Rob Kall, M.Ed. Curriculum Vitae (10/12/01) - Robert Alan Kall
211 N. Sycamore, Newtown, PA 18940, 215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374 Hobbies creek & river fishing/hiking, blues guitar, downhill triple diamond mogul skiing, racquetball, jogging, writing, internet surfing, collecting quotations and antiquarian books on story, myth, mind, science, reference, health and classics - Listed in Who's Who in America 2000, 2001, 2002
- Listed in Who's who in Health care 1999
Professional Activities - 2005 Feb Organized, Chaired 4th StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story
- 2005 Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 8th Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 2005 Feb Organized/ Chaired 13th Futurehealth Winter Brain Meeting
- 2004 Feb Organized, Chaired 3rd StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story
- 2004 Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 7th Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 2004 Feb Organized/ Chaired 12th Futurehealth Winter Brain Meeting
- 2003 Oct. Organized, Chaired 2nd StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story
- 2003 Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 6th Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 2003 Feb Organized/ Chaired 11th Futurehealth Winter Brain Meeting
- 2002 Sept. Organized/ Chaired First StoryCon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story
- 2002 Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 5th Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 2002 Feb Organized/ Chaired 10th Futurehealth Winter Brain Meeting
- 2001March Public Information officer for Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
- 2001Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 4th Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 2001
Feb Organized/ Chaired 9th Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training: 66 speakers, 52 workshops - 2000Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 3nd Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 2000 Feb Organized/ Chaired 8th Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training: 65 speakers, 55 workshops
- 1999Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the 2nd Meeting on Optimal Functioning
- 1999 Feb Organized/ Chaired 7th Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training:75 speakers, 50 workshops
- 1998 Feb Organized, Chaired presented at the World’s First Meeting on Optimal Functioning, with 26 speakers
- 1998 Feb Organized/ Chaired 6th Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training: 75 speakers, 42 workshops
- 1997 -elected to Board of Directors of Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (first independently
- nominated and elected board member in the organization's 28 year history) for three year term.
- 1997 -Organizer 5th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function,Modification & Training--
- world's largest neurofeedback meeting, 2nd largest biofeedback meeting
- 1996-March 2000. PR/Public Information Committee Chair Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback
- 1996 -Organizer World's First Clinical Surface EMG Meeting
- 1995 -Co-founder and Sysop of Mind Body Sciences Forum on Compuserve
- 1995 -Originator and co-author of Signalysis Muli-media data acquistion Software
- 1993 -founder AAPB Non-licensed member section
- 1993 -co-director AAPB Technology, Development & Support Section
- 1993 -member of program committee 1994 AAPB 25th annual meeting
- 1993 -Insurance Chair; PA Soc. Behavioral Medicine & Biofeedback
- 1992 -Program Co-Chair Spring Meeting Surface EMG Society of North America
- 1989-pres. Practice Management Consultant
- 1989-1996. Surface EMG seminar organizer and presenter
- 1989 Co-author, with Jeff Cram, of C.A.M. (Computer Analyzed Muscle) Scan software
- 1989 Human subjects review research advisory board member-- Livengrin Foundation
- 1988 Instructor- Temple University on Stress Management and Biofeedback.
- 1977-1991 Director/ therapist- Pain & Stress Management Program of Gloria Dei Growth Opportunity Center, Huntingdon Valley, PA
- 1978-pres. President/founder- FUTUREHEALTH INC. manufacturer of biofeedback related materials, publisher (and author) of multi-media biofeedback and behavioral medicine materials, publisher (and co-author) of biofeedback software. Sponsor and presenter of seminars.
- 1985-pres. Executive Producer- MU-PSYCH MUSIC recording label of relaxation positive uplift music, a subsidiary of FUTUREHEALTH
- 1984-1986 Executive Director- Behavioral Medicine Inc. a group of pain and stress treatment clinics in Philadelphia.
- 1975-1980 Emergency Psychiatric Therapist at Northeast CCMH/MR
- 1978-79 Biofeedback Research at Temple University
- 1971-72 Biofeedback research at Pennsylvania State University
PUBLICATIONS, PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS & RESEARCH April 3, 2005 Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Austin TX Story Theory, Myth, Cognitive Science and Positive Psychology as tools for Enhancing Neurofeedback, Biofeedback. And Personal Growth March 10,11 Storytelling Conference, University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL Using the Powers of Myth and Story and the Anatomy of Positive Experience to Face the Worst, and Make the Best happen in your life, work, health, family and community-, and The World of Story: all the ways that story touches our lives, our community, our world Feb 4, 2005 Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story: Story Consciousness; how consciousness and understanding change as story media and understanding change and Rob Kall Big Pharma and Non-Drug Health Interventions Feb 2004 Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology Meeting: Mythic aspects of healing and growth processes. - Feb 2003- Present numerous (150+) articles published on
- Jan 23 2003 Winter Brain Meeting plenary presentation: If you don't Kill Your Client/patient, you haven't done your job.
