Getting Started with EEG Bio/Neuro Feedback?
This page is designed to help new professionals and
consumers getting started with neurofeedback to get off to more educated, knowledgable
running start.
- Consumers
- If you are considering buying your own equipment for personal use, we
advise you to start off with at least one session with someone certified in Neurofeedback,
or with equivalent training and experience (there are plenty of qualified people who have
not gone through the hoops of getting certified, but who are quite expert. If
uncertified, but competent, they should be happy to share their background with you.) This
initial session will help you develop a better understanding and a plan that is
customized for your interests and needs.
An additional way to get off to a good start is to listen to
lectures from leaders in the field. These can help you understand how it works and the
different applications.
- Professionals:
- 1) Start with the Neurofeedback Foundations course
so you get exposure to a wide range of perspectives on the basics of EEG
biofeedback. Make sure you bring to this endeavor adequate background knowledge and
2) Choose a training program and go there to take a
course in the basics.
3) Go to an experienced EEG biofeedback provider's facility
and observe the full range of activities there.
4) Get hooked up yourself and go through your own personal
neurofeedback training.
5) Develop an ongoing supervision relationship with
a competent, certified or certification equivalent professional.
6) Purchase a system through Futurehealth.
We know we offer a valuable service with this website and our activities. By giving us
your business, you help support us and allow us to continue the non-profit side of our
work. We are not just another dealer.
- 7) Attend an annual meeting in Neurofeedback--
- The Annual Winter Conference On Brain
Function, Modification and Training is the largest in the field, with more
speakers and workshops.
- SSNR comes second, with a high emphasis on QEEG,
- then AAPB third, with the largest overall meeting
attendance, most of whom are interested primarily in peripheral biofeedback, like EMG,
thermal, respiration, etc.
Here are some tape suggestions for
improving your learning curve:
- and
Getting-Started tape
suggestions for different areas of neurofeedback
- Workshops: Video: 2 hr $49, 4 hr $89 Audio:
2 hr $37, 4 hr $74 (last number of Workshop denotes two or four hour WS.)
- Plenary Session Lectures $12.50/audio tapes
(begin PS)
Foundations Course this basic course is the ideal first step if
you are considering doing anything with neurofeedback, whether it is adding it to your
professional practice or exploring EEG brain training for personal growth and exploration.
Learn the basic concepts of neurofeedback from the
master trainers in the field. This is a recording of the foundations course offered at the
Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training/
Advanced Neurofeedback Meeting, designed to prepare attendees for advanced lectures which
If you are considering entering the field of neurofeedback,
this is the best bargain available. Listen to it before taking your first workshop or
training, so you'll get a clearer idea of different perspectives of the basics. Create a
basic knowledge base, so when you attend your first workshop you process the information
at a higher level of understanding.
If you've already taken your first workshop, listen to this
set to hear the different perspectives each of these leading trainers bring to EEG
biofeedback. Neurofeedback Foundations Course extra info and
A8B4: Judith Lubar Patterns
of EEG Changes In Patients With ADD/HD and Co-Morbidities Including Anxiety, Depression,
Passive Aggressive Behavior, Chemical Dependency, and Learning Disabilities..
Families with addiction and genetics associated with ADD/HD present a special challenge
in neurofeedback and psychotherapy because of the cluster of comorbidities which seemed to
increase in intensity from one generation to the next. These comorbidities have to be
sorted out in the evaluation process and dealt with in both psychotherapy and neurotherapy
The workshop demonstrates how to recognize, based upon EEG criteria, when the patient
needs psychotherapeutic intervention or intervention for learning disabilities in addition
to neurofeedback training in order for the entire treatment program to be successful. Case
histories and concomitant EEG feedback changes in reactivity in individuals who were
depressed,anxious,passive aggressive and/or experiencing addictions illuminate the
description of the appropriate EEG therapeutic changes which make the treatment outcome
successful. EEG based termination criteria will also be described.
A8S4 Joel F. Lubar Choosing the Optimal EEG Patterns for the Enhancement of
Attention & Peak Academic Performance: Assessment, Treatment Protocols, &
During the past twenty years we have
developed protocols for the treatment of attention deficit\Hyperactivity disorder. These
protocols involved basically increasing beta activity and decreasing theta activity over
central cerebral cortex for the inattentive component of ADD\HD. In individuals that have
the hyperactive form of attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder the SMR protocol is used
initially. This involves training patients first to increase SMR (12 to 15 Hz over
sensorimotor cortex) and then the using the beta paradigm to increase cognitive
processing. In this workshop I will demonstrate specifically how an assessment is made in
order to determine whether an individual has an EEG pattern consistent with the diagnosis
of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and also whether to train referentially or
bipolar and and which frequencies to reward and which frequencies to inhibit.
