Great Books We Highly
The Prophets Way
Touching the Power of Life
by Thom Hartmann
$12.95 plus $4.50 shipping (PA residents add 6% sales tax) |
From the most ancient corner of
Jerusalems Old City, to a candlelit Detroit temple where a teacher glows and
heals with his hands, to a famine-plagued refugee camp in Uganda, to the bloodied
streets of Bogota, Thom Hartmann conveys his experiences of expanded
consciousness and spiritual insight with inspiring clarity.In an
inspiring story that melds recent discoveries in science with ancient metaphysical
truths, the reader is given specific techniques and tools to reconnect with life and
recreate our personal futures and the planetary future.
Hartmann concludes that the Earth is endangered because modern humans have lost
their connection to "the heartbeat of the world," and that humanity is
endangered because people have lost their connection to inner divinity.
What People Say About the
- "This is the most important book I have ever read a deeply disturbing
surprise. Terrifyingly topical; strangely transcendental and timeless;
profound, engaging, delightful, informative; dreadful, desolating, devastating,
threatening, unhinging, and irritating I would I could evade its awful
truth. Now I can do no less than give my remaining years to its message."
- Joseph Chilton Pierce, author of Crack in the Cosmic Egg and
Evolutions End
"The Prophets Way draws you in like a novel, keeping you on the edge
waiting to see what happens next, yet is a true story. Like a painting by a great
master that was painted over and hidden for centuries, Thom Hartmann peels away the
layers of distortion heaped on original visions of religion and faith which existed
2,000 years ago, revealing once again the essence of humanity, spirituality, and
mysticism. This book helped me make a major change in my life for the better." Rob
Kall, President, Futurehealth
"A profound odyssey of spiritual transformation." (Psychology Today)
I just heard from Thom that Neal Donald Walsh, author of Conversations with
God has recommended his book. And Thom just returned from a multidenominational
meeting of 20 people with the Pope, which he was invited to because someone had read this
book. Rob Kall |
- The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
- By Thom Hartmann $12.95 paper
- "Thom Hartmanns The Last Hours of
Ancient Sunlight shines like a beacon in the darkness, an education about reality, a
needed wake-up call, and a guidebook through the swamps of denial and ignorance into a
brighter, sustainable future." -- Dan Millman, author of Way of the Peaceful
Warrior and Everyday Enlightenment
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- A Different Perception;
- Hunters in a Farmers' World
- by Thom Hartmann $12.95
- Paperback - 160 pages Revised edition
(October 1997)
Hartmann's classic book. Over 100,000
- Healing ADD
- by Thom Hartmann $9.95
- Hartmann's latest book presents simple methods
involving visualization and positive thinking that can readily be picked up by adults and
taught to children with ADD. "Thom Hartmann has laid out a controversial but
appealing theory".--"Time"
- ADD Success Stories
- by Thom Hartmann $12.95
- Thom Hartmann is the creator of the Hunter-Farmer
theory about ADD, profiled in Time magazine, which theorizes that today's Attention
Deficit Disorder is a remnant of the hunter/gatherer society of ancient times. His
pioneering book has sold over 100,000 copies. He is the author of six books on ADD.
- Beyond ADD
- by Thom Hartmann $12.95
- "Beyond ADD is my favorite of the ADD
books I've written," says author Thom Hartmann. "It's thought-provoking and was
fun to write...and many people have told me that they really both enjoyed and learned from
reading it. It's the most far-out and controversial, and yet in many ways I think it's the
most solid and important of my books on this topic."
The working title of Beyond ADD was "Why We Have ADD," and that was the
question that Thom set out to answer with this book. In it, he explores a variety of
possible reasons for the explosion of both diagnoses and actual occurances of what we call
ADD. Each speculative chapter ends with a "solution" where Thom suggests
specific, real-world answers to some of the problems and causes associated with ADD.
- Think Fast: The ADD Experience
by Thom Hartmann $12.95
Edited by Thom Hartmann
and Janie Bowman, with Susan Burgess
Think Fast! is an anthology of
writings, discussions, and insights compiled from the libraries and message boards of The
ADD Forum on CompuServe. As such, it's not strictly a "Thom Hartmann" book (he
only wrote one chapter), but does offer an extraordinarily broad swatch of perspectives,
opinions, and ideas about ADD.
Contributors include Russell Barkley, Edward Hallowell, John Ratey, Carla Nelson, Peter
Wright, and a wide variety of other doctors, researchers, and experts in the field. |
- Textbook of Biological Feedback
- Mariella Fischer-Williams, M.D., Alfred J. Nigl, David L.
Sovine, M.D.
- $25 paperback
- Biofeedback; A Practitioner's Guide
- 2nd Edition
- By Mark Schwartz & Associates
$65 hardcover
- This is another must-have book if you are a professional
working with biofeedback. It is over 900 pages packed with detailed discussion of
different modalities and approaches.
The Relaxation & Stress
Reduction Workbook
$17.95 paper
This is an absolute must for your library if
you are interested in self-regulation, biofeedback, or stress management.
- Principles & Practice of Stress
- 2nd Edition
- By Paul Lehrer & Robert Woolfolk
- $37.50 in paper
- An extraordinary collection of edited chapters by world
leaders in different approaches to the varieties of stress management, including:
Progressive Relaxation: McGuigan, Bernstein, Yoga-based therapy: Patel Meditation:
Carrington Hypnotic Approaches: Barber Autogenic Training: Linden Autogenic Biofeedback:
Norris & Fahrion Biofeedback & Stress/Anxiety: Stoyva & Budzynski Respiration
& Stress: Fried Cognitive Approaches to Stress: Beck Stress Innoculation: Meichenbaum
and many more
Biofeedback & Somatics
Toward Personal Evolution
By Eleanor Criswell, Ed.D.
An easier to read text, oriented toward undergraduates, with a transpersonal slant.
Great for lay readers.
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