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Positivity Central; taking our science, knowledge

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Rob Kall
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  Positivity Central

Taking our science, knowledge and arts about positive psychology, states, feelings and experiences to the next level-- to scientifically explore, elucidate, codify, and create a unified, interwoven, integrated paradigm which collects together existing models so as to evolve a useful, practical Positive Science which spawns a collection of tools, technologies and techniques for optimizing human and social functioning, performance, health and happiness.

In a world where there are hundreds of thousands of studies and meetings on what is negative, on what to move away from and eliminate, experts on what's wrong-- we need a positive vision-- somewhere and something to move towards. We need to create a science of things positive-- of Positivity.
This site's goal is to get similar minded people connecting, talking, sharing ideas and energies about what works, about the Positive Sciences fields-- from psychology and psychoneuroimunology to anthropology, neurobiology, physiology, education, technology, the arts, entertainment, sociology, medicine, spirituality. We need to do with the positive arts and sciences what has been done with computers, software and new technologies-- create commercial incubators for companies which make a viable business of compassion, caring, happiness, fun, etc.

How far can we go with positive approaches? can we heal anger, depression, anxiety, fear, etc by solely  teaching positive behaviors, responses, actions, strategies? Or can we boost the strength of interventions based on treating pathology by adding positive approaches? We know so little about how far positive efforts alone can go. This is worth exploring.


The Happiness Response. You can buy a digital version of it and get it immediately by downloading for $20.00  Buy now

Contact me if you are interested in making something happen, as a volunteer, fellow searcher, scientist or as someone who can provide funds to move this field   forward.     Rob Kall      215-504-1700

"A man is like a bit of Labrador spar, which has no lustre as you turn it in your hand until you come to a particular angle; then it shows deep and beautiful colors. There is no adaptation or universal applicability in men, but each has his special Talent, and the mastery of Successful men consists in adroitly keeping themselves where and when that turn shall be oftenest to be practiced."                                        Ralph Waldo Emerson


Articles and Resources on this Website

The Happiness Response by Rob Kall 

Download the book NOW as a digital MS Word File  $20.00

Your positive experiences and the good feelings those experiences produce are your most valuable assets, your greatest treasures. These positive experiences, PEs for short, are the basic building blocks for your most valuable inner strengths. They give you the ability to face adversity, enthusiastically meet challenges, feel good and confident about yourself. These are the cherished possessions which enable you to love and to be loved to be happy and have fun, to be caring, committed, courageous, and willing to take risks.

So it makes sense to build skills in all aspects of positive experiences and good feelings. That's the goal of this book-- to pass on to you what I've learned working with well over 1000 clients, students, workshop participants, psychologists, psychiatrists, students executives, athletes and health care workers. Some came with complaints, symptoms and diagnoses, more came with just an interest in learning how to get more out of life, more out of the good experiences they were already encountering.

The varieties of Positive Experiences (PEs) include not just times when you are happy and have fun. but also those character building events where you experience pain or adversity, yet you find the inner strength to persevere and ultimately to make things better.
the blue links are free sample chapters.  

Order the book as a digital MS Word File  $20.00