The idea of being on the path to enlightenment, of seeking enlightenment has motivated me for over 25 years. And I see the process of enlightenment as more a path than a destination. I do hope that on some days, at some times, I think, see, act or react with some level of enlightenment, as compared to functioning at the less illuminated of levels. - Goals in creating this website:
- -to help myself and hopefully others to think about ways to move forward on the path and to stay on the path, with all its bends, turns, detours, bumps and waystations.
- -to create a place which will help move forward dialogue on the ideas covered here, whatever they become
- -as a place to collect, store or link to ideas I've found to be inspiring and instructive.
My 25+ years of working wtih biofeedback, meditation, and a wide collection of self awareness and self regulation arts and sciences have been part of my efforts at staying on an enlightenment path. I believe that some of the work I have done and some of the fields I have worked in can help the world and the planet move further along the path of enlightenment. I'd like to help and this web page is part of that effort. I, me, I, I. Gads, it seems that has been said enough. It has been said that one aspect of enlightment is becoming aware of a sense of we-ness, a feeling of being connected with the rest of the individuals, the rest of the beings on the planet, in the universe. So, another part of this web-site's mission is to help connect together others interested in enlightenment. There are many paths to the same place, many doors, many words to describe them all. In the field of psychology, a new field-- Positive Psychology-- is using the scientific tools of psychology to flesh out ideas about positive states, emotions, feelings, etc. This is an area that can be a part of the enlightenment revolution, the Inner Revolution described in Robert Thurman's book by the same title. - More thoughts on Creating an Enlightenment Website and ideas about enlightenment and biofeedback
I've named the meeting I've been organizing since 1993 the Winter Brain 2000 Inner R/Evolution meeting to reflect the potential of mind body spirit self awareness self regulation technologies such as biofeedback to aid people in their seeking of enlightenment. Another meeting I organize is the Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology Meeting. While this started out as an effort to explore approaches to peak perforamnce and optimal functioning, it has been very interesting to discover that most presenters are veryinterested in mindfulness, consciousness, enlightenment and transpersonal evolution and growth. This web site will grow and mature as more people participate in it's development. I hope you'll contribute. What is Enlightenment? Well, there's a magazine with that name. And different people certainly have different ideas about what it is. On this site we'll be collecting people's personal definitions of what enlightenment is and also adding links to other sites with definitions. click here to go to definitions of what is enlightenment. -
- 30 Quotations on Enlightenment: about half of the ones I've collected in my personal quotation database
- There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart. Lao Tzu
Alexispiritua: A Spiritual Counterpart to Alexithymia; some thoughts -
Transformation Central Whether you want to take steps towards personal growth and transformation, or take action to change the planet and make the world a better place, we have resources you can use to get started or to move yourself further along. -
E-Journal at Enlightenment.Com a journal exploring enlightenment and some esoteric ideas -
Project Enlightenment seeks to raise worldwide awareness and knowledge of the ancient, rich, and vibrant culture of Tibet. For more than fifteen hundred years, Tibetans have flourished at the roof of the world, away from the conflicts and dynamic changes seen elsewhere in the Western world. Tibet, under the leadership of the wise and noble Dalai Lamas, grew, discovered, and prospered in their remote land. - What Is Enlightenment? magazine, great interviews and articles
- Enlightenment Intensives are residential group retreats providing a way to experience a moment of that state of awareness traditionally known as satori, self-realisation or enlightenment moment in which reality is directly experienced. This site offers 3-day intensives, some links to others providing similar services, and an interesting FAQ, which also includes "The Rules" which BTW, do make sense.
Living Energy Universe a website dedicated to the the theme of Gary Schwartz's and Linda Russek;'s Revolutionary book, The Living Energy Universe. This is an amazing concept which will change the way you conceive of the universe and your relationship to it.- Deep Quest The Purpose of Deep Quest is to offer, as a creative expression of present time enlightenment, the most complete listing of Self-realized teachers who have a presence on the World Wide Web today... so they have a listing of over 800 enlightened teachers. And cool graphics to boot.
- World Transformation a cornucopia of ideas, resources, connections, information, inspiration and surprises, all aimed at growing, creating or discovering a world that works better for all of us. May your life be magical and adventurous!
- Tools for Transformation Tools for personal growth and transformation of body, mind and spirit - to free us of the shackles of the past by re-awakening awareness of our true identity in the present.
- Transforming the Mind A manual that aims to describe the process of human conditioning and how to recover from this imposition. With this knowledge we can transform our minds and awaken to our true spiritual potential. With PDF for free download.
Definitions: What is Enlightenment? Definition of enlightentment from HOW TO BECOME ENLIGHTENEDTM A Spiritual Self-Help Masterpiece, by: Romulynn Tracci