We have published research that showing that it is possible to enhance attentive
processes in non-ADD/HD individuals. This often involves working with other portions of
the beta band and inhibiting portions of the theta-alpha(thalpha) region. I will
demonstrate how to assess where to set the parameters for training in order to enhance
reading and listening performance for specific locations associated with Broca's and
Wernicke's areas. Next I will demonstrate how this methodology can lead to procedures for
enhancing other types of activities often designated as "peak performance"
including certain types of athletic activities where visualization is important before a
specific movement is performed. These more complex protocols involve being able to
identify rather specific EEG patterns and reinforcing these patterns. The way in which
this is done will be demonstrated specifically using EEG BF instrumentation.
WA8PP2 Mike Linden The Complete ADD
Testing & Treatment Workshop
- This workshop reviews the symptoms and etiology of
ADD. I will discuss in detail using testing (behavior rating scales, CPT tests & Q-EEG
evaluations) to accurately diagnose ADD & develop individualized treatment plans.
Selection of ADD candidates for NF training and monitoring the NF process to ensure the
most success will be presented.
- A8U4 Lynda & Michael Thompson Effective
Interventions For ADD
- Description: In the past we used short term
interventions including medications and behaviour modification to help both our child and
adult clients with ADD. Today we are able to offer more lasting solutions. The ADD Centre
program has as its foundation, neurofeedback. But neurofeedback training, though necessary
for a lasting change, is not necessarily sufficient to effect maximum improvement. In
addition the ADD Centre program offers a balanced diet of metacog- nitive strategies for
learning, biofeedback to decrease tension and increase alertness, advice on a healthy diet
and supplements and a potpourri of simple to use techniques to help families with
organization, communication, and a positive approach to each others idiosyn- crasies
(behaviour problems). Occasionally there is certainly a role for the short term use of
medication. This multimodal approach forms the basis for a new public- ation, The ADD
Book, New Understandings, New Approaches from Little Brown, N.Y. by Dr. William Sears and
Dr. Lynda Thompson.
- In this workshop we will describe these interventions
and how they are combined for different presentations of ADD. This workshop will outline:
(1) a feedback program using EEG, EDR and peripheral temperature for ADD clients; (2)
teach learning strategies to improve reading, listening, organizing and remembering and,
(3) show how neurofeed- back and metacognitive strategies are combined in the ADD Centres
program, (4) provide an opportunity for discussing strategies for helping parents
reorganize household time and job management in a manner that models both an efficient and
a positive approach to accomplishing tasks, (5) discuss strategies for increasing the ADD
childs self esteem through study-time techniques which reinforce the strategies being
taught with neurofeedback in the centre.
- More detailed workshop description
- Metacognition Combined with Neurofeedback: an
Effective Educational Approach to ADD
- 1. For Child Clients
- 2. For Adult Clients
- Target Audience:
- Participants may be at any stage of experience:
however, the objectives are worded to apply to participants who have had some experience
with the use of neurofeed- back with children and / or adults who have ADD or ADHD.
- Terminal Objective: To enable the participants to be
able to apply the combined approach of Metacognitive strategies and NF to ameliorate the
symptoms (short attention span, distractibility, impulsive approach to work) of ADD and
the associated academic difficulties, including under- acheivement due to a disorganized
approach to work.
- Enabling Objectives:
- Neurofeedback:
- At the completion of the seminar the participants
should be able:
- 1. to distinguish sub-groups of ADD children and
apply the correct use of SMR vs beta training to each group.
- · impulsive (may be either under or over aroused)
- · non-impulsive
- 2. to select appropriate electrode placement which
may vary with arousal, impulsivity and presence or absence of language difficulties.
- · to recognize and distinguish two groups of
children with ADD according to their level of alertness and apply the appropriate EDR
feedback to each group.
- · under-aroused
- · over-aroused
- 3. To recognize three groups of ADD Adults and apply
appropriate training strategies for each group.
- Metacognitive Strategies:
- At the completion of the seminar the participants
should be able:
- 1. to define metacognition
- 2. to apply a 4 step metacognitive strategy for
junior high, high school and college students
- · to reading new material
- · to listening to lectures
- 3. to apply a 3-3-3 step metacognitive strategy
- · to organizing a written or verbal presentation
- 4. to apply cognitive strategies to elementary school
math and reading
- 5. to improve a clients setting of goals and
management of time (high school and adult clients)
- Metacognition combined with Neurofeedback:
- At the completion of the seminar the participants
should be able:
- 1. to develop a training protocol for an ADD client
that combines appropriate neurofeedback, EDR and peripheral temperature feedback, and
training in metacognitive strategies.
- Description of Seminar:
- Summary:
- This seminar will be hands-on: First the participants
will partake in a reading assignment and, second, they will do a quick written assignment.
After discussion of strategies used, one volunteer will be hooked up for neurofeedback and
others will assist to train her combining learning strategies with brain-wave feedback.
Discussion will include methods to be used at home.
