Hepatitis B
5.4 times the rate detected in the non-Indigenous population
Meningococcal infection
7.8 times the rate in the non-Indigenous population
4.3 times the rate in the non-Indigenous population
Chlamydia Infection
7.9 times the rate detected in the non-Indigenous population
1.6 times the rate in the non-Indigenous population
Social and emotional well being
NATSIHS 2004-5 was the first Indigenous-specific survey by the Australian
Bureau of Statistics that aimed to measure the emotional and social health of
Indigenous adults. In this, more than half the adult Indigenous population
reported being happy (71%), calm and peaceful (56%), and/ or full of life (55%)
all or most of the time. Just under half (47%) said they had a lot of energy
all or most of the time. [60] And Indigenous
peoples in remote areas were more likely to report having had these positive
feelings all or most of the time, than were Indigenous peoples living in
non-remote areas. Conversely, about 15% of the total number of adults who were
asked felt these things only a little of the time, or none of the time. Results
again were better for Indigenous peoples in remote areas. [61]
The NATSIHS 2004-5 also included five questions designed to highlight
psychological distress. Responses showed that almost one in ten Indigenous
adults reported feeling nervous all or most of the time. When asked how often
they felt without hope, 7% said that they had this feeling all or most of the
time. Similarly, 7% said that they felt so sad that nothing could cheer them
up, all or most of the time. A higher proportion of the Indigenous population
reported feeling restless (12%) and/ or that everything was an effort all or
most of the time (17%). [62]
The Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey collected data on approximately 5,000 Indigenous children over 2000-01. It reported that one in four Aboriginal children were at high risk of developing serious emotional or behavioural difficulties. This compares to about 1 in 6 or 7 of non-Aboriginal children. [63]
Mental health
Data on hospitalisations for mental and behavioural disorders provide a measure of the use of hospital services by those with problems related to mental health. In 2005--06 there were more hospitalisations of Indigenous males and females than expected based on the rates for other Australians for most types of mental and behavioural disorders. [64] In particular, hospitalisations for 'mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use' were almost five times higher for Indigenous males and around three times higher for Indigenous females. [65]
Hospitalisation rates for intentional self-harm may also be indicative of mental illness and distress. In 2005--06, Indigenous Australians were three times more likely to be hospitalised for intentional self-harm than other Australians. [66]