Futurehealth.org 75,000 hits/ week  "Most Informative Biofeedback Site On The Web"  Jim Robbins
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 World's Most Popular Biofeedback Site

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Inner R/Evolution; Going to the Next Level 

8th Annual Winter Conference on Brain Function, Modification & Training: Neurofeedback, Mind, Heart Spirit Advanced Meeting:
Held February 4-8, 2000  Palm Springs, CaliforniapalmSprings1.jpg (4785 bytes)
"The premier meeting in the entire area of EEG biofeedback."  Joel Lubar         
My favorite brain meeting.  Barry Sterman
Organized by Rob Kall rob2.JPG (8964 bytes)

Some of our speakers for 2000 Palm Springs

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Jay Gunkelman
-Optimal Functioning & QEEG
- Drug/EEG interactions
-Autism and Neurofeedback

WS2 EEG/qEEG and Neurofeedback with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Joel Lubar
Relationships between Multichannel QEEG & Successful NF training for ADD
Workshop 4 hr.  Assessment & Protocols for NF Interventions, emphasizing treatment of ADD/HD
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Barry Sterman
New metrics for evaluation and neurofeedback strategies using QEEG.

workshop WS 2 the Sensorimotor SMR Rhythm Specific physiological and clinical Correlates. An update on assessment & trng.

Three Day Course on Topometric and QEEG

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Thom Hartmann, meeting the Pope
ADD: There is a light at the end of the Tunnel (sat. talk)
Edge of God (Fri. talk)

WS2 Waking up to Personal and Global Transformation

WS2 ADD at work, at home, at school

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Tom Budzynski

QEEG Chronic Fatigue Study (CFS) Twin study

Academic Performance Enhancement"

WS2 Neurofeedback and AVS in Stroke, Head Injury, and Cognitive Deficits in the Elderly

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Paul. Swingle  

PANEL: Procedures for Strengthening and Shortening Neurofeedback

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Richard Williams

Neurofeedback: A Technology for Self Transaction

WS2 Peak Awareness Training


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Judith Lubar

Methods for Maximizing the Benefits of Neurofeedback and Minimizing the Number of Sessions Required for a Successful
The Nuts and Bolts of Transforming "I Can't Do It Because I Am ADD" Into "I Can Do It and I Am Intelligent and Creative Too
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Gary Schwartz with 
Linda Russek
Consciousness beyond the brain, The Living Energy Universe

WS2 Researching Life After Death: The Last Frontier

WS2 Human Energy Systems Research: The Living Energy Laboratory

Uwegerl.jpg (35086 bytes)  Uwe Gerlach       A powerful additional tool for alpha/theta training treating e. g. drug and drug-like addictions - "breath-walk

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Bill Scott

Alpha Theta protocols for Addiction, Substance Abuse & Trauma:
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Joe Kamiya
The Future of the Science of Human Consciousness Joe is the Pioneer who started the field of EEG biofeedback
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Les Fehmi

Love is a Way of Paying Attention

WS Managing Self, Managing awareness ; realizing your true nature through Attention Training

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  Rob Kall, meeting organizer

Positive Experience Work: imagery, recall, analysis , as a positive psychology coaching intervention.

self regulation and enlightenment

Establishing biofeedback as a profession, biofeedback licensure,

Sig Othmer  

Reaching the Unreachable Child: conduct disorders, violence and incipient sociopathy

Neocortical Dynamics: Brain Timing and State management:

Sue Othmer

-empowering the brain
-Balancing & Integrating Brain Function: An Emerging Model of Cortical/ Subcortical , R/L Brain Organization & Balance and Integration of Beta/ SMR & Alpha Training

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Hyla Cass

brain optimizing nutrients & herbs

  WS2B Brain Optimizing nutrients & herbs

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Neurofeedback Foundations Course

Feb 3, 2000

Leading trainers in the field of neurofeedback go over the basics in a one day prep course.

This is an extraordinary way to get your entry into the field of neurofeedback off to a fantastic start. The course will prepare you to better understand the exciting peresentations which you'll hear at the advanced meeting, and will help you to decide who to choose for more extended training.

