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take a 10% discount when you buy 3 titles,  12% Discount when you buy four, 15% when you buy six,  and 20% off when you buy ten.



    E2-7  Michael Linden QEEG Diagnosis & Neurofeedback Based Multimodality Treatment of ADD & ASD $39/$49 / $55
    E4+3-37  Paul Swingle   K.I.S.S. Rapid, simple and straightforward diagnoses and treatment  $119 $149 $159
    E4-22 Thom Hartmann Edison Gene ADHD Workshop $39/$49 / $55



WE28A2 Thom Hartmann ADHD: 2 Hours to Transformation

 $39/$49 / $55



WB26-2   Thom Hartmann ADHD & the Workplace: A Hunter in a Business World

 $39/$49 / $55



WA13 Thom Hartmann  ADD at work,at home, at school

 $39/$49 / $55

    WIG-P4 Thom  Hartmann: ADD Success Strategies  $79  $89 /$95
    W1-21-2 Thom Hartmann, ADHD & Relationships: Getting Along in Families, Friendships and Love $39/$49 / $55



WE8B2 Thompson Asperger’s & ADD; Differences and Similarities- Preliminary Observations

 $39/$49 / $55



WE29B2 Jay Gunkelman The Anatomy and Pathophysiology of ADD/ADHD, Tourette's, OCD/ODD", with qEEG patterns shown for all these disorder groupings with their co-morbidities explained.

$39/$49 / $55 



WE30A4 Vietta Sue Wilson & Michael Thompson Introduction to Infiniti, using it for ADHD and Peak Performance




WE332A2 Mike Linden Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

 $39/$49 / $55



WD--2 Robert Gurnee How to run an ADD Clinic

 $39/$49 / $55

    WB21-2 Robert Gurnee ADD Subtypes and Neurofeedback Strategies $39/$49 / $55



WD--15 Ed Castro, M.D., author Getting Rid of Ritalin  Medical Considerations for Neurofeedback providers

$39/$49 / $55 



WD--33 Michael Linden QEEG Based Assessment and Treatment of Children-Adults with ADD

$39/$49 / $55 

    WC15-2b Paul Swingle Rapid Assessment and Treatment of the Varieties of ADD $39/$49 / $55
    WB11   Paul Swingle Rapid Treatment of Common ADD $39/$49 / $55
    WB32-2   Mike Linden Diagnosis and treatment of ADD in Adults:It’s different than Children! $39/$49 / $55
    WA9 Lynda & Michael Thompson: WS4A Interventions for ADD to supplement NFB based on The ADD BOOK  $79  $89 /$95
    WIG-L4 Joel Lubar : Referential Vs Bi-polar assessment, databases and "pattern analysis" for  NF  treatment of ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, tourettes syndrome  & seizure disorders.  $79  $89 /$95
    WIG-H2 Michael Linden : Everything you always wanted to know about NFB & ADD but forgot to ask: The nuts & bolts of  testing and treating ADD Clients $39/$49 / $55
    WIG-E2 Clifford L. Corman   The T.O.V.A.(R) in Clinical Practice $39/$49 / $55



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2 hour workshop: DVD $49, VHS $55, CD $39
4 hour workshop: DVD $89, VHS $95, CD $79
Plenary Talks on CD $10 each, minimum three titles, may be included on same CD
Last number of product number denotes whether the recording is a two or four hour title
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 More details on some of the titles