- Steps:
- To get the seminar started, a short didactic lecture
at the beginning will cover the sub-types of ADD and appropriate Neurofeedback approaches
to each and introduce the concept of metacognition. This will be followed by the
participants being challenged with a brief reading assignment that is given to students at
the ADD Centres who are in grade 7 and above. When the participants have completed this
task there will be a discussion of the techniques they used and these will be compared
with the approach of children and even college level students with ADD.
- The leaders present a 4 step strategic approach to reading, preparing
for exams or presentations, and listening to boring lecture materials. The participants
will then be invited to spend a few minutes reading a passage using the metacognitive
approaches just discussed and discussing the differences they experienced when using these
techniques. They will repeat this procedure revamping the lecture outline they had
previously worked on.
- Participants will then be given a short, fun, challenging written
assignment to organize. However, like often happens to busy students, they only have a few
minutes to organize how they are going to present their material. The 3-3-3 writing
strategy will then be discussed.
- Organizing thinking processes,
using strategies for efficient reading, and practicing various visual and auditory/verbal
memory techniques will be emphasized. Throughout the presentation the rationale for
combining neurofeedback with training and learning skills will be underscored. This
combination effectively improves performance and leads to high levels of customer
satisfaction. Clients have immediate benefits from applying meta- cognitive strategies and
long term benefits from the combination of strategies and NF.
- W9Q2 The B I G Picture: Weaving Peripheral BioFB,
Energy Therapies, & Coaching with EEG Neurofeedback
- Lynda Kirk
ABSTRACT: Integrating peripheral
biofeedback (EMG, TEMP, SCL, HR, etc.) with EEG neurofeedback can greatly benefit the
client by shortening training time; improving generalization of learned skills and states;
and increasing internal locus of control. This holistic combination more quickly results
in a healthy change in the client's mindbody "parking place".
- In addition, the use of energy therapies (e.g. TFT - Thought Field Therapy) with EEG
neurofeedback can quickly help the client resolve emotional and physical pain, stress,
and/or trauma that may be slowing the training.
- Effective coaching methods can greatly help the client improve skills and transfer the
training to specific contexts in the "real world."
- In this workshop, the "when, where, why, and how" of integrating peripheral
biofeedback, energy therapies, and coaching will be outlined.
B8F2 Sue Othmer Case conference & clinical decision making for Beta/SMR
trng (sugg. pre-req. EEG Spectrum tng course)
- PS8-17. A: Mary Jo
Sabo: Neurofeedback in a Public School
John Anderson: 5 Years of NF in a Public Charter School-Building
Linda Vergara:
Brain Wave Training as an Educational Tool in a Public School Setting (highly motivational-- a good tape to send
to partents, or schools)
W9HH2 Steps to Integrating EEG Biofeedback in Public
Schools". Mary Jo Sabo and Linda Vergara
WA8AA2 Mary Jo Sabo & Linda
Vergara THE RIPPLE EFFECT: An in depth discussion of Brainwave biofeedback training in a
public school. (these are the people who have created the Yonkers' Enrico Fermi School
Biofeedback program.) If you are itnerested in getting into the school system this is a
great resource in which the main people whostarted thge program generously share their
DESCRIPTION: For over three years, MaryJo Sabo and the Biofeedback Consultants Inc. Team
have developed and expanded a research-oriented EEG
Brain Wave Biofeedback Program in a public urban
school. The Program, referred to as The Ripple Effect, explores the Theta/Beta Ratio and
currently trains over 30 students. This workshop will focus on how the Program began,
initial challenges, funding, methodology, data collection and analysis, including
immediate and long-term outcomes. Also discussed will be how the program blends with the
public school system's existing special education procedures. Group and case studies will
be explored.
WB8XX2: John
Anderson Schools and Clinical Practice -
Neurofeedback is not enough.
This WS presents data on more than 100 students +
specific case histories. It will also challenge your assumptions with data on AVS, HSAS,
VT, and NPP which address needs that NFB cannot. These methods can be an exciting adjunct
to a clinical practice.
Abstract: 5 years of experience using NFB in the
public schools and in clinical practice has shown that NFB alone is not sufficient to
address all the needs presented by students in the school or by clients in a clinical
practice. Other interven tions may be more effective and may be necessary before NFB can
work. Screening or testing for these needs & then providing training specific to their
resolution can signif icantly enhance a private practice. It is also a highly effective
approach to the difficulties faced by our public and private schools.
Neurofeedback training was introduced to the
Minneapolis Public Schools in 1990. Housed in Shingle Creek School in North Minneapolis,
the program saw only a few students but results were encouraging so the program continued.
The program moved to Harrison School in 1991 and then found a permanent home in New
Visions School in 1992. New Visions School also incorporated other unique educational
interventions such as Vision Therapy (VT) and Neuro- Physiological Programming (NPP). It
became clear that these interventions were effective for students when NFB was not or was
a helpful adjunct to NFB when this was indicated.