Trainers include: Joel Lubar, Sig Othmer, Sue Othmer, Valdeane Brown

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Getting Started with Neurofeedback: recommended tapes and materials

Pre and Post Meeting Courses:

What People Say About The Meeting

The premier meeting in the entire area of EEG biofeedback and an outstanding opportunity for in-depth interaction with the experts in the field.
Joel Lubar,  Past President, AAPB
Rob (Kall) historically sets the standard for EEG Biofeedback Conferences.
Lynda Kirk, President, SSNR (Society for Study of Neuronal Regulation)
A unique, congenial and free- wheeling    forum for the exchange of  practical information and ideas about the brain. My favorite brain meeting.  Barry Sterman, Past President AAPB

If you want to learn the latest about neurotherapy, meet fellow neurotherapy researchers &   clinicians, and be inspired, this is the meeting to attend."  
Gary E. Schwartz,  Past AAPB Pres.

Winter Brain Meeting opens the door for "all" of us to share our experiences & findings in a safe, nurturing environment.
Mary Jo Sabo,
Enrico Fermi School, Yonkers, NY
A meeting not to be missed if you are interested in the reasons for the "how-to" of  brain electrical recording. The meetings are, therefore, exciting and a haven for cross- fertilization of ideas and techniques    Karl Pribram
"Exciting and fun. This meeting covers Megabrain topics better than any other."
Michael Hutchison, Megabrain
"Best conference for leaders, innovators  
Angelo Bolea,    Psychologist
"Where the old guard and the new guard meet. I wouldn't miss it."
Tom Allen,  Neurofeedback trainer
A Spectacular meeting of great minds with the courage to be on the cutting edge.      Nancy White The most innovative & informative meetings for the advanced practioner in Neurofeedback. The amount of information & choices of workshops is great!" Michael Linden, Director- ADD Treatment Centers
Your workshop is the only major one drawing field experts which allows concentrating on EEG, and completely avoiding any trace of politics and bureaucratic concerns.
Len Ochs
The Futurehealth Conference continues to be the premier event in the field of NF Where else can you talk to and listen to the leading researchers and practitioners in neurofeedback? The atmosphere is collegial, respectful and it's fun! If you only go to one conference this year, this is the one to go to.
Valdeane Brown, Clinical Psychologist, Neurofeedback Trainer
A true gathering of the tribe. An extra-ordinary EEG conference where the practical and the visionary meet, albeit sometimes rather warily. Rob Kall is a genius at bringing us all together to share our "life journeys". May he continue to do so. Geoffrey Blundell, Mind Mirror designer I really like the feel of your annual winter brain conference. It reminds me of the excitement, energy and enthusiasm of early biofeedback meetings when we were all young. You deserve a lot of credit for organizing the excellent programs year after year.  Tom Budzynski, Past Pres. Biofeedback Society of America
I think the Futurehealth meeting is the best of the neurotherapy/ neurofeedback/ neurodiagnostics meetings. I think this not only because it is focussed on neuro- matters, but further, because its organizer manages to get the best people heavily involved.
Peter Rosenfeld, Northwestern Univ., AAPB Past President, Neurofeedback pioneer
"FutureHealth's EEG meeting offers a more open minded atmosphere for discussions than most other EEG meetings.  EEG feedback is a  powerful tool for transcendent experience, when used with proper  equipment and protocols, but other EEG groups seem only want to hear about medical model therapies and insurance reimbursement methods.   FutureHealth's forum allows, indeed encourages, sharing about methods for and the results of expanding awareness, and the spiritual dimensions of the transformations and awakenings which occur through  suitably intensive EEG feedback trainings."
Dr. James V. Hardt, Biocybernaut Institute
Beautiful presentations by specialist pioneers.  Enjoyable workshops with refreshing dialog, continuing six months later.  The pace was surprisingly dynamic, maintaining exceptional interest.  A unique program...
Brian Costello,   Australia
It's hard to synthesize into words what an incredible experience your 97 conference was.  The words "family" and "community"aren't even strong enough to describe the sense of sharing, communion, creativity, and openness that I experienced in Palm Springs.  I truly believe this field is coming together as never before, and your conference provides it  a home base and a launching point.
Anna Wise, The High Performance Mind,   Esalen Mind Mirror Trainer
This is the one conference with the right attitude-- people come here with open hearts and minds. It’s THE meeting I go to to hear the NEW IDEAS, to hear what people are thinking.
Sue Othmer
"for people who are engaged in modern healing, psychotechnology and peak  performance, the EEG brain/mind conferences are an absolute must. We hope there will be more European participants in the near future."   Uwe Gerlach a fantastic experience, more than worth the trip from "downunder".
Rosemarie Schneider, New Zealand

