the sessions and and in daily life.

Because of this ignorance E. Gendlin (private communication) discriminate between worthy sensations and those which are not.
(The superstitious nature of both views is exposed time and again in cases writen about in the periodic publications of the
Focusing organization and in their bi-monthly news-latter named "The Focusing Connection".)

My version of biofeedback without instruments was developed along thirty fife years - since my early twenties. At the time, I was
a member of an agricultural commune and "just wanted to get rid of frequent headaches" that started to trouble me. As I worked with animals and was biologically oriented I stumbled  on the idea that the pain in the head "only wants to draw my attention to it"... I contemplated that if I would give in and pay it even more attention than it forces me to give, it might lower its painful demand. And it worked !!!

At first, I had to find a quiet place and concentrate all my attention on the sensation in the head for half an hour or more. Along the years, my attention processes and the other relevant internal regulating processes improved as result of that kind of biofeedback. During the last few years, few minutes or even seconds are enough to solve such problem...   Fifteen year later, I was in training as a therapist and doing my Ph.D. studies on the structure of the emotional system. It was just natural that the pieces started to fall together.

This was accelerated as I was asked at the time to help a friend in emotional trouble outside the boundaries of the mental health
establishment. As the usual relations of therapist-patient or even those of professional-client were out of the question I had to improvise. One and the same time I could relay on friendly and informal feedback from my friend and from our other friends.
We have found that by his systematic focusing of attention on the various bodily sensations he caused changes in them (especially in those of tension of muscles of the face). We have found that both kinds of sensations - the ones which were related to specific problems and the ones which just surfaced "by themselves" - were relevant. Thus we concentrated all our efforts on the focusing of my friend's attention on his sensations. Fairly quickly he built the habit of doing it in daily life and things started to change very fast.

When things seemed to be so good, my friend urged me to use the new procedure and to help a few of his friends whom I got to know from his "stories". Curiosity about the new technique contributed its share to my motivation to start a "private practice" of
biofeedback training without instruments for my benefit, for that of my friends, and for that of their friends as well. During the last ten years I have trained hundreds of applicants in the use of the new technique. Even a few of my trainees have succeeded in training others. Many short-cuts, tricks, and tactics were found.

The main findings were:
1) Every one can be trained to focus on the sensations of the body.
2) Training enables one to discern even the faint sensations just    barely above the threshold of awareness.
3) Each sensation counts: the more one invests the better and faster are the results.
4) It is easier to change things and understand later than to understand before change takes place.
5) Nothing resists the technique but some things take months to be solved. (Usually a few weeks are enough to solve a problem.)
6) One can easily "invite" sensations related to a specific problem one wish to solve, by various verbal and nonverbal conscious processes.

Two versions of a self-help manuals were published and distributed or sold. The English version of the manual waited a few years its turn to be published.... and the opportunity just arrived. The ease in which the Internet enables it was too tempting to refuse.

This summer, after a few weeks of "surfing" the WWW net I joined  the PSYPHY list-serve group, built a home-page:

Everyone who wishes to contact me can e-mail me and each will  receive a response.
Ilan Shlif  E-mail - mailto:gshalif@netvision.net.il     Home Page - http://www.netvision.net.il/php/gshalif

    Snail-mail - Ilan Shalif  P.O.B. 13331 Tel-Aviv 61132 ISRAEL

download site - gopher://gopher.etext.org:70/11/Psychology/Shalif

      You CAN teach old dog new tricks BUT it takes effort. So pay attention to the pleasant and unpleasant bodily sensations... and the troubles will take care of themselves.

Date: 96-10-15 11:48:55 EDT
From: OM@holistic.com (Beverly B. Ferguson)
To: Chaliser@aol.com
Greetings EveryOne,
I am writing to propose a Universal Moment of Peace and Health to be carried out each Sunday of the week, at noon (which would spread like a wave around the world)  or at any time you choose. Of course, you could do the same on other days as well, but we will start with Sundays. What this means is that each person who chooses to, takes a moment of time on Sundays, to focus on World Peace and Health.

Those who send Peace and healing will simultaneously receive Peace and Healing.  Each person will do this in the way that feels right to them! There are no restrictions, no limitations, and everyone is welcome to join.

Please consider whether this is something that you might want to do and also please send this information to any lists or digests where you think people might be interested. Of course everyOne, whether they are on-line or not, should be included in this intention. Please let your friends, family, and co-workers know about it too:-)

May the Entire Universe be filled with Peace and Health
>Beverly B. Ferguson   >...email: OM@holistic.com
>...YOGA & MEDITATION web-site:      http://www.holistic.com/listings/om.html