Students who could not perform basic visual
processing tasks needed specific visual training exercises to encourage the development of
appropriate visual processing skills. Children with poorly developed nervous systems who
had mixed hand, foot, and eye dominance needed specific physical exercises repeated daily
with sufficient frequency, intensity and duration to encourage age appropriate
neurological development.
These services were grouped loosely under the
umbrella of a non-profit agency known as A Chance To Grow, Inc. (ACTG). New Visions School
was a Public Charter Elementary School begun by ACTG
to provide a way to bring these services to underserved children and adults in the inner
city of Minneapolis. The gains realized by NVS students were
remarkable. Starting with at least a year deficit in
reading to be enrolled in NVS, students have made an average of 1.6 years gain in reading
level for each year NVS has been in operation. Where they were failing in their previous
school placement and falling further and further behind in reading each year, now they
were making more than a years gain for each year they were in NVS.
The services were also available to adults and
children from the surrounding community both during the school year and through intensive
summer programs. Results for these outside clients were equally impressive and encouraged
ACTG to begin the process of raising funds to build an new building to more adequately
house all of its programs.
In 1996 the Speech and Audiology dept. of ACTG began
exploring the use of corrective measures for students with auditory processing deficits.
They settled on a standard program developed by Kjeld Johansen of Denmark which uses
specifically designed audiotapes to promote optimal hearing levels and right ear
dominance. The first year only 10 students received this training and only 7 received pre
and post testing. Of these, 6 improved and 4 showed significant improvements.
Audio/Visual Stimulation (AVS) was introduced on a
limited basis in the fall of 1997. Michael Joyce, an associate of ACTG in Perham
Minnesota, began a more comprehensive program at the same time. He performed pre and post
TOVAs and parent and teacher Burks Behavior Rating Scales with 34 students who
received daily AVS sessions focused on increasing mental flexibility. Results were
generally quite positive and in some cases were remarkable.
This workshop presents ways clinicians can
incorporate these methods into a private clinical practice and will also cover how to
bring these methods into the public and private schools in virtually any area. Sources of
funding will be discussed including state grants for technology, special education
services and demonstration projects.
- Plenary Sessions
PS8-21.A: Thomas Hawes:
Using Technology to Access the Zone
Terry Patten: Founder Tools for Exploration: Neuroscience&Higher
Consonciousness-The View from A Hardware Store: A Few Insights from my Decade with
Tools for Exploration
PS8-23. A: Anna Wise: EEG and Spirituality
PS8-26. A: Liana Matulich/Bob Whitehouse Prime Performance Dennis Campbell: A Com-
prehensive Performance Enhancement Strategy
PS8-27. A: Dan
Chartier: NF and Enhancing Golf Performance
James Hardt: The Ultimate Peak Performers Alpha Feedback Trng for US Army Green
Susan Shor-Fehmi: Open Focus and Neurofeedback Assisted Psychotherapy
- WB8LL2 Sue Wilson Hot
Dots: Training for Performance Under Stress
- This seminar will focus on the assessment and
teaching of (BF assisted self-regulation to individuals or groups who need to have high
quality performances under stress . A brief Mental Skills Assessment inventory surveys the
skills deemed necessary for performance during both practice and competition. From this
one can better determine the type of program best suited for the performer/team.
Suggestions for what self-regulation skills and (bio)feedback would be most beneficial for
the person in each specific performance setting will be given.
- I. Assessment
- A. Sport Skills Required
- B. Athlete Abilities
- II Individual Training Program
- II A. Self Regulation- Body BF
- II 1. Breathing Body
- II 2. Muscle Control EMG
- II 3. Blood Flow Temp
- II B. Self-Regulation Mind
- II 1. Motivation Log
- II 2. Attention EEG
- II 3. Cognitions EEG & Log II III Training for
Performance under Stress
- A. Practice requirements
- B. Transfer protocols
- WA8M4 Michael Hutchison (experiential & didactic)
- Complex non-linear systems thrive and evolve most
rapidly in the dynamic boundary zone between the rigid predictability of order and the
total randomness of chaos. Here very minimal stimuli can cause rapid whole-system shifts,
which we experience as peak experiences and optimal functioning. It is here that the human
brain and body-mind systems have the greatest capacity for healing, self-organization,
creative exploration, transcendence, insight and evolution.
- A signature characteristic of
highly functional complex systems is a high level of dimension- ality --a measure of
flexibility, complexity, unpredictability, richness, "depth," and range of
movement. Control of dimensionality is a learnable skill. There's now evidence that such
tools as NF, light-sound, microcurrent stimulation, psychoacoustic programs and so on, can
increase or alter dimensionality of mind-body systems on many levels, and can train users
to self-regulate dimensionality.