Lynda & Michael Thompson: W012-4 Interventions for ADD to supplement NFB;
based on The ADD BOOK
The presenters will emphasize how to go beyond the single intervention of neurofeedback when helping clients with A.D.D.. The presentation will cover this topic in three steps. First, there will be a list of basic areas to discuss with clients to ensure that the client is in the best possible physical and mental condition to undergo treatment. Setting up for success includes paying attention to diet, sleep and exercise. Either provide counseling or refer out for therapy as needed. There will be mention of complicating medical conditions. Adjusting the home, school and work environments will be covered.
Second will come a discussion of complementary interventions. Possible additional improvement of the primary ADHD symptoms which you are treating with neurofeedback can be obtained with adjunctive techniques. Such procedures include EDR biofeedback, relaxation techniques (including EMG biofeedback, temperature biofeedback, breathing techniques, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, imagery), metacognitive strategies (for learning, remembering, and time management), and the use of full cap assessments to guide your interventions. Some clients may also benefit from the addition of sound and light entrainment techniques and / or Samonas Sound Therapy.
Finally, there will be instruction in recognizing and treating associated conditions which may accompany a clients primary difficulty. When treating A.D.D. these may include; depression, anxiety, tics, learning problems, behavior problems that are diagnosed as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder, seizure disorders, and disorders along the autism continuum, including Aspergers Syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Disorders.)
Thom Hartmann W016-2 ADD at work,at home, at school
In this 2 hour workshop Thom Hartmann gives adults and children with ADD an opportunity to recapture their self-esteem and take control of their lives. Using NLP and specific techniques you will learn to disperse old disturbing memories, buried emotions and other mental blocks so they can be replaced with new, empowering points of view.
Topics include:
*Understanding ADD and it's driving mechanisms; how to reinvent schools, work and home life.
*How to enhance communication and "read" another person.
*How and when traditional therapy can wound and how to heal instead.
Joel Lubar W022-4 Assessment & Protocols for NF Interventions, emphasizing treatment of ADD/HD
This year we completed and published a multicenter study (Journal of Neuropsychology ) with more than 420 cases, ages 6-30 and have additional data on 200 more cases up to age 64. This database has been replicated and submitted for publication. It was developed for the single channel CZ and employs the measure of percent power theta/beta ratio for non-clinical controls, inattentive ADD and hyperactive-impulsive ADHD. I have also developed a database of approximately 120 cases of individuals with ADD/HD ages 7-18 employing 19 channels.
In this workshop I will demonstrate how to perform an assessment using the databases and how to analyse the results in order to develop the appropriate protocols for treatment. Protocols for treatment of learning disabilities, depression, Tourettes syndrome, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, epilepsy and other syndromes for which there is a clear research and clinical foundation will be covered.
The workshop will involve equipment based demonstrations employing both single and multichannel approaches and methods for detecting both gross and subtle artifacts which can distort the results.


Julian Isaacs W040-2 How To Market and Deliver Neurofeedback Services to Schools
In 1998 the delivery of neurofeedback to schools in the Yonkers school district was the best covered national media topic in the area of biofeedback. Providing neurofeedback to school systems is one of the most effective methods to progress neurofeedback's acceptance because it is usually successful, schools provide a huge market, and the topic is newsworthy. It also recruits clients for private practice. The presenter of this workshop will share expertise gained from a variety of individuals' experience in the successful research and delivery of neurofeedback in public schools. This workshop will equip participants to successfully market and deliver neurofeedback services to schools, outlining a range of service delivery models from volunteer to full service provision.
Particular emphasis will be placed on methods of selecting neurofeedback training protocols which are safe and effective to use on children who have not received a QEEG. Techniques for the effective utilization of typical existing psychoeducational evaluation data will be outlined. Important safety, legal and ethical issues will be addressed and the adaptation of existing neurofeedback techniques and practices to the school environment will be covered in detail.
(i) Participants will learn to assess the suitability of candidate children in the school system for neurofeedback training.
(ii) Participants will learn how to correctly utilize school-based evaluations of children and integrate their findings with other specialized psychometric and other assessment instruments for evaluating neurofeedback candidates prior to and after neurofeedback treatment.
(iii) Participants will learn how to develop safe and effective neurofeedback training protocols for use with children who have not had a QEEG performed. This will include the use of relatively low cost EEG equipment for the assessment of EEG status pre-treatment.
Mike Linden W044-2 MultiModality Treatment of ADD Adults; Its not the same as working with kids.
Most children with ADHD do not outgrow their symptoms, and ADD is one of the most common presenting problems in adults. This workshop will focus on developing a Multi-Modality Treatment Plan for Adults with ADD.
Accurate testing will help select which clients are good candidates for Neurofeedback and what obstacles may interfere with successful training. I will review an QEEG Scan procedure, which in six research studies (first study published in August 1999) with almost 1500 subjects, has been shown to accurately diagnosis ADD and differentiate it from other disorders such as depression, anxiety and antisocial disorder.
Adults frequently complete NF in significantly fewer sessions, but they also are much more likely to stop NF prematurely. Testing results will also assist in designing the NF treatment protocol (Beta/SMR enhancement, Alpha/Theta reduction, Bi-Polar/Monopolar, Visual/Reading Tasks, etc.) and monitoring the training in order to decide when to make necessary changes or stop NF. An three stage NF treatment plan strategy will be discussed.
How to integrate NF with other multi-modality treatments for adults with ADD (medication, Individual & Marital counseling, and support groups) will be addressed. Plenty of time for discussion of case examples and questions will be provided.
1. To familiarize participants with the components of a thorough assessment of ADHD.
2. To describe the use of a simple office based QEEG to assist in determining which ADHD patients are candidates for Neurofeedback.
3. To educate participants on the practical aspects of Neurofeedback as the foundation of a multi-modality approach with ADHD adults.
4. To discuss treatment components of Individual & Marital Therapy, Medication and Support Groups for adults with ADD.

