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(1002.11) Permalink    Equipment: 
I-330 C2plus 12 channel

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J&J Engineering. I-330 C2plus 12 Channel Flexible and Powerful EMG, EEG, ECG, HRV, SC and Temperature
The I-330-C2's 12 channel capability supports simultaneous monitoring of signals, such as:
  • 2-person monitoring for ECG, HRV, Respiration, Skin Resistance or Conductance, and Temperature
  • 4 EMG channels with spectral and raw signal displays, 4 Skin Resistance and Conductance, 4 Temperature
  • ECG, 2 EMG, 2 Respiration, 2 Skin Resistance, 2 Temperature
  • 1, 2, or 4 EEG channels, Respiration, SR, Temperature

The popular I-330-C2+'s 4 differential channels for EMG, ECG, EEG, and 8 channels for temperature, skin resistance, and respiration, provide power, flexibility and functionality for a multitude of customized uses.

The software displays signals, provides feedback, collects data, prints reports, and exports database compatible files. Features include automatic testing of electrode impedance for connection quality, easy hookup with reusable gel free sensors, and fast channel sampling at 1024 SPS for high resolution spectral displays and precision filtering.


very intuitive and easy to learn, with context sensitive help and a complete instruction manual only a mouse click away!

Special Features:
  • Fast and Flexible user interface with your favorite screens only one click away and a maximum of two clicks to any other screen in any application
  • Data recording with built-in protocols that you can modify or create for unlimited applications
  • Instant report generator and instant link to MS Excel for unlimited report flexibility
  • Your display options are greatly increased with multiple sub-displays per screen and -one-click zoom- to fill the entire screen with any selected display
  • Flexible audio with a simplified control panel - just select the sound type, starting pitch, and sensitivity to signal change or use default values
Functional, Attractive Screens

Sensor Test Screen:
Software detects faulty cables, electrodes and sensors, measures electrode impedance for connection quality, checks batteries and displays all status results in an opening test screen which also includes visual hookup instructions.

Impedance check hardware costs about $400 extra on some systems. Free with this system

Check Signal Screen:
Physiolab insures that all signals are being acquired and appropriately displayed without the need for adjustment through its advanced auto-gain and auto-offset features or, if preferred, click to manually adjust.

Heart Rate, Respiration,
Heart Variability Bands:

Bold colors are easily interpreted at a glance with Physiolab-s display of interbeat interval, respiration waveform, and heart spectrum bands.

Breathing Training Screen:
All breath pattern parameters are adjustable in Physiolab-s Breathing Pattern Trainer with heart rate and respiration display. Also included are HRV spectrum, ECG wave, breaths per minute, temperature, skin conductance and EMG.

EMG Training Screen:
Fast EMG displays give precision EMG discrimination training with automatic thresholds or convenient click-and-drag manual threshold adjustment.

Graded Color Fill Graphs:
This display gives colorful and rewarding feedback for above or below threshold in an automatic or manually adjustable graph.

Powerful Event Marking
Note the vertical line event mark in this continuous history display. Physiolab records the event time and any text you enter in the data file.

Extra Info
Left: Electrode Placement chart and built-in EEG Impedance Testing

Right: optional Two display set-up-- signals on one screen feedback on the others

For many years, the early predecessor of the C 2 product line was our number one best-seller. We placed their systems at Harvard, Yale, many US military facilities and probably in a good 1000+ other university and private practitioner offices. The new C-2+ Product line is a superb blend of cutting edge technology and well-tested software at very affordable prices.

The system includes basic EMG, ECG, EEG leads and SCL and Temperature sensors. Respiration sensors and an EEG kit with electrodes can be added.

Flexible and Powerful
EMG, EEG, ECG, HRV, Resp, SR, Temp



MC-3MY Respiration Sensor

MC-5D Gel Free Wrist Electrodes Optional Reusable Heart Rate Sensors

MC-5S Electrode Cable

MC-5SW Electrode Cable for EMG/EEG/ECG (Optional Cable)

MC-6SY For 2 channel Temperature and Skin Resistance

SE-35 Finger Electrodes (pack of two)


C2+ 12 Specifications:
Input Channels
Input Ranges
Input Impedance
Notch Filter
Maximum Bandpass
Max sampling rate per channel
A to D Converter
I/O Format
Isolation, Optical
Amplifier Failure Protection
Static Discharge Protection
Power Source
Electrode Impedance Test
EMG Bandpasses
EEG Bandpass
Heart Rate Bandpass
R Wave Filter & Detector
IBI or HR Output
Temperature Range
Skin Conductance Range
4 EMG, ECG, EEG & 8 SR, Temp, Resp.
500 V, 2000 V
10 Gohm
50/60 Hz
1 to 400 Hz
1024 SPS
16 Bit Conversion
USB or RS232
50 A maximum
4 x AA alkaline batteries
250 Ohm to 2 Mohm
100Hz to 400Hz, 10Hz to 400Hz
1 to 64Hz
1Hz to 400Hz
Single Beat Update
40 to 200 beats/minute
60 to 100F (15 to 38C)
.5 to 100 S


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