- Such dimensionality effects may be
a key to the personal and clinical benefits of these tools and techniques in such areas
as: alpha- theta, SMR, beta, flexibility and brain symmetry-asymmetry training; treatment
of drug and alcohol addiction, anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADD, PMS, brain damage, and
age-related cognitive impairment; boosting immune function; mastering peak performance and
flow states; and enhancement of memory, learning, and creativity.
- In this workshop, we will
experience firsthand the effects of several types of these technologies. We will explore
the uses of photic entrainment/ disentrainment or light- sound systems in several
sessions, including alpha-theta, beta, and flexibility training; and will discuss specific
details concerning appropriate programs, frequencies.
- We will experience a number of
psycho- acoustic programs and discuss how you can use binaural beats tracks and other
psycho- acoustic techniques to create effective audio programs. We will also demonstrate
and discuss the uses of microcurrent electrical stimulation, including recent findings
that specific devices, and specific sites of electrode placement, can produce rapid
neurochemical changes, and dramatic increases in EEG dimensionality. We explore the
benefits of and techniques for linking and potentiating these systems with NF.
- Among the tools and techniques we will explore are:
- Discussion and demonstration of devices for producing
rapid changes in brainwave frequencies and patterns through entrainment and
disentrainment. We will also explore evidence that these systems can increase brainwave
dimensionality, and discuss using these tools to regulate dimensionality.
- LIGHT/SOUND SYSTEMS. Demonstration of how these
devices work. Summary of research, and discussion of clinical successes in treating ADD,
ADHD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, brain damage, stroke, PMS etc.
- PSYCHOACOUSTIC STIMULATION. Demonstration of binaural
beats and other psychoacoustic sound-generation techniques, to explore how sounds can
alter brainwaves and induce optimal performance states. Discussion of how participants can
create effective psychoacoustic programs for clients.
state-of-the-art nonlinear microcurrent stimulators. Summary of research. Discussion of
evidence that such stimulation is effective in boosting brainwave dimensionality,
cognitive functioning, learning, and memory, as well as treating drug and alcohol
addiction, head injuries, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more.
- WA8J2 Adam Crane Performance/Life Enhancement Training Integrating
Biofeedback With special Emphasis on Neurofeedback
- One of
the most promising trends emerging in healthcare is assisting functional people in
becoming more functional and treating subclinical symptoms. Performance Enhance- ment will
probably grow exponentially in the near future. Neurofeedback opens a niche allowing
practitioners expansion into this area. We have been Providing Performance Enhancement
training since the 1970s (executives, writers, musicians, actors, models, athletes, etc.)
enabling the development of heuristic strategies embodied in The Process(tm).
- The Process, designed to appeal to
the "Actualizer" segment of the Value Added Lifestyle Survey, targets business,
sports, education, art, and personal growth. "Actualizers" are trend setters,
practice builders and the group most responsible for the evolution of biofeedback,
integrative, complementary and alternative medicine.
- This innovative combination of
strategies seeks to solve the problems attendant to delivering NF / Performance
Enhancement Training to the public individually and in small groups using qualified
practitioners, inexpensive personal EEG trainers (with or without computerized systems)
and a powerful, heuristic program designed to stand on its own with or without
- The Sense of Mission is enhanced
by synthesizing Logotherapy, Psychology of Mind (Awareness), Quantum Physics, Chaos and
Systems Theory, The New Economics, Voluntary Simplicity, Profound Attention, Exercise.
- We will discuss techniques for
working with difficult EEG clients, integration of computer- ized Neurofeedback and
Synchrony training. Demonstrations subject to time and equipment availability.
- Goals of this workshop include
presenting our rationale for the surge of interest in BF assisted MindFitness programs and
going as deeply as possible into the philosophy behind and architecture of The Process
training strategies and business models .
- BIO: R. Adam Crane, BCIAC Senior Fellow, BCIAEEG,
NRNP Diplomate has been training professionals in NF, traditional BF, (including APA
accredited BCIA and NF clinical certification) and developing innovative training, and
biofeedback technology for 28 years. President American BioTec (Health Training Seminars),
co-developer of CapScan, The Process, numerous Biofeedback products and services.
- WA8WW2 Thomas Hawes How To Use Technology To Access "The Zone" in Sports
& Health.
- I. What Is "THE ZONE"?
- A. Descriptions of "THE ZONE" by athletes.
- B. Descriptions of "THE ZONE" by those
experiencing a health crisis.
- C. Common characteristic of uncommon experiences.
- II. Using Audio, Video, Sound and Light To Access
"THE ZONE" Independently.
- A. Programming the Sound and Light Machine for the
purpose of:
- 1. Keeping the mind engaged for 20 mins.
- 2. Catapulting the student into deeper states with
- B. Using video to create a right-brain syntax - the
story behind the story.
- 1. How computer graphics mimic the way the brain
- a. thoughts that run in parallel
- b. thoughts that deflect off each other
- c. thoughts that coalesce
- 2. Establishing metaphor, symbology, and a
right-brain alphabet.