A8B4: Judith Lubar Judith Lubar Patterns of EEG Changes In Patients With ADD/HD and Co-Morbidities Including Anxiety, Depression, Passive Aggressive Behavior, Chemical Dependancy, and Learning Disabilities..

Families with addiction and genetics associated with ADD/HD present a special challenge in neurofeedback and psychotherapy because of the cluster of comorbidities which seemed to increase in intensity from one generation to the next. These comorbidities have to be sorted out in the evaluation process and dealt with in both psychotherapy and neurotherapy treatment.

The workshop demonstrates how to recognize, based upon EEG criteria, when the patient needs psychotherapeutic intervention or intervention for learning disabilities in addition to neurofeedback training in order for the entire treatment program to be successful. Case histories and concomitant EEG feedback changes in reactivity in individuals who were depressed,anxious,passive aggressive and/or experiencing addictions illuminate the description of the appropriate EEG therapeutic changes which make the treatment outcome successful. EEG based termination criteria will also be described.

A8S4 Joel F. Lubar  Choosing the Optimal EEG Patterns for the Enhancement of Attention & Peak Academic Performance: Assessment, Treatment Protocols, & Demonstrations.

During the past twenty years we have developed protocols for the treatment of attention deficit\Hyperactivity disorder. These protocols involved basically increasing beta activity and decreasing theta activity over central cerebral cortex for the innattentive component of ADD\HD. In individuals that have the hyperactive form of attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder the SMR protocol is used initially. This involves training patients first to increase SMR (12 to 15 Hz over sensorimotor cortex) and then the using the beta paradigm to increase cognitive processing. In this workshop I will demonstrate specifically how an assessment is made in order to determine whether an individual has an EEG pattern consistent with the diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and also whether to train referentially or bipolar and and which frequencies to reward and which frequencies to inhibit.

We have published research showing that it is possible to enhance attentive processes in non-ADD/HD individuals. This often involves working with other portions of the beta band and inhibiting partions of the theta-alpha(thalpha) region. I will demonstrate how to assess where to set the parameters for training in order to enhance reading and listening performance for specific locations associated with Broca's and Wernicke's areas. Next I will demonstrate how this methodology can lead to procedures for enhancing other types of activities often designated as "peak performance" including certain types of athletic activities where visualization is important before a specific movement is performed. These more complex protocols involve being able to identify rather specific EEG patterns and reinforcing these patterns. The way in which this is done will be demonstrated specifically using EEG BF instrumentation.