The most interesting speakers, the most stimulating interaction, the most enjoyable atmosphere  -- if I could go to only one meeting a year this would be it.  Rob's   meeting is COOL.       
David Noton, Forest Institute

".. excellent information/ inspiration-- a delightful Key West Serendipity.   "The in-depth presentations and willing- ness to share of the presenters is   out- standing."
Patricia Norris past AAPB pres
The best of the best from the best.  A veritable banquet for the discriminating mind tech gourmet.  The only meeting which succeds at bring it all together in a synergistic and congenial atmosphere.   In otherwords, I like it! <g> 
Dennis Campbell, EEG Spectrum


"The workshops allowed a  communication  forum for clinicians and researchers to get together and share what's going on in EEG training. This was done in a friendly environment (warm climate too) in which information that was given encouraged us in the field to assist in future studies. It was really special and exciting : very rich, very diverse and extremely educational.
            Your organization was superb. The content of subjects was very enriching and enlightening; the atmosphere was beautiful. Strengths: Calibre of speakers, and the open discussion in sessions & in out of the - corridor about the whole human and spiritual aspect of EEG. Bottom Line:   Illuminating, Fascinating-- Wonderful experience. Well Done. 
Yael & Jeremy Langford,  Israeli Neurotherapists
The single most important event of the year for practitioners, theorists, and lay people in the ADD arena.  Rob Kall's EEG annual conference is the best of all the conferences I've ever attended or presented at.  In particular, I appreciate the casual atmosphere, the opportunities for discussion and cross-pollination of topics and new information, and the omnipresent Jacuzzi.  This conference has an extremely high level of scientific and speculative information combined with an honest, humility, and humanity which is  usually lacking from those conferences put on by associations" and "professional groups" who are often more interested in status, politics,  and  self-aggrandizement than they are in people learning and enjoying themselves.
Thom Hartmann,  author of Success with ADD, ADD a Different Perspective; Hunters in a Farmer's World, The Prophet's Way. (one of the most popular speakers on the ADD circuit)

Conference Vision

To bring together the field's best leaders, innovators and thinkers to share advanced, cutting edge ideas & techniques, network,& advance the fields forward while having tropical fun. The meeting covers the cutting edges of the world of mind brain and consciousness measurement, modification and training. Main themes include neurofeedback, brain mapping, qEEG, ADD, sound/light technology peak performance, brain/mind smart drugs, brain nutrients, energy therapies, etc., clinical neuropsychophysiology and related economics, enlightenment and consciousness.

Over 50 speakers and 30+ workshops and a great exhibit hall make this the largest meeting of its kind in the world.  None of the speakers are paid to present. They come because they want to hear the best experts in the world sharing their newest findings and ideas, at the first place they are reported, and they enjoy the quality of the questions and the dialogue. The workshops are extraordinary opportunities to get in-depth information, training or just the thinking of the masters of the Brain/Mind arts and sciences universe.

Take a look at the lectures, workshops.  Most are, rather than being solely data presentations for a single study,  powerful presentations which pull together the state of the art, in terms of data, philosophy, technique, and even politics. Most  presenters are world respected leaders and master practitioners (though the meeting always leaves room for newcomers with vision, ideas and good data.) They share their newest ideas and findings long before sending them off to journals. It's the safe, sharing environment that allows it to happen. That's why you';; see people who don't attend any other meetings showing up.