- 3. Creating and ebellishing personal vision.
- C. Using audio to guide the movement, rhythm and
create transitions.
- III. Synchronizing The Audio, Video, Sound And Light
To Produce A "ZONE EXPERIENCE" - Discussion And Demonstration.
- A. Initiating stillpoints.
- B. Triggering releases.
- C. Embellishing imagery.
- D. Creating openings/insights.
- IV. The role of Biofeedback
- A. Tangible reflections of an invisible influence.
- B. Refining the "Letting Go" response.
- C. Monitioring progress.
- V. An Overview Of This Type of Training.
- A. Video interviews and self-reports of athletes and
those experiencing a health crisis who initiated a significant personal shift.
- B. EMG, GSR, and Thermograph profile.
- 1. Students accessing "THE ZONE"
- 2. Students not accessing "THE ZONE"
- C. Accumulating "ZONE MINUTES" - the
momentum to initiate significant personal shifts.
- VI. Do We Push The River Or Adjust The Current?
- We have a
finely woven, intricate interrelationship of brainwave frequencies that delicately
determines our states of conscious- ness. Being able to alter the combination of beta,
alpha, theta, and delta in both hemi- spheres is an intrinsic part of developing the
self-mastery that leads to a High Performance Mind. Using the Mind MirrorTM EEG for BF and
biomonitoring, and different methods of medita- tion, sensualization and deep
psychophysio- logical relaxation, High Performance Mind brainwave training takes place in
two formats: one-on-one consultation or group training.
- Both formats can use a generalized
multi-step protocol. The individualization of this protocol takes the linear format of
this model and turns it into a personalized matrix that can assist both the practitioner
and the client in the process of brainwave training for the awakened mind.
- Anna Wise bio: has taught
biofeedback meditation and brainwave training for over twenty years and has led workshops
and seminars throughout the United States, and in Europe, Asia, and South America. She is
the leading authority on the use of the Mind Mirror TM EEG to measure and train brainwaves
for high-performance and meditative states. Author of The High-Performance Mind -
Mastering Brainwaves for Insight, Healing, and Creativity, she has also created
cassette tapes of the same name for brainwave development and mastery using guided
meditations, music and frequencies. Anna collaborated with Dr. Andrew Weil and is the
Frequency Composer of Sound Body Sound Mind, the CD double album released early
1998. Anna makes her home in Marin County, California with her son John.
- B8S2 Linda
Mason A Comprehensive Neurofeedback Program for Optimal Performance
- This workshop describes 11 protocols for optimal
performance training, the research behind the design of the protocols, and the populations
that would benefit from them. Case studies will demonstrate the efficacy of these
protocols. In addition, this workshop discusses the personal and financial benefits of
utilizing these protocols to develop an independent training adjunct to one's business, as
well as the steps to doing so.
- Plenary Sessions
- PS8-12.A: Les Fehmi: A Proposed
Paradigm of Observed Relationship Between Styles, Brain Activity Arousal Performance
& Personal Experience
PS8-31. A:
Siegried & Susan Othmer: The Grand Unified Theory of EEG BF-Implications for
Protocol Development
PANEL: Lubar, Larsen, Hammond, Wise, Brown, Budzynski, Donaldson,
Sterman, Othmer, Gunkelman, Kall, Isaacs, White, and more.
Corydon Hammond: The Theta State and Hypnosis
- PS8-9.A: Paul Swingle
Grand Rounds: What we learn from the most difficult, train- wreck
cases. Panelists include Len Ochs, Mike Linden, Sue Othmer
PS8-16.A: Judith
Lubar: Examining the Multi-generational Genetic Distribution of Dopamine
Receptor Alleles in Families with a History of ADD/HD and Addiction
PS8-18.A: Carol Schneider: Considerations of Right Frontal Lobe Damage & the
Phineas Gage Phenomenon
- Workshops
- WA8EE4 Len Ochs An empirical approach to EEG Neurofeedback: What your mother never told you
about neurofeedback, but what you were afraid was true, anyway.
There are two kinds of patients: easy
ones, and hard ones. The easy ones respond well to the smallest, briefest interventions.
These are the patients that those who trained us talk about. These are the ones with the
miracle-treatment stories. However, many of the problems encountered by clinician using
EEG neurotherapy were not systematically talked about those who trained them, leaving us
feel inadequate at worst, and frustrated at best. These are the complex protocols that
defy the training views and protocols we learned during our training. In fact, there is
probably no single EEG treatment system that will everything that we want to do,
especially since we have a long way to go to really know what we are doing -- even though
we can approach problems now that are beyond many other treatment modalities.
