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 World's Most Popular Biofeedback Site

Biofeedback Tutorial Training Software

Biofeedback Tutor provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of biofeedback for BCIA certification preparation and professional education. The 18 professionally-illustrated tutorials summarize key findings from critical articles on the BCIA reading list and major references in anatomy and physiology, biofeedback, neurofeedback, physiological psychology, psychopharmacology, and sEMG.
Biofeedback100 provides a current and extensive review for the BCIA Certification Exam in Biofeedback. The content for this web-based service was developed by Biosource Software, the leading creator of educational software for biofeedback professionals. This service allows you to take 20-question multiple-choice exams and receive immediate feedback on your performance. All you need to use Biofeedback100 is a web browser and an internet connection.
Neurofeedback100 allows you to take 20-question multiple-choice exams and receive immediate feedback on your performance.The content for this web-based service was developed by Biosource Software, the leading creator of educational software for biofeedback professionals. All you need to use Neurofeedback100 is a web browser and an internet connection.


Biofeedback Tutor
ä provides an up-to-date and comprehensive review of biofeedback for BCIA certification preparation and professional education. The 18 tutorials summarize key findings from critical articles on the BCIA reading list and major references in anatomy and physiology, biofeedback, neurofeedback, physiological psychology, psychopharmacology, and sEMG.


Biofeedback Tutorä runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and Xp operating systems. All you need is a CD-ROM drive and the Internet Explorerä web browser. You can purchase this product for $75.  






The Biofeedback Tutor
ä CD-ROM contains 18 professionally-illustrated tutorials, reinforced by 28 video segments and animations, and covers over 500 learning objectives that you can view with your web browser from your CD-ROM drive. You can also assess your learning by taking 10-question multiple-choice tests designed for each tutorial over the internet.


Biofeedback Tutorä reviews critical topics in Biofeedback History, Concepts, Psychophysiology, Electricity, Relaxation Training, Skeletal Muscle System, Cardiovascular System, Electrodermal System, Respiratory System, Central Nervous System, EMG Hardware, Cardiovascular Hardware, Electrodermal                                            Hardware, EEG Hardware, Musculoskeletal Applications, Neuromuscular Applications, Cardiovascular Applications, and Neurofeedback Applications.

The Muscle Sarcomere image © 1998 Robert Finkbeiner and the Transparent Brain LifeArt image © 1996 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. All rights reserved.