For the last few years, the Futurehealth meetings have grown to include many different pre andpost conference events. The Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology meeting explores peak performance, enlightenment, consciousness and approaches to understanding and bringing out the best in people using all varieties of strategies and approaches. Several national organizations hold board meetings, companies hold trainings, and we are always happy to help to make your own goals bear fruit.

Whether you come to the meeting to hear the most creative, stimulating presentations, at the edges of the new mind technologies, to network, or to meet some of the kindest, most generous professionials you'll find anywhere, don't miss this meeting. It promises to be the most powerful we've had yet.

Some tentatively Planned panel discussions:

  • Biofeedback & Self Regulation: Profession, License and Certification
  • Chaos and non-linear models
  • integrating spiritual with technology
  • Finding strengths where pathology is labeled
  • EEG Biofeedback Ethical Issues
  • The Role of QEEG in Neurofeedback

Review Meeting abstracts (monster file= slow load)

-2nd day of Lubar workshop
start 9:00 AM
-3rd day of Sterman Workshop
start 9:00 AM
-EEG Biofeedback / Neurofeedback Foundations Course
-Optimal Functioning & Positive Psych


8:00AM Rae Tattenbaum Preparing Peak Performers:an Integrated program
8:30 Sue Othmer: empowering the brain
9:00 Sally Church Don't Accept Me As I Am - help me to reach my optimal functioning
9:30 Les Fehmi Love is a special way of paying attention
10:10 Break
10:30 Valdeane Brown Advances In Peak Performance: A Joint Time-Frequency Walk Through The NeuroCare Matrix(r)
11:00 Panel: Finding strengths where pathology is labeled: Blum, Hartmann,
12:10 Rob Kall Positive Experience Work: imagery, recall, analysis , as a positive psychology coaching intervention.
12:40 Lunch break
2:00 David Siever, Sound and Light Entrainment
2:30 Barbara Holstein The Enchanted Self, A Positive Therapy
3:00 Susan K. Perry Creating in Flow
3:30 Break
3:50 Liana Mattulich Inner Key training
4:30 Bob Whitehouse Consciousness 2000: Science & Spirit, at the Turn in the TORUS
5:00 Jane Guttman The Unseen Healer: Listen for the Higher Voice
5:30 Dinner Break
7:15 Hyla Cass brain optimizing nutrients & herbs
7:45 Al Collins Is there a self in self-regulation?
8:15 Jay Gunkelman Optimal Functioning & QEEG
8:45 break
9:00 Richard Soutar Quantum Interpretation of ancient paradigms of Transformation
9:30 Tom Budzynski Academic performance enhancement


10:15 PM
Song Fest Guests and speakers get together to sing songs using an overhead projector to share lyrics. Bring transparencies of your favorite songs!

7:00 Uwe Gerlach Breath-walk : A powerful additional tool for alpha/theta training

7:20 Valdeane Brown Interleaving 21 and 40 Hzbrain training for Clinical Efficacy and Spiritual Exploration: Using the "Mystical Symmetry" for profound Transformation

7:50 Joe Kamiya The Future of the Science of Human Consciousness

8:30 Ken Blum Genetics positive & negative

9:10 Break: exhibit / beverage

9:40 Thom Hartmann: Edge of God;

10:20 Rob Kall; Conference greeting, introductions, announcements

10:30 Rob Kall Inner Revolution; Self regulation & enlightenment

11:10 Break

11:40 Panel Integrating spiritual with technology Bermea, Hartmann, Kall, Isaacs, Schwartz.

1:00 Lunch

2:00-4:00, 2:00-6:00 workshops

4:00-6:00 workshops

7:00 Jim Hardt: IQ Increases in Children and Adults:

7: 40 Gary Schwartz & Linda Russek: Consciousness Beyond the Brain; The Living Energy Universe.,

8:30 Break

8:45 Rhonda Greenberg Transformations of consciousness

9:15 Richard Williams Neurofeedback: A Technology for Self Transaction

9:55 Jeff Cram Effects of two flower essences on high intensity environmental stimulation and EMF.

Optional Workshops

Les Fehmi & Susan Shor WS4 Managing Self, Managing awareness ; realizing your true nature through Attention Training.