This workshop starts with the reasons for
preservation, irritability, confusion, anxiety - of clinicians and therapists, not the
patients. These problems are generated because we have been left to thoughtless quoting of
the EEG literature, parroting phrases of EEG neurotherapy teachers without thinking, and
applying protocols past the time the patient stops making progress. Neither our trainers
nor the literature have or can provide us with the particular treatment protocols that
apply the specifics of the complicated patients before us, who linger linger in our
practices after the miracle cure have departed. We are left with paucity of evaluation
techniques for guiding therapy, and a lack of rules of thumb for thinking about dosage
(sensor site locations, duration and frequency of sessions speed and criteria for changing
thresholds). While there is ample information on what happens with particular protocols at
CZ, 01, 02, C3, and C4, we are constrained to very limited sets of alternatives when those
sites dont work, or when the particular strategies used to "treat" those
sites, dont work.
- This workshop frames the problems we face as the
problem of treating central nervous system problems, which is synonymous with treating
problems of stimulation intake, processing, and integration. These problems affect in one
degree of another, across any of the diagnoses we treat, the domains of:
- Arousal: sleeping at night, wakefulness and energy
during the day; irritability, hyperactivity
- Mood: anger, explosiveness, sadness, hurt
- Cognition: concentration, attention, memory,
sequencing, organizing, prioritizing
- Movement: smoothness, coordination, and balance
- Pain: fibromyalgia, tunnel syndromes, vascular types
The strategies we use to treat are not
specific to diagnosis or problem domain, however. But they are specific to the EEG
patterns found across the scalp. Yet the usual topographic EEG systems, while excellent
for medical-legal discrimination tasks, becomes a clumsy tool for guiding treatment
(although it need not remain this way). You will learn in this WS treatment tools for
complex problems:
- 1. Information to apply to all types of EEG NF
- and not just EEG driven stimulation.
- 2. How to start to discriminate easy from more
complex treatment problems during the initial phone contact.
- 3. How to frame expectations about the treatment
process for gaining allies in treatment.
- 4. How to work out payment plans that will allow
longer treatments.
- 5. How to minimize working with patients with whom
you will suffer
- 6. The person before you
- 7. How to gauge whether you are going in the right
- 8. What tools you can use (spreadsheets, databases)
to guide treatment
- 9. How to understand dosage of treatment.
- 10. How to understand the signs of over- dosage and
what to do and say about them
- 11. Treatment strategies and principles to correct
dosage problems.
- 12. How to understand the patterns patient
experiences during the course of treatment.
- 13. A introduction to neocortical dynamics how they
influence the course of treatment.
- 14. What to observe; how to ask questions; how to
generate treatment alternatives, and then go back to making observations, etc.
- You wont learn everything during this workshop.
You will not learn new (ritualistic) protocols to use .You will no find magical and easy
solutions to patients lifelong problems.
- You will not find ways for one therapist to treat 10
patients at once.
- This workshop is for practitioners at all levels,
although some experience and clarity about treatment disappointment with neurotherapy
procedures will be useful.
- "Improving flexibility of functioning through
flexible treatment"
- This workshop presents the latest in theory and
research concerning the emerging new science of energy medicine and its clinical
applications, and introduces the new idea of bioenergy feedback - the transition from
biofeedback to bioenergy feedback. The workshop begins with a review of systems theory and
concepts of biophysical energy, and illustrates the profound implications that unfold when
these two areas are conceptually and clinically married. Theory, research, and clinical
applications of energy cardiology and energy neurology are illustrated. Research from the
Human Energy Systems Laboratory at the University of Arizona are discussed, including new
findings on hand energy registration and effects of Qigong on distant random event
generators. Applications to bioenergy feedback will be discussed. Implications for
understanding the healing effects of intentionality and prayer will be discussed, with
practical applications to clinical treatment and prevention. Advances in technology,
present and future, will be discussed as well.
- W
A8Z2 Les
Fehmi & Susan Shorr The Clinical
Applications of a Model Which Relates Attention Processes, Neural Activity, Arousal Level,
Performance and Personal Experience
This workshop will describe a model of
attention in detail by delineating the qualities of various attention states and by
discussing how each state corresponds to specific neural activity patterns. How attention
states and neural activity directly impact arousal, performance and personal experience
will be discussed. Once a theoretical understanding of attention and its correlates is
achieved, clinical applications will be presented along with useful techniques and
exercises for facilitating the easy movement between attention states and corresponding
neural patterns and arousal levels. We will continue on to illustrate how performance and
personal experience are effected by attentional and neutral flexibility. These techniques
will be demonstrated to and practiced by participants. Our goal is to give participants a
practical sense of how attention is the most fundamen- tal behavior we engage in and how
it shapes the perception of the world around and within us. It is also our goal to provide
each participant with a new experiential repertoire of attentional choices and the skill
to employ these choices for appropriate clinical ends.
- WA8QQ4 Valdeane Brown &
Sue Dermit Using Non-Linear, Dynamical Control Mechanisms to Simplify and
Amplify the Power of Neurofeedback: Moving From the Five Phases to the Period 3 Approach
Clinical approaches to Neurofeedback are often highly detailed and
complex, leading the beginning- and even experienced practitioner, to feel less than
adequate in treating the variety of disorders that walk through the clinical door.
