Broadcast 2/16/2010 at 2:14 AM EST (44 Listens, 23 Downloads, 2210 Itunes)
Rob Kall Futurehealth Radio Show Podcast
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Peter Breggin Interview
Peter Breggin, M.D., has written 20 books, been on 20-20, 60 minutes.
Psychiatry and Pharmaceutical companies
teamed up to claim that every ..... had biological basis and drug...
with ending lobotomy... most were done on women.
spellbinding;; when somebody's brain is .... one of first things to be
impaired is judgment as to the effect on the intrusion.
All the
drugs the impair the ability to judge what is happening. People who
don't even know the need defending. Children... are always at the
mercies of the medications.
risk of psychiatric medications
to African American children==
Book war against the children of
color-- about program we discovered that was going to be legislation in
congress to organize all federal agencies concerned with mental health--
in order to evaluate the genetic and biological causes of inner city
violence. Frederick Goodwin, at time umbrella guy in charge of all
mental health agencies-- in speech, compared inner city children to
rehsus monkeys that just want to kill each other, have sex and
John Conyers got us transcript which disclosed racist
remarks and whole program to look for biologic and genetic causes in
inner city children.
Our work resulted in cancelling of a big
conference on genetics and violence and the resignation of Frederick
Goodwin, who was probably, at the time, the most powerful psychiatrist
in the world.
Basis I start from, I work from a very, very
scientific basis...
The politics I come from cuts across the
political spectrum.
All volunteer work I don't make any money from
the reform work. Support was from the left and right. On the left, from
the black caucus, led by John Conyers, and also worked with Ron Dellums,
but also on the board was a conservative senator, Steve Simms, and
conservatives who felt that lobotomy was immoral-- to tamper with the
human brain...
In recent years, dealing with ADHD, the support
has been across the board-- Hannity brought me on and Colmes who
questioned me. I've gotten support from many people on the left.
right not to be abused, the importance of not abusing minority groups--
women have been in that category and children have always been .
i medical school, very unusual for a child to be medicated.
This is
really a matter of marketing.
THe whoe concept of ADHD was a
marketing strategy for selling drugs-- originally CIBA Geigy. Since
hyperactivity was the focus, it was 90% boys. THen they added
If list of diagnostic manual it's a list of things
that require attention of teachers, or... that annoy teachers.
block spontaneity and increase obsessive behaviors. Talks about this in
TALKING BACK TO RITALIN. Drug diminishes and narrows learning, increase
of obsessive stuff and over-focusing. None of this is good for the
child's brain, learning or development-- child gets terrible message he
can't control himself. The main development is independence. We're
telling teachers, for a huge number of kids that they have to drug the
How to deal with kids who have been sent home and have
been told the child is ADHD, needs medication.
If there's a
problem, you may need family counseling.
Help the child identify
what he or she loves.
The goal is to get free of doing boring
The mothers act-- would make it if not mandatory
practically inevitable that after delivery, all mothers would be
It's always about taking responsibility for your own
growth and development.
Truly mentally healthy person is....  Â
when we are the most loving we can be in the most areas of our lives and
take responsibility for that and I define love as joyful awareness.
pretty hard to have a happy life, because we're such social people,
without loving other people.
The people with the happiest
involuntary hospitalization, schizophrenia, bi-polar
disorder, hypomanic episode
Paolo Freiri Pedagogy of the
oppressed and patients oppressed by Psychiatry, pharma and govt.
Size: 31,027,328 -- 1 hrs, 26 min, 0 sec