Judith Lubar WS2A The Patient, Therapist Equipment Interface: Successful neuroFB techniques with children and adults: In-Vivo demo Part 1

Bill Hudspeth WS2B BAdvances in QEEG Analyses and Interpretation

Susan K. Perry WS2A Writing in Flow

Barbara Holstein WS2B Recipes for Enchantment

Sig Othmer WS2A Neocortical Dynamics: Brain Timing and State management

Alfonso Bermea WS2B Neurofeedback and Working with violence

Richard Williams WS2A Peak Awareness Training.

Barbara Soutar WS2B Feminine Spirituality and the Roots of Balance.

Hyla Cass  WS2A Brain Optimizing nutrients & herbs

Stephen Sideroff WS2B Peripheral Biofeedback techniques


7:00 Ken Blum Reward Deficiency Syndrome & ADD

7:40 SueOthmer Balancing & Integrating Brain Function: An Emerging Model of Cortical/ Subcortical , R/L Brain Organization & Balance & Integration of Beta/ SMR & Alpha Training

8:20 Thom Hartmann ADD: There is a light at the end of the Tunnel

9:00 Break: exhibits, beverages

9:25 David Trudeau Getting Published. It’s a good thing

9:50 Julian Isaacs The Focus Project: A Controlled Stody of the Use of Neurofb for Remediating ADHD in a Public Elementary School. Phase I Data Analysis

10:30 Judith Lubar Methods for Maximizing the Benefits of NF & Minimizing the Number of Sessions Required for a Successful Outcome

11:10 Break

11:30 Jim Robbins What I Learned from the Brainwave Trainers -- The Coming Revolution of the Central Nervous System

12:00 Panel Establishing biofeedback as a profession & as a license Rob Kall

1:00 Lunch break

2:-4:, 2-6, 4-6 Optional Workshops

7PM Lynda & Michael Thompson Developing a successful, high volume non-insurance practice

7:40 David Kaiser Role of Immersive Technology in NF
8:10 Break
8:20 Stephen Sideroff Neurofeedback in the Treatment of RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)
8:50 Panel: EEG, Neurofb, And Non-Linear, Dynamical Approaches: Explorations Into The Chaos At The Cutting Edge Of Clinical Practice

V. Brown, T.Collura, J. Gunkleman, E. Soehner

Optional Workshops

Lynda & Michael Thompson: WS4A Interventions for ADD to supplement NFB based on The ADD BOOK

Liana Mattulich WS4A BFB as a bridge to healing in Columbine: Experiential & Didactic

Joe Horvat WS2A EEG Coherence Training

Bill Scott WS2B Advanced Alpha Theta Course

Thom Hartmann WS2A ADD at work,at home, at school

Thom Hartmann WS2B Waking up to Personal and Global Transformation

Sue Othmer WS2A Balancing Brain Function

Barry Sterman WS2B the Sensorimotor SMR Rhythm Specific physiological and clinical correlates. An update on assessment & trng.

Gary Schwartz WS2A Human Energy Systems Research: The Living Energy Laboratory

Ken Blum WS2B Reward Deficiency Syndrome


7:15 Bob Gurnee: Beta is Rarely the Issue in ADD; QEEG Based subtypes of child and adult ADD

7:55 Hershel Toomim Brain Training in ¼ the time: HEG Brain Oxygenation Neurofeedback

8:35 Frank Deits HEG Another part of the elephant

9:05 Break

9:25 Karl Pribram Subjective Experience & Brain Electrical Activity

10:10 Jay Gunkelman Drug/EEG interactions

10:50 Tom Collura Steady-State Evoked potentials as a Biofeedback Modality

11:20 Break

11: 40 Valdeane Brown Joint Time- Frequency and Non-Linear Dynamical Analyses Of EEG: Okay, what did they just say and what does it mean to me?