- Such complex treatment protocols stem from
a viewpoint which places disorder at the hub of our interventions- a "sickness
based" model which, much like western medicine, assumes disorders are discrete
entities necessitating different and distinct treatment protocols. Under this model, the
challenge is to discover the "right" treatment, which is also likely to be
"wrong" for another disorder.
- The powerful yet simple strategies to be
offered in this "hands-on" presentation stem from a way of working that places
self- regulation, not disorder, at its center. We call this paradigm the Period 3
- This new approach integrates non-linear,
dynamical approaches to control of feedback systems with the clinical wisdom of the prior
5 Phase Model of CNS Functional Transform- ation developed by Dr. Valdeane W. Brown.
- The Period 3 Approach trains multiple
feedback parameters simultaneously using two discrete, real-time channels of EEG. Unique
non-linear, dynamical approaches to threshold setting are utilized in very precise ways
that reflect the chaotic structure of the EEG itself. Vital to the safety and success of
this approach is the use of appropriate inhibits. These will be detailed as well as
sequences of augments. The extraordinary non-linear results currently noted from the use
of an original (21 Hz), and a less commonly used (40 Hz), frequency bands will
particularly be addressed, as will working with patients concurrently receiving ECT. You
will also discover how you train two very different attentional states on the left and
right side of the brain simultaneously, increasing the power of your interventions.
- Combining these factors appropriately
challenges each hemisphere to disrupt its specific attractors of dysfunction while being
chaotically synchronized to basins of functional stability. This directly perturbs the
entire CNS to maximally reorganize its dynamical structure and reestablish a healthy
degree of chaos i.e., the adaptive and resilient chaos that is characteristic of
vital physiological systems. The goal is to increase the self-regulatory ability of the
CNS, not to decrease particular symptoms, so a single, comprehensive theory can be applied
effectively to all clinical phenomena -- regardless of the presenting complaint or
emergent symptomatology of the client.
- Neurofeedback is unparalleled as a vehicle
for providing the brain with what it works with best- information. Given appropriate
information the brain begins to self-regulate more effectively and efficiently. When this
happens, a myriad of apparently disparate symptoms drop away. It doesnt matter if
you are talking about anxiety, depression, immune system dysfunction or pain- it is, after
all, all the same nervous system.
- The Period 3 Approach is equally applicable
to remediation of symptoms as well as training for personal growth, spiritual development
and optimal (peak) performance. Its simple and straightforward methods will particularly
resonate with:
- __ providers interested in appealing to the "personal
growth" market as a means of reducing dependency on managed care;
- __ providers who want to ensure rapid and powerful results
while effectively eliminating unwanted side effects;
- __providers challenged by a particularly diverse range of
client problems, and
- __ entry level Neurofeedback practitioners who are excited but
confused about how best to proceed with development of their own clinical practice.
A8L4 Stephen Larsen
Mythic Imagination
Into the Dragons Lair: Delta,
Theta, and the Mythic Unconscious (didactic /Experiential. Participants should wear
comfortable clothing and bring a journal, pens and markers)
Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible
energies of the cosmos pour into human cultural manifestation. Joseph Campbell
In a tripartite model of consciousness, the Mandukya
Upanishad shows us that sleep and dreaming exist on a continuum with waking consciousness,
rather than discrete states as proposed by Western Psychology. The "A" in AUM
refers to waking consciousness, the "U" to what is called
"self-luminous" would of dreams, and "M" to deep sleep. There is a
fourth and soundless state that penetrates all of them, and an advanced yogi is said to be
able to negotiate all of these states (the turiya) with continuity of consciousness.
This consciousness-based idea powerfully infused the thinking
of Joseph Campbell, much of his later scholarship, and Campbell also discussed it with
Carl Jung (we describe the encounter in A Fire in the Mind: the Life of Joseph Campbell,
Doubleday 1991). Jung, actually an early biofeedback researcher, brought in the idea of
"the self- liberating power of the introverted mind." In an exquisitely
"soft" form of BF, called the "autosymbolic method," we introduce
participants to a methodology based on our own mythic imagery. Experiential exercises
include visiting early states of consciousness, inner vision quest, shamanic encounter,
and outlining a personal mythology. The further "within," we travel, the more
mythic, or "arche- typal" becomes the phenomenology of the imagery and
experiences that are encount- ered. We find ourselves on a shamanic journey to the
underworld. Usually in the encounter with darkness there are also hidden spirit helpers,
and treasures and mysteries to be opened. One returns to the daylight world with gifts--
for the self and other, and a revitalized sense of meaning
Recommended reading for the Workshop would be The Mythic
Imagination, by Stephen Larsen (Bantam 1990 or Inner Traditions 1996), and The Hero with a
Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (Princeton).