- plenary presentation: Things Not Yet Done. Blind Spots and the Art of Possiblity
- July 2002 It’s Easy To Tell When The Iraqi War Will Start...And Why; Op-Ed article. Published on Saturday, July 20, 2002 by
- 2002 July Speaker: The Art of Story Conference, Union College
- March 2002 Workshop Presenter AAPB Optimal Functioning and Emotional Intelligence
- Oct. 2001 Speaker: Positive Psychology Summit Meeting: Anatomy of Positive Experience
- Feb 2001 Presented at 9th annual Winter Brain Meeting: Art and Science of Story in Personal Growth
- July 2000 Presented at Expressive Therapies Annual Meeting: The Art and Science of Story in Personal Growth & Healing
- July 1998 3 articles in Summer issue (vol 26#2) of Biofeedback newsmagazine of AAPB
- The Politics of Self Responsibility: a Major AAPB Legislative Initiative
- Announcement of the Biofeedback Beneficiaries Organization: A New Program (proposed by me)
- Report from the Public Relations Committee
- May 1998 Book- Co-editor with Mark Shtark: Biofeedback;Theory & Practice BIOPROVLENIYA Vol. 3 (in Russian)
- April 1998 Speaker: National ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Association)
- Positive Experience, Emotional Intelligence And Optimal Functioning Skill Building for ADDers
- March 1998 Invited to chair the founding meeting of the international section of AAPB.
- March 1998 Presenter at AAPB Annual Meeting in 3 panels on - Optimal Functioning, -Insurance & Advocacy, - Internet
- 1998 February Presentations (2) at the World’s First Meeting on Optimal Functioning
Optimal Functioning; Old wine in a new bottle: a new and old paradigm of biofeedback, health and functioning - The Varieties of Positive Experience & Good Feelings; Anatomy,Training, Integration
- Chaired Panel on the Future of Optimal Functioning
- 1998 February Presented and Chaired Panels at 6th Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training:
- Politics of Self Awareness/ discipline & Consciousness
- Chair: Optimal Functioning Panel
- Chair: Theta Panel
- January 1998 article in Biofeedback Magazine:
- Optimal Functioning Training: A Different Vision of Biofeedback, Self Regulation and Applied Psychophysiology
- June 1997 Invited Speaker, NJ Biofeedback Society, on New Technologies and Public Information
- March 1997 Presenter at AAPB annual meeting on 2 panels on -Biofeedback advocacy and -Insurance
- July 1996 Presenter at Multiple Intelligences Conference on Emotional Intelligence organized by Zephyr Press
- May 1996 Presentation to Rolling Hills Kindergarden class (Northampton PA) on smiling.
- March 1996 Appointed Public Information Committee Chair, AAPB
- Dec 1996 Creation of FUTUREHEALTH, Rob Kall Internet Homepage/Website
- March 1995 Organized Panel at APPB 1995 Meeting on Non-Medical Applications of Biofeedback
- Panelists were: Stanley Krippner, James Hardt, Carole Schneider.
- Jan 1995 Organizer and Presenter at 3rd Annual Key West EEG Biofeedback Meeting
- August 1994 presentation at American Academy of Pain Management annual meeting, Vancouver Canada
- Biofeedback and Positive Experience Training in Pain Management-
- Mar 1994 Chair/organizer Panel at AAPB:
- Heart & Spirit in Biofeedback with Elmer Green, C. Norman Sheally, Carol Schneider
- Jan. 1993 Organizer of 2nd EEG Biofeedback meeting, in Key West Florida
- Nov. 1993 Positive Experience Training for Pain NW BF meeting, Banff, Alberta Canada
- Nov 1993 Article: It's Time to Get Wired. Biofeedback Magazine (electronic BBS, Internet, online conferencing)
- Oct. 1993 Positive Experience Training with Pain Pts. Poster session, Amer Academy . Pain Mgmt. Knoxville TN
- Sept1993 Book- Co-editor with Mark Shtark: Biofeedback;Theory & Practice BIOPROVLENIYA (in Russian)
- July 1993 Presentation Biosvyaj Rehab Clinic (part of a biofeedback seminar) in St. Petersburg Russia:
- Biofeedback In America and Emotional self Regulation
- July 1993 Presentation Institute of Medical Cybernetics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academgorodok (Novosibirsk)
- Siberia, Russia on Biofeedback and Applied Psychophysiology in America and on Anatomy of Positive Experience
- May 1993 Featured speaker Michigan Society for Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback on Positive Experience Training
- March 1993 Presentation Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback annual meeting
- workshop on Positive Experience Training
- Feb. 1993 Featured speaker Biofeedback Society of Maryland, Wash. D.C., Virginia
- New Biofeedback Technology and on Positive Experience Training
- Feb. 1993 Article in AAPB Biofeedback Magazine: on Clinician Research
- Jan. 1993 Organizer of world's first EEG Biofeedback meeting, in Key West Florida
- March 1992 Presentation Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback annual meeting
- Short course on Positive Experience Training
- July 1992 Positive Experience Training with Pain patients @ FUTUREHEALTH EMG Workshop, Phila.
- July 1991-92 numerous articles on surface EMG and biofeedback in Chiropractic Journal:
- -Do you test sit or test drive a car?