12:20 Joel Lubar Relationships betwn Multichannel QEEG & Successful NF training for ADD

1:00 Lunch

2:-4:, 2-6, 4-6 Optional Workshops

7:00 Bill Hudspeth Post-Adolescent Maturation (PAM) of the Frontal Lobes

7:40 Tom Budzynski QEEG CFS Twin study

8:10 Barry Sterman New metrics for evaluation & NFB strategies using QEEG.

8:50 Break,

9:00 Panel Role of QEEG in Neurofeedback

Optional Workshops 22

Joel Lubar WS4A Assessment & Protocols for NF Interventions, emphasizing treatment of ADD/HD

Joe Kamiya: WS2A Biofeedback, Social Interaction & Consciousness

Karl Pribram WS2B Brain and Conscious Experience; Where are We? Adventures in Brain Science: The first 50 yrs.

Gary Schwartz WS2A Researching Life After Death: The Last Frontier

Victoria Ibric , Chuck Davis WS2B Pain and neuroFB :corticalization and modification of pain affect through neurofeedback ; working with Roshi

Tom Budzynski WS2A Neurofb and AVS in Stroke, Head Injury, and Cognitive Deficits in the Elderly

Jay Gunkelman WS2B EEG/qEEG and NFB with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

Al Collins WS2A Buddhism, the Yogic Self, and NFb

David Trudeau WS2B Getting Published is Easier than You Think: Writing up Ideas, Reviews, Case Studies and Clinical Trials.

Bob Gurnee: WS2A QEEG Based subtypes of child and adult ADD; Developing effective NF strategies

Jonathan Purcell WS2B Operating the Waverider


7:00 TBA

7:30 Mary & Frank Deits Stroke & Biofeedback;  recovering, with past & current BF training

8:00 Panel: Procedures for Strengthening and Shortening NFB , Paul Swingle chair, Tom Budzynski, Jay Gunkelman, Judith Lubar, Steve Rothman

9:15 Break

9:30 Alfonso Bermea 3 yr. Violence study followup

10:00 Sebern Fisher Reactive Attachment Disorder

10:30 Sig Othmer Reaching the Unreachable Child: conduct disorders, violence and incipient sociopathy

11:10 stretch break

11:20 Victoria Ibric, Dr. Baumzweiger Nutrition evaluations &, regimens & importance of diet/detoxification in integration with neurofFB training

12:00 Panel: EEG BF Ethical Issues Henry Weeks

1:00 Lunch

2:00-4:00, 2:00-6:00 workshops

7:00 Jay Gunkelman Autism QEEG &NF

7:15 Victoria Ibric Long lasting effects of Neurofeedback Training on Bipolar Disorder and Addictions (follow up case study

7:45 Bill Scott Mechanisms of AlphaTheta on addictions

8:25 Julian Isaacs Neurofeedback Viewed as a Pre-Paradigmatic Field: Action Implications For Establishing It.

9:05 Dave Siever: Audio-Visual Entrainment as a Treatment Modality for Fibromyalgia and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Monday Optional Workshops

Valdeane Brown WS4A Advances In The Period 3 Approach: Changing Perspectives And Navigating the NeuroCare Matrix ™

Henry Weeks WS4A NF Ethical Issues

Barbara & Richard Soutar WS2A

A Shaman's Guide to Neurofeedback; The Convergence of Ancient & Modern Technologies of Human Transformation

Tom Collura WS2B Foundations and Applications of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials

Bill Hudspeth WS2A Advances in QEEG Analyses and Interpretation

Hershel Toomim WS2B Hemoencephalography HEG Brain Blood Flow

Jim Hardt WS2A Accelerated Spiritual Growth Through The Advanced Biocybernaut Process

Barry Sterman WSQEEG2B: part 1 QEEG Foundations Course

Julian Isaacs WS2 How To Market and Deliver Neurofeedback Services to Schools

Sebern Fisher WS2 Integration of Psychodyamic Therapy & Neurofeedback


8:00 Panel alternate approaches to NF Training: Group, Home, Internet

Peter Van Deusen Power to the People: Fulfilling the Promise of NeuroFB; Home & Intenet based training

Helena Kerekhazi EEG Biofeedback Training in groups and via internet

Julian Isaacs group training

W. Gumm

9:20 Thom Hartmann topic to be announced

10:00 stretch break

10:10 Mike Linden: Differential Assessment of ADD in Adults

10:40 Robert Hamilton: Neurofeedback Equipment Investigation

11:20 Jane Gutman Soma Sound: The Voice of Memory

1-3, 1-5, 3-5 optional workshops

Optional Workshops

Mike Linden WS2A MultiModality Treatment of ADD Adults; Its not the same as working with kids.

