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What is NxLink ?

NxLink is a powerful new software package for IBM P.C.'s that enables easy:

Viewing, editing, and annotation of the raw data by means of a scrolling EEG editor.
Computer assisted artifact rejection
Generation of quantified EEG (QEEG) features.
Generation of z-scores based upon age appropriate comparisons with neurometric database.
Display options including tables and topographic maps for easy and rapid analysis of a person's EEG data.
Classification of QEEG profile by patented analysis procedures and
discriminant functions yielding objective probability of group membership as an adjunct to diagnosis of common types of psychiatric and neurological brain dysfunction.

There are several important aspects of the discriminant comparisons generated by NxLink. The analysis only compares the individual to clinical groups that are indicated as appropriate by the patient summary information form and the patient history checklist, Therefore, only potentially relevant comparisons are made and the probability of Type I errors leading to "misclassification" is decreased.

Aid in assisting neurofeedback procedures. (coming soon!)

Sample Case Report:

Rows: Absolute Power, Relative Power, Interhemsipheric Power Asymmetry and Coherence.
Columns: Total Spectrum, Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta Frequency Bands.

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An 8.6 year old male with:
...........Learning disabilities
...........Impulsivity, and
...........Problems in peer interactions.

Baseline evaluation of this child revealed abnormal scores on several behavioral/performance scales (see Table below). As can be seen in the topographic maps above, this child's neurometric findings were characterized by significant diffuse excess of absolute and relative power in the theta frequency band and an anterior excess of alpha activity. In addition, there was a tendency toward posterior power asymmetry in all bands (R>L), and highly significant hypercoherence between left and right posterior regions and a lesser hypercoherence between frontal regions, in all bands. Further details of this case can be studied in the demonstration (case #26115A), including discriminant classification results indicating a high probability that the patient's QEEG profile corresponded to that seen in the learning disabled population.

The patient was put on dexamphetamine (10 mg/day) for 6 months and then retested. After six months the QEEG had normalized (click here to see maps). The changes in QEEG were accompanied by large changes in the behavioral measures as is shown in the Table below. The discriminant findings in this follow-up evaluation no longer indicated classification as learning disabled.

It is noted that in a large study population, the QEEGs of subjects whose behavioral measures did not improve with treatment either showed no change or actually became more abnormal, (Chabot et al., 1997).

Subject Age Treatment Connors Snap Peer Memory Read Comp Spell
26115A 8.6 NONE 27 47 12 10 8.5 9.3 8.3
26115B 9.0 Dexamphetamine


10 14 7 1 11.4 10.9 9.4

TABLE 1: Behavioral/performance scores of a "candidate" ADHD eight year old boy before and after 6 months of treatment. Neurometric measures showed a normalization that was in line with improved behavioral scores.

1999 Pricing Program   Effective 3/15/99

System Version I: Neurometric Analysis System with EEG translator, EEG editor, neurometric analysis with normative data base comparison, topographic brain mapping, and printed comprehensive data output, $2500

System Version II: System Version I plus the Normal/Abnormal Discriminant Analysis package, $5000. Additional discriminant analysis packages can be included for $500 each (select from Learning Disability—with NEW ADD/ADHD Discriminant Function, Depression, Dementia, Schizophrenia, or Head Injury Discriminants).

System Version III: System Version I plus the complete Discriminant Analysis System derived from the Neurometric Clinical Database. Includes free upgrades for newly developed discriminant functions for one year following initial purchase, $7500.


The Neurometric Analysis System is the only U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k)-cleared reference database software available for use by qualified medical professionals for the post-hoc statistical evaluation of the EEG (FDA 510(k) K974748)

 Each system comes with a one-year warranty, user and technical manuals, neurometric bibliography, software security key, and three-month phone/fax/email support services. Extended warranty programs are available at reasonable cost after one year. The extended warranty program provides limited no-cost interpretation assistance, free upgrades, maintenance upgrades, and reduced purchase prices for future options that become available. Upgrades from System I to Systems II or III are available.

Installation and training is available at additional cost. Please contact NxLink, Ltd. for pricing information and availability. A limited number of Cooperative Research Discounts are available for government and academic research institutions (certain conditions apply; please contact NxLink for more information).