In this workshop we will look at brain functions at each of the nineteen placement of the International 10-20 System. In addition, we will look at the pathologies, which occur when the brain does not function properly at each of nineteen placements. EEG brain frequencies, which occur when the brain does nto function properly at each of the nineteen placements. EEG brain frequencies, which support healthy functioning and EEG frequencies, which are typically associated with pathological brain function, will be described. A brain function weighting system will be presented which demonstrates how much of the healthy and pathological functioning takes place at each of the nineteen placements as well as what percentage of the weighting is mediated at placements close by. The brain functions and healthy EEG frequencies and the brain pathologies and dysfunctional EEG frequencies will be integrated with QEEG/brainmapping interpretations in order to produce the most powerful neurodiagnostic evaluation available. These neurodiagnostic evaluative procedures will then be used to create the most effective training paradigms within a fully integrated neurofeedback system model.
Other Products by Thomas Brownback 1) The BMA Neurodiagnostic Data & 10-20 System Integration
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