Sally Church WS2B Mediation & Re- mediation of Cognitive Functioning Feuerstein's Theory

Paul Swingle WS2A How to Put together and Line up Talks to Laymen and Professionals to build your practice and increase public & Professional Awareness.

Uwe Gerlach WS2B breath-walk : A powerful additional tool for alpha/theta training

Bill Scott WS2A Troubleshooting Alpha-Theta

Judith Lubar WS2A The Patient, Therapist Equipment Interface: Successful neuroFB techniques with children and adults: In-Vivo demo Part 2

Foundations of QEEG for EEG Biofeedback Faculty: Gunkelman, Hudspeth, Lubar, Sterman (Starts Monday with Barry Sterman)

Workshops WS4=  start 2 :00 PM end 6:00 PM WS2A start 2PM, end 4PM, WS2B Start 4PM end 6PM
This meeting schedule with around 60 speakers is subject to change.
Exhibit Hall
Come to  A Great Exhibit Hall. There's a good chance the money you save on exhibit hall specials, or by finding the right package will pay for your registration.

Thought Technology     EEG Spectrum     Focus Technology   Biocomp    Roshi   Photosonix    Lexicor

   BrainMaster   Neurofeed.com  Futurehealth Bookstore

Neuromedical Supplies (a division of NeuroSoft)

Combine your winter Brain 2000 registration with either The 3rd Annual Optimal Functioning Meeting or the Neurofeedback Foundations Course or the QEEG Foundations course and save.
Cancellation Policy
100% refund before August 15 and at any time on optional workshops.
Cancellation fees for meetings and the Foundations course  will  apply after Aug. 15 1999
Cancellation fees:  $25 before 10/15, $50 before 11/30, $100 before 1/1/99, $200 before 1/20/99, no refunds after 1/20/99 (a $200 deduction will be applied and then the balance can be credited towards  registration for the next year’s meeting and or the purchase of tapes from the current and past years’ meetings. To get any refund or credit due to cancelling attendance for emergency reasons such as a death or severe illness in the family, registrants must put in writing a request for credit/refund within two weeks of the first day of the meeting. Each case will be evaluated individually to determine whether a partial refund or credit will be allowed. In all cases, the decision making process may take up to 180 days and once the decision is reached, if a refund is determined as the outcome,  it can take up to 12 months from the starting day of the missed meeting to be sent. Futurehealth is not bound to refund any monies for people who miss the meeting. It is our intent to be fair in offering credit and refund options, but we reserve the final right in making the decision.

Full time students rate: half price for meeting or attend free on our work study program, helping man desks and taping lectures and workshops.

We don't want to turn people away for financial reasons. Rates and arrangments  for students and people with financial difficulties available.    Reviewed on a case by case basis and tax statement may be required.


211 N. Sycamore,  Newtown PA 18940
215-504-1700 fax tba


presenting at one of our meetings:

we love to see new faces and ideas.  our goal is to have each presenter talk about what is new and exciting-- giving him or her a buzz-- what you're passionate about. We do not want anyone's standard "dog and pony show." 

name: ________________________________



city:_____________ state:___ zip:____________

PHONE: ________ ______________

FAX: ___________________________


I have read the cancellation policy.

Payment by __check __Mastercard  __AMEX, __VISA,

#________________________________   exp.__________


Total $______ incl 3% non-cash/check surcharge if applicable


TheWinter Brain Meeting owned and organized by Rob Kall, managed by Futurehealth. send payments to Futurehealth, Inc.

WBM @ Futurehealth, Inc.
211 N. Sycamore St.
Newtown PA 18940
voice 215-504-1700 fax 215-860-5374








Hit Counter started April 23, 1999