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Fischer-Williams M. (1969). The neurological aspects of "mental" subnormality. Part I and Part II. Journal of Mental Subnormality. 15. 21-36 and 63-70.
Fischer-Williams M. (1993). Emotions of a Physician. Gearhart-Edwards Press. Milwaukee.
Fischer-Williams M. (1993). Selected musicians treated with EMG feedback. International Journal of Arts Medicine. II. No.1, 33-38
Fischer-Williams M, Nigl AJ, and Sovine DL. (1986) A Textbook of Biological Feedback. Human Sciences Press Inc. New York.
Frantz RP and Liang C. (1991) The role of endogenous opioids in chronic congestive heart failure. In Stress, Neuropeptides and Systemic Disease. JA McCubbin,
PG Kaufmann and CB Nemeroff, Eds. Academic Press Inc., San Diego. 429-444 Gray TS. (1991). Amygdala: role in autonomic and neuroendocrine responses to stress. In:Stress, Neuropeptides and Systemic Disease. JA McCubbin, PG
Kaufmann and CB Nemeroff, Eds. Academic Press Inc., San Diego. 37-53.
Insel TR. (1992). Toward a neuroanatomy of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Arch. Gen. Psych ; 49, 739-74.
Kandel ER. (1981). In Principles of Neural Science . Kandel ER and Schwartz JH. Elsevier/North-Holland. New York. 5.
Lipp MR. (1980). The Bitter Pill: Doctors, Patients and Failed Expectations, Harper & Row.
Lishman WA (1987) Organic Psychiatry (p.440-441) Blackwell Scientific Publications
Lishman WA. (1992). Neuropsychiatry, a delicate balance. Psychosomatics.33, no.1, 4-9.
Luria AR. (1966). Higher Cortical Functions in Man . Basic Books Inc. New York.
Morley JE, Benton D, and Solomon GF. (1991). The role of stress and opioids as regulators of the immune response. In: Stress, Neuropeptides and Systemic Disease. JA McCubbin, PGKaufman and CB Nemeroff, Eds. Academic Press Inc., San Diego. 226.
Nemeroff CB. (1991). Neuropeptides and Psychiatric Disorders . American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC. 3-11.