- -Static vs. Dynamic EMG, Spectral analysis & Reimbursement. Kall, Tosh, & Cram
- -A consumer's Guide to diagnostic EMG Software, by Kall
- -Biofeedback In Chiropractic, by Kall
- June 1991 New Jersey Biofeedback Society- Day-long Featured Speaker:
- Surface EMG & Assessment of Pain
Emotional Self Regulation Training and Biofeedback - March 1991 Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback annual meeting
- Short course on Emotional Self Regulation
- Feb., 1991 article: Challenging Surface EMG Presentations For the Defense (Law Journal) vol 33, No.2 Kall & Cram
- Aug. 1990 Chapter in book-- Clinical Surface EMG, Vol.2, edited by Jeffrey Cram
- March 1990 Presentation Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback annual meeting
- Short course: Advances and Frontiers in Head and Back Pain Assessment. Co-presenters: J. Cram, R.Tosh
- March 1990 Presentation Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback annual meeting
- Short course on Emotional Self Regulation
- Nov. 1989 Organizer and chair of Symposium at AABT (Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy):
- THERAPY INSIDE THE BLACK BOX: Identifying and Regulating Emotional, Perceptual And
- Psychophysiological Behavioral Patterns Discussant: Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D.
- Joseph Brady, Ph.D. Arthur Freeman, Ph.D., Robert Kall, M.Ed. Dennis Russo, Ph.D. Gary Schwartz, Ph.D.
- Sept. 1989 EMI/CAM Scan 3000 Computer analyzed Muscle scan software, co-authored with Jeff Cram, Ph.D.
- March 1989 Presentation Biofeedback Society of America annual meeting Short course on Emotional Self Regulation
- 1989 Happiness Response lectures: God's Love Lutheran Church Cnseling Cntr, Drexel U. Wellness Program, Gwynned Mercy College
- 1989 Feb. Chapter in book, Finding The Calm Within, McGraw Hill, by Keith Sedlacek
- 1988 March Presentation Biofeedback Society of America annual meeting Short course on Emotional Self Regulation
- 1988 March Workshop, Marketing and Publicity for Biofeedback co-presented with Keith Sedlacek, M.D.
- 1988 Happiness Response Lectures: Campbell's Soup Co. Executive Headquarters, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
- Nov. 1987 Program Co-Chair Pennsylvania Society of Biofeedback and Behavioral Medicine
- Oct. 1987 Article in Biofeedback Society of America newsletter on Providing The Public With Information about biofeedback
- 1987 August BIOPRO Software Release #1 (biofeedback software, co-authored with Donald O'Hair. Used by U.S. Navy, Harvard researchers,
- pain clinics.
- 1986 Nov Program Co-Chair Pennsylvania Society of Behavioral Medicine and Biofeedback
- 1986 Nov Presentation PA Society of Behavioral Med. & Biofeedback: Emotional Self Regulation
- 1986 March Poster Session , BF Society of America Annual Mtg. I believe this was the first published report of computerized bilateral EMG assessment of dynamic activity. Assessment of Bilateral Computerized Electromyographic Assessment of Back Pain
- 1985 article published in AMERICAN CHIROPRACTOR: BIOFEEDBACK & Chiropractic
- 1984 audio cassette TAKING STRESS A.P.A.R.T. (Affective progressive, autogenic Relaxation Training) with K. Sedlacek, M.D.
- Published by FUTUREHEALTH, Inc. 0ver 20,000 sold
- 1983 May Cover article Writer's Digest : How to Generate Hundreds of Salable Ideas (word ideas spelled out in lightbulbs)
- 1981 The New Biofeedback. Colomn/article in April, 1981 OMNI magazine.
- 1980 Athletic Template Feedback To Enhance Performance. Poster Session Biofeedback Society of America Annual Meeting
- 1980-present Numerous articles on health and science for consumer and professional magazines, including American Chiropractor,
- Biofeedback Magazine, Brain/Mind Bulletin, Chiropractic Journal, Family Health, For The Defense (Law Journal,) Family Health,
- OMNI magazine (10 articles), Physical Therapy Forum, Success, Writer's Digest.
- 1977 Articles in Philadelphia Drummer Newspaper on Biofeedback and on Brain Laterality
Media Coverage of Rob and his Work: - Buzzflash, Thom Hartmann Show, The Tony Show (Tony Trupiano) COOKING LIGHT, BOTTOM LINE PERSONAL:HEALTH, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, ABC MORNING NEWS, CABLE NETWORK NEWS, OMNI, DISCOVER, WOMEN'S WORLD, NEW YORK TIMES, AM PHILADELPHIA, EVENING MAGAZINE, PHILA. INQUIRER, Knight Ridder syndicated column, BBC, numerous radio interview and call-in talk shows, as well as articles published in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Korean, German, French, Polish and Sanskrit.
1977-1979 Temple University M.Ed. Counseling Psychology - 1972-1975 Temple U., Lasalle College, St. Joseph's College Science courses for Pre-med: Org Chem, Biochem, Endocrinology, Physics
- 1968-1972 Pennsylvania State University. B.A. Psychology
Rob Kall Bio Rob Kall Projects