A8U4 Lynda & Michael Thompson Effective Interventions For ADD
Description: In the past we used short term interventions including medications and behaviour modification to help both our child and adult clients with ADD. Today we are able to offer more lasting solutions. The ADD Centre program has as its foundation, neurofeedback. But neurofeedback training, though necessary for a lasting change, is not necessarily sufficient to effect maximum improvement. In addition the ADD Centre program offers a balanced diet of metacog- nitive strategies for learning, biofeedback to decrease tension and increase alertness, advice on a healthy diet and supplements and a potpourri of simple to use techniques to help families with organization, communication, and a positive approach to each others idiosyn- crasies (behaviour problems). Occasionally there is certainly a role for the short term use of medication. This multimodal approach forms the basis for a new public- ation, The ADD Book, New Understandings, New Approaches from Little Brown, N.Y. by Dr. William Sears and Dr. Lynda Thompson.
In this workshop we will describe these interventions and how they are combined for different presentations of ADD. This workshop will outline: (1) a feedback program using EEG, EDR and peripheral temperature for ADD clients; (2) teach learning strategies to improve reading, listening, organizing and remembering and, (3) show how neurofeed- back and metacognitive strategies are combined in the ADD Centres program, (4) provide an opportunity for discussing strategies for helping parents reorganize household time and job management in a manner that models both an efficient and a positive approach to accomplishing tasks, (5) discuss strategies for increasing the ADD childs self esteem through study-time techniques which reinforce the strategies being taught with neurofeedback in the centre.
More detailed workshop description
Metacognition Combined with Neurofeedback: an Effective Educational Approach to ADD
1. For Child Clients
2. For Adult Clients
Target Audience:
Participants may be at any stage of experience: however, the objectives are worded to apply to participants who have had some experience with the use of neurofeed- back with children and / or adults who have ADD or ADHD.
Terminal Objective: To enable the participants to be able to apply the combined approach of Metacognitive strategies and NF to ameliorate the symptoms (short attention span, distractibility, impulsive approach to work) of ADD and the associated academic difficulties, including under- acheivement due to a disorganized approach to work.
Enabling Objectives:
At the completion of the seminar the participants should be able:
1. to distinguish sub-groups of ADD children and apply the correct use of SMR vs beta training to each group.
· impulsive (may be either under or over aroused)
· non-impulsive
2. to select appropriate electrode placement which may vary with arousal, impulsivity and presence or absence of language difficulties.
· to recognize and distinguish two groups of children with ADD according to their level of alertness and apply the appropriate EDR feedback to each group.
· under-aroused
· over-aroused
3. To recognize three groups of ADD Adults and apply appropriate training strategies for each group.
Metacognitive Strategies:
At the completion of the seminar the participants should be able:
1. to define metacognition
2. to apply a 4 step metacognitive strategy for junior high, high school and college students
· to reading new material
· to listening to lectures
3. to apply a 3-3-3 step metacognitive strategy
· to organizing a written or verbal presentation
4. to apply cognitive strategies to elementary school math and reading
5. to improve a clients setting of goals and management of time (high school and adult clients)
Metacognition combined with Neurofeedback:
At the completion of the seminar the participants should be able:
1. to develop a training protocol for an ADD client that combines appropriate neurofeedback, EDR and peripheral temperature feedback, and training in metacognitive strategies.
Description of Seminar:
This seminar will be hands-on: First the participants will partake in a reading assignment and, second, they will do a quick written assignment. After discussion of strategies used, one volunteer will be hooked up for neurofeedback and others will assist to train her combining learning strategies with brain-wave feedback. Discussion will include methods to be used at home.
To get the seminar started, a short didactic lecture at the beginning will cover the sub-types of ADD and appropriate Neurofeedback approaches to each and introduce the concept of metacognition. This will be followed by the participants being challenged with a brief reading assignment that is given to students at the ADD Centres who are in grade 7 and above. When the participants have completed this task there will be a discussion of the techniques they used and these will be compared with the approach of children and even college level students with ADD.
    The leaders present a 4 step strategic approach to reading, preparing for exams or presentations, and listening to boring lecture materials. The participants will then be invited to spend a few minutes reading a passage using the metacognitive approaches just discussed and discussing the differences they experienced when using these techniques. They will repeat this procedure revamping the lecture outline they had previously worked on.
    Participants will then be given a short, fun, challenging written assignment to organize. However, like often happens to busy students, they only have a few minutes to organize how they are going to present their material. The 3-3-3 writing strategy will then be discussed.
    Organizing thinking processes, using strategies for efficient reading, and practicing various visual and auditory/verbal memory techniques will be emphasized. Throughout the presentation the rationale for combining neurofeedback with training and learning skills will be underscored. This combination effectively improves performance and leads to high levels of customer satisfaction. Clients have immediate benefits from applying meta- cognitive strategies and long term benefits from the combination of strategies and NF.
A8PP2 Mike Linden The Complete ADD Testing & Treatment Workshop
This workshop reviews the symptoms and etiology of ADD. I will discuss in detail using testing (behavior rating scales, CPT tests & Q-EEG evaluations) to accurately diagnos ADD & develop individualized treatment plans. Selection of ADD candidates for NF training and monitoring the NF process to ensure the most success will be presented.

B8F2 Sue Othmer Case conference & clinical decision making for Beta/SMR trng (sugg. pre-req. EEG